Oh, Yulia.

"Yulia, it's been a while."

"Mr. Scott. And Nick. I'm running out of time."

Keep your head down.

Lieutenant Scott Bates, who was with you in the previous squad. And Lieutenant Nick Breom, who has been close to him since before. I've been on a mission, and we're both in this prime city. And now he's working in areas 8, 9, 10...

I was tasked with cleaning up the surrounding monsters in Area 8 today. [M] That said, this is only a nominal story, and in fact it also serves as an inspection. Nowadays, boundaries are also stretched in each area. Of course, it is not as strong as bounded cities, but supplies and so on have been sent, and it has become possible to live quite well.

You'll be able to work overnight, and there's almost nothing inconvenient about it. Except for the fact that there are only anti-magicians and the exterior is obscure when it comes to strength, it should already be less colourful than the areas of the border city.

"So, what's Julia doing?

That's what Nick asks me, so I'll answer honestly.

"Hey... it's actually a task to hunt monsters, but I wasn't there before. I feel like I'm hanging out in every neighborhood now."

"Well, you're just like us, Nick."

I see. Julia, actually, Scott and I feel the same way. As a matter of fact, we don't even have time for the lieutenants in the situation... I think it's the lower class of the Warlock who's actually building the area, and I wonder if we could take it away. "

"Wow, I know how it feels. I want to help, but I'm scared strangely...."

"Well, in the case of Julia, she's already at the top of the Premium vs. Mage class. I heard you said it was Venus in this operation?

And because Mr. Scott is poking his shoulder at me, I reply with a bitter smile.

"No, well... I did destroy the target, but it was actually because of everyone's cooperation..."

"Hahaha! Well, I thought Yulia would say that. You've been in the same squad before, but you're still here!

"Mr. Scott... I see. No matter how high you get, it doesn't change what you do."

And the three of you walk between the areas while chatting with each other. The three of us just had time to spare, so the conversation played out pretty well... we found something strange along the way.

"Hmm? What is it, that?


"What the..."

Behind the gaze of three. There was a bush. It's just a bush with no freaks. Although it is invaded by dusk and dyed in purple and black, it is not different from the usual landscape. If there's only one difference, there's... something round out there.

"Hey... isn't that your ass?

I see.

"Yes, I can see that too... why don't we dig it out for now?

As I approached, I grabbed the back hips, not the buttocks, and dragged them straight out to this side.


He came out with such a strange voice... he wasn't human.

On the pink hair with curls around it, I can see the skin completely whether the clothes are torn somewhere or not from the original. It also has a large corner on its head and even a loose tail. The tip is shaped like a heart, and it moves strangely twitchy.

"Is this... a succubus?

"I've never seen it before... Nick. You do, don't you?

"I've learned in the literature, but I've never seen anything like it."

Start the analysis with three people. In addition, I deploy Twilight Site, a twilight eye, to see what constitutes a succubus.

- I see. Definitely. This magic form, and its inherent domain, Personal Field, is undoubtedly subhuman. Besides, it will be succubus from the viewpoint of appearance characteristics.

That is what I concluded. [M]

"Nh... nh... there it is... where is it!?

When I was observing the pulled succubus with it on the spot, I woke up.

You're up.

"You're up."

"Surprisingly small."

In the meantime, we decided to watch it live. We could catch him right here, but I wanted to try a conversation first.

"Eh!? What? What!? Are you human!?

"Um... human, are you a succubus?

"Fufu! Yes, I'm Catherine of Sucubus! One of the Queen of Time candidates!!

"I see... Queen? Interesting ecosystem. Can I think of Queen as the master of the succubus?

"Ah, it's just you."

"Yes, what is it?

"Nothing works for me?

"Ah... I'm sorry. I was unconsciously resisting."


Yes, this succubus. While we were talking, we were attacking with magic. That said, it's not aggressive, and as far as Twilight Site is concerned, it's definitely psychic interference magic.

Is this perhaps the magic of the charm I hear rumors about?

"Wow, my charm doesn't work!?

"Oh, was it charm again? The only species that use this is the succubus, so I study."

Yulia's in full analysis mode.

"It's funny. Let's just wait and see."

I see.

So it seems that they chose to watch in complete silence, so I'll try to deal with them for now.

"Wait... wait a minute. Good thing... wait... wait... wait!!

At that moment, the succubus began to move at an unusual speed.

The speed of escape is the speed of the driftstone subhuman. It's a speed that people can't afford.


"Whoa... hold on a second. It's not rough, is it?

"Hah!? Hah...!? Wait, are you really human!?

"... it's hard to define strictly, but I want to be human as a race."

Afterwards, I tried to persuade her in parallel... but it was the succubus who ran out of strength first.

"Hah... hah... hah... really? Are humans so high-performing? It's a different story....."

"I'm sorry... but can I ask you something?

"Ah! Are you... attacking me!?


"What are you going to do with me with three men!?

"No. You're the one... attacking the ecosystem, aren't you?

"That's when Charm works! I'll have to give in to monsters like you... * giggle *! With a gentle face, I can't do anything!! But even if you forgive your body, you won't forgive your heart! Besides, I'm a little scared to do it outside..."

"Um, please wait. I just want to talk. [M] For now, you don't have the will to be hostile, do you?

"No, but... but, um... I'm a succubus... and don't you want to catch me and torture me?

The succubus looked at me worried. In order to reassure you here, use a gentle word...

"Hey, Julia. You don't torture me like you always do? It's your patent, isn't it?

"Gyah! I knew it!? I'll rape you!!

"Hey, Mr. Scott! Don't say anything extra!!

"Hahaha! I'm sorry, I'm sorry! Hey, that succubus is funny!

"Gyaaaaaaaaaaaa!! Nooooooooooooo!! I don't want to scatter purity here!!!

I fought after the escaping succubus. [M] It was more troublesome than that, so I magically bound him and even physically tied him up with a rope. I'm sure there's no use talking about it anymore.

I hear a familiar voice when I tie her up with a rope I don't like.

Oh, it's not Julia.


"Julia? What... eh?

It was Senpai, Princess Lianne and Shelley who came there.

"Nooooooooooo!! I'm gonna rape you!!

I became a horseman and tied her up with a rope that I hated.

Yeah... it's out, right?

So, the misunderstanding exploded brilliantly... and cheeks...

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