A Certain Someone

Chapter 102 Sterilization

Of course, he knows that Sheng Mingyang can't think of it in a meal, but he can feel the movement and hesitation of the other party, this is enough. On the way, he slowly became happy, even a bit of unreholding excitement. But soon he thought of two other people.

"When is Jiang Auntie and Ding Ye?" Asked.

Jiang Ti replied to the finger of the message, said: "There is still a while."

Before he returned to China, the nursing homes in Ding Head came to cooperate with the travel agency to arrange a group of symptoms similar to the old man who had a symptom, keep the mood and relax, the way of travel is mainly based on cultivating conditioning, will not be tired, play a few days A while. Jiangnou followed the past, on the one hand, taking care of the old man, on the one hand, it can relax and sooth.

According to the itinerary, they are going to Beijing.

Gully thinks that the Jiangnou once hysterically, still has a lingering. But he also remembers that the Jiangnou is the first gentle and affection, almost used him as a parent son.

It is said that travel can decompress, and people's nature there, and will not be evil. So he booked, and there was a silky look. Sheng Mingyang began to pose, and Jiangnou should not be softened.

Think so, everything is developing in the direction, just waiting for time.

Looking forward to the mood, drive around Shijingshan.

Jiang Ti is not familiar with Beijing's route, but it is not familiar to the southwestern north, and the words on the road sign are still recognized.

He asked in a large street sign: "Do you want to go back?"

"Take a point to change the clothes." Dangdao has been self-contained as his own site, and he decided to lick the last holiday there, then think that the house owner is sitting next to it, and fake Asked: "I live in these two days?"

Jiang Ti is actually enjoying his behavior of him. The car outside the car is a bit big, and the drunkard is a bit big. He rely on the back of the seat, the voice is very light, and it is lazy to tease: "Give a reason."

"Do you still pick up the shelf?" Sheng want to say: "I want to go to the cat, this reason?"

Jiang Di faintly said: "Refigure."

Looking: "It is called, I haven't had right?"

Jiang Tic: "Well, no power."

I don't want to change mouth: "Then I am doing you?"

Who did he feel wrong? In the car, it will fall into a strange silence. Greatly struggled: "No, I don't want to be a street to play rogue, do you want to change your verb?"

"Touch it?"

"Play? Nor."

This is, the more black, the more you listen to the rogue.

He still wants to go to the outside, just hear that his brother said without rushing: "Shut up."

Glope finally didn't hold back, holding the steering wheel for a long time, and he was heavy by Jiang Tian.

Because this roguey, the spicy ear, imagine it ...... In short, Dr. Jiang, who has chosen, chooses all the way, not taking care of people. He re-on the line until he went back to the residence.

I watched two sets of T-shirt trousers, he said, "I have."

After I took it again, I went to work to wear the shirt. He said: "I have."

In short, what he said, listening to it, I can't listen to it, and finally ask my clothes. "Brother, you are telling the truth, are you doing your clothes for me?"

Jiang Simed his lips, and his face was speaking, he left, leaving a full look, laugh, picking a big bag in the locker.

Jiang Ti put the blender of the drum capsule into the back seat, and asked: "What is this again?"

Looking at the seat belt, reversing the community: "Cat toys, I have to borrow for two days, accounting for its site, I have to send some gifts to ask it to be happy?" Single family raised the heart. "

Jiang Tic: "..."

The snow is gradually stopped, and the four surroundings are white, and the car passes through the night, and the night is quiet, and it is a lazy.

Looking at the red light in the street, I suddenly heard the opening of Jiang Dynasty and said: "When did you plan to return to his family."

His voice is low, lining the night. Looking at the right earlobe, my heart is something itchy: "Isn't it now?"

"Which parents are running for two days, I'm running for two days?" Jiang Tian said.

Looking forward to "", turned to the deputy driving at the countdown of the red light: "Brother"

"Well." Jiang adds a sound.

"Are you inviting me to live?"

"Then you promise?" Jiang Ji asked.

The red light jumped to the green light, and the eyes were returned to the front to step on the oil. "This is a big thing, I have to consider it."

He is in the gap of the red light, and the invitation of Jiang Ti is imagined - they live in a corner of the university, and they will raise a cat, then slowly convince their families under the role of time.

In an instant, he felt that this kind of life was a little familiar. After a moment, I remembered that this is the day of the 18th birthday, and they hit the idea of ​​college life in the room.

The world sometimes has a kind of meditation, in the midst of meditation, they will still think that there is a day of imagination, just accidentally late.

When they went back, a single-parent family's golden cat son did not meet, but the two claws went out to the window sill, and I didn't know what philosophical life in thinking.

Jiang Tian turned a circle and found that it was an empty pot.

He just opened the cat food box, and the observator who thought about life flew, and wrapped around his legs and his face and he was still taking the nose.

Looking at the big cat toy is quiet for a long time, it is hard to get the opportunity to play, and immediately pour it out and take a try.

This person has a sofa and does not sit, sitting on the carpet on the leg, and it is a group with a cat.

Jiang Ti was observed next to him, and found that someone had a voice to "discuss the cat and worry", and the dryness is looking for a hit. The cat is standing upright, stretched with the paw to make a muscar. He is not to raise a cat feet, then look at his son, there is no stability, falls on the ground.

The cat was jammed by him. He turned his head. He didn't pinp pinched with a family, and he was able to run away. Forced cat scorpion stretched the paw yy to try to call him, and he reached out and hit it.

After several three times, the cat was not dared to come over, and the committee was born on the window sill.

Looking at how to rush, I can't help but turn my head. "" How is he looking outside the window, I have studied when I want to eat cats, saying that if the cat always wants to run, it may be estrus. "

Jiang Tic: "..."

If he is a belly, I don't know which sentence is coming, I finally said: "Not estrus, it has been sterilized."

Looking forward, "Oh", I went to play with his funny cat.

After a few seconds, he suddenly reacted, and he turned to ask questions: "What do you say? Do you have sterilized it?"

Jiang Tian did not solve it: "Well, how?"

"You call it looks, then you give it to it?" "" Hope is incredible. "

His expression is very vivid, and Jiang Tian has not responded for a moment, and a cotton mouse smile.

"You still laugh?" Yan thrown his fun, put his brother from the sofa, scratching him itch, said: "It's bad, why don't you take a small river? Don't run it - "

Jiang Tian smiled and hiding: "How old is it?"

Prestige: "I am 18!"

He smiled while smiling, adding trousers to Jiang, I want to say that I want you to taste the taste? As a result, the three are full, and the two are entangled.

Looking forward to the carpet, the blood is a little bit.

He kissed Jiang Tian and kissed the past, and kissed his opponent's chin to the throat. Just want to make some bad, I feel that I have a hand.

He suddenly took a leg, caught the wrist of Jiang Ti, and wanted to stop it again and not firm. Instead, it was like a help. After a while, he squinted, forehead with the noodles of the river, and his eyes were mist.

Jiang Tian's throat is also very red, and the light is slight, and suddenly stopped at the other party.

Looking a bit impatiently biting him, the voice of the voice called "brother".

Jiang Yu closed his eyes and opened it. Looking at the other side, the eyes of the eyes were looked at the tide, and then bowed his head to block the voice.


When two people were completed, the carpet was borrowed, the cat did not know where it was.

Looking at a cup of water enough to drink two ports and handed it to Jiang Tao. He is still unresolved to kiss the other part of the chin, teased, and asked: "Brother, do you know there is another way?"

After all, it is an adult. He is expected to know the river. Who knows that his brother sweeps from the end of the gap, saying: "Don't know."


Looking at you seriously? He wondered and asked: "If you haven't seen it, did you hear it?"

Jiang adds to the eye, and drinking a breath again. The elbow holder is on the knee of the rushed, and the thin finger is pinched with a cup. "No, you demonstrate it?"

Looking: "I ..."

At this end, he finally determined that the book was flying purely with a man who was dumb.

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