A Chance To Become An Adonis

Chapter 371: Lower him below your standards

Chapter 371: Lower him below your standards

"But you asked the impossible from us!" One of the workers said. 

The moment Ling Chen saw Zhang Jian's album published, he knew he couldn't let this opportunity slip by. But there was a problem with all of this. When he told them to do it, they were only given a week to make the album!

And to make the matter worse, Ling Chen told them to make it a masterpiece. Hearing all of this, the two workers didn't know what to say.

Making a masterpiece in a week was near-impossible. And with the minimal information the workers were given, of course, they couldn't make it happen.  

"Are you saying that it's my fault!" Ling Chen roars. Any simple comment would make the guy snap. 

The two guys shake their heads, not wanting to suffer his wrath.

"You guys were called the best of the best. And yet, you guys couldn't even make a simple album to break into the top ten! Pathetic!" Ling Chen couldn't believe these two would be called the best. But they are nothing more than ordinary dogs.

"Get out! Get out of this company!" Ling Chen wanted these people gone from his sights. 

"Can you not act so childish whenever something doesn't go your way." A cold voice cuts in. Ling Wei walks in with a cold glare at Ling Chen.

"Aunty." The anger Ling Chen had before was nowhere to be found. Instead, his expression turns meek. 

"Do you think you can fire anybody just because you are my nephew?" Ling Wei couldn't believe that Ling Chen was related to her. She turns to the two workers, "You two, leave."

The workers nod and run out of the room. 

"You need to act more calmly." If Ling Chen continues to act like this, people could easily mess with him. 

"But how can I be calm when they're smearing my name! They're even smearing your name as well!" Ling Chen wasn't the only person getting their name smeared on by the fans. 

Ling Wei was also getting targeted. She was getting the same amount of heat as she was being questioned. 

"So? Let them talk about us. They can't do a thing about it. The only thing they could do is to talk about it." 

"But, but-" Ling Chen can't let it go. He's treated as a genius. Everybody should be treating him with respect. But with Zhang Jian here, he became a fiddle. 

"Do you not have a brain, nephew? There are ways to bring Zhang Jian down. If you can't beat him, then you'll have to lower him below your standards." Ling Wei knows letting Zhang Jian continue with such an upwards ascent is a bad idea. She has to knock him down before he reaches the top. 

'Brat, you forced my hand. You should have stayed down when you had the chance.' Ling Wei thought losing the competition was good enough to stop Zhang Jian from progressing. But it seems she has to take a drastic approach against him. 


"Phew, thank goodness the recording didn't take so long." Early in the morning, Zhang Jian came out of a building. He just finished one of his advertisement shoots. 

"Brother Zhang Jian, take some water." A driver comes up and gives him a water bottle. 

"Thanks. Jianjun" Lu Chen had gotten him his own personal driver/bodyguard to deal with anything that comes his way. As a CEO, Lu Chen can't always go with Zhang Jian to his shoots. 

"You also have an advertisement in a couple of minutes. We can fit in some time for breakfast." Yin Jianjun lists out the schedule Zhang Jian has. More products keep coming at Zhang Jian, wanting him to endorse it. 

"You haven't got breakfast, right? Let's get something first before we go to the next shoot." As Zhang Jian was getting ready to leave, 

"Please leave me alone!" "Come on, baby. We'll have a fun time together!"

A block away from where Zhang Jian was standing, an argument between a guy and a girl erupted. It's one of the typical scenes. The girl was wearing a pure white dress, not showing off her skin. 

Her face looks pure and gentle. 

While the guy's appearance made it seem like he was asking for trouble. People around were looking away from the two. They don't want to get involved in this. 

"Help! Somebody, please help me!" As she screams out, her eyes turn over to Zhang Jian, begging him for help.

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