9th Circle Lord

# 147 Watch2

Siena had a very different perspective on Naxanore than the evil spirit.

“Naxanore is a cannibalism. Of course, the weak have their own world. ”

“There can't be a world of the weak. There's no way the Demon Kings in your world are gonna stand still. ”

“We have our own way of surviving. ”

Luther stares at Sanax.

“Are you hiding the existence of Sanax in that way of survival? ”

“That's right.”

“Amazing. Excellent ability. How did you do that? ”

“I can't say it's a secret. ”

Luther was adamant about Siena's rejection.

“No, I must know. Now, most of the perverts have gone rogue, just like you. You're hiding like a hunch, so you need a search clue. ”

“Why are you trying to get rid of them? ”

“To do evil in this world. ”

Siena said decisively.

“We'll be quiet. ”

Luther pointed out her argument.

“You're acting like you're in trouble. ”

“What is that? ”

“I'm misleading people. ”

Luther referred to Rachel's case.

Siena laughed.

“That's wonderful. ”

“It's no laughing matter. ”

“But is that really detrimental? ”

“Human desires should not be impatiently aroused. Dropping rocks in a quiet lake. It will be more than a simple siege now, but one day it will be a solstice and it will cover everything. ”

Siena was flattered by serious warnings.

She listened to Luther's warning.

But there were constraints.

“I'll control it. But I can't do this. You need to use my influence at least once to summon me. And Rachel is a silly case. ”

Siena knew Rachel's future.

“Sooner or later, the power of darkness that lies upon her will be gone. And it'll go back to the way it used to be. ”

“Was that your intention from the beginning? ”

“Depends on the case. You know, if you're greedy like Rachel, sometimes you shoot me in the back, but you're lucky. I'm a demon of Naxanore, so don't do this. ”

Luther thought about how to take this.

Siena, who joined forces with Sanax, seems to save man, but falls into despair again.

There is a degree of difference, but in the end it is a way through desire.

“I guess I didn't just offer it. What did you get in return? ”

“It's not for free. Instead of being attractive, you get a little life span. It's a fair deal. ”

Luther narrows his glans.

“It hurts. ”

The first case of Sanax or Siena is encountered.

Siena is neither good nor evil.

I was completely free from the logic of black and white.

‘It's gray.’

It is neither black nor white, and stands in the middle of it.

Siena asked carefully.

“Am I in trouble? ”

“I can't judge. No, in this case, I don't deserve to judge. I can't interfere if I go through a legitimate way of contracting by human choice, not coercion. I am not the one who governs and protects the world. Says Sanax, but he is responsible for removing the harms that shake the foundations of the world. ”

“So. Am I your elimination target? ”

“You're asking. Aren't you afraid of me? ”

“In Naxanore, the weak are always prey. Death is familiar to me. ”

“Do you like this world? ”

“I'm not an acronym here. Plus, I got the half I was longing for. ”

Siena looks at Sanax.

It's full of affection.

Luther asked.

“Do the monsters of Naxanore love each other? ”

“Darkness embraces everything. Love is just one of them. ”

“I know that the power of darkness is not just negative. But your case is unusual. ”

Luther looks at Siena and puts out her tongue.

“A freak showed up. ”

I never imagined Naxanore's monsters would put love in my mouth.

Sanax, who was constantly silent, said a word.

“What are you gonna do now? ”

Luther raised his arms.

“I have no authority to interfere. But I express my concern. Man is the Wheel of Desire. You guys are the downhill path that helps drive that cart wheel. Failure to stop or place restrictions can lead to destruction. ”

Siena nods.

“I saw Rachel's case and realized it. I have a feeling, so I'll try to stay small in the future. ”

I came to remove the rogue and summoned creatures and encountered an unexpected case.

Luther knew their existence would not shake the foundation of the world.

"I can't be a child anymore. ’

Luther looked at Siena.

“Now, I have to show you how to hide your identity. ”

“Humanization through bonding is possible. ”

“Humanization? It makes no difference to humans. And if it's a bond……. ”

A blurred router looks at the two alternately.

After Sanax was ashamed, he turned his head.

Luther looked at the two of them and felt something.

“Everyone doesn't crave power. I realized three times thanks to you. ”

Neither Demon King's renegade nor Naxanore's monsters yearn for power.

What they wanted was a life.

This was a very interesting discovery.

Luther laughed with a fluffy smile.

“Well, not everyone is the same. ”

Siena asked.

“You're not gonna show up before us again? ”

“Make a promise. I've decided not to summon Naxanore's monsters. ”

“Why would you do something to die? We won't do it, even if you tell us to. ”

“You guys are a potential danger. I can't see him for the rest of my life. Take it.”

Luther handed Elena the same mannequin.

“Hold the manna and call my name. Then I'll show up. ”

“I didn't give you a name. ”

“Luther. It's Luther. ”

“Do we need this? ”

“There will be others who will come after you. Especially the woman must be captured. ”

Sanax, who exchanges his eyes, nods.

“She's dangerous, so I'll cooperate. ”

“Yes. That would be good for your future. You're going to have to live with it. ”

Luther turned his back.

“Now the kiln. ”

Siena asked.

“Can I ask you a question before I go? ”

“Tell me.”

“How can a human be so strong? ”

“How do you know I'm strong? ”

“The acronym smells good. Absolute comfort comes from you. Like the Demon King of Naxanore. ”

The troubled router asked again.

“Have you actually seen the Demon King of Naxanore? ”

“There you go. Just once. ”

“How was it?”

“There's nothing left when the Demon King shows up. ”

“I see.”

Luther never asked about the Demon King.

I'll see you later anyway.

“I hope you won't see me again if you can. It won't be a good thing if I show up again. ”

That's goodbye.

When Luther left, Sanax swept the tale.

“Almost got me in trouble. ”

He survived the Demon King's secret weapon and the rogue's messenger.

It was fortunate not to make their behavior a problem.

I left the salon and picked up the knight's blessing and threw it.

I'm done being a security knight.

‘Let's go back to Elmont. ’

I haven't left my post for a few days, but I wanted to go back already.

‘The Demon King will understand. ’

I did not remove perverts and monsters.

because it was not in accordance with his purpose.

There was no blame on the Demon King, nor was there any indiscriminate slaughter to achieve my purpose.

In other words, it was not something that would be a great harm to the world.

So there was no reason to remove it.

The walking router suddenly stopped and laughed.

“The love between the Naxanorian monsters and the Devil King's perverts. ”

I never thought this would happen.

It was unique and unusual.

“Everyone wants a life. ”

Perhaps it is also the purpose of all beings.

After thinking about it, Luther went straight back to Elmont.

Vanessa and Gordon initiated the activity earlier than expected.

She began construction of the waterway.

The waterway set up by Luther was Elmont's pride and everyday pleasure.

But Vanessa thought there was a problem.

The purpose for which Luther built the waterway was the purpose of the sprinklers in real life.

Water is essential where water has been caught.

Considered the function of water for wells and their utilization as agricultural water.

So problems arose in the insides.

There was no distinction between upper and lower sewers, so there was no absence of sewage to treat wastewater.

Of course, people and livestock everywhere enjoyed excrement.

I needed a processing plant to deal with it.

Naturally, the structure of the waterway must be changed.

Vanessa was experienced and knew how.

After writing the blueprint, she found Kane in charge of the lord's surrogacy.

Kane fully endorsed Vanessa's opinion.

She was nothing else, and she was about to blossom on Luther's talent recruitment plan.

Of course, if there was anything I wanted to do, I helped drive it.

Gordon was also active as Vanessa began preparing to improve the waterway.

Gordon knew what Luther wanted from him.

In the meantime, therapy has been an ambiguous discipline for wizards.

Once you advance in therapy, you receive the Priest's Eye Gun.

Treatment was the role of the temple.

So when the wizard opens the therapy, he starts fingering.

It was a claim that the Wizards of Destruction healed people.

Moreover, there was a great deal of relief for the wizards' therapies.

Once a wizard learns to play the Fire Bowl, he counts it as the biggest gesture of his life.

The combat wizard is treated and enlightened wherever he goes.

Of course, no one tries to be a healing wizard.

So Luther proposed the creation of a professional therapeutic academy.

You don't have to find a priest if you have a dedicated professional staff.

In the first place, it also led to the release of specialist personnel for therapeutic purposes.

Professional therapists were personnel who must be established in the private sector.

Gordon understood Luther's intentions and went straight to reality.

He transformed the magic academy once used by Kalua into his own medical academy.

The library was close, so I thought it was the best place to study.

Through the plaza's bulletin board, students were recruited without distinction between men and women, and, above all, Gordon's passion permeated Elmont.

When Elmont hears the word "therapy," he blinks even as he sleeps.

Passion soon caught people's attention.

All you have to do now is complete a book, a manual for education, and the fruits of Elmont will see the light.

Luther's magic academy is on fire with Cox.

Cox was unfamiliar with the vague term life magic and liked the plan quite a bit.

In the meantime, magic was a small area.

However, the future was very interesting because it was aimed at popularization.

So they came up with one plan.

Let's study how anyone can easily induce Mana to use it.

I didn't know what form it was going to take, but it was worth a shot.

Luther studied the monsters on the island she grew by upgrading.

As the queen bee began to reproduce, honey began to emerge in the ground.

Luther asked me to take some honey to the workforce who will be doing the beekeeping in the future.

There was no one to finish the sweet honey.

Beekeeping started preparing for revitalization.

Soon, fresh honey will be distributed throughout the Territory.

Luther did not stop his personal research while his territory was developing.

It was Ener Soul who did it first.

Ener Soul cleaved the Holy Hand with a weak distinction.

We need to find a way to make this difference.

It was even more urgent to close the gap with the Demon King.

I tried all kinds of methods.

I also tried to expand Ener Soul through time distortion.

But it's Mansazitan.

There was no point in using any method.

The torsion of the Manado space also did not improve Ener Soul's expansion.

Luther seemed to be stuck in the front, but didn't give up.

Ener Soul is the final irreversible.

Absolute and encompasses everything.

Increasing this Ener Soul will give you the advantage in the battle with Naxanore's Demon King, so Luther has not stopped his research.

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