9th Circle Lord

# 142Ch Trace

The bullets covered his face, making it difficult to recognize it properly, but it was not enough to recognize Marquis Potts' eyes.

Marquis Potts was rebellious.

‘No, I'm sure not. It's just something similar. ’

When he held on to hope, Luther spoke.

“Loosen your mouthpiece. ”

When the sealed mouth is opened, the front of the face is revealed.

Marquis Potts moaned in his mouth.

No matter how hard I tried to deny it, the look on my face was clear.

‘Why are Rossi and Pebbiven there? Why the hell.’

I can't understand it.

They left the mission just a little while ago.

By the way, how can you stand in such a horrible crowd?

As his question drifted into the air, the situation worsened further.

Luther asked.

“What are you? ”

Rossi was no different from Zerpes.

His mouth fluttered as he wanted.

“This is Duke Rossi Arez, Knight Captain of the Red Dragon Knights of Marquis Potts. ”

When I revealed my identity, the left side rattled.

“Oh, my God!”

“I am a member of the Marquis of Potts! ”

“Marquis Potts' Knight is a Black Wizard! ”

In everyone's awe, my gaze touched Marquis Potts.

He cried out what had happened.

“I have nothing to do with him! I have no idea! ”

On the defence of Marquis Potts, Luther again interrogated Rossi.

“Is Marquis Potts telling the truth? ”

Rossi stares at Marquis Potts with a contemplative face.

“Marquis. I think our great homestead is here. I'm sorry."

At the same time, Rossi's blood clotted his mouth.

The knight hurriedly opened Rossi's mouth.

His tongue was cut off and at the same time Rossi's life was cut off.


Everyone opened their mouths to the article's report.

Rossi's last will did not leave in his head.

What does it mean to be a gardener?

Marquis Potts raised his voice with a contemplation among the nobles who were mouthing like crustaceans.

“I don't know what he's talking about! No! I never had anything to do with black magic. ”

Despite his passage, the Emperor's gaze was cold.

Austin replaced the Emperor's will.

He gave orders to the knights.

“Arrest Marquis Potts. ”

Knights approached Marquis Potts.

“No! I'm not! I have no idea! ”

Marquis Potts desperately claimed innocence.

However, Rossi's will brought the situation to an end.

“Detain him! ”

“Please believe me! I have nothing to do with it! ”

Marquis Potts' voice echoes as he is drawn.

When he disappeared, the expression of some nobles was pale.

They were aristocrats of the Trinity.

Marquis Potts is the last of the Trinity.

That circumstance revealed that he was related to black magic.

His appearance of being dragged overlaps with the fall of the Trinity.

However, no one represented Marquis Potts' injustice.

The situation was worsening.

I don't want to get involved in black magic.

The anger that sank turned into horror within.

I scoured Luther's intestines in a cold sunken atmosphere.

None of them had a proper eye contact.

I had no way of being a Marquis of Potts if I didn't have to get an interrogation.

Luther opened her mouth in tension.

“Once it turns out that Marquis Potts is in solidarity with the Black Wizards, it's not over yet. It is possible that there are more nobles who have joined them in the invisible. ”

The Emperor nods.

“I'm not full enough. The Black Wizards and the Handlers will be there again. ”

“Measures must be taken. If you let go of your hand like this, you are more likely to miss the Black Wizard's end. ”

“I have to find them. ”

The conversation between the two who were killed seemed endless.

The nobles killed themselves with a nervous gaze.

The Emperor finally made up his mind.

“I guess I'll have to increase my investigative powers. I will increase my authority to monitor the movement of nobles anytime and anywhere. ”

No one rebelled against the word to expand the nobility's surveillance indefinitely.

The Black Wizard has appeared.

It was something I couldn't see lightly

The emperor fluently said that he was ready.

“From now on, the Empire will declare a state of emergency. All nobles will be watched and no rebuttal will be allowed. I will also intervene without hesitation if it involves a Black Wizard or shows suspicious generosity. I want everyone to cooperate in order to defeat the Black Wizards. ”

The nobles had no clue.

The hurricane swept away their souls.

I was unable to measure forward and backward because I had no eczema.

The outcome of the dawn competition was disastrous for the nobles.

In the future, the surveillance of the aristocracy will be strengthened, giving cause to intervene wherever and whenever.

Austin was appointed head of total surveillance.

In exchange for revealing the identity of the Black Wizard, Luther raised his status from the Earl to the Marquis.

Promotions are given to those who have made great strides in war or war, but this has been the Count's status everywhere.

The senior status of the Marquis is determined by internal discussions between the Emperor and the nobles.

In that regard, Luther's promotion was a striking treatment.

It was striking, so it was natural that there was a rebound, but Luther's technique was so great.

Fewer objections, but more complaints.

The more Luther reveals both angles, the narrower his position, the less likely the eyes of the nobles are.

Cox got the goods, got the honorary noble status.

At the same time, I provided you with an identity card to keep an eye on the nobility at any time in connection with Austin.

In the name of tracking the Black Wizard, you have the power to act anywhere and anytime.

At the end of the whirlwind, the whole group gathered at Austin's house.

Luther lets Elena and others know the progress she's been waiting for, even forgetting her silence.

Everyone put out their tongues.

and admired the thrust of the Sassam Luther.

He must have done it if he wanted to.

He has touched his men, bringing down Vergne Tower and Marquis Potts.

At the same time, he won the rank of Marquis, so his achievement was a great success.

“It's very sophisticated. ”

Even though the Evil Spirit did not know the details of the inner lining, the conclusion penetrated precisely.

“I've slammed the enemy behind the scenes. It's like it really did. It made the case run wild. ”

I couldn't help but admire the density of Sassam Luther.

This all started with Luther.

He ambushed the emperor, healed him, and created an enemy he never had.

Everyone was playing on his ledger.

I couldn't help but be bored.

That's all it took to hear the evil spirit's admiration.

Luther, one by one, began to be monogamous.

The beginning was Gordon.

“We'll have a lot of work to do when we get to Elmont. ”

“What should we do first? ”

“There's a magic academy in Elmont. I want you to teach the students your medicine. And I'll set up a dedicated academy for you. Let me make you a name. Teach people there. I hope your academy will increase healers someday. ”

Luther thought she could use her talent in the right place and wanted to use Gordon's abilities right away.

Gordon likes Luther's plan.

“I don't have the confidence to teach, but I have the ability to take advantage of what I know. ”

“And focus your research on combining magic and therapy. Soon there will be more wizards in Elmont. It will combine magic and life. ”

“Life magic? ”

“It's still a long way to go, but I'm looking forward to it. We'll have a lot to do in the future. ”

“I don't know if you recognize me. But I'll do my best. ”

Gordon, who took on the role, was once more comfortable.

“I guess this is the right thing to do. ”

Luther, who read his words, took his advice seriously.

“Just in case, never mind politics. It's a world you don't belong in. ”

Gordon laughed.

“I'll keep that in mind.”

At the end of the conversation with him, it was morning.

Luther confronted Vanessa who woke up.

Vanessa was intoxicated by sleeping pills and had no idea what had happened.

So the lord of Elmont suddenly appeared and was amazed.

Luther did not continue her solidarity long.

He had a lot to do, and Vanessa was part of it.

“I heard you were good at waterway construction. ”

“That's a compliment.”

“Now is not the time to be modest. You need to be confident in your abilities. Vanessa. Do you believe in your abilities? ”

Luther did not trust a humble man.

I don't have the confidence to say it's not enough.

Luther preferred a forward-looking man, so he advised Vanessa.

Vanessa recalled her conversation with Elena.

I was reminded to have confidence, and now it's time.

Her attitude changed.

“I want to be an outstanding administrator. I'm confident that I can use it in any field without forgetting what I've seen. ”

“I like that pose. All right, I'll leave the job to you. There is a waterway in Elmont that I have created. Find the problem and find out what you can improve. Prepare until I come back. ”

“Yes, leave it to me. ”

The conversation with Vanessa was that far.

It's time to act more than you say.

Luther, who bit her, faced the evil spirit this time.

This topic was a little serious.

“You'll be in Naxanore soon. ”

The evil spirit frowned on the arrogance.

“What a terrible story. ”

“Evil Spirit. Let's ask one thing. What do you want to be? ”

“What's that supposed to mean? ”

“You are unique. That's why I've survived so far. I will ask you. Will you live in pursuit of desire and destruction like a normal Naxanorian monster? Or will you be as quiet as you are now? ”

“To be honest, I don't crave freedom. That's my hope. ”

“That pose is enough. If you return to Naxanore, I will ensure your survival as much as I can. ”

“That's not comforting at all. ”

“This Naxanore expedition is never light. ”

Luther wanted the evil spirit to see this opportunity as a blessing.

“You build strength by absorbing Naxanore's monsters. If you want to be stronger than you are now, you can never be stronger in a broken world. Grow your strength in Naxanore. I'll push you away.”

“What's wrong with you? ”

“I'm helping you because I have a purpose. ”

“What's the use? Where are you gonna use me? ”

“If there is heaven, there is hell. I'll tell you more later. But this will be an opportunity for you. ”

The evil spirit laughed at Luther's advice.

“What if I'm stronger than the captain? ”

Luther was cynical.

“That's not gonna happen for the rest of my life. ”

He made a soul in the world of void.

Ability corresponds to the top rank of the Demon King, even in Naxanore.

If evil spirits are to chase after themselves, they must be reborn.

After face to face, Anes suddenly appeared in front of him, who was resting for a while.

Her face is cold.

“You did it again. ”

Luther was not embarrassed by her appearance.

“What are you doing this time? ”

“I'm here to deliver the order. ”


“Yes. God has found a trail of being punishable. Go kill him.”

Anes calls the Demon King God.

Luther interpreted the meaning of the word.

“You must have found the renegades. Yeah, where is it? ”

“This is Molan territory in the Lost Kingdom of the South. There are perverts there. ”

“Just give me the location and it's over? Don't you have any specific people or locations? ”

“This was also found in Charlna. What you're looking for is your own. ”

“I see.”

Luther glances at Annes slippery.

It was less nervous than televised.

“You like forcing the Black Wizard to appear? ”

Anes regarded the Vasco Empire as his domain.

So I don't feel comfortable watching Luther run.

But last night. I turned the Empire upside down, but there's nothing to say.

Luther knew why.

When the Black Wizard appears, people naturally take refuge in religion.

The arrival of this Black Wizard will lead people to the Temple of Anes.

“What do you think? My gift? ”

Anas, cynical in Luther's question, disappeared as she was.

In response to her cold reaction, Luther nods.

“I don't think so. It doesn't suit me. ”

It flowed nicely.

I didn't say anything, but I thought I'd have to make a verdict with Anes someday.

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