Basically, anyone who has taken classes seriously will not be unfamiliar with him. This top-level warrior, once known as one of the "Three Ninjas" of Konoha, made great contributions in the past Ninja World War of Konoha. Although he has defected for many years, Konoha has not erased him from the history books, because he is indeed an important role in the past chapters.

In the current Ninja World, Kage-level warriors are very rare, because too many died in the Ninja World Wars, and many young people who originally had the potential to become Kage-level warriors also died early in the battle.

Orochimaru can be said to be one of the strongest people in the world today.

Naruto activated the four-fold Kaio-ken, used the new Qigong Cannon, the Magic Light Killing Cannon and other special skills, and even failed to kill Orochimaru despite catching his many flaws, which shows how terrible he is.

His battle with the Third Hokage was also a brief one. The two only fought with physical skills and some exploratory ninjutsu, and did not fight seriously. Even so, the scale of the battle was beyond the reach of a jonin.

If Naruto were to fight Orochimaru, he could only protect himself. If he wanted to defeat Orochimaru, his current strength would definitely not be enough, unless Naruto understood the combination of Qi and Chakra, and after a period of training, he could improve his basic combat power and the degree of use of power, and then he could win.

Knowing that the person who attacked him was Orochimaru, Sasuke felt much more at ease, because it was not shameful to lose to a Kage-level strongman. Even if the opponent was just a shadow clone, it was indeed not something that a genin like him could contend with. It was amazing enough that he could fight a few moves.

Sasuke touched his neck, and the place where he was bitten was still very sore. He asked Naruto with some concern: "That guy bit my neck, I don't know what he did, I just remember that I felt very uncomfortable soon after, and then I should have fainted."

"That guy planted a mark on your neck that can absorb natural energy. The reason you fainted is that the mark guided the energy into your body too roughly, causing some kind of rejection reaction."

Orochimaru's mark still uses natural energy at a relatively rough level. According to Naruto's speculation, he should only know that natural energy can be mixed with chakra to become a stronger force, but he doesn't know the existence of Qi at all, and he doesn't know where the real power of natural energy is.

Now the mark on Sasuke's neck has been modified by Naruto. It will only slowly guide a small amount of natural energy into Sasuke's body to enhance his strength. When Sasuke actively guides it, the mark will combine natural energy and chakra to create new power, greatly increasing Sasuke's combat effectiveness.

Naruto handed the grilled fish to Sasuke: "Eat something first, you've been unconscious for a long time. I'll tell you about that thing slowly."

Naruto simply told Sasuke how to use that thing. When he wants to gain power, he will actively inject chakra into the mark. The natural energy stored in it will automatically mix with the chakra to create stronger power. However, the new power created by that thing is relatively rough. The short-term burst effect is very good, and long-term use will hurt the body.

This load is different from the King's Fist. The load of the mark itself is because the technology is immature, so it will hurt the body, while the King's Fist itself does not actually have a load. The reason why it hurts the body is that the user's body cannot control the sudden combat power.

The King's Fist will enhance the user's power in all directions, including the strength of the Qi, which will also double, but if the Qi is too strong and the body cannot keep up, it will cause the body to collapse.

For example, if a person's actual combat power is 1000, and his body strength can withstand 10,000 combat power of Qi, then he can fire 10 times Kaio-ken without injury, but if his body can only withstand 2000 combat power of Qi, then 2 times Kaio-ken is his limit, and firing more will hurt his body.

Just like Naruto, a normal child of his age has just started to develop physically, so it's good enough to fire Kaio-ken

After learning how to use the mark, Sasuke confirmed with Naruto again and again that there would be no problem with this thing, and then injected chakra into the mark according to the method provided by Naruto. Sure enough, it combined with the natural energy absorbed by the mark to form a new power.

As soon as this power entered the body, Sasuke immediately felt that his whole body had gained a very strong gain. It was like an optimized chakra, which had a great gain on ninjutsu and taijutsu.

However, as the power spread throughout the body, a black pattern also began to spread from the mark to the body, which seemed to be a characteristic of the mark itself.

Sasuke tried to use the simplest fireball technique, but he didn't control the power well. The fireball was too big and almost set the forest on fire. Fortunately, Naruto acted in time and blew out the flames with a gas bomb.

"This power is amazing." Sasuke thought of the bomb-like fireball just now and was amazed. With this thing to bless his power, he really has hope to seek revenge on his brother.

"Use it carefully, it is not something that can be used for a long time. If you are not in a hurry for revenge, I will never let you use it."

Sasuke was stunned when he heard this: "Naruto, you..."

Naruto is the first person so far who has not advised him to be generous. So far, everyone who knows about the tragedy of the Uchiha clan, after knowing that Sasuke's lifelong goal is revenge, will try their best to persuade him and let him look forward. Be open to the tragedy of genocide.

Only Naruto's attitude is so unique. What he said just now seems to indicate that he supports Sasuke's revenge plan?

Naruto focused on grilling the fish in his hands, and his voice was a little dull: "It is indeed not good for people to live in hatred, but I can understand that it must be extremely sad when the whole family is killed. That kind of sadness and hatred cannot be expressed through words. It can be eliminated.”

"I thought about it, if my parents were killed, then I would chase them to the end of the world and spend my whole life to get revenge on that person. So I can understand your feelings. It is understandable that you want revenge. As a friend, I can’t advise you to be generous, I just take revenge when you have a grudge, and don’t hurt innocent people.”

He patted Sasuke on the shoulder and handed him the last grilled fish: "But revenge requires strength. Eat more meat."

"Naruto..." Sasuke felt sour in his heart and almost shed tears.

After so many years, Naruto is the first person who truly understands him. Others either don't understand this feeling at all, or they understand it, but from the village, from other macro perspectives, they don't want Sasuke, a talent like this, to Revenge is desperate, so they all try to persuade Sasuke.

From their perspective, there were individuals, villages, and many points, but no one stood in Sasuke's position and imagined what would happen if he encountered such a thing.

Naruto's thoughts have always been simple and straightforward.

You kill my whole family and I will chop you down, this is reasonable.

If you are good to me, I will definitely live up to you; if you have not offended me, I will never harm you. If I kill you, I will find the Dragon Ball to save you; if I say I will protect you, even if I give my life, I will And I did it because I promised.

If I say I want to kill your whole family, then I will kill your whole family, even your dog. If I kill your whole family, it is very reasonable for you to seek revenge from me, as long as you can beat me.

From his point of view, Sasuke's revenge is really a very legitimate thing. His whole family was killed. If he didn't take revenge, he would be in vain.


I was busy on May Day a few days ago and the update was not stable. It has returned to normal in the past two days.

Chapter 56 Combat Power, 300

Sasuke got the power of the mysterious mark, which greatly increased his strength, and Naruto also got the inspiration to fuse energy and chakra. While Sasuke was eating, drinking and resting, Naruto decided to try it out.

If Qi and Chakra can really be fused, it means that he can get the lethality of Qi and the endurance of Chakra at the same time. Qi is consumed very slowly in normal fist fighting, but once Qigong is used, it will be consumed very much. .

Especially the new Qigong Cannon, which is so powerful and has a wide range of Qigong, consumes a huge amount of Qi at one time. Naruto will run out of Qi within a few shots, and then he has to either eat fairy beans or use chakra to fight. .

Just at this time, Sakura came back from fetching water. Naruto asked her to take care of Sasuke for a while, while he teleported to a more open and less crowded place in the forest.

When Naruto was studying the fusion of chakra and qi, he fell into a misunderstanding, that is, he had been directly fusing qi and chakra, but it would not work to force the two forces together.

The reason why the mark on Sasuke's neck can create new power is because it will first extract the raw materials of chakra from Sasuke's body, that is, physical energy and mental energy, and then combine the physical energy, mental energy, and natural energy into These three forces are integrated in a ratio close to 1:1:1, thus obtaining new power.

However, because Sasuke himself cannot create this kind of power, he can only rely on the strange marks on his neck to perform fully automatic operations. The accuracy is far behind, resulting in poor amplification and durability.

To a certain extent, the one around Sasuke's neck is a small, fully-automatic refining machine. The advantage is that it is fully automatic and you don't have to worry about it. You just need to input chakra to activate it. The disadvantage is that it is not precise, resulting in poor efficiency and quality.

After Naruto learned the principle, he began to experiment on himself.

"Qi, physical energy, mental energy, even distribution..."

This process will be very difficult for others because they don't know how to use Qi at all and can only carefully distribute the external natural energy. If they don't do it right, it will lead to imbalance.

Naruto uses his own qi. He is also a master-level figure who has practiced qi for decades, so he can deploy his qi extremely accurately.

One piece of energy, the same degree of physical energy and mental energy, three almost separate components of power merged together to form a new power in Naruto's body.

When this power filled his body, Naruto could clearly feel his body and energy changing.

He stood by the water and looked at his reflection in the water. His facial features had not changed much, but his skin had become better, almost flawless. His body had become slightly thinner, but his muscles had become firmer, something like It is somewhat similar to the Super Saiyan God transformed by his friend Son Goku, but it is only similar in appearance, and the increase in strength cannot be compared with that of the Super Saiyan God.

I don’t know if it’s because it’s the first transformation, but the combat power in this state increases by 10 times, which is a big increase for Naruto at the moment. After it’s turned on, the combat power can be directly increased to more than 300, and there is no physical burden like the King Fist.

If he fights Orochimaru in this state, Naruto feels that he doesn’t need to escape.

He raised his hand and released the most common air bomb at will, and the power instantly razed the forest with a radius of tens of meters to the ground.

“This state is so wonderful.” Naruto had an indescribable feeling.

Qi is the power that people are born with, and it is one of the origins of life, and the same is true for physical energy and spiritual energy. These two powers that are closely related to life are perfectly integrated in the body at this moment, allowing him to undergo a small degree of evolution.

This should be the state that Orochimaru, who planted a mark on Sasuke’s neck, pursues. Not only does his strength become stronger, but his recovery ability and physical abilities in all aspects have also leaped forward.

Naruto tried to cut his palm with Qi. At the moment the wound appeared, blood oozes out from inside. But before the blood can flow out, the wound begins to heal automatically, leaving only a shallow blood scab, and it heals in a short while.

He can clearly feel that this state is just the initial prototype. He still has a lot of room for exploration. At present, he has only explored this state. As for how to apply it and how to continue to improve it, it will take him some time.

Naruto calmed down, slowly exited this state, and then teleported back to Sasuke and Sakura.

Their team is now very leisurely, because the Sound Ninja team that was killed by Naruto held the Scroll of Earth, and Naruto's team was distributed with the Scroll of Heaven. Now they have collected both scrolls and can pass the exam.

"How is Sasuke?" When Naruto came back, Sasuke was still sleeping.

Sakura, who was taking care of Sasuke, said: "He is in a stable state, just resting normally. He had a high fever before, which scared me."

"Okay, when Sasuke is well rested, we will go to the tower."

Naruto sat cross-legged on the ground and began to carefully feel the aura in the forest of the Chunin Exam.

More than ten auras have disappeared, in other words, they have been killed in this exam. When Naruto sensed the aura, three auras disappeared next to Gaara's aura. It seems that Gaara has a bad temper.

After killing that team, he went straight to the tower in the middle. He should have got the scrolls he needed and planned to pass the exam quickly.

The aura of Hinata's team is very stable, as if they have not even experienced a big battle. I wonder if they have got the scrolls that can pass the exam.

The situation of the other teams of Konoha Genin is roughly the same. It seems that the level of Konoha's Genin is not bad. No one was eliminated. It is possible that all of them can pass the exam.

Most of the dead ninjas were from the Hidden Rain Village and the Hidden Sound Village, especially the Hidden Rain Village had the highest death toll. It seems that their violent tempers are not suitable for survival here.

After carefully feeling the circle, Naruto stood up and patted his butt: "Sakura, I'm going out to sweep the floor and will be back soon."

"Ah, sweep the floor?" Sakura didn't understand.

When Naruto was sensing the air, he found that there were many ninjas hiding around the tower. They should be planning to rob the team that came here to hand in the task, because the person who handed in the task must have both scrolls.

One of the teams blocked Naruto's way to the tower, so Naruto planned to clean them up first, and by the way, try whether there are any loopholes in his newly developed mode in actual combat.

Unknowingly, a month has passed, and it is time for this book to be put on the shelves.

Thinking of the time when I first came to Hedgehog Cat to write books, I was so excited and uneasy when I was notified by the editor that it would be put on the shelves. I even thought about the development of losing half of my collection as soon as it was put on the shelves.

However, I have been writing books here for 5 years, and I am no longer so excited when I see the news of the book being published. I just feel like a senior student facing final exams: "Ah, it's that time again."

Let's talk about this book

Many old readers who have supported me for a long time have asked me, "Why did you suddenly think of writing Naruto".

Because on this website, the content I create is mainly special effects, such as "Open Kamen Rider with Infinite Stream" written when I first came here, the sequel "Kamen Rider in the Infinite World", followed by "Big Monster Fighting Evolution" and "How to Fight without TPC Tiga", and last year I suddenly created "Let the God of War Tyrannosaurus Rex come to experience your skills", and this year I wrote this book "A Bag of Senzu Beans and a Pack of Cigarettes, Otsutsuki's God Control for a Day" (originally named Uzumaki Naruto Returns from Dragon Ball)

On the one hand, I have already created two books on the two themes of Kamen Rider and Otsuki, and there are no interesting ideas if I continue to write

On the other hand, the books I write are actually the works I loved in the past

Kamen Rider and Otsuki are works that accompanied my childhood. I have deep feelings for these works and my own understanding, so I can create with enthusiasm, because I am also an audience in front of the screen, so I will have some ideas that can resonate with everyone

The same is true for Digimon, and Naruto is also

I first came into contact with Naruto when I was a child, when there were still on-demand channels. I was very young at that time, and I saw others on TV ordering a few episodes of Naruto. I remember that episode was Naruto vs. Gaara, and Naruto turned the big toad into the nine-tailed beast and pounced on Shukaku.

At that time, I didn’t know the setting of the tailed beasts, but I just thought, "Wow, monsters fighting monsters, awesome"

When I grew up, I came into contact with the Internet, and I watched a lot of works that I wanted to watch but couldn’t see before, including Kamen Rider, O, Digital, Yu-Gi-Oh, Naruto, etc. When I was in junior high school, I was recommended by a friend to watch Attack on Titan (I asked him how he felt when Attack on Titan ended. He was already a fan of Jo at that time, and he said, "It was like being stabbed by someone while drinking Laoshan Baihua Shecao water")

The manga of Naruto had not been completed at that time, and I would read it on time every time it was updated, starting from the Fourth War and following it until the end.

How should I put it? Although I was a little melancholy, I accepted it.

Until later, Boruto appeared, I had an ominous feeling.

In fact, I personally hate the behavior of torturing the previous generation of protagonists in subsequent works. In my opinion, it is better for the works to end when the protagonists are at the peak of their lives, so that everyone can imagine that the characters they like have always lived a happy life.

Seeing that Naruto and Sasuke, who were once high-spirited and invincible, have become more and more miserable, one lost the Nine-Tails, and the other was blinded by the Samsara Eye, it feels really complicated.

In addition, when I watched Naruto back then, I also had a lot of regrets, so I picked up the pen and wanted to depict a story that went in a different direction.

Some people say that my creative style has changed, and it is moving more and more towards the route of cool writing. How to say it... In fact, I have always felt that a work should always bring some positive things to everyone, perhaps touching, perhaps knowledge, or perhaps just for fun.

Nowadays, life is becoming more and more difficult, and the hostility on the Internet is getting heavier. Perhaps everyone doesn’t have so much energy to think too deeply about the work. Simple and straightforward cool works may be more suitable for the present.

At least, when you pick up your phone and open it, there will be some pleasant or laugh-out-loud content inside, and you don't have to worry that the content inside will make you, who is already in a bad mood, even more emo.

Chapter 57: The Art of the Oboro Clone

On the way to the central tower, a team of ninjas from the Hidden Rain Village is lying in ambush here.

They are named Oboro, Kagura, and Menghuo. The three are excellent Genin among the top in the Hidden Rain Village, and their actual combat power is also considered to be at the top level in the entire Chunin Exam.

As long as they are not too unlucky, they will definitely pass the exam and enter the next round.

However, the tactics they chose are quite special. They did not go directly to the forest to find opponents to snatch the scrolls, but ambushed on the way to the tower to hand in the task.

One reason is that the person ambushed in this way must have at least 2 scrolls. As long as they ambush one team, they can pass the exam.

The second reason is that they can distribute the extra test papers to other teams from the Hidden Rain Village.

Although the Hidden Rain Village is a small ninja village established in a small country, their strength is not weak. There are 7 teams of 21 Genin sent out this time alone.

In comparison, the Kusagakure Village only sent 6 ninjas, the Takigakure also sent 6 people, and the Sand Ninja, as a large ninja village, only had 30 people. Only the Konoha Village had 87 Genin this term.

The number of Genin can reflect the blood-making ability of this village to a certain extent.

Konoha Village suffered heavy casualties in the previous Ninja World Wars, but their population base is still there, and their resources are extremely rich, so in just 10 years, they have recovered, and Genin have emerged one after another like dumplings.

Most of these people will only stop at Chunin in their lives, but occasionally they will encounter a burst of talents, and suddenly a group of Jonin or even Kage-level strongmen will emerge.

And the Sand Ninja Village, this term, only has 30 people, and this is the result of their intentional dispatch of more people for some kind of plan.

The location of the Kingdom of Wind is too bad and its resources are scarce, resulting in a sparse population and a reduction in the number of talented people.

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