9th Circle Lord

Proposal # 159

Router, who dealt with the monsters in the capital of the Vasco Empire with the Blade Flame, settled in the Imperial Palace with Jillian.

The capital of the Vasco Empire, the largest of the man-made nations, has been destroyed.

The debris from the semi-circumcised building was scattered everywhere, and there was a scary dark blue smoke rising.

Naxanore Golem, reaching 5m above the Contaminated Land, wanders around as if he had lost his destination.

Jillian looked at Golem and was curious.

“You look amazing. ”

It is the shape of a golem, but the whole body has a dark odor.

“How does it work? ”

“It is the power of darkness. ”

“What the hell is the power of darkness? ”

“The explanation is long. ”

Luther begins with Naxanore and tells the story of the power sought by monsters from there.

Jillian, who was listening, was not surprised by the world he knew and other Naxanors.

It was a frog in a well.

Jillian wondered if Luther knew all that more than the truth.

“How did you know? ”

“A few intertwines made me look natural. ”

“Will you continue to fight the Naxanorian monsters? ”

“No, I'm going to end it. ”

Jillian nods.

“Yes, I hope you do. ”

“You should.”

Luther cleared the golem.

A golem with the power of a beggar, but only a slow stone for Luther.

Stops and rolls the thumb round and shoots the void just like it blew at night.

The golem that touches the void collapses as it is.

Jillian, who was observing, shined his eyes.

“It's weaker than it looks. ”

“Relative, I don't know. ”

At last, a golem detects Luther's footsteps and hits the ground.

Quaa 'ang!

Golem flexibly jumps like a hovel and lowers the floor with a bumpy arm.

Quaa 'ang!

The earth pillars soared and deep holes were engraved on the floor.

Luther murmured.

“It's broken. Why are you doing that? ”

It was an armed demonstration, but Luther was pathetic.

Jillian's face flutters.

“Luther was right. Power is relative.”

Golem must have listened to his slumber.

There was nothing scary about either.

Immediate leap capability and destructive power were considerable.

Luther swings her arms toward the incomparable golem after engaging with her strength.

Kwanga River!

The golem's body explodes like a bull, leaving no trace.

Luther looks down at the floor.

“You looked stupid, but you did your best. ”

“Hard work?”

“Golem just gave us a shortcut on our way. ”

Luther pointed to a hole in the golem a little while ago.

Jillian looks inside after reaching the hole with a bell step.

“Here's another space. ”

The interior looked like an artificially formed basement, not dirt.

“Yes. Probably the secret basement of the Emperor. ”

“So, did you have a separate destination? ”

“We need to find one. It's called evil spirit.It's a little unusual. ”

“Evil spirits?”

Jillian frowns.

“Are you a ghost? ”

“Are you afraid of ghosts? ”

“Yes. What about Luther? ”

“It's rather nice to meet you. The more unusual the subject, the better. ”

“If you think so, he's right. ”

Jillian grabs Luther's shoulder and goes underground.

The air inside the seating was stubborn.

Jillian grabbed my nose.

“It smells terrible. ”

“It's a corrupt poison. ”

Luther caused the wind.

The air that caused the circulating action pushes and passes as if cleaning the interior.

Jillian nods his head, thanking him and pointing at the bloodstains buried all over the basement passageway.

“Look, it's a bloodstain. There must have been a battle here. ”

“There wasn't a battle. ”




“Look over there. ”

Luther pointed to a figure that came clandestinely from the dark passageway opposite.

Jillian glances forward.

I couldn't see because I was too close.

Luther touches the Seekerman wall.

A white dot appeared on the mark, spreading everywhere.

The entire passageway was painted white on the sleeper.

Jillian couldn't resist the admiration.

“If this isn't magic, what is it? ”

“No, this is magic. ”

“What did you do? ”

“It's like applying a stain. It's kind of life magic. ”

Luther explains her magical way of life to Jillian easily.

In the meantime, a scream burst from the foundation from the inside.

Jillian frowns.

“Who is it?”

“I am the owner of that bloodstain. ”

After Luther's words, a monster appeared that spurred out of the passageway.

Jillian's eyes twitch.

It was like a lump of dark red blood.

“What is that? ”

“It's a monster.”

“You look really unusual. ”

Now, to some extent, Jillian was not greatly surprised.

Luther guessed the cause of the shape.

“In my view, the monsters of Naxanore often change according to the form they desire and covet. Maybe that beast covets blood. ”

The coming beast was struggling as if it were painful.

Jillian was neither surprised nor afraid of the situation.

Next to him stands a great wizard that no one in the world can dare protest against.

Of course there was nothing to be afraid of.

“Why do you have to suffer? ”

“Probably by whitening the walls. An eye used to the dark must be confused by the sudden brightness. ”

“That monster is a research subject. ”

“I think so, too. I'd like to test this for a while, but as you can see, the situation isn't green. Let's get rid of it.”

Luther pretended to fly just the same night as Golem did.


The torn body expands over and over again.

Router sweeps away the unclean dirt, pointing the demon towards the whole place.

“There it is. Let's hurry. ”


After passing through a meandering passageway like a snake, the open space finally reveals itself.

Jillian stole my forehead.

“It's hot.”

The open interior seemed to be looking inside the active volcano.

Lava flowed and it was full of heat.

Luther found a demon on the bottom of a lava puddle, somewhere like a marsh.

“It's him. ”

“Well, it looks unique. ”

Austin's peeling and revealing entity was the shape of a black airflow skull.

Such a skeleton-shaped body was tied together like a blue vaporizer.

“Why are they tied up? ”

“Let's ask.”

Luther comes down to the floor with Jillian.

“It's too hot. ”

As the heat approached, Jillian sweated and complained of distress.

I didn't use magic this time.

I ate the heat through the void.

The sticky lava zone cools and vomits water vapor.

Luther also swallowed the water vapor.

The interior quickly became cold.

Jillian raises his thumb as he lands on the floor, which was lava until a little while ago.

“You're the best. ”

“That's enough for me. ”

Appropriately confronted with Abu, he approached the evil spirit.

The moaning evil spirit only sighs at the appearance of Luther.

“It's too late. ”

“I think I'm just in time. ”

“As you can see, it's tied up. Let me go.”

Luther cuts the blue rope.

The look of the evil spirit was strange.

The shackles that bind him are made by the Demon King himself.

It contained the power of Ener Soul, which could never be removed without the permission of the Demon King, and Luther cut it off.

The evil spirit shakes the skull branch head.

“Phew. I thought you were dying. ”

“Yes. Why didn't you die? ”

“You sound terrible. Who's the little friend here? ”

“He is my heir. ”

Jillian shrugs with pride in Luther's introduction.

“Hi, I'm Jillian. ”

“Aren't you surprised to see me? ”

“I've seen more strange things as I look. ”

“I'm a freak. This is a pity from the beginning. ”

“Isn't that so? ”

The arrogant rebel said the evil spirit was overwhelmed.

“You're right. Actually, I'm pretty familiar with this, too. ”

The evil spirit turned into Austin in an instant.

He looks through his body and smiles.

“This is convenient now. ”

Luther is full of tongues.

“You forgot the essence. ”

“Why is that? If I'm satisfied, that's enough. ”

“It's not the wrong word. When does he move? ”

Luther pointed to the whole bumpy wall.

The evil spirit laughed.

“It'll be a little frustrating to talk about. The horses are slow. They're too slow to yawn. ”

Jillian further questioned the direction Luther had pointed.

“Who are you talking about? ”

“Take a closer look at the wall. ”

Jillian, who was looking at the wall as he said, was flawed.


“Of course he's alive. ”

The evil spirit comes forward and shakes his arm.

“Hey! That's the man I told you about. I'd like to introduce you. Answer me. ”

The wall twitched and opened its eyes.

First, the pupils were revealed like golems encountered on the ground.

Jillian opens his mouth.

“Are those walls all snow? ”

“What do you think? Big? ”

“Is that a monster, too? ”

“No, that's the Demon King. ”

“The Demon King? It's huge. ”

“The bigger he is, the more likely he is to be a coward. ”

Jillian's eyes widen with information containing the vision of the evil spirit.

“Is that really true? ”

“I didn't know that until now, but I can see him. It's been a while since the commander showed up, but he didn't move there. ”

The Demon King, who was slipping silently in response to the evil spirit's explanation, voiced his voice.

“Evil spirits. You said you were saved. Don't you know why you're still alive? ”

A heavy voice spread.

Jillian looks at the evil spirit, who knows what the Devil King intends.

“No way. Was it a decoy? ”

The demon nods confidently.

“I lived by it. ”

“What else does that mean? ”

“I told that demon king a lot about the captain. ”

“What did the Demon King say? ”

“Well, it must be something. You've blundered to extinguish the Captain's sneeze. ”

Jillian laughs at the words.

“Is that Hussein? ”

“You can't beat that giant by sneezing. ”


Jillian, who answered vaguely, stares at Luther.

Luther seemed to be able to kill the demon king in front of his eyes, even if he could only breathe.

Luther sees Jillian's reaction and draws an impression.

“What, are you strong again? ”

I noticed it's a hundred units.

The evil spirit conquered Luther.

“Captain. Did the bird get stronger again? ”

Luther shrugs.

The demon puts out his tongue.

“What a horrible man. Where the hell is the end? ”

Luther folds the story of himself and turns the topic around.

“Do the Demon Kings know how to handle Ener Soul? ”

“What is that? I don't know. It's the lower end.”

“Anyway, there's something like that. The Demon Kings fight endlessly to eat each other's Ener Souls. ”

“The reason you ate it was because of Ener Soul. So what do you want to say? ”

“You. Don't you intend to take the power of the Demon King? ”

Luther's proposal was flawed by the evil spirit.

He reacted quietly.

“What does that mean? ”

“As you said, I've changed more than ever. And some of those changes can directly interfere with the nature of the opponent's abilities. So what we couldn't do before is possible now. If you want, I'll draw the power of the Stone Demon King to you. ”

When Luther identified himself, he revealed that the Demon King, who had been watching carefully the whole time, was alive.

“See, I can't listen to you anymore. I'll kill you all.”

I'll end it now.

“Extinguish all. ”

The Demon King tried to arouse Ener Soul.

But strangely, will does not move.

A huge pupil shook heavily.

“Hey, what is this? ”

You look embarrassed, like the King of Ears.

Luther kept an eye on the evil spirit without seeing the Demon King.

The evil spirit, who was facing the router with a shaky eye, trembled at the situation of the crop.

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