
Early morning.

Shelley continues to practice as usual. Now, to some extent, the border city has calmed down, so I won't be followed by a mission.

You can relax, but Shelley polishes her swordsmanship by herself today.

A few months have passed since Belle's death. The heart was never dominated by crying. All that's left of it is a certain vengeance.

Definitely kill the Magus who killed Bell. With that clear intent to kill, she was spending a lot of time here recently.

Too sharpened an intention to kill. It was everyday, and she was completely floating in the army.

Phew. Thank you very much. "

Politely thank you on the spot.

And walking alone inside the base, you can get your head down to a passing soldier. Shelley, who ranked second in the Premium vs. Mage series, is famous for both respect and awe.

Some people respect that stoichism, while others are afraid of killing too much. The latter was the one who had just passed away. I couldn't think of anything more now when I saw him excited for a moment.

The only purpose is to kill the Magus.

As long as I could fulfill that, I don't care anymore.

Then take a shower and go to the cafeteria to eat alone. But of course, Shelley wasn't alone all along.

"Shelly, are you next door?

"Sofia, it's okay."

It was Sofia who came. Until now, there had been a lot of pitfalls - mainly because she was busy with her assignment - and Sofia had found out about Shelley for the first time in a long time, so she immediately came to the opposite seat.

"It's been a long time.

"I see. It's probably been a long time since I talked to Sofia like this."

"Speaking of which, you're in second place in the sequence. Congratulations."

"Thank you. I'm glad you said that."

A slight smile came to mind.

Sophia knew Shelley was scared. But she knows. Shelley is a very kind person. He said that his kindness was driven by vengeance.

"What about the Premium vs. Mage mission?

"I see. You're going to dusk more and more often. But it doesn't matter. I'm sure that's the only thing I can do."

"... you've grown up already."


"Yeah, I used to feel younger, but now I think I'm really an adult."

"... that's right. I have a lot to do right now."

After hearing the story, Sofia realized it was revenge. That's why she said:

"Shelly, good luck. I'm here for you."

Open your eyes. Until now, I have often been afraid. However, when she was actually spoken, Shelley felt her chest burn.

"Thank you. Good luck."


I'm sure we can do it. Shelley believes so.

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