9th Circle Lord

# 160 Suggestion2

The evil spirit knew the identity of the demon king who bound him.

Altanas, the Stone Demon King.

He is the ruler of Naxanore, possesses numerous stones and is one of the powerful Demon Kings.

But it is too sudden to give him the power of the Demon King.

Evil spirits were confused by Luther's proposal.

But in fact, certainty comes first.

The evil spirit urgently asked.

“Is that true? You can give me the power of the Giant Demon King. ”

“Yes, it is possible. ”

Once again, the demon was zinc-dizzy.

His commander never speaks empty words.

If I wanted to, I must have done it.

So it will never be bullshit.

The demon couldn't get out of the shock easily.

Even in Naxanore, he receives the power of the Demon King.

Unlike a confused evil spirit, Jillian did not easily understand the situation.

“Luther. Is it possible to transfer power to the opponent? ”



“Let's compare, for example, with Mana. Do you know why black magic has been condemned by the world? Because it extracts and absorbs the vitality of the opponent's Mana. It is such a method. ”

In this case, it was a way to extract the power of darkness.

As Luther explains, the evil spirit looks at the Demon King.

Strangely enough, you wouldn't have heard Luther, but the Demon King didn't move.

Besides, I didn't say I wouldn't let it go a little while ago.

The evil spirit asked.

“Why are we silent? ”

The overpowered Demon King groaned like a squeeze.

“Me, what did you do to me? ”

The evil spirit's eyes narrowed.

The attitude of the Demon King was strange.

“How do you do that? What do you mean? ”

I asked the Demon King a question, and Luther answered.

“He can't do anything anymore. ”

“Why? Oh, no. Wait, did the captain overpower you? ”

Luther nods.

I defeated the Demon King without knowing any rats or birds.

The evil spirit was not afraid.

“You defeated the Demon King? What the hell did you do? ”

Jillian got into it.

“So far, the chief has not spoken to the Demon King. ”

I shrug when I look at what the evil spirit is saying.

“I told you to wipe out the sneeze once. But it turns out that if you just breathe, you overpower it. ”

Jillian liked it as much as I did.

The evil spirit scratches his head as he looks at him smiling.

“How embarrassing. It's more than I imagined. Do I have to say I've gone beyond my imagination? ”

Luther pinched that evil attitude.

“I think you're weirder. It has melted into human life on the subject of Naxanore's monsters. It's more shocking than me in a way. ”

Luther considered the evil spirit to be extraordinary.

He suppresses his underlying desires and melts them into human life.

Humans don't even change their personality easily.

But evil spirits changed their nature.

This was a huge change.

The evil spirit calmly asked.

“Why are you trying to empower me? ”

Luther points to the restrained Demon King who remains conscious.

“It's better than those guys. At least you have control. ”

“Control? What the hell do you want from me? ”

“The power of darkness is determined by the person who deals with it. When used by humans, they are corrupted, and when dealt with by perverts and dragons, they are swayed by desire. But you're different. You're evil in the first place, and you know how to control yourself. I use humans, but I don't love humans more than anything. That's why I need you. ”

Luther's evaluation frowned on the evil spirit.

“I love humans? Isn't that too much elixir? ”

“If you're uncomfortable listening, do it on the line that you like it. But it's not true. You prefer the appearance of a human being over its essence, and above all, you like to mingle with humans. It's not gonna happen if you don't like humans. ”

“It's true that I like human life. They are lustful and selfish. It tastes good. But that doesn't mean I've forgotten myself. I'm evil. I enjoy human corruption. ”

“But I enjoy the present and have no ambition. Demon. You must be dark. Not for yourself, but for everyone. ”

Luther's evil spirit laughed at the power.

“This is very sophisticated. When you crave that kind of power, you act like you're gonna kill me, and now you're gonna come and give me that power? Besides, the reason is because of my attitude. It's a very interesting choice. ”

Luther, who took it for granted, warned me.

“You shall see and learn what they have done. Their greed will eventually lead to destruction. ”

“At least I don't like this big game. You know, I'm timid. ”

“I don't mean to be timid, but I value myself terribly. So I like you. ”

“Why? Am I a coward? ”

“Yeah. At least I'm not gonna do something crazy like this. ”

The evil spirit laughed.

“That's not true. Because I have a captain, I don't intend to turn on the futility. ”

“Don't accept my offer. ”

“Absolutely. I'd recommend a free drink, but where's the great man? ”

When the evil spirit breaks, Semi-Annual Luther immediately goes into action.

Suddenly a feeling of helplessness came to the giant demon king who used to unbind the dragon like a sneak.

‘I don't want to do anything. ’

The desperate mind disappeared a little while ago.

I don't want to do anything, I just want to get some rest.

The Giant Demon King closed his eyes without even knowing it.

Luther, who encroached on the void of the Demon King's consciousness, approached Ener Soul in his possession.

Then he engraved that Ener Soul in the void rune.

Runner proved the existence of his own void.

It was not a matter of proving Ener Soul.

Luther, who proved his power, touched the evil spirit.

“Come here. ”

Evil spirits followed me gently.

Luther inscribes a runner with Ener Soul of the Giant Demon King in his presence.

Passages have now been made between each other.

Luther passed on Ener Soul of the Demon King to the Evil Ghost.

The evil spirit flinches as the power begins to enter.

Jillian, who was watching with a sigh, asked.

“What's going on? ”

“It's flowing as I said. Jillian, you don't have to read it to reveal your thoughts. Ask if you have any questions. ”

“I don't understand what you're doing. ”

The front and back of the horse were different.

I'm going to eliminate Naxanore's monsters.It's giving power to evil spirits.

In response to Jillian's question, Luther stated his thoughts, which he had brought to his mind.

“Light and darkness must coexist. ”


“Yes. There must be darkness to make the light shine, and there must be light to make the darkness look darker. We have to be there for each other. ”

“So that demon goes dark? ”

“So far the darkness has been uncontrolled. But if you can control it, there won't be a casualty like this. ”

Luther pointed to the evil spirit.

“He'll be the first low-line to stop the casualty. He actually likes human life, even if he denies it. And he sees man as the prey of a simple desire and makes a difference to other creatures that corrupt him. ”

“Well, honestly, I can't reach it. ”

“If it's hard to understand, think like this. One day, an unknown being in the dark will cause an uproar. You can attack the human world as you are now, or you can silently corrupt it. And that evil spirit will stop them. ”

“I hope so, but will the evil spirit move as Luther thinks? ”

“Evil spirits love humans. Perhaps we will not stand idly by to cause the same situation now. ”

Jillian, who touched him, nodded vigorously.

“That would be great. ”

In the meantime, the appearance of the evil spirit, which held the power of the Stone Demon King, changed.

It became a hard stone in the flesh.

It has a dry, fragmented, rocky skin like a dry floor.

When the transition of power was over, Luther asked.

“How are you feeling?”

The evil spirit laughed.

“It's the best. I feel like I'm asking you to use your strength. ”

“So, what are you going to do? But you don't use force? ”

Now that the great power of the Demon King has arrived, you will want to try it out.

But the evil spirit shrugged.

“All right. I'll just spit in my face once I've done it with my strength in front of the commander. You don't have to wrinkle in front of the bungee. ”

When he sighed, Luther smiled.

“That's amazing. ”

Luther appreciated the evil spirit's will.

The situation in Hwang Seong has come to an end.

The Demon King was encroached in the void, and the evil spirit inherited its power.

The evil spirit who became the new Demon King did not intend to do anything.

He didn't change Luther's mind.

A demon suggested it.

“Can I follow you, too? ”

“No. Stay and deal with Naxanore's remnants. ”

“Remnants? Where are the remnants? You're all dead, right?”

“Naxanore's monsters have spread all over the continent. ”

The evil spirit frowned.

As soon as the portal was opened, he did not know the current situation in detail as he was caught by the Giant Demon King.

“What the hell happened to the world? ”

Jillian said with a gloomy face.

“Totally screwed. ”

“That's desperate. ”

“It sounds like a joke, but it's not a joke. ”

“That's why I have so much to do. ”

The evil spirit realized the mission given to him.

“I'd like to follow, but I have to do what I was given because it's a sad time. ”

“We're not leaving. ”

“Why don't you let me know why the Naxanore portal is open. ”


The demon frowned on a summary that was too simple.

“Who betrayed you? ”

Luther told me about the situation.

The evil spirit I heard suddenly giggled.

“It's funny no matter how you think about it. He was so eager for power, he had an accident, but I sat still and got the power of the Demon King, didn't I? That bitch is pathetic. No matter how desperate you are, you can't. But look at me. You grabbed the right batch and came out. ”

Jillian frowns.

You missed a lot of things you wanted.

Luther laughed bitterly.

“You're not wrong. ”

Jillian pointed to the passage through which he had returned the topic.

“Come on, get out. ”


Jillian often walked ahead.

The evil spirit walking side by side murmured.

“Maybe. Maybe it's because of my strong will that the commander chose me. ”

“Strong will? ”

“I've worked desperately to cross the Dead Sea for a long time. For the better of my own survival. I didn't want to give up once or twice, I was desperate every day. But I didn't give up. I have desperately crossed the unseen Dead Sea with anger as a nourishment. And I was captured by the commander, but somehow I accomplished my purpose. Maybe the effect of that was what made me who I am. ”

Evil spirits were very different from other monsters.

But when I heard his bicyclical story, it seemed enough to be a measure of change.

“That's why I'm trying to have a happy and relaxing life right now. ”

“Coming to this world was my lifetime of housekeeping. So I'm done with my purpose. I'm not hoping for anything, I'm just gonna send it like this. ”

The evil spirit gained the power of the Demon King, but nothing changed.

Luther didn't doubt it either.

In a diary of desires and changes, evil spirits had a hard time.

He did not seem to be eager to fulfill his desires in pursuit of the power that was satisfactory to him at the present time.

I didn't know that pursuing a desire to achieve a purpose was suffering through the experience of the Dead Sea.

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