A Certain Someone

Chapter 104 Dog Food

Goose full of tables ... Not, people all stretched with their necks to Tian Tian, ​​a slap in the face of a relaxed atmosphere, probably not intended to give some people increasing.

Jiang Ti was taken off the coat in the eyes of all people, and then went to the side of Gao Tianyang and reached out to catch the back. He looked at the one-five-day eye and asked: "Do you have a seat?"

Gao Tian Yang Yang Head: "... Ang."

Jiang adds to nod, I don't know what is still ridiculous, and I have a thumbs up. Then I walked next to the chair to look down, and I put it down.


The whole box is very quiet.

It is mainly awkward.

A round facetaler came in to add two glasses of water in Yan and Jiang, and took a bucket of ice. Until the waiter gave them the closette, I watched my ice cubes in my cold drink cup, and pushed the ice bucket to the opposite side: "Lao High."

Gao Tianyang slammed the soul from . He pulled the ice bucket to the face, but he forgot to add it to the cup, but tightly squatted. "No, what is your situation??"

"This situation you see."

Gao Tianyang tried to find a small pepper side to looked at each other, and the pepper did not look at him at all. She raised her hand in crowding, and the flourishing and Jiang add explained: "I didn't want to move, I felt wrong with you, they were forced to, this fool squeezed to the mountains could not live - "

She took a high-spirited dog head and said, "Don't look at me, I will move it next to it. My chair is still half a feet."

So this group of people have a headquarter, while smashing the chair and looks back to the prostitute and Jiang Ti.

Song Suitu has recently hit the strongest, and she finally couldn't help but ask: "So ... you are good?"

Looking forward to the eye with Jiang, smiled and turned a cup of the cup: "Well, make another piece."

A table is immediately brushing to highlight high.

"Lao Gao, you can't say it!" Song Si Wei said: "What is the military situation, are you toxic?"

"You are poison, I am more!" Gao Tianyang far-rushed, "Sheng brother! How many brothers have been so many years, you have to pay me a fair! I will call you on my week, do you say letting I called Tido, did you come? "

Two hundred five words are just "", because the feet are crushed by the high heels of small peppers.

Jiang Xi Song hose and turned his head and turned to look forward: "What are you talking?"

Wanted: "..."

He sighed, handwritten a menu to the face side, blocked the eyes of Jiang Tian, ​​said to Gao Tianyang: "You are really toxic."

"For so many years, the eyes are not growing up." Chili added.

Gao Tianyang shrinks a foot, very wronged: "Who can think of him so fast."

"How do you talk?" Song Suitu is irritated, "Can a man say fast?"

"What is your thing? Civilization point, didn't you see the squad leader is red?" Gao Tianyang turned back.

The pepper turned over white, holding the arm of the squid, saying: "After the graduation, this is still so ..."

A pen.

The squid said: "Yes."

Looking at the pen, when à la carte, the pencil is turned into a vain between the slender fingers. Jiang Ti is still the same as there, occasionally a cold gun, and look forward to the expression of a face, "You are not a poisonous fight", the whole table can laugh.

Gao Tianyang is still a talents, any two people can talk to him, and what topics can be divergently become sea, is a black skin "communication flower". Song Suitu is still like a big goose, and he caught him, and he was more fierce.

The small pepper is still spicy, who will be a joke, can be chased back by her. But now it is now reduced, and the main is high.

The squid college reads the clinical medicine, reading the long-term naked eye, and there is no difference than the Jiang Di directly Shen Bo. She still likes to take a simple horse, or be shy, who can be full of red.


Obviously, I went to different universities. There were new classmates and friends in north, and I met them more, talking more, life and work have intensive. But I don't know how, they talk about the most pro, the most demonstrated people, always all the A class.

Maybe because you have witnessed the teenage time of each other, you have witnessed the most exciting look of the most exciting.

When the third time I dialped the ice, the squid couldn't help but finally: "Do you know that it is winter?"

"Know it." "Sheng Zhenjun can not help," there is a top ten in the outside. "

"..." squid asked seriously: "Are you not cold?"

"I have finally been mentioned." Song Suli took a bottle of beer opened on the table, "When the waiter came in, I wanted to say, I was ice in the winter, you really don't have to go to the hospital? Temperature cognitive disorder. "

"Go to you." Gao Tianyang said.

"Old Song, I told you that our school has sold the best in winter." Sheng said, "Why do you guess?"

Song Si Rui believed his evil and seriously asked: "Why?"

"Because there is heating." Sheng Wang said that it is still the same as "Oh", "said:" Yes, you don't, you can't have the fun. "

"I -" Song Suitu is angry with one empty bowl.

Looking forward to the laughter, let his attack range, just behind him behind him.

The scholars were fierce, and they were still stuffed with a dog food, and she left down the bowl. "Rely!"

The same, the carp that can't be heated, feels unfair. She silently poured a half-cup beer, and several students in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai were gave to Beijing delegation to celebrate the Beijing delegation under the leadership of Song Suitu.

It is said that it is a delegation, in fact, two - chili colds are still taking medicine, avoiding alcohol, and sent her boyfriend. Looking forward, there was a key to say that he would also send his boyfriend.

This has more excited the fighting spirit of Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai delegations. Because friends have so many years, Gao Tianyang and Jiang Ti's alcohol have always been a fan. Anyway, no one in the seat has seen what they are drunk, so they are riveting.

Just starting to find a reason, what "Welcome to the country, go back to the country, take a", "Didong is not easy, take a", "Lao Gao promoted, take one".

Later, I became "" pepper can tolerate your stupid, I have to drink a cup "." Do you raise a cat? I wish you a healthy and touch. "

I have been looking for the reason that I can find, they have to start looking for fun. A group of people are so white, saying that the dinner table game, the first reaction is still "Su 7".

Gao Tianyang mixed with the boss here, he took the initiative to say: "There is a tool over the boss, wait, I am looking for a waiter."

"Is there a tool?" After Song Suitu was working, the wine was long, and forced to support it now, it is a little straight.

Waiting to Gao Tianyang took a small box, everyone knows that his so-called tool is a truth-made card, wrote ready-made issues and adventure content, who lost who smoked.

If you can't do it true, you don't have a big risk, then you will drink. Song Suli's few more than this kind of play table, they have a thick face, can do it, so you can drink a few more cups.

But Jiang Ti is different. Understanding for so many years, do they still unclear the character of Jiang Ti? Affirmation is not selected, directly drink. That is not just how it is?

So a table said that his sleeves said to play.

Jiang adds to the beginning, it doesn't matter. After all, he responds fast, and it has never been lost. But later he is a bit helpless ... The reaction will not hold a large grandfather and arrogate, and he is in a pit.

After the fourth round of thrilling, the drink cup of the Jiang adds to the drink cup.

"What are you doing?" Looking at him.

"You are adding to the wine." Jiang Ji asked.


"Didn't drink more?"

"Very awake."

Jiang Tian looked at the smile in his eyes, endured a few seconds, did not hold back: "Who is you with?"

"Divided." Sheng said: "I lost you."

Jiang Tic: "..."

To the sixth round, the very awake of the grand mastery finally put the boyfriend's unbeaten throne, and Jiang add a distant eye.

Song Suitu has been drunk, standing there, said: "Come! Timgong! Come, this truth, this big adventure, choose a pumping! But we don't force, don't want to smoke directly, not much, no more, not much, Three cups will be. "

He said, picking up a bottle, is ready to add wine to Jiangjiang, but heard the other party's calmly: "Then I smoke."

Song Suitu said: "Ah? You pumped it? What?"

The voice just fell, Jiang Ti has been pumping a piece from the truth.

In terms of concern, he is not pumping, it is directly the top one. Everyone has gone to see it, and I will write it on the card: When is the last kiss?

This problem is actually very routine, but there is a wonderful effect on the river. The people in Block have only seen the appearance of cold ice in the week, it is difficult to connect him with love and kiss this word.

The box has fallen into a quiet quiet.

Jiang Tian glanced glanced at it, and the topped the plate was buckled to the table, and he replied: "Today."

It is clear that it is very simple words, but it feels a bit hot in the face. He maintains the palate, and the cup has drunk a bite with the ice of the ice, and then lifted it. It is found that everyone will consciously see him.



The grand young master silently put down the cup and felt that he died his own.

He reflects for a few seconds, hears his brother to his head and ask: "Is it cool?"

In a few rounds, the Jiang Ti is still nothing, the few drins have been blown first. Song Suitu said: "Don't play, don't play, I am too big, I can't stand it. I just have a quarrel, how to think, I have two pairs of couples, I have to be killed by dog ​​food! "

After that, several single dogs began to sprinkle, and they were hurt by their own heart, and they were ignored and drunk with Jiang Ti. In the end, the two is really a bit drunk, Song Suitu has stood unstable.

His elbow hung on the back of the chair, squatted for a while, suddenly the tongue said: "Truste, Sheng Brother, someone doesn't know what you are ... You don't remember."

Prestimachs and the waiter have to have a cup of warm water to Jiang Tian, ​​and he heard the words and turned to him: "Who?"

"Actually, I said with the old height -"

"I let you don't mention it." Gao Tianyang reaction was also a bit slow, screaming in a few people.

"Hey, I know." Song Sirui waved, indicating that he didn't talk nonsense. "Lao Gao said that you are too lazy to know, but I can't help, just say."

"You said." Shengdao.

"I am not in the municipality." Song Suitu said, "Sometimes I will get into some projects, and then in the first half of this year, there is a safety accident in the development zone, and if you are dying, criminal responsibility. Sheng Ge, you guess, who saw who is in the list of responsible people? "

Looking at the faintness, but still asked: "Who? Be a classmate?"

"Qi Jiahao."

When I heard this name, I watched it for a while. After a long time, I gently "oh", I unexpectedly calmly: "Criminal responsibility? Then he doesn't want to leave the case."

"Yes." Song Suite nodded, "Does Dad not engage in construction project contract? Of course, the scale is not big. His college entrance examination is not a mentality, it seems to follow his dad after graduation, and the results are not in place. If you have anything, you have to pay a lot of money, it is said to be borrowed. "

Gao Tianyang is far away: "should be!"

Song Suitu said: "I just tell you the two."

Looking nodded.

At the beginning, these friends learned that he and Jiang Ti is the matter, it is giving to Jia Jialao. After that day, his life began to derail and became unrecognizable. It is definitely false if you want to say that you can't care. But more times, he has no time to think of that person, long time, and even the long-term phase of the other party can't remember.

At the age of 17, the person called Qi Jiahao was a guide to him. Now he has become a small role in his life. It is only a few drungees that only exist in the wine. It takes a few minutes.

Time is amazing.

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