I was told to take it off, so I decided to obey honestly.

"Hey, can I just have my upper body?

It's about time I asked. What should I do if I am told to be naked here?

Diplomacy can be a big deal. I didn't come here to fight, or to be hostile.

It's called an inspection, but I also shared it with Princess Lianne, but this time it also means deepening rapprochement.

For that reason, it seems that only one man was integrated into the personnel.

In other words, it is a human pillar. Because of the charm of succubus, it is possible to become a captive. In the meantime, I'm here because I can handle it... but this was unexpected for the boulder.

"Mm-hmm. Okay." []/(exp, n) (uk) (uk) "


When I checked with Princess Chilla and Princess Lianne, I nodded lightly.

You should obey very carefully here.

And when I take off my uniform, I stand up half-naked on the spot.


Queen Sandra stares at me with her eyes wide open. At the time, I noticed that she was activating something magical.

Both eyes are glowing slightly, because they can also read the signs of magic.


I kept my eyes shut. [M] About five minutes later, Queen Sandra smiles.

"You're not human, are you? Strictly half. I made something interesting. Kukuku"

"... do you understand?

When I ask, Queen Sandra shouts a little.

"Of course, my eyes are all eyes. But, Kukuku... I didn't know we were finally going this far. But I know that you have recovered the land of dusk to some extent. It's not easy to help."


Princess Lianne nodded slowly.

"Mm-hmm. Of course, there are conditions."

"What's that?

"I want to go to the human city, too."

"... does that mean an inspection?"

"Catherine alone would be cunning. Besides, it seemed strangely fun. I want to have fun too."

Is it the left side? As for us, we're ready for that. "

"Oh, my God! Did you expect this?

"One of the possibilities was to consider it."

"Hmm. Lianne, you're still smart. I like it. Let's go!

When she stood up, Queen Sandra slipped through us.

It looks like he's really trying to travel like this.

"Kaka! Okay, people. Could you show me?

Is the appearance of a fairy smile a proof of trust?


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