9th Circle Lord


Siren's beauty was no longer a luxury salon.

Only the admission fee had to be 50 gold.

It was quite expensive, given that the plaintiff's monthly salary was 30 gold.

Places there were also resistant.

Normally, it was a striking selection given that the red-equivalent place was outlying.

Luther heads to the salon to find the master Rachel spoke of.

It was a two-storey building decorated with stone, and the entrance marked Munyeon Castle.

I made a procession of line wagons.

Luther stands alone and waits for someone who knows him somewhere.

“Isn't this Lord Luther? ”

He turns his head.

It was a four-man man man who laughed with only a grin.

I was wearing the knight's usual uniform.

Luther recognized them.

When they received the title of the article, they were with him.

“See you all here! ”

The joyful knights approached Luther.

Why are you so close when you don't have a one-sided look? I've told you a few times, so I took it out.

“Actually. We don't have enough money. Can you lend us some? ”

Luther asked with a desperate expression.

“Don't you have any money? ”

“Suddenly the admission fee went up something. With underwater money, let's make the next pledge, so it looks like a reservation. ”

“Reservation? Do you have a reservation here? ”

“Yes, I can't even get in line unless I make a reservation. ”

“That's very popular. ”

If you book a salon and go, it's not usually popular.

The knight raised his thumb.

“It's the hottest place these days, of course. ”

“What the hell are they looking for? ”

“You must be the first to come. Of course it's about women, isn't it? ”

“It's amazing. ”

At that moment, Rachel's huge body came to mind.

I didn't want to come to see such women.

Luther accepted the Knights' request.

It was good for each other.

Luther couldn't get in with the money, and the knights made reservations, but he didn't have the money.

When I walked in through the entrance, I met a group of women.

“Welcome! ”


It was the women who were as generous as Rachel.

She came to me with makeup and perfume.

Luther looked closely at women's pregnancies.

The power of darkness flows from the gesture and envelops the whole body.

Then the faces of the knights were loosened.

It seemed to them to be an attractive woman.

The knights disappeared by joining the women without anyone first.

“Will you come with me? ”

There was also a woman on Luther.

He pulls out her arms, then calmly speaks.

“Security Knight. I invite you to talk to the master here and guide me. ”

The woman was flawed.

“Master? What do you have to do? ”

“It's no big deal. Here a woman from the salon named Rachel caused trouble. Interviews are necessary to seek attention. ”

Luther mentioned Rachel's name.

A woman with a bowl of bread spilled elasticity.

“You mean Rachel? What happened? ”

“I need to share the details with the master, so I'll guide you. ”

“Um, could you hold on a second? Let me ask you something.”

“I won't.”

While waiting, a group of nobles appeared at the entrance to Ur.

I chattered and headed straight for the garden.

There was a statue in the garden, and when they sat down, the women appeared on the statue with the statue.

They were women who were as big as one.

As they danced, the nobles' mouths became deaf.

‘What the hell is the purpose...., why did you build such a facility? ’

It seemed the most unusual thing I've ever seen.

In the meantime, the woman who visited the master returned.

“Follow me. ”

I followed her through a narrow corridor.

The end of the corridor was the office.

“Master is waiting. ”

“Well done.”

When I opened the door, I saw a shy middle-aged man.

Luther exchanged views with him.

His eyebrows flare.

The energy from the body of a middle-aged man was unfamiliar.

“Interesting. Interesting. ”

The master forgot to say hello and asked.

“What do you find interesting? ”

“Interesting. The Demon King's pervert is a master of the salon, but he might not be interested. ”

Master flawed Luther's words.

His eyes shook greatly.

“Who are you, you? ”

“Who did you think you were? ”

As soon as he finished speaking, Luther called Ener Soul.

Router, who expanded his absolute range, approached the renegade.

“Where are the demons? ”

The master takes a step back.

“Uh, how did you find us? ”

“You've shed a trail. So I found it. I'll ask you this time. How did you clear the trail? Even if you refuse, you are the monsters of Naxanore who responded to the summoning ceremony of the Demon King. There's no way you're gonna miss the connection. But how did you hide yourself from the Demon King's eyes? ”

A renegade in Luther's palace just stares at him without a word.

Rather, Luther was cynical when he was in a state of condensation.

“You know that for yourself. Do you think you can win against me? ”

The master's eyes shake as if he was trying to kill you.

He sighed in less than a minute.

“I know about you. ”

“You know? How?”

“Information flowed between us. We were told that there was a man who killed us who betrayed him. That's who you are. ”

“Him? Do you call the Demon King him? ”

“Each one is different. Those who have left room are still not forgetting. ”

Luther raises his head.

The opponent's attitude was different from the perverts he had met before.

“You really are a strange pervert. It's the type I've never seen. ”

He reminds me of Rachel.

Perhaps the master who gave her the help she said meant the pervert in front of her eyes.

“Master must be a pseudonym. What's your name?”

“What are you doing on your own? Aren't you going to kill him anyway? ”

Luther sits on the couch in the parlour and hands.

“We can keep you alive, so let's talk seriously. ”

The master was flawed.

“Are you saying you won't kill me? ”

“Yes. You know, the list of my elimination targets has all been cruel to humanity. But you didn't. The Demon King and I have identified elimination targets that are detrimental to the stability of the world. And you're the most unique person I've ever seen, so let's get to the bottom of it. ”

The master who was listening sighed.

“Thank God. I never thought I'd talk to you. ”

He revealed his identity as he sat down.

“My name is Sanax. He was the one who received the power of salvation. ”

“The power of salvation? What kind of power?”

“The ability to purify a corrupt spirit. ”

“That's vague.”

“That's right. You don't have to get my powers unless you're distracted. ”

“Why did you turn on the Demon King? ”

“His expectations were overwhelming. ”

Luther nods.

What he is trying to say is probably Ener Soul.

Ener Soul.

In particular, souls must realize themselves without anyone's help in the world of the void.

In reality, it is more like eternity in a brief void.

Of course, no one would have been easy to learn.

“What did you do after that? Were you in God's shoes like all the other perverts? ”

“No, I didn't do God's work. I thought it was meaningless. No matter how much Ener is extended, he does not reach his toes. It's pointless being God in the first place. So I stayed quiet. Then she came. ”

Luther snorts at her words.

“Where are you going? ”

“What do you mean? ”

“She's the one you said. Do you know who you are?”

“No, I don't know who I am. ”

“That's it, then. She also made contact with the dragon you encountered and other perverts. ”

“Yes, I did. I was ambitious. You asked me to summon the beast. ”

“Why did you listen when you said you wanted to live quietly? ”

“I wanted to live. She has known the death of the renegades. Of course I was afraid.”

“So what's the end? ”

“I fell in love with the being I summoned. ”

Luther, who had been watching him closely all along, nodded.

“Somehow it looked different to the other perverts, and there was a reason. ”

“Do I look different? ”

“Yes, like a human being. I don't think I'm feeling well enough to notice it until I get close. ”

The Demon King's renegades have power.

Of course it had to be recognized.

But I didn't get caught.

Luther knew why.

“I can't recognize who I am until I look close. Amazing talent.”

Sanax had a bitter laugh.

“She helped. ”

“Let's name it exactly. Is she the one who kept summoning you? Or she's the one you summoned. ”

“It's the latter. I've told you things I haven't seen in a while. No, precisely with Siena's help. ”

“Is the name of the creature summoned from Naxanore Siena? ”

“That's right. It's from Naxanore, but it's more human. She opened my blindfold. Thanks to you, I found my way. ”

“What the hell did she do to you? ”

“Save the present. Eternity is pain and also suffering. I told you to pursue your pleasures immediately. ”


“When he becomes God, the perverts are disconnected. Then we'll live a finite life. That's what I want. ”

“Siena's pursuit is the pleasure of the moment. Is that it?”

“Naxanors don't exist only as demons. Know that darkness embraces everything. ”

Luther was confused.

Sometime later, I wondered about Naxanore.

The starting point was evil spirits.

He lives comfortably and playfully.

I have sought survival and do not seek slaughter.

The roots were evil, but they controlled themselves.

So I had doubts.

What kind of world is Naxanore?

It was thought that perhaps he would not be so different from the human world he knew.

“Where is Siena? ”

Sanax expressed his concern.

“Please don't hurt her. ”

“As I said before, if you do no harm, you do not interfere greatly. ”

“Siena is with the Duchess. He'll be back soon. ”

“What are you doing? ”

“The Duchess has not been loved by the Duchess of Thorne for a long time. Siena is helping her like that. ”

“The duchess seems to love you. ”

Naturally, the owl was struck.

“That's why the duchess was interfering with the red-light. Because of you guys. What are you guys gonna do about the red light? ”

“I'm just going to do it our way. ”

The conversation was briefly disconnected.

A woman with Knock reveals herself.

Luther guessed she was Siena.

And doubted it.

‘You are weak against Naxanore's monsters. ’

A combat force of less than a million won't show any malice.

“You're Siena. ”

Siena was blamed for what Luther said.

Her gaze touched Sanax.

Sanax said Nazi.

“That's the secret weapon we were wary of before. ”

“Don't you think I'm called that? ”

“There was a shock when I was active for a while. The pervert has never died so much. We call you his secret weapon. ”

Luther shrugs and looks up and down at Siena.

He said.

“Why did you give away the power of darkness to a fat, thin woman, and I understand why. ”

Sierra Leone was so fat that I wanted to.

Luther's observations were the same for Siena.

She asked as she looked around the corner.

“Are you the secret weapon? ”

“Yes, that's right. ”

Her curiosity came to mind briefly and sank.

“That's not a terrible impression. ”

“What did you think? ”

“I didn't think he was human. ”


“I can't say no. ”

“Let me ask you one question. What kind of place is Naxanore? ”

“It's like a double-sided coin. Quiet or horrible.”

“I know what it means to be horrible, but what does it mean to be calm? ”

“Being born with the power of darkness doesn't make you a demon. It's just to survive. ”

“I'd like to hear more about that. ”

The Evil Spirit said it was a terrible place, but Siena mentioned another part.

Luther wondered about the new side of Naxanore and asked in detail.

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