9th Circle Lord

# 141Hwa carrier2

Cox greeted me.

“It's an honor to meet you. Emperor. Wizard Cox. ”

The emperor approaches Cox with a satisfied face and suddenly holds his hands firmly.

“The invisible hero means someone like you. Thank you so much.”

“I just did my job. ”

I sat down at the end of the formal greeting.

The Emperor asked with a serious face.

“So what happened? ”

“With the help of the Cox Wizard, I did not find the plexus, but I captured the men. If you don't mind, I'll show you right here. ”

“But what do you mean, don't bring the nobles? ”

Luther asked the nobles not to confront him before summoning the Emperor.

Luther secretly replied to the Emperor's question.

“It seems that the nobles are also involved. so that they could be made up of trustworthy people, just in case. ”

The Emperor's complexion changed.

“Is that true? ”

“Let's see for ourselves. ”

Luther lined up on one side and pointed to the evidence he had covered.

The Emperor nodded and Austin moved.

As I walked to see him, I saw the horrible Vergne Tower and knights covered in bullets.


The moaning emperor pointed at them.

“What the hell is that? ”

“Evidence of black magic. The appearance changes terribly, but you get strong power and magic. ”

“Dead Santana? ”

“No, at the moment, it's the upper part of me that I've made into a lyricist. You can proceed with the interrogation. ”

“Who are they? ”

“The wizards are part of the Vergne Tower, and those two men are the Knight Chiefs of Marquis Potts. ”

The Emperor's face changed.

“Marquis Potts? Do they have anything to do with this? ”

“I don't know the details. They're so secretive. Maybe he's lost his foot by now. ”

A subtle outrage arose in the Emperor's face.

Vergne Tower and a member of the noble family.

“You've been deeply influenced by the Black Wizard inside the Empire. Haha. I heard it was dark under the lamp. Do you have all these people to kill? ”

Austin set fire to his anger.

“Perhaps we should make internal surveillance more thorough. In the meantime, the rebellion of the nobles has been limited, but if you look at this evidence, they will lose their word too. ”

“Does Marquis Potts have anything to do with black magic? ”

“I'll keep the possibility open, but I don't have any direct evidence, so I might be able to take it off. ”

Luther left open the possibility of the relevance of Marquis Potts.

This was enough.

The emperor is angry, so his family is over.

The situation is serious.

The Emperor sought advice.

“What do you want me to do now? ”

Austin made an offer.

“I want to interrogate them publicly. That way, the nobles won't be able to escape. ”

“Earl Elmont. What do you think?”

“That's a good idea. If you don't mind, we suggest you do it right now. ”

“Now the nobles are gathered. Don't take them.”

The Emperor rises.

“Make sure you finish it. ”

The emperor withdrew.

Austin left on purpose.

When the Emperor left, he said jokingly.

“Why didn't you tell me you were coming? ”

Luther glances at him and gives him a pinglass.

“Now you're fully adapted. ”

The evil spirit shrugs.

“Fun life. ”

“I like to see you enjoy yourself. But how do I do this? Sooner or later, there will be more days to cry. ”

“Why are you scaring someone who's doing well? ”

“It's not going to be a scare, it's going to be. I'll let you know soon enough.”

The demon shook his body.

“Can you leave me alone? I like it this way. ”

“Neither do I. But fate awaits. Focus on the present for now. ”

“Damn, it all feels good. ”

The evil spirit returned with grumbling.

Cox smiled.

“I thought you were having fun. What's the big day about to cry? ”

“I intend to go to Naxanore. ”

Cox smiled and asked with a serious face.

“Naksanor? Going to Naksanor? ”

I didn't think I heard you well.

Cox went against the top.

“Stop being crazy. Naxanore is the land of death. Why are you risking your life to throw it away? ”

“I can't help it. I have to. I made a promise and that's why I'm destined. ”

Cox realized it within a year.

“You held hands with the Demon King. ”

“That's what happened. ”

Cox wants to shake his head.

“I'd like to dry it if I can, but I can't help it if I made a deal. So when are you going? ”

“We should go as soon as the Devil King is ready. ”

“Did he need a preparatory exercise? ”

“I don't know. Maybe he's preparing his mind, too. ”

The Demon King, who is starting the process of becoming a god, said that he is only a few days away.

‘I don't know if I'll leave after I become a god or start at the last minute. ’

Where is the Devil King's choice?

Luther's curiosity was there.

He's got his job, he's got his job.

And now, in the human world, he is responsible for saving his own land.

The Grand Chamber of the Imperial Palace was destined for nobility despite its ambitious vision.

The reason they forgot their time and came to the Imperial Palace was simple.

Because the Emperor issued an urgent summoning order.

The emperor appeared in a clumsy atmosphere, followed by Luther and Cox.

Some nobles were puzzled by looking at Luther.

Why he appeared with the Emperor.

The Emperor declared that everyone had gathered.

“Thank you all for coming. I summoned everyone to uncover the truth that was wrapped in a veil. ”

What would that be?

The nobles listened to the Emperor, forgetting even to breathe.

The power of the Emperor's voice swept through everyone.

“I knew the identity of the hostiles who tried to assault me. ”

Everyone seemed to have been hammered.

A nobleman urgently asked.

“Your Majesty. Did you find them? ”

“Yes, I will announce it here now. Their identity is the Black Wizards. ”

The shock that seemed to have been hammered led to panic.

I got all chaotic.

“Black Wizard!”

“Oh my God! Oh my God! ”

“I thought they didn't exist. ”

In a confused atmosphere, the Emperor pointed to Luther and Cox.

“After the work of Count Elmont and the Wizard Cox here, I have uncovered the identity of the Black Wizard. ”


Several senior nobles groaned.

Earl Elmont continues to appear as the case worker.

They think they will be more compassionate in the future than they are now, rather than revealing the identity of the enemy who assaulted the Emperor.

The more Earl Elmont made a contribution, the narrower the position of the nobles, so it was a natural response.

In the meantime, the Emperor touched Austin.

“Bring the Black Wizards. ”

When Austin retreated and returned, the knights came with a wooden pillar and set up a statue with a seal covered in a white cloth like a cocoon.

Everyone watched it with curious eyes.

The Emperor cried out.

“Kick the cloth! ”

When the pure white cloth was lifted, a terrible wizard appeared.

I was gagging, but I couldn't conceal the horrendous mold.

The nobles frowned at the arrogance.

Austin said.

“These are the black wizards behind the assault on the Emperor. ”

“Who are they? ”

“The Wizards of Vergne Tower. ”

Everyone nodded in response.

It was strange that the Wizard was not mentioned in the appearance of the Black Wizard.

Several panics were uncomfortable when the Vergne Tower was discussed.

They were all related to the Vergne Tower.

They asked with a surprised face.

“Are you really the Wizard of Vergne Tower? ”

“Yes, they are behind this case. ”

Austin's enthusiastic struggle with the Router did not stop him from getting angry.

“Son of a bitch! How dare you speak ill of the Emperor! ”

Everyone was followed by a blatant outrage with a noble father.

It was mostly a cry to blame the Vergne Tower.

The Emperor calmed the intestines.

“It's not over yet. Surprisingly, the Black Wizards standing there are alive. Earl Elmont and the Cox Wizard were holding them. ”

Everyone was not surprised when they said it wasn't a corpse.

The Emperor spoke.

“I want to interrogate them here. And I will vomit the truth to them, but if anyone is involved with them, I will catch them all here. ”

The Emperor's declaration made him clutter again.

In a word, a wave of emotions danced.

“I will begin my interrogation from now on. ”

Luther moved on to the Emperor's declaration.

He chose Zerpes among the Vergne Wizards.

Surprisingly, Zerpes had his will.

The blurry eyes were the proof.

Luther whispered to Zerpes.

“Keep an eye on the price that touched me. No, you should fit in. ”

Zerpes wanted to scream as a mother ship, but his body was against his will.

Interrogate against uncontrolled body.

Luther opens the mouth of the sealed Zerpes and asks a question.

“Tell the truth from now on. Does Vergne Tower deal with black magic? ”

Zerpes tried to tell me not to talk nonsense as soon as his mouth was released.

But my mouth moved at my own pace.

Zerpes, who makes a voice, deliberately scratches the iron.

“Hmph. You have a gift for revealing who we are. But it's too late. Vergne Tower began to use cancer medicine throughout the Empire. Soon those who will be with us will bite the continent with black magic. ”

My mouth blows as I please.

Zerpes wanted to tear his nose off.

The opposite voice flowed from what I wanted to say.

He tried to hang himself and shout that the Black Magic had nothing to do with Vergne Tower, but his body was already restrained by Luther.

This will bring down Vergne Tower for the rest of his life.

Zerpes' eyes were filled with mourning.

An eye for an appeal to stop, but Luther only laughs.

Luther wanted to see the end.

“Have you assaulted the Emperor of the Vasco Empire? ”

“Khh. There's nothing we can't do. Even the emperor of the Empire is in our grasp. ”

“Is that why you admitted to the assault? ”

“Yes! But it was a pity I didn't kill him. If the Emperor's death had caused chaos in the Empire, the black magic of our Vergne Tower would have caused a disturbance. It's too bad. ”

In his conspiracy speech, Zhang became as noisy as the floor of the market.

The nobles of Sichuan Gejin couldn't stand it and stood up and shook their heads.

“How dare you! You're after the Emperor! ”

“You bastards! ”

“How dare you try to assault the Emperor of Vergne Tower! ”

In the high castle, Luther looks at Zerpes.

His eyes were filled with despair.

After losing control, the butterflies cursed their mouths and wanted to tear up and kill the routers that made them do this, but the reality is a puppet life.

Luther didn't finish at Vergne Tower.

He asked again.

“I know that there are nobles who hold hands with you. Who are they?”

The question was all over the place at once.

Everyone's eyes were shaken.

I can't believe there's a nobleman holding hands with the Vergne Tower dealing with evil black magic!

Tensions passed and some swallowed their throats.

Zerpes grinned bitterly.

“Uh-huh. I can't tell you that. ”

“Yes? But those who were with you were members of the nobility. ”

Luther pointed to the hostage at the end.

The eyes of the nobles followed his fingers.

There were those who bowed their heads in the corner.

“Keep your head up. ”

At Luther's request, the knights grabbed his hair and lifted his face to the front.

Marquis Potts' body was greatly nourished, which was a fitting fit for the nobles' armor.

The face of those tied to the statue is ripe.

It was his article commanders, not the other way around.

What happened?

Unlike the agitating Marquis of Potts, the fact that the nobility was involved was heightening the mood.

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