"Yulia-san. Thank you for today!

Yeah, it's nice to meet you.

Iris lifted his head. I feel like I haven't seen her in a long time, but I haven't seen her in a week or so.

Since then, the elves have regained their health and now they seem to be living in the village normally... but there have been new developments. It is planned to hold a signing ceremony to officially start interacting in front of people in line with this Pared.

Even though we have recovered a part of the earth at dusk, it is still under the control of the Warlock and the general public does not plan to live there. Some of them were to be used by the elves. The village is somewhat narrow, so it is in the form of a slight enlargement.

As a result, a number of elves have arrived in the border city to coincide with this signing ceremony. That was Iris.

Though the parade is tomorrow, Iris, who came early, seems to have had some time left. That's when I decided to ask her out with all my heart knowing she was coming.

She agreed with me with a full smile.

That's what's happening now.

"Well, thank you again. Thank you very much. And I never dreamed of being able to interact formally with human beings... and I really, really appreciate it."

"Don't be afraid. We did what we had to do."

"Yes, thank you anyway."

"Hahaha... Ariel is really a good kid."

"Good boy. That's right, I'd like to stay...."

A little silent air flows. Ariel lost his parents, and so did we. I know the pain of losing someone dear to each other. That is why we behave with courage. I know that's what we can do.

Well, let's go to the city. It's a short walk away. "

"I can see just a little bit from here, but it's amazing... really. This base? I was also surprised at the scale of....."

"Then the city might be more surprised."

"That's exciting!

We walked side-by-side.

"Wow, it's kind of full of people."

"Yeah, but there are a lot of them now because it's the day before the parade."

Coming to the center of the city in Central Ward. There were various stores lined up on the left and right, and they seemed busy preparing for the parade tomorrow. It's a big road, but a lot of people are coming and going.

By the way, Alice and I are walking around the city wearing hooded jackets. Since it has not been officially announced that the elves are in the city, it is a countermeasure.

Well, even if you hide your sharp ears, it doesn't look that different from normal people.

Also, I try to hide it because it will be a lot of trouble if my face is found out. That said, the magic of cognitive inhibition is lightly activated, so I'm fine. Rather than dressing up as a woman, it is a secret that I regretted that I should have used this...

Everything is an experience. Let's just do it right for now... I don't want to remember much.

"There are various shops... what are they selling? I don't really understand the human world....."

"I wonder if the essentials are the main thing. But now there are more and more recreational items and places to eat."

"Heh... the humans are really amazing. I'm a little surprised at the level of civilization."

"Haha, well, maybe so. So, is there somewhere Ariel wants to go?

"I see... the stuffed toy over there? I wonder. I want to go to that store."

"All right, let's go."


And even if we go side-by-side, there are a lot of people and it's hard to move forward.

Ariel, give me your hand.


As I grabbed her hand, I kept moving through the crowd. [M] If it stays the same, it will definitely come off. It's very dangerous. Even though she's coming with patience, if Elf's girlfriend gets lost here, it could be a lot of trouble.

And Iris must be worried too.

It was an act from that point of view.

When we got to the store, I let go of my hand. [M]

"Ah... um, well! I'm sorry... but you're holding my hand..."

"The crowd was huge."

"That's right... yes. I know... yes"

She seemed a little depressed, but she smiled at the stuffed toys in the store.

"Heh... that's amazing! I can't believe it's been crafted so meticulously...."

"Now we can produce to some extent. I think it's amazing."

"Hmmm... can I buy some? Ah, but my money...."

"I'll buy it."

"Oh no! I'm sorry! I can't believe you even gave me the money..."

"I don't mind. Honestly, I was getting paid pretty well, but I was having trouble using it. My hobby is reading, and I don't have any other hobbies to scatter. If I can use it for someone, I want it."

"If you say so... it would be helpful. Thank you very much."

Alice raised her head in a gloomy manner. After all, she is a very good person. Gentle and caring for your surroundings. I was impressed with her and bought Ariel's chosen stuffed animal.

"Yes, this."

"Ah! Thank you! I'll take care of it for the rest of my life!

"That's an exaggeration... well, it's a good thing it lasts forever."


Then we decided to go to dinner next.

"Eh... is this it?"


"Curry? I've heard rumors, but there are quite a lot of spices. It smells very spicy."

When I came to my shop, they ordered curry for me. [M]

When Ariel snorted her throat, she ate the curry with a spoon.

"Nh! Delicious! I wonder if there are many kinds of spices and vegetables and meat boiled for a long time. You can see the mix of different materials. But it's never falling apart, it's coming together. This is certainly delicious. Besides, rice suits this taste very well! It's a bit painful, but if you eat it with rice, it will alleviate it... and if you drink water at the end... yeah! Perfect, this!

"Oh... that's a great food repo."

"What!? No... I'm sorry... there were a lot of simple things in the village of Elves... and when I ate something exciting, it just sort of went up..."

"I'm also glad that Ariel understands this goodness. So let's eat more and more!


After that, we didn't talk to each other.

I'm just eating in a state of confusion. Scrape Lou, add more rice, and when you swallow them, reset with water. Complete the meal while repeating the process.

"Phew... the curry here is the best."

"It was delicious! I want to come again!

"Yeah, let's eat together again."

"I did it!

Of course I'll buy this meal. [M]

At the end of the accounting, the manager gave me the change whispering "Thank you very much...".

The boulder is professional. I liked the silence on the contrary.

Store manager, I'll see you again.

"... yes."

That's how we left the store.

After that, the two of us did a window shopping. It was bad to have you spend more money, so we looked around the various shops. I was very glad to see Alice, whose tension rises every time.

She was thinking of her own death. Because my family was dead, cursed and treated like cattle.

But now I'm laughing like this. Even if we lose something important, we can laugh at each other. Thanks to such a trivial routine, we move forward.

"Yulia-san! Thank you so much for today!

Lower your head again. Now I'm back in front of the dorm and I was just about to break up.

"I had fun too. Let's go if we get another chance."


The smile was very beautiful.

If only she had a smile all the time. I thought so.

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