A Certain Someone

Chapter 101 is loose

Looking forward to a moment, smiling from the tail mouth.

Jiang adds a milk cup to his cheeks. He took it over and saw that Jiang Ti was recovering the news of the brothers of the group.

Looking for a while, she put down the glass to the person in the phone: "OK, time is you fixed?"

Sheng Mingyang waited for him, he said: "I arrived in the afternoon, I have time in this two days, now Dad is not as busy, I have to pay for you."

Sheng said: "That's tonight, how come you?" I will pick it up. "

When he came over, he had hung up the phone.

"Is there a job?"

Looking at him on his shoulders and threw the phone to the table: "Well. I just sneaked. Are you also asking you to eat today?"

The world of adults is, the more you can't stop the holiday.

New Year's Day in Beijing is flying, the beautiful vision in the house in the house is killed in the plan. Jiang Ti was taken away by his brothers. In order to give a professor, he will pass the Question of the New Year, and the relationship between he and "old classmates". Looking at Shengyang.

Although Tiangong is not beautiful, after all, it is a New Year's Day, and it is still full of people. Looking at a house in a house, it is not so noisy here.

Shengyang took the jacket on the back of the chair, folded the shirt sleeves outside the gray cashmere sweater, four times and showed: "You don't have a shopping restaurant in the floor, how to run so far?"

"You don't like this family and cattle?" Sheng said.

Shengming Yang stunned.

He really likes this family and cattle, and the friend called the friend in the past two times. It may be implied, or it may not be clear, anyway, he is not impressed, did not expect his son to remember.

The relationship between their father and son these years is like this. Looking very filial, very filial, aspect, the end of the sub-branches can take care of, even to apply. As Mingyang's more than 20 years ago, the little expectations and expectations were outstanding, and Yushu Linfeng. It is reasonable to say that he is gratifying, but it will always be lonely in a moment.

It is said that there must be a knot on the words of the words, just like the row of row, it is like the role of the land, from the control to being controlled, some people can fight for a lifetime for this.

But they are different, he doesn't like the noiseless noise, and he doesn't like the battle of the situation.

Sheng Mingyang once thought that he was open, he and his son accounted for half-Wanjiang Mountain, peacefully harmonious. After a long time, he realized that he never stopped the circle of paintings, just a piece of his circle, and he went to the next next to him, but he didn't fight, but the more far.

When he finally reacted, but even the shadow could not see it.

He occasionally missed the grungy look, he would like to hear his voice too long, will refer to him according to the content he shared. The mood is not cool, I will hang him directly. I am happy to ask him "Sheng Ming Yong Comrade".

He often felt a headache, but now I can't enjoy it.

Sometimes I am sold, he will want to ask for a drink: "Are you revenge Dad?"

But he knows that it is not, because it is soft, it will not be deliberate. Because it is not intentional, Sheng Mingyang is even more feeling uncomfortable.

This trip to Beijing is actually not so necessary, he can't come. However, when I wash my face before going to sleep, he looked at the mirror and found that his horns did actually have white hair, not a two, as if it is overnight.

He allocated his hair for a while before the mirror, and suddenly I saw a son, I want to eat my meal on the first day of the New Year.

Perhaps it is a big old, it has been decentrally compared to the cause, he even wants to listen to the tone of the age of 10: "Comrade Sheng Mingyang, you are long and white."

However, he lifted his head, but only saw Sheng Yicheng menu rushing to laugh, turned to the head: "Dad, do you want wine?"

It is said that it is fake, Sheng Mingyang is silent, say: "Can't, the water is going, I have seen several drinking gout, I have to control a little."

If it is a child, he will say "waiting late." Now he just nodded, said: "It's not a little bit of it."

The service is generated to the gum pot bottom and two pieces of dipboard disks. Shengyang drank a sip of water, bringing a laughter, another topic: "The front in the front of Hangzhou, and the little Peng also ate meal. He also told me, saying that you are busy, you can't catch you. easy."

Xiao Peng, a small Peng, in the yang, the WeChat famous crab, so many years, it has been intermittently contacted. He was in Guangzhou, and he wanted to play two times, he also came to Beijing. After graduating, I have been busy with the gyro. I have a lot of chat with my chat.

The crab is good. After graduation, I can't stand the tube bundle. I took a point to start the funds, and I went to the sea. Because it is enough to drink, I can say it, I am very mixed.

There is a launch of Shengyang business, I have encountered a hurd, I want to find someone to do it, go around the son, and I am looking for a crab.

A string of two sides, Sheng Mingyang automatically broke a generation, with a crab as a business partner.

"OK." Sheng Wang sent a sauce, handed the empty disk to the waiter. "He last time Dad is dry, I am not talking to him, I am talking about three in the morning."

Sheng Ming smiled and turned a few photos from the mobile phone to show: "Have you seen his child? I saw it, my eyebrows, very tall."

"This is only a few months, you can see the eyebrows?" Sheng Wang did not say good, "I still said that the chief of Xu, who said in the political partner."

Sheng Mingyang responded to which Xu Director was thinking, and then stunned.

When you meet between their father and sons, they rarely mention the people and things attached. It is like a penalty area, as long as it is mentioned, ten eight nine will take the silence, Sheng Mingyang doesn't love you.

This is the first time to take the initiative, or a joke. Shengyangxin is inexplicably pickled, just like a long-lasting rock finally has loose traces, he is almost a bit touched by his father.

The gum chicken, the golden soup is boiled in the pan, and the service gives them hot and cattle, and it is divided into two people. Sheng Mingyang was under the hot air of Tengtan, because it was eating in a hurry, but also hot tongue.

He has drank a few mouthfuls of water and wants to continue the topic and atmosphere, so catching a crab. Talking about how he graduated, I wedding, chatting with his dad, and finally in this year, I talked to him a family of three, and I was very fun. His parents don't do anything recently. Every day, the granddaughter turns, and the stars do not give the moon.

I was still in my heart and I accidentally chatted.

Sheng Ming Yang said: "When did you give me a little girl, Dad can enjoy the happyness of the golden basin."

He is just a saying that it is not quite properly, and it feels not very stunned, and it is a bit regret. However, it is still a sigh of relief in the service life. He slowly breathed a sigh of relief - there are outsiders, and it is not too much to say.

Wanted only a moment, continued to add it. After eating, drinking water, this is put down the cup and said: "This may not work. Do you want to give you a cat, or you will come back, you want a grandson or granddaughter, you said."

Sheng Mingyang had a chopsticks beef, and he heard the action. He hated a chopstick for a few seconds, slowly smiled: "Okay, you are still small, I know that you are like this, ask if you don't, ask if you don't say this, wait until you wait. - "

Looking at him, the tone is very calm: "It may be like this later."

Sheng Mingyang looked up, it was about to open, and he wanted to say: "Jiang adds home."

Silence is spread between the father and son. Sheng Mingyang finally didn't have an appetite, put down the chopsticks. He swept his eyes in the service, and the opponent did not slant the last piece of meat, clamped into the plate, and said, "slowly use" to see the time.

That moment, time seems to fall back to the day before a few years ago. They are also silent sitting in the car until one of them actively opens.

At the beginning, it was Shengyang, which is a preliminary.

He said: "Just a few days ago, he returned to China to do a project, we met on the dinner."

I can't see any expression on the face of Mingyang. He wrinkled, and he took a long time. "Then?"

"When you call me this morning, I am in him." Sheng Wang paused for a while, said calmly: "I still like him, still intend to be with him."

Shengmingyang was stored on the table.

At a moment, he thought, if it is not in such a restaurant, if there is so many people around ... but immediately, what can it be? Looking again, it is not the teenager who will go.

Then, another cognitive rising is from bottom to bottom. He finally knew why the moment when the phone received the phone was laughed, and finally he didn't know why rock began to loosen.

Very absurd, he as a father, while looking forward to this day, I want to take these back. He wants the result and doesn't want that reason.

But this didn't help him, he could only choose a full acceptance, or crush thoroughly.

Shengyang stared at the desktop for a long time, and he took a deep breath. He looked up: "If I still have the attitude."

"Very normal." Sheng said, "If you change me, I will change it. But I want to say that I have not been the same."

"At that time, let me tell everyone that I like men, see what others react." Sheng Wang smiled very shallow, said: "You are not here in the past few years, I may not know. I told many people. After someone asked, I dare to say. The conclusion is quite strange, no one pointed to me, saying that you are crazy. "

Sheng Ming Yang can't help but say: "Those are outsiders, and the outsiders are of course no matter what you!"

"So, outsiders don't care, what is the family worried about? Worried that I was said to be absurd, metamorphosis? This logic is very strange, don't you think?" Looking a little helplessly said, "Dad, except you I really didn't listen to people like this. "

Shengming Yang instantly silently.

After a long time, he held a cup of silence: "That is a face, how do you know that people don't say it in the back?"

"There are so many people on the street. The number of words that are said in the back of the day is unclear. This person is sleek, that person is too high, that is too short, this person is too short, the person is very powerful, the people are nothing, it is the back I like men, what is the difference between me? Who is not said? "

Sheng Ming Yong did not speak the voice.

Looking at him again, then said: "At that time, I asked me if I didn't feel absurd, why is it still sad? Dad?"

Sheng Mingyang is of course clear why, just stealing the concept when you ask. He said to Jiang Ti "Softness", but how can he know why his son is sad.

This world is like a huge reincarnation. In order to make him happy, he wanted to have not been happy in the past few years. Now, I am in my heart, I just want to change my laugh.

Prestout: "I dare to go to the cemetery now, I also dare to say that I like Jiang Tian, ​​I want to be with him. I think my mother will not marry me, maybe I will tell me Happy New Year."

He silently, lifted his eyes and said to Shengyang: "Do you tell me this sentence?"

In a moment, Sheng Mingyang is almost open. But maybe it is too long, the tongue has rust, and he is sour, but I can't say the four words.

It has not been forced, and he has the decent and round of adults, and it is soft as a young age.

They were almost silently eaten, and they wanted to drive him back, but Shengyang said that snow is smooth, so that he doesn't have to come back.

It may be the case, if you want to listen, you can't say it, and useless is always a bunch. Finally, I still called a special car for him.

When Sheng Yanyu was on the car, he was standing in the window and helped him. Before leaving him: "Dad, Happy New Year."

This is uncomfortable to get a denseness in his heart.

It took a while in front of the store in front of the store, until the car did not enter the taillight stream of the long street. The snow stopped an afternoon, and this will be in the sky. Looking at the scarf, I was going to the parking lot, but I saw a familiar figure to support the umbrella from the overpass.

The man is the same as a young age, I like to be open, in the Northern Night, I'm thin and cold. His coat coat was blown up by the wind, and the snow foamed it on it, and the wet marks of the stars.

He walked in front of the stairs to the store door, sweeping out the front of the snow, saying: "Don't take an umbrella, is it cool?"

The eyebrows of the night were finally stretched. He shakes the key in his hand: "I drive."

"How did you come over?" Looking forward to him and shoulder to the car.

Jiang Tian refers to the opposite business district: "Just eat there, see you said that the house is coming."

"Fortunately, I stand for a while, or do you want to chase my car butt?" Sheng said.

"I am crazy, the snow will chase." Jiang Tian did notady.

"It seems deep feelings."

"forget it."

The lady's hand silently reached a middle finger, and it was still straight, and he was very popular by his brother.

"How about work?" Jiangxi asked.

Looking at the driver's seat, the head is tape. He launched the car, sweeping the thin snow layer on the windshield, and remiting into the traffic of the street. "In fact, I didn't work, my dad came to me to eat, I will have a cabinet with him."

Jiang Ti is almost psychological shadow for "Shengyang Single Single Single Single". When I heard this, I wrinkled.

Looking at the heart, I said that I stepped on the throttle and then opened it. He took a hand and gently blocked the eyes of Jiang Ti, saying: "I drive, snow is easy to accident, don't use my sight to interfere with me."

"Then do you lie to me?"

"I know is wrong, you are being frankly." Shengwang cricket.

Jiang Ti looked at his expression, whose heart said, you know a fart.

"Main me, I will tell the old comrade, two people are demonstrating, he is not allowed to happen?" Sheng Wang smiled and looked at the car. After a while, he said seriously: "Reassure, will not be like there The same time. "

After a long time, Jiang Tian slowly relaxed, and the sinking should be said: "Well."

Prestout: "My dad seems to be a little bit."

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