A Chance To Become An Adonis

Chapter 372: Let’s go eat

Chapter 372: Let’s go eat

The girl was expecting Zhang Jian to help her. But what she got instead was something different. Zhang Jian looks at Yin Jianjun, 

"Let's go eat." He doesn't say anything else as he gets into the car. Yin Jianjun does the same as he starts the car. 

"..." Seeing how the car drove off, the woman was speechless. She isn't alone as the man was also looking at the car with wide eyes. 

'It wasn't supposed to be like this!' That's what the two thought. 


'Heh. Do you think you can trap me with some cliche plot like that?' Zhang Jian smirks. The moment the girl glanced at him for help, he knew something was up. 

'Do they think I'm some sort of dog?' The standards he has been well above others. Zhang Jian could tell the woman was hiding her true intentions. 

The woman had overplayed her part too hard. Dressing so innocently and having that over excessive waterworks makes the situation unbelievable. 

But now that he knows, Zhang Jian wonders, "Who's the one that pulled this stunt?" As he thought of the possibilities, 

'Eh, probably Ling Chen or something.' It didn't take him a second to decide. Zhang Jian can already imagine the smug face Ling Chen has against him. 

'I don't need to deal with him.' Zhang Jian waves it off. Ling Chen was going to get it later. The thing he has to focus on now is his next advertisement shoot. 


"I see." Lu Chen was on the phone with Zhang Jian. Zhang Jian talked about everything that happened to him. To think Ling Chen would make a move so soon. 

"Good job walking away from that." If Zhang Jian got involved in that situation, a scandal might have occurred. 

"But now that they made a move, what are we going to do about this?" Zhang Jian knows they can't let Ling Chen run around scott free after pulling this on him. 

"You don't have to worry about him. I already have a plan." Lu Chen has an evil grin as he says this, "I'll tell you about it later." He closes the call to call somebody else, 

"Young master, what do you need?"

"Duan Cheng, I want you to tail somebody. I'll pay you a large amount if you do it properly."

"Young master, you don't have to-" If anything, Duan Cheng didn't want to do anything with him.

"I told you before that nothing in the world comes free. So I will pay for your good work."

"...I understand. Which person do you need me to tail this time?"

"I'll send you the details and payment in a few seconds."

"Yes, sir. Also, young master, do you need the pictures we took of the first target?"

"How many do you have right now?" 

"We have around 4 right now."

"Then I don't need it for now. Just keep tailing him without getting caught and take as many photos as you can."

"Yes, sir!" After closing the call, Duan Cheng got the info about Ling Wei, and then he got a couple of million yuan too.

"Holy!" Duan Cheng didn't expect he got so much just to tail one person. That just shows how serious Lu Chen wanted him to finish the job. 

Duan Cheng opens the door to his office, "Boys! We got a job to do!"


As Lu Chen continues on with his work, he gets a call from his office phone, 

"What is it?"

"Umm, CEO. There's somebody that wishes to meet with you. She is at the front desk right now, refusing to leave."

"Huh? Who is it? Did the person give a name?"

"Let me ask. Oh, the woman's name is Ye Meixiu."

"... Give me two minutes." Lu Chen closes the call and immediately rushes down to the lobby.  

When he makes it down, Lu Chen doesn't need to find Ye Meixiu. All he needs to do is follow the countless gazes locking onto one place. Seeing their boss, the workers quickly move away, making a path for him. 

And at the end, Ye Meixiu was sitting down, looking like a perfect angel. When she spots Lu Chen, she jumps up,

"Brother Chen!" She jumps into Lu Chen's arm.

Seeing this mushy scene, all the males around cry in agony!

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