The sound of tricks, tricks, tricks, echoes. The person's appearance is nothing but good in every respect. Hair is wrapped in all-backs and the clothes worn are also high-quality suits, free of dust and wrinkles. The shoes are black according to the color of the suit, but slightly brown, which adds a hint of accent.

The facial expression is suitable for that. Your tall nose and eyes are also snuggled in beautifully like glass balls. You'll look human at first sight. But that's not true. He is not human. You can see that by looking at his burning eyes and the amount of magic that covers him. This... is a Magus.

"... it's been a long time, here."

His name is Aureel, so murmuring. Holy Twelve Apostles, Series 4. He was walking somewhere like that. There's no light, space. He just goes straight through the space. From the echoing sound, it looks like a tunnel. That said, for Aureel, it is nothing but a place without light and a place without sound. Because all the Twelve Apostles possess Twilight Sites.

Because the perception of magic elements is everything to be truly strong in this world, not just him.

"Dear Aurelius, I'm pushing a little schedule today."

"Thank you very much, Lina."

"No, I'm just a pawn for Aurelius...."

"Be modest. I understand that you always help me. Well... it's about time."

The name of the Magus next to Aurelial was Lina. She is also wearing a suit like him with her long hair up. It is respectful of him. Lina respects Aureel with all her heart, and her supreme pleasure is to serve him. It was self-evident that she would dress like him.

And as they went through the aisle, they came out to an open place.

A circular space. Street lights are lit up, so you can visually see the surrounding situation as well as the magic elements.

"What are you...?"

Low voice everywhere. I don't think that voice organs are the same as humans and magicians. In the first place, humans, magicians, and subhumans have the same base, so nothing can make this low a voice. In other words, none of the three types are in front of us.

A huge body, a huge body in both hands. The tail is also stretching to heaven. Looking gently, his body length is more than 10 meters. The individual with the same red and black color as dusk is not just a Scorpion.

Ancient Scorpion. That's the name of this monster. It is the oldest monster that has survived for hundreds of years and has experienced Man-Man Wars. There is no such thing as an ancient scorpion, the Ancient Scorpion, coming to its nest. No, I haven't been here in decades. There is no room for customers. They come only as bait.

The bones of a variety of creatures are rolling around here. The monsters, too, but the subhuman and the human bones are rolling again.

"You know how to interrupt a meal...?

Such an ancient scorpion "Ancient Scorpion" with a lower voice. Inside his right hand jar, yes... there was a human. That's a woman, too. It was a moment when I was naked and about to be preyed on. The woman was relieved to see Aurelill and Lina. The help I've been asking for is finally here. The man brought in here was preyed upon in front of his eyes. And she was the last one. Of course, I will speak up and ask for help immediately.

"... okay, help me!!

"Oh, were you eating? I'm sorry."

Aurelill thanked the opponent beautifully so as not to disturb their mood. With that, Lina also thanked her.

"It begins with thanksgiving and ends with thanksgiving. I thank the opponent. You can talk to me after dinner. Please continue."

As she raised her face, she smiled. Aureel looks at women.

At that moment, the woman understood. Ah... I think I'm going to die here...

"... I don't hate smart things."

At those moments, the woman was swallowed from her head. I didn't have time to scream. The sound of bones crushing, the sound of meat biting, all of them combined... minutes have passed. From the mouth of the ancient scorpion Ancient Scorpion, the woman's blood dripped. Look at that, Aureel doesn't think anything. Oh, I can finally talk. That's all it is. For him, human beings exist only to that extent.

"May I talk to you?

"... that's fine. Magus."

"I'll be straightforward. Will you help us?"

"... I heard that the War of Unity is the victory of the Magus?

"The situation is changing. Monsters and subhumans teamed up to form a coalition. I'm fighting the Magus."

"... we will not participate in this united war. No matter who invited you."

"No, cooperation is not a war."

"... so what is it?"

"I'm a human. They appear to be launching a twilight offensive operation."


"So I want you to stop human progress. No, I don't mind delaying it. We can't afford to deal with humans right now."

"... in return?


"... you're out. You want me to kill you?

When the ancient scorpion "Ancient Scorpion" signals, the scorpion "Scorpion" appears. Of course, it's not just a Scorpion. It should also be called the elite who protects the ancient scorpion Ancient Scorpion. They are different from other monsters.

But the condition is strange. The ancient scorpion Ancient Scorpion has already instructed us to attack the Magus. I interrupted the meal, too, but I asked for an unreasonable request without compensation. I already have enough anger to kill. They have reason, but the instinct part is still bigger.

Besides, even if the Magus were strong enough... I thought so, but the Scorpion's bodies were ripping apart vertically. Slowly and beautifully open, spreading the body fluids and sinking. At the same time.

There were about 30 Scorpions on the scene, but I killed about 5 to show off. And the other Scorpion understood the opponent's skill with the boulder, or it twitched and fell backwards. It's pure fear. This Magus is stronger than ourselves. That fact instilled fear in Scorpions.

"Now, do you still want to refuse?

"... okay. Let's swallow that request."

The ancient scorpion Ancient Scorpion understood. This Magus is at the top of the Magus list. I've seen Magus, but I never thought he'd be invincible. Yes, until this moment. However, Aureel's skill is not limited to Ancient Scorpion, but it is impossible to reach him with all the scorpions on the spot. It ends with an instant murder. I quickly understood it and chose to surrender.

"I like smart people. Me too."

"Should we delay human progress?


"... can I kill a human?

"Sure. Kill, predate, and be free. However, this time I'm a Premium vs. Mage... well, be careful, there are people who may be comparable to me."

"... then why don't you use it?"

"What is this?


Listen to me. I see, Aureliel thought it would work. Out of memory, the monsters can also be used. I thought so. Until now, I had only thought of insects with low intelligence, but there are exceptions to everything. I don't think I prepared it for this time, but it's just fine. He thinks so and closes the conversation there.

"... I see. That's a strange idea. Now, if you'll excuse us."

Aureel walked away without wiping the fluid that had splashed into her body. Gracefully and gorgeously, he went back the way he came.

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