"So, what is Julia doing? Hey?"

"No, this is... different...!!

"Ugaaaaaaaaaaaa!! No, no, no, no, no! I'm gonna rape you!!

"Hey!? Because it's misleading!!

So Senpai asked me, Princess Lianne and Shelley saw it with white eyes, and it really turned into a needle banquet.

Of course, at the same time as my explanation, Mr. Scott and Nick followed me, so the groundless misconception that I was about to attack the succubus outside was somehow resolved.

"Gu... gu... gu... gu..."

"Um... it's Catherine, right?

"Mmm... gu... gu..."

"I say Lianne. We do something called royalty in the human world. It's okay. I will not be violent in the name of the royal family."



"Why don't you roll around like the guy you just met?


"Eh!? Why are you turning away!? Hey!?"

"After all, you are a demonic race. It can be hostile to humans, so I won't do anything unless you do something... but restraint is inevitable."

"Really!? I didn't do anything!

"But when you solve it, you'll run away, right?

"... I won't run away anymore, okay?

"I see, Yulia, let's take care of the transport to the border city."

"Got it!

Turning my salute to Princess Lianne, I lift Catherine down on the ground. [M]

"Uwaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!! Nooooooooooo!! I'll be raped!!

"Yes, yes... I won't do that..."

Then our party took the mysterious succubus back to the border city.

After that.

I can talk. And because she could not see the will to be hostile, she was interrogated for now.

But now that the men are in Area 8-10, I brought Catherine in for questioning with Princess Lianne.

I was concerned that it would be suppressed in the unlikely event of a riot, but I thought there were many things because I was quite disliked.

Incidentally, there are already circulars inside the army.

"Uhh... uhh... what are you going to do with me!?

The interrogation room. But there is a table and a desk, and we are sitting opposite each other. And Catherine's still in custody.

This time Princess Lianne asks questions and I leave the contents on paper.

"I won't do anything. It's okay."


"Yeah. I won't lie to you."

"Well then... that's fine..."

Princess Lianne smiles with a smile. No one will think her words are a lie when they see her. I know, by the way, Princess Lianne can lie flatly with tea. Although the appearance of the image precedes, it actually has a side that looks like a 15-year-old girl.

First of all, yes. I'd like to create a profile, so please answer my questions. You can say no to anything you don't want. "


"First of all, are the species sure to be succubus?

"Yes, I'm Catherine of the succubus...."

"I see. How old are you?

"12 years old....."

"Oh, you're so young. I think he's older because he's an adult."

"Really!? Am I an adult?

"Yeah. I think she's a very adult woman."

Really… Ehehe. I see. The princess is a good man ~ "

Does that paradoxically mean I'm terrible?

Well, there's nothing you can do about it. All I do is write information in silence. [M]

"Ah! And don't forget that I'm a queen candidate!

"Queen, are you a candidate?


"Will the succubus queen be replaced?

"Uhh... well, is that so? No, maybe not."

It's easy to understand, but it would be hard to be stubbornly pursued here. Princess Lianne knew that too, so she immediately moved on to the next question.

"Let's continue....."


Cute sounds echo indoors. The sound stands out in the interrogation room... Catherine's face turns bright red, down and pulls.

"Are you hungry?

"Yeah... I haven't eaten anything in three days..."


That said, Princess Lianne uses communication magic. Arranged to bring us some food right away, and here it is...

"Ooooh!? What is this!? What is this!?

"Please, have some. I don't mind if we talk about this afterwards.

"Are you sure?! It sounds delicious!

"If you think it's a sign of trust."

"Ooh! Princess, that's great! Then....!

Catherine jumps. Yes, she was eating a katsudon for some reason. The choice is a mystery, but Princess Lianne says it is a fixed stone.

Deep-fry the pork meat with oil and even with eggs. Dashi seemed to be used a lot, and it was golden.

Staring at Catherine with her cheeks in a delicious mog, 5 minutes. She flattened the cutlet bowl in an instant.

"Beep... uuuu... it was delicious..."

"Above all,"

"I'll answer anything now! I'm in a very, very good mood!

"Well then... why were you in that place?

"Well, that's...."

"What's that?

To be clear, when I looked at Princess Lianne's celestial eye, it was over, but there were various constraints, and I didn't want to use it if possible.

And Catherine kept silent for a while and opened her mouth.

"Don't you laugh...?

"Yeah. You're not laughing.

"Um... actually... I got lost..."

"Are you lost?

"Yes. It was my favorite place, but there was a boundary... and I was so nervous that I slipped through it... I couldn't get out the other way, and it wasn't the same place I used to be... and there were a lot of people... and I wandered around..."

"Really... that was tough."


"Does that mean there is no hostile will for mankind?

"Yeah, Sucubus didn't even take part in the Man-Man Wars in the first place... maybe he wasn't an enemy or an ally..."

"What do you mean, maybe?

"Something strange has come to Sucubus recently."

"Weird guy?

"Yeah. I know it's a demon race, but I don't know much about it..."

"I see. Really?"

After that, I continued to interrogate, but no more powerful information came out.

I will summarize everything Catherine said and make it a report. [M]

"Well, that's enough. Well done."

"Is it over!?

"Yeah. It's over."

"Then can I go home?

"That's just... I want to talk to you a little bit more."

"Hmm... can't you go home yet?

We'll have dinner again. There are more delicious things in the human world. "

"More delicious than before!?

"Yeah. It's already a rare thing."

"... Gokuri. I can't help it. I really want to go home, but can I stay in a human country for a while?"

"That would be very helpful. Well, there's a place where Elves live right now, so would you like me to move there? Because the same subhuman would be better than a human. Julia, for now, please accompany Catherine."


The voices overlap. It belonged to me and Catherine.

"If we can escape, will Julia be able to catch us?

"Well, it's possible...."

Well, thank you very much.

"... yes"


A smile that doesn't make you say anything.

And Catherine stared at me strangely. [M]

For some reason, I was to act with Catherine.

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