A very large building. Although the building was made of wood, it was well known to the public that it was well made.

We were told to wait on the spot before seeing the queen. [M]

While Catherine enters and waits for her to come back... I still feel chilly. Rather, if you look behind you, your gaze will pierce.

The succubus people here are watching me alone.

Hurry up, I want to go inside... and when I think about it, Catherine comes out in a magical way.

"You can come in. However, I will not accompany you. Come in alone."

"I understand."

Princess Lianne speaks for herself, and with her at the forefront, we move indoors. The interior was not flashy, it was even plain. And going further, there was a woman sitting there.

A woman sitting in a sitting room in a majestic atmosphere. It soon became clear that that was the queen who ruled the succubus.

Blue eyes as if they were embedded in jewellery, as if they were clear golden hair. In public, I was taken away by the beauty. [M]

And at that moment, I felt my body burning up all at once... but when I saw that magical stuff was the factor, I bounced it back and dealt with it.

"Hmm... did you bring a pretty good one among humans?"

In a quiet atmosphere, the queen said so.

"Please sit down. The Three Human Beings"

"Excuse me."

When Princess Lianne takes the initiative and leaves, I and Senpai will be seated on the spot so that they line up to the left and right.

"Now, let's introduce ourselves ─ ─"

First Princess Lianne, then Senpai, and finally me. The queen smiled uncomfortably and said:

"I am Sandra, queen of succubus. Now, people, why did you come to this country?

As soon as she sees it, she comes through the three of us, and when she spreads the fans she has, she asks the same question.

"Let me ask you a straightforward question. Is there a willingness to be hostile to humans?

"What if I say yes?

"If it's hostile, I won't quit the fight... but I'm sure I won't."

"Heh... what makes you think that?

"The succubus needs a man because of its characteristics. Doesn't human men matter for reproduction? I actually came here with the impression that the number was small..."

"... you're offering me a human man?

"It depends."

"Fumuriane, I like you. Because I don't hate smart things. Cut, Cut, Cut"

The queen who smiled with her teeth was still afraid of me. [M]

And when I lost sight of Princess Lianne, I looked next. [M]

Hmm. Lord, Yulia and so on.

"Yes, Queen Sandra."

"Take it off"


"Just take it off. Hurry up."

Senpai interrupts the conversation when he wonders what I should do. [M]

"Say, why do you need that?

"... keep the kids quiet."

It sounded like something was going to cut, but did you endure it so much... it didn't cut.

In this disturbing atmosphere, the gaze continued.

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