The meeting also ended and we are going to spend the night at our first base today. I was just heading to the shower room to take a shower. [M] I was able to do this the other day, but I was filtering the water from the nearby river and running it out of the shower. Of course, this is maintained by magic, but I'm honestly impressed because I can't use magic like this.

"Oh, Noah?

"Yulia-san. Thank you."

Noah lowered his head. He has no parents, no friends, and is lonely all the time, but he has adapted to this life, so far nothing has gone wrong. Rather, the magical skill is certain, so there are some voices that I would like to be truly promoted to the Premium vs. Mage.

"Just fine. Shall I come with you? Well, it's a private room, so it's next door."


I hesitate. Nothing's wrong with it, but it's just what I think, and Noah may still be embarrassed at her age.

"Well, I don't think so. Mmm...."

Well, let's go then.

We go to the dressing room with our clothes changed, take off our clothes and enter the shower room in the private room. Noah was trying to take it off strangely, but I'm Shah.

He enters the adjacent private room when he starts the war.

"Are you used to Noah?

"Yeah, well, it's better than when I was in the orphanage. Life at dusk isn't bad either."

I see. That would be great..... "

"I used to be alone at the orphanage, but now Julia is here, and the rest of the crew will be nice to me... and I'm full."


There is only one place in the army. Besides, Noah needs it because of his magic skills. If he had no power, he would have stayed in the orphanage forever. Even though food production has improved considerably now, not all humans are satisfied. After all, the more troops there are, and the higher the rank, the more food there is. No, it's not just food. Very few people are perfectly filled with food, clothing and shelter.

In the meantime, Noah found his place in this army. I'm sure that's a good thing. But it makes him a little sad to think that he and I are the same. I can't talk about people either, but the only thing I can do with my youth is... maybe it's just vain.

I know I have no choice but to fight, and I am ready to fight. Touching so many deaths, I almost broke my heart every time, but I still got up. Of course, it's not just me. It was because everyone was with us that we were able to get here. Then I want to help Noah whisper... that's what I thought.

Time to go up.


After that, we left the shower room as it was. Even though there are few people now, it is bad to occupy too much. And we went back to the dressing room and tried to put on our underwear and clothes... and I realized something.


"What's wrong, Yulia?

No. No, it's not. No, I made a mistake... but I haven't seen it again. Yes, I don't have what I need. Maybe I made a terrible mistake...

"Hey, Noah."

What's the matter, look at my lower body?

"I know it's rude to ask this, but...."

"Can I ask you anything else?

"Is that... a woman...?

Yes, but...

I see... was it a woman? No, it looked too boyish, and I thought it was a complete man because the tone was also me. I thought it would be normal for a boy before he changed his voice.

But I saw it. There's nothing to be found. Which means I was forced to go to the next shower room even though I was young....

"What's wrong? Hold your head down."

"No... I'm desperate for my foolishness."

"Maybe you thought I was a man?

"I'm sorry... I thought"

"Well, I'm often mistaken, but I'm a girl ~"

I see. Yeah. Noah, should I call you?

"Well, now it's probably disgusting."

"If so, can we do it as usual...."

"Yeah! I don't think I need to change the way I treat her, just because she's a woman in the first place."

"... I see. Oh, absolutely."

I look around in conversation with Noah. Normally, I meet people I know around here... but they don't seem to be here. As soon as I get dressed, Noah gets dressed just as quickly. [M]

"Speaking of which, I had to talk to Julia. Do you have a minute?"

"I don't mind, but is it important?

"That's right. I wonder if I can tell you about the elves"

"... then let's talk over there."


I saw Noah's face become a little sharp and understood. [M] I'm not the only one. Princess Lianne and Noah are feeling something again.

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