"Mr. Shelley."

"Princess Lianne... did you come?

When I finished my morning workout as usual, it was Lianne who approached me. Even the same woman looks so beautiful that she falls in love.

And as she gently flushed her beautiful hair behind her, Lianne went to talk to Shelley.

"Do you have a moment?

"Yes, I don't have any assignments today."

That's what Lianne asks, but she already knew Shelley wasn't on a mission.

We talked about whether we could have breakfast together and went straight to the cafeteria.

"So, what can I do for you?

There are other military personnel around, so they speak respectfully. Lianne laughs with a smile and starts a conversation.

"You've been working really hard lately."

"That's right. I have a mission to fulfill."

Mission to be fulfilled.

It is revenge.

But Lianne will never stop the revenge. Rather, if she had the power, she would kill the Magus who killed Bell with her own hands... The more she thought so, the clearer her intentions were.

You look like a beautiful princess at first sight. But she's not just beautiful. Because I can taste the ugliness and cruelty of the world so much that I don't like it anymore.

"... it's about Bell, but I'm very worried."

"You think I can't avenge my teacher?

"No, rather ─ ─"

The atmosphere here becomes tight. Shelley wasn't conscious either, but there was definitely a leak of lethality.

Despite the killing, Lianne stuck her through with her eyes.

"What I'm worried about is that Shelley might crush it first..."

"... is it too impossible?

"As far as you can see, that's what it looks like. It reminds me of an old bell."



It was surprising that the topic came from Lianne. Shelley thought she wasn't ready for Bell yet.

"Belle was always like that. I always worked hard not only for me, but also for humanity. I'm sure it may be time for her to stop. I had such a hunch... it became a reality."


"I'm not trying to complain to Shelley."

That said, Lianne gently wrapped Sherry's hand.

"I just don't want to lose someone I care about again. Sherry, I'm waiting for you to come back."

"... Princess Lianne"

Open your eyes.

I was distanced from my surroundings and thought it didn't matter. But if she could do her revenge, she wouldn't spare her life... and Lianne knew how dangerous Shelley was.

"I see. I will definitely come back."

"Yes, because I believe you can do it."

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