A Certain Someone

Chapter 103 Party

People say that food color is also, some things are not met, once they mention, I can't help but think more.

At the age of 17, I felt that I couldn't help but touch it. I have a response with Jiang Tiyi for a while, and it is more common to play to the bathroom. It can't be called the young and boiled, it is a sun in the body.

Later, Jiang Di left, he became clear. I have filled too many things every day, I am busy with sleeping, I have no time to think about it.

Now, everything has changed again.

Prestimating the tray, sitting in the gap playing the mobile phone to add the cat's hand, seeing his thin-white fingers, if there is a hidden in the cat hair, always think of these fingers, these fingers are not entering the fabric, And the bones tighten and relatively outlined under the cloth ...

He stared at it for a few minutes, and he climbed up his town. He turned out of a bottle of ice water from the refrigerator and then clicked down the next to the bathroom. He felt that he returned to the 17-year-old fire, the day of the body stayed ... Not, the sun rose again.

Dr. Jiang's scientific research strength is amazing, which can make people forever.

Side of his heart, he went to his heart, and quietly searched something. It is said that the grant power of learning is "curiosity to the world", it is not so positive.

He looked at this kind of thing in the last time, the 6 people in the dormitory were old hooligans, and the library was rich, and what type there was. It was not two months to start, they played the banner of "Good things, deepening their feelings", and carefully selected a few, strongly got a few of them.

The few buddies were originally good, picking up the tops in their aesthetic frame. The only problem is ... Prestige is not a frame with them.

They like sounds good, the chest is thin, and the remaining is simple and rude. Looking at the sound here is that his brother is good, it is also his brother, because it is about to talk about love, it is not easy to rude. So, in the afternoon, his viewing experience was only two words:.

The film directly saw him from clear and quiet, and he had a lingering at a long time.

But people's nature is goldfish, and I will forget to hurt.

So after a period of time, in the original intention of "deepening feelings", he wanted to take the initiative to extend the sinful hand. He wants to search yourself, screen yourself, how can you pick up more than those buddies.

Moreover, his purpose is not to help, he just wants to see how it is more scientific.

Unfortunately, the grandfather forgot a thing - it is often not scientific. Some freeze screens are very art, very relatives, as if it is really a couple, the result is moving, he is full of "my mom".

Jiang adds to the teachings before going to bed, holding a computer to go to the living room for a long time. When I listened to him calmly, I was looking for "love education" while listening to him.

When I went back to the bedroom, the grand young master was seeing a place to dare to decease. He went to the door, and the dressing was picked up at the door, and then "slap the computer".

"What is it, the face is so bad?" Jiang Ti's look was swept away in his face, and asked strangely.

The grandfather thought about it: "Horror film."

Jiang Tic's expression is even more quirky: "Which one can scare you?"

"Didn't look at the name."


"..." The expression of the prostitute is difficult, like a cat on the sterile station. He wants to say, say: "Black hole mystery."

Jiang Tic: "?"

Maybe the film is really horrible. When Jiang Ti sits in the bed, someone squatted for a while, and she lie down a few people.

When I went to Jiang Tian, ​​I was asleep on the pillow, and the rapid blood of the mess was half-covered, the lips were slightly closed, and the ridge back is a groove.

Jiang Tian watched a while, reaching out, pointed out the hair dialing. He suddenly remembered the posture of the mobile phone that had just been in the legs, like a look like it.

He thought, got into WeChat and looked at it.

Maybe it is a heart, the information interface of the prostitute actually has changed, and after work, a blank avatar finally withdrew, replaced with a cartoon.

Jiang adds his habits, don't look at it, knowing that this hand is cut from the big character Wang Chi sticker, and someone's nickname is also changed from the question mark: I don't want this hand.

Jiang Tic: "..."

How much blind film can you harm this?

The "blessing" of the hand, Yan Wang did not think about the seven and eight rickets for a few days, and the facts were also stirred by him. Until 4, he received a high-spirited call from the company in the afternoon, and he also thought of a friend party waiting for him.

"The old rules, the barbecue is string!" Gao Tianyang voice as always, heard he was very interested. "On the top of the last time, the subway mouth. The roasting oysters and roasted scorpions are absolutely absolutely, I will mention it several times with the old Song, I also sent him a picture, he has been well, this time Name you want to eat. "

Wanted naturally. His mouth is too martial arts, and the store is less than the new store of the new store, and the family is really good. He and Zhao Wei and Lin Bei Ting are also about two.

He used to have a baby's problem, what is delicious, hear any fun, always look for a chance to add the river. Later, I can't change it, but I can't change it, but I still have to have a step - I have thought about it, it is existing.

Every time I go to the barbecue shop, he will think that Jiang Ti should like this cocktail, the meat is not so much greasy, and the will be brittle. If you have a chance to a certain day in a certain year, he wants to add it to the river. He didn't know how long the "a" will be specifically, so it is always a delusion.

Didn't expect, want to become true. Looking at the full afternoon, the efficiency is also very high, and all the things have been done early in Zhang Dynasty. When I got off work, I watched it on the coat. When I entered the elevator, I took the wind, and two new internships were red.

He just took the car and received WeChat from Zhang Dynasty: I met you for so many years, I saw you getting off work for the first time. Is this the power of the old lover?

Looking forward to the steering wheel from the parking space, one hand hit the field: the boyfriend, thank you.

Zhang Dynasty:? ? ? ? ? ? ?

Zhang Dynasty: Grass

The store is more close to Jiang Tian, ​​and the past is to detour, so the two do not have a circulation of circle to a piece. The approximately 7 o'clock, there is more than enough time, but plus traffic jams will be life.

Looking at the road to stop, it is hard to move to the place, it has been 6:55. He stopped the car, in accordance with the news sent by Gao Tianyang, I saw a table, and I sat together to smile and watch him.

"What do I say! What do I say -" Song Suli knocked on the watch on the wrist: "Sheng Ge must step on the point, the error is not more than two minutes. Say it? May the gambling lift to play, give money!"

He wore a few years of glasses after graduating from college, changed the invisibility, and a head is also a cut, although it is not a high, but it is no longer the beginning of the bean sprout.

After graduating from high school, the number of meetings of most people on the table can be sucked. Like Song Suitu, the temperament change is huge, and it may not be very unrecognizable on the street, and it is even more unfamiliar than the moment. But as long as one is open, I will pull back a few years ago.

One table sighed, sigh, and finger what financed quickly.

Prestige, I feel that my fingers have a shock, sweeping the screen, Gao Tianyang has pulled a WeChat group. This will pick up a red envelope in the group, Song Suitu is soft.

When I received high-day Yang, the merits were withdrawn.

Song Suitu is "relying on", he said: "Are you? Two dollars withdrawal ?!"

Gao Tianyang did not look like a face: "Is it a person you know on the first day?"

The familiar quarrel appeared, and it was laughed. He shakes the mobile phone and said, "Over you haven't arrived yet, take me gambling? Report."

"Don't, take you to bet. This is to take the old Song gambling, who is rare, is it? Not worth this money." Gao Tianyang said.

"Roll!" Song Suli was separated. He took the empty seat around him, and he said: "Sheng brother, please go to seat."

That vacancy was recently seen, he didn't think much, hanging up a coat. I just want to ask the river to add it, the box door is pushed away.

Jiang Tao project is a bit on the project, and he greets with Gao Tianyang in advance. However, it is not late, only two minutes later. He glanced at the door and his eyes hit it and he just wanted to open. There is a landscape in the box -

I saw the squid, the old Song, Gao Tianyang, their smart, one, a squeezed place, the farthest place, is also a high-day, there is another seat, to Jiang Tian: "Tim Brother Come and sit. "

Wanted: "???"

He thought of half a day in a brain door, oh, this is a warm-hearted public to think that he is with Jiang.

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