This day has finally come.

Yes, it's parade day.

It is officially a signing ceremony between the festival and the elf by regaining the earth at dusk, but that name doesn't matter.

It is simply a happy day. That was enough.

"All right....."

When I get up from bed, I put my sleeve through my uniform. [M] They also dress up in military shoes. I decided to take care of my hair a little. When I go in front of the mirror, I brush my hair with a comb. From there, I apply a little oil I received from senpai to my hair to regulate the hair flow.

Honestly, I don't think it's the same as usual, but I still feel different.

It's a parade today. It's a happy day, so you can float for a while.

"... I'm going."

Now that I'm dead, greeting my father and mother's remains, I left my room. [M]

"Yulia, you're early."

And Shelley. Sherry's the only one now?

"Yeah, I came right after morning exercise."

I see. But surely 30 minutes before the rendezvous time... it was a little early. "

"I see. Well, I'm glad Julia came. I can squash my time."

"Hahaha, that's good."

The Premium Warlock is now gathered in the conference room inside the base. So after listening to today's arrangement, of course I know in advance, but just in case, I plan to participate in the parade.

I'm sure the city will be alive this morning.

The first feat since the birth of a bordering city. Until now, mankind has been filled with protection of this inner world. I couldn't afford to look out. But we defeated the old situation and recovered the earth at dusk, albeit partially.

Not without sacrifice, of course. Compared to previous large-scale operations, human lives scattered in the dusk are new to memory, albeit quite few.

Bertina Wright.

The sword princess, who was considered the most powerful swordsman of mankind, was a premier anti-magician of the ancient era.

It is a great loss to mankind that she disappeared. Two Premium Warlock have died in such a short period of time, and we seem to be being hunted down... but that's not true.

Certainly we are moving forward. That alone is an unmistakable fact.

That is how the will of the dead is inherited. If you look at Shelley now, you can see that very well. I don't know if she is aware of Mr. Bell, but the way she is holding the Magic Sword on her waist reminds me of Mr. Bell.

"Shelly, what about the moonlit night?

"I see. I'm used to shaking. It was a little heavy, but now I wonder if I can shake it without feeling uncomfortable."

"What about the secret sword?

"Of course I tried everything....."

"But what happened?

"Do you know how many kinds of secret swords there are?

"Isn't it ten?


"Eh... is that so?

"Yeah. I slightly saw the teacher's last appearance, but it was the secret sword of the end."

"The secret sword of the end, huh? Literally, the last secret sword...?

"Yeah. I've been taught a theory by my teacher, but I still don't know how to handle it... But I'm sure the teacher has arrived. The secret sword of the end. Still, the teacher lost. That's why I go beyond it. The teacher, the secret sword of the end. I'll make sure I get there first."

"Yeah, I'm sure Shelley can do it."


"What's wrong?

"I kind of remember my old self."

"... there was a time when you were struggling. But that's...."

"Yeah. It's the same now. Even if the devil's blood awakens, I'm still on my way. It is far from complete. No, I'm sure... it won't be complete. Because I've been chasing the best and strongest myself ever since. I will never be satisfied with the status quo."

"That's right. I want to be there, too."

"Let's work together, Julia."


While we were having that conversation, the Premium Warlock came into the conference room one after the other to see what was going on today.

It was Princess Lianne who explained it to me. She is not only a soldier this time, but also performs official duties as a royal family, so she seems to be working on our side.

I am honestly impressed by the posture.

She may not have completely survived Mr. Bell's death. But still, moving forward doesn't change anything. You can mourn, or you can stop. Every time we do that, we just have to move forward again.

When I stare at Princess Lianne like that, she smiles back. I'll give it back with a smile.

That's how we finally got to the parade.

"... wow. This is... amazing, senpai."

"Yeah. This time, I have an army band, and everyone in the city has done a lot of decorating and stuff."

"I see...."

We came to the main street running north and south in the middle of the city. This time, the Premium Versus Mage will take the lead and proceed here. He then gave a speech in the auditorium. Next, the arrangement is to have a party at the royal castle only for interested parties.

Among the superior vs. magician faces, I took the lead with zero sequence.

"Look, Julia. Go on."


There are a lot of people on the left and right. And how far is the parallel road in front of you? Normally there are a lot of people, so I've never seen this place so open. I step out while being drunk in such a majestic atmosphere. [M]

In a moment, the performance by the band begins.

That's how people start making a fuss. He sprinkles flowers and works hard for us.

"Thank you!!

"Thank you for reclaiming the earth!!

"Yikes! Yuliakun!! Look over here!!

"Cute! It's illuminating ~!!

and various voices are raised. I'm not used to this, so I look back with a little light. [M]

While snapping our army shoes, we move on.

People were all smiling. A few months ago, the gloomy atmosphere of being attacked was like a lie.

People knew that at that time. Peace in this borderline city of ours is only tentative. One step outside, there is a land of dusk. There is a cruel earth that has killed so many humans.

Many people were scared, trembling, and afraid of it. But there's no escape.

That's why we got up. Led by a superior anti-magician... we have accomplished a feat humankind could not achieve for 150 years.

People gush. It was as if the world had been liberated from dusk. But that's fine. You don't have to know such a world. Only an anti-magician can stand on that earth full of mercy and tears.

People don't know about the anti-magician who must have died. Knowledge is in your head, but it will definitely disappear to the other side of forgetfulness. It's only that much. So let's remember. The Dead Warlock were indeed in this world. He said it was because of them that we were able to do it.

With that in mind, let's get involved in this parade now. I'm sure it will be for you. For the sake of our dead companions, we will enjoy this happiness.

Hey, Julia.

"What is it, senpai?"

"I'm glad we're doing our best."


Looking closely, Senpai was weeping with a smile.

But it's not sadness. He is weeping with joy. I've been rewarded for my hard work. Nothing makes me so happy.

Premium vs. Mages touch a lot of deaths. It's not just me. Seniors and others know about the deaths of their companions.

Because you know that, tears are overflowing.

"Senpai, let's continue to work hard. Someday this applause will be normal. To make people's smiles endless."

"That's right...."

That's how we walked through this noise, laughing.

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