9th Circle Lord

# 122Each one's way

The Demon King said.

“The reason is simple. Because we can't get away with it. ”

Luther frowns as she listens nervously.

It was not the answer I expected.

Luther's voice was filled with disappointment.

“I can't get out, that's ridiculous. Is there something in this world that can bind you? ”

“I'm not talking about compulsiveness, I'm talking about fate. ”

“Are we destined? I saw Ener Soul and knew it. We don't have to accept destiny, we sell what we have to make. The fate of the transcendent cannot interfere with God. ”

Luther refuted the Demon King's insistence.

The Demon King is furious with Luther, who is not easily convinced.

“You! Throw away his suspicious soldier. It's real.”

“What is that destiny, that a transcendent like you can't escape? ”

“We were born by darkness. So it simply led to one root. So wherever you go, the darkness will come after you. I'd rather stay here and stitch up the power of the unstoppable darkness than reap the annoying darkness. ”

Luther thought the bear was an example.

“For example, are you saying that if you create a new world, Naxanore's monsters will come? ”

“That's right. As you can see, they're powerful enough to resist space-time. It's also disorderly and destructive. Those guys smell and track. And for that reason, it has one purpose. ”

“What is it? ”

“What is it? It's like a dragon. It kills and absorbs. ”

Luther made an impression.

“What does that mean? ”

The Demon King laughed.

“That's why I said destiny. Strong power is tempered and restrained. Especially in cases like ours. ”

Luther puts out his tongue.

“Terrible. Should Naxanore's birth be an endless struggle? ”

“I can't help it. I have no choice but to accept it. And I only accept fate and I intend to end it. So I'm watching Naxanore. The world needs to end someday. ”

“So you didn't cross into another world. We're going to have to face it anyway. ”

“Yeah. It's like a lot of the hard stuff that I've been working on makes me dizzy. I've never thought the same thing about you. But in the end, they came after Gear. Do you know why the demon of Naxanore is coming to this world? to target me. There is no shortcut to getting stronger than to take away the power of the strong. ”

“Does the King of Chaos also eat? ”

“They do more. And now I'm going to use my power to come to this unavoidable world for as long as I've noticed my power. Naxanore's monsters aren't insane, but if they're stronger than themselves, they don't run away. They're going crazy to take away their power. ”

Luther realized that the repercussions of this were greater than he thought.

But I didn't worry much.

It is almost impossible to summon Naxanore's Demon King unless you have the power of the Dragon Rod rank.

“The Demon King of Chaos said it was impossible to come back. You won't have to worry too much. ”

“Uh-huh. Do you believe what they say? It's gum without teeth. Obviously, we'll find a way. ”

Luther nods at the Devil King's conviction.

“Meanwhile, while investigating the dragon, a man from the human world told them about the enchantment that summoned the Naxanorian beast. Probably your men. ”

At first, I thought you were the Demon King, but now you're mistaken.

The Demon King hated Naxanore's monsters.

When Luther informs him of the information he has obtained, the Demon King speaks loudly.

“Yeah, look at that. I'm trying to find a way. But now that I've taken care of these dragons, they'll be quiet for a while. The problem is the inside.”

“Looks like your men are causing trouble. We need to get this sorted out quickly. ”

“I'll return the story right away. If you've cleared the dragon, hurry back to human space. We have to deal with them. ”

“I told you before, but hiding is not easy to find. The map you gave will not show any markings either. ”

“Probably hiding quietly waiting for the time. Even if it's a hassle, I have to run with my feet and do my best. Internal cleanup takes precedence to clean up Naxanore. If you leave it alone, it will rot and explode. ”

“Sooner or later, we'll have to deal with it neatly. ”

The Demon King, who was satisfied with Luther's answer, opened the base.

“For the time being, my role is over. ”

“What are you going to do? ”

“You saw the power of Soul, right? We have to work hard to expand. ”

“How much does your soul affect? ”

“Hmph. That's a secret. But it's pretty wide. ”

Luther nods.

“See you next time. ”

“Got it."

Before leaving, the Demon King looks at Luther.

“What are you going to do now? ”

“What do you mean? ”

“The face is as it is. You now deal with Ener Soul. This means that your abilities are about the level of the Demon King of Naxanore. There will now be no opponent against you in Naxanore, including in this world. ”

He playfully asked after evaluating the current level of Luther.

“The realm of transcendence is the absolute horizon. Do you really need to create a world? ”

Luther frowns.

“I need to keep that a little bit more in mind. ”

“I'm going to leave room. Well, you might want to try something like that. I don't know unless I've had my own experience. ”

The demon king, who left an unambiguous message, left.

Luther chewed up what he was saying.

‘What the hell are you talking about? ’

The Demon King knows a lot, but does not tell at once.

So he shouldn't spill a word.

"You don't know if you haven't experienced it yourself? ’

I have a problem with my plan and I don't know why.

Luther gave up thinking.

‘You don't have to worry too much. ’

As the Demon King said, he is now in the transcendental half.

So it was a waste of time to worry about the future.

I may have searched for the Seed of Darkness left by the Chaos Demon King.

I conducted a thorough search, but I still didn't know.

Luther made an ego.

It was as small as an ant, equipped with its own concealment capability.

“If you see any power of darkness, tell me straight away. ”


The Ego creature disappeared into the forest with a cry.

I was relieved to do this.

In his view, the most potentially threatening being at the moment was the seeds of darkness sown by the Demon of Chaos.

The Demon King doesn't have to enter through the contract, so of course he has to suppress it.

Trace eggs were sown not only on the original island, but throughout the Dragon Territory.

After that, Luther returned to Chiara.

Chiara and the Spirit Kings remained in the realm of the Green Dragon Alexia.

If the realm of the Blue Dragon Zereira was some kind of outpost, Alexia's realm was a place to restore the lives of the Gentiles.

Recovery began by removing the mushroom forest and planting various seedlings.

With the flora and fauna, everyone found stability.

The elves formed a community with the help of the Spirit King, and so did the Demibeasts.

What is interesting is that the Demibeasts quite follow Chiara.

Chiara was building a town with the Demibeasts who found it again.

Luther and the Demibeasts are clustered around Chiara.

If she compliments me, I shake her tail, and if I stroke her, she dies.

‘What is the point of Chiara? ’

And why are you so relieved?

Luther stands before the Demibeast to confirm that provenance.

An adult Demibeast in the wolf's ear looked at the Luther and trembled as if a convulsion had occurred.

“The Broken Gang!”

I don't even touch it, but I run away with a sore voice.

Chiara approaches and increases her instruction.

“Don't harass me. ”

Luther made an impression.

“I didn't do anything. ”

“You were making an impression. ”

“I didn't make an impression."

“Don't be afraid. ”

Chiara was obsessed with the care of the Demibeasts.

Luther puts out his tongue.

“I won't be able to say it properly. Why are you scaring me? ”

“The Demibeasts have an instinctive sense. That's why I'm scared of Luther. ”

“Do you detect it even when you're completely exhausted? ”

“I think so. But no matter how much Luther tries to hide, she instinctively feels pressure. ”

Luther shed Chiara's explanation with one ear.

He didn't come here to find out about the Demibeasts' behavior.

“I think we should go back to human space. ”

“What about the dragon already? ”

“All sorted out. This place is now empty. ”

“That was quick. I wanted to help. ”

“You chose to help the Demibeasts rather than hunting dragons. ”

“Actually, I think this is worth more. ”

Luther nods and hands.

“It's time to leave. Let's say goodbye. ”

“Oh, that's it. ”

Chiara hesitated.

Luther doubted.

“What's wrong? ”

“The truth is, me. I became the head of the Demibeast. ”

“What? Chief? ”

The mute Luther asked with his eyes.

“How did you become a chief? ”

“It's hard without me. Look over there.”

Chiara pointed to the village.

The Demibeasts who hid behind the wooden or stone walls set up their ears, stiffened their hair, and looked at themselves with a vigilant gaze.

I'm full of worries about Chiara getting hurt.

“The Demibeasts have built and maintained a society through their chieftains. If you don't have a boss, you're confused. That's why it's hard to leave for a while. ”

Luther pointed out in Chiara's words that it was difficult.

“I've given you so much. That's why I seem to follow you. ”

“Yeah, I think so. But I don't regret it. I want to take care of the Demibeasts for a while. ”

It was a surprising answer.

Luther asked.

“Do you really want that? ”

“Yep. Thinking about it, I wanted to be recognized by Luther, so I took the path of the prosecutor. Of course, I haven't given up on that road yet, but I know there's more to it than that. Like taking care of the Demibeasts now. ”

In Chiara's candid sentiments, Luther had no words of Katabuta.

She looked carefully at Luther's eyes and asked.

“What's wrong? ”

“Chiara. Honestly, I was touched. ”

Luther had a dull expression.

“Being able to take care of someone also means being self-mature. I'm so glad you found what you wanted, just like the Demibeasts. ”

So far, Chiara has struggled to gain her recognition.

Luther was worried about Chiara like that.

Life is about pioneering and living on its own.

But Chiara's life has made herself a subject.

But now I want to dedicate myself to the Demibeasts.

Chiarak asked.

“So can I stay here? ”

“Chiara. When did I ever dry up what you wanted to do? You're finally pioneering your own life, even if you push your back. ”

I like to see my child spread his wings and go out into the world.

Luther accepted Chiara's decision to think like a child.

“Chiara, live the life you want. And call me whenever you need me. I'll help you out. ”

“Yes, thank you. But now it's enough for us. ”

Bingre laughed and said confidently to Chiara with his arms within.

“Don't think about it as a permanent drop. I'm going back. ”

“I'll leave your seat at any time. Chiara, live a happy life until then. ”

“Yeah, but what's Luther going to do? ”

Now that the dragon is finished, I thought it might be a while.

Chiara asked.

“Will Luther not be here? ”


He spills more real behind Chiara's back again.

If the nerves tell the Demibeasts to stay, they will cause a match.

‘I'm sure it's just a distraction. ’

If you're not right, you have to break up.

That was right, so I couldn't stay.

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