After the reception, Li Wei breathed a sigh of relief, he really didn't like these banquets, it was too troublesome.Although it is difficult to get drunk in this era of wine, it is still a little uncomfortable to drink a belly of water. Looking at Zhou Cang, who is holding a leg of lamb, Li Wei kicked him and asked: "Today I caught it during the day. Where's that kid from.〃?"

"My lord, you are locked in the prison, your hands and feet are locked, and you can't run." Zhou Cang put down the leg of lamb and said vaguely with the lamb in his mouth.Deng Hong, who was on the side, glanced at it, and continued to lower his head to destroy the leg of lamb. The Yingchuan Army sent a lot of good things. At this time, only his own people were left in the big tent, so he didn't show any face at all and shook it off. Cheek eat.The four brothers are all poor and afraid. If there is meat and wine, let go and enjoy.

Li Wei nodded and walked out of the tent with Diaochan.

"Husband, do you want to see that Liu Pi?"

"Yeah, you can't let go of such a talented person. It's a pity that such a talent should be buried with the Yellow Turban. It won't take long for you to become a valiant general. Very accurate, since he said that this person can be used, then I can't ignore his suggestion." Li Wei laughed.

"." The composition of the yellow turban is extremely complicated. The husband still has to be careful. It is best to be able to earn income from his subordinates.Many of the people in the Yellow Turbans came from poor families. It really makes people sigh. This world is really the poor people who can't survive, so this is why Zhang Jiao was able to gather millions, not because the country itself came out. problem?The common people are very simple, they can't starve to death, who wants to rebel?Only if he really can't survive, he is forced to rebel. All these problems are caused by high-rise buildings and various aristocratic families. Diaochan understands in his heart but is powerless. The only one who can change the world is Li Li. dimension.

Li Wei nodded, a general like Liu Pi, who can earn the highest level of systematic training under his command, can go to a higher level than before, but if he can't convince him, then Li Wei (Li Zhao's) I can only attack Liu Pi's psychological defense line with constant spiritual hints, and then seize the opportunity to brainwash in one fell swoop, but now that time is limited, it is best for Liu Pi to take the initiative to surrender.

Outside the tent where important people were held in the cell, there was a [-]-strong team of great swordsmen, and a centurion guarded the cell, fearing that Liu Pi would run away.

Diaochan was guarding outside the account, while Li Wei entered the tent.At this moment, Liu Pi looked quite miserable, his hair was disheveled, his tattered leather armor was also stripped off, and he was dressed in commoner clothes.His hands and feet were locked by iron chains, and the iron rods used as fixing piles were driven into the ground more than ten meters deep. The chains made of special metals are not so easy to break free. At this moment, Liu Bi sat there dejected, watching Staring at the food in front of him.Li Wei did not abuse/treat him, the food was rich in meat and vegetables, but at the moment Liu Pi was stunned until Li Wei came in and then came back to his senses. .

chapter 503.

Liu Pi looked at Li Wei without speaking, and his eyes were calm. "A high-ranking official? When will you kill me? Give me a letter of approval. Even if I starve to death, I won't eat your food. Cut me down before I starve to death. Whether or not I will leave the whole body to see how you feel."

Li Wei was also a little amused. This Liu Pi was young and his face was childish. He was completely malnourished, but he still had a bit of backbone.

"Why am I cutting your head off?" Li Wei laughed.

"Do the officers still need a reason to kill the Yellow Turbans? I'm also a subordinate anyway, and my confident head is still worth a bit of money, enough for you to be promoted and rich. If you cut me down earlier, I'd better suffer less crime and go to the underworld to be reborn as soon as possible." Although Liu Pi was bruised by Zhou Cang's beating, he looked a little funny, but the hatred for the court in his bones made him also sneer at Li Wei.

Li Wei also sat down, like an old friend chatting, looking at the jug in front of him, he poured himself a drink.

"You think I'm an officer?"

"The armor and weapons are excellent, and they are led by generals. Who are they not the official army?"

"I am the local army, the official army has nothing to do with me. Listen carefully, the person who arrested you is Li Wei Li Zhongxing, the prefect of Runan, and I am the prefect myself. What is the promotion?"

"Are you Li Zhongxing?"

"Yes, I am." Li Wei admitted generously.

Liu Pi's face became very strange, he was stunned, and then cried out with a "wow", snot and tears streaming down his face.

"What's the matter? I'm still crying." Li Wei was also taken aback. What kind of trouble is this?

Liu Pi cried very sadly. He was a half-old child. In modern terms, he was only in junior high school at this time, but Liu Pi had already gone into battle to kill people.Either you kill me, or I kill you. There are no young or old on the battlefield. If you kill someone with a knife, you must be prepared to be killed.

When Liu Pi was exhausted, Li Wei asked, "You don't look like an ordinary person. Tell me about your origin. You cry so sadly when you hear my name. What's the matter?"

"I'm crying about my dead family. The boy Liu Pi was originally from Jianye. The family has five acres of thin land. All the parents in the family are there. Besides me, there is a younger sister. However, there was a locust plague, and the harvest in the field was all gone. , the family life is dying (bjef), in order to survive, they can only sell/body to the local big family, the big family's son occupied my sister's body, and my sister hanged herself. The big family was angry and sent me and my parents I was driven out and left to fend for itself. My father heard that General Li had a good heart and that you took in refugees and helped them survive, so he brought me and my mother to join the general. However, the journey was long, we had no money, and our parents starved to death, and I too I was very hungry, and survived by eating tree bark, and robbed and robbed business travel for bandits. If I could have come to join the general earlier, my sister would not have been hanged, and my parents would not have eaten Guanyin soil and smashed her belly to death. .."

Liu Pi regretted that he didn't come to Runan earlier. If he had come to Runan directly after selling the land, he would be the only one left in the family. Listen to your father.There is no medicine for regret in the world. Now, he has a bad life, so he will follow the Yellow Turbans, and rely on his awakened power to rush into the formation. Huang Zhao sees his great skills, so he makes him a general, leading more than a thousand troops. people.

Li Wei is also a little sighed. In this chaotic world, human life is like a mustard. Liu Pi's tragedy is just one of the tragedies of thousands of ordinary people in this era. He is not the worst, at least he is still alive, isn't it?Yellow Turbans, it is an indescribable irony to say that the Han Empire made its own sins, and the Han Empire also died because of the Yellow Turban Rebellion.

"It's a pity, a pity... Then I'm asking you now, are you willing to surrender to me? You are the only one left in this family, what are you going to do to die, you have to live for your father, your mother, and your sister? "If you die, isn't your sister humiliated for nothing? Don't you want to go back and kill the noble family who bullied your sister?" Li Wei shook his head and sighed.

"I...I think. I want to kill the beast who bullied my sister. I want to skin his whole family. I can't wait to tear the beast apart and drink blood! Boy...willing to follow the general's saddle and horses, just ask for One day I can get my revenge!" Liu Bi gritted his teeth, his eyes were red, and it seemed that he hated the wealthy family very deeply.

Li Wei nodded and said: "Follow me, I will teach you martial arts and literature, you will be a rusher first, and follow me to fight. In the future, you will have a chance to take revenge."

Liu Pi knelt down and kowtowed to Li Wei, banging loudly, and his forehead was bleeding. "General's great favor! General's great favor!"

Li Wei supported him and knocked it down again. Do you still need this head?Don't be a fool.

Li Wei drew/pulled out his saber, cut off the chain that locked Liu Pi with a few swords, and said, "Follow me, and the people around me and I will give you an order to prepare a suit of armor for you."

Li Wei brought Liu Bi and the people under his command to say hello. He was not suspicious of people, and Liu Bi was sincere to submit. If he still guarded Liu Bi, it would make Liu Bi feel cold.Therefore, Li Wei treated the newly descended Liu Pi equally. However, Liu Pi did not systematically learn how to organize troops. Now he is learning all kinds of basic military knowledge with Ma Liang, while Zhou Cang and Deng Hong are in charge of training him. martial arts.

Liu Pi was thin and thin due to malnutrition, so he did not have a suitable armor. Li Wei had to use a set of spare plate armor to make it for him, and his big iron sword was also re-refined by Li Wei. It will not break when the enemy will cut it.Liu Pi's great sword became a serrated sword after being slashed with Zhou Cang's beheading sword. Weapons are very important to military generals. There are too many problems with this inferior iron sword.

Liu Pi, who had put on a new outfit, seemed to be in a lot of energy. With a bandage on his forehead, he was eating at the desk with a group of rough men. Liu Pi had lived a hard life since he was a child. The food, so the Chinese army tent was completely occupied by a few foodies.

Li Wei was not annoyed, he was not one of those noble families, he had to teach so many rules, and fighting would consume physical strength, so he had to be full to have strength.In Li Wei's view, although Liu Pi has strange powers, his future achievements are limited due to developmental problems. Although his strength is strong, he definitely cannot reach the level of Dian Wei, Xu Zhu, and Lu Bu, so he can only go. The comprehensive route, but the chaos of the Yellow Turbans, can make him grow rapidly.This time, the main thing is to train troops. By the way, we will build a defensive circle with Runan as the center to lay the foundation for the future development of the chaotic world. Li Wei said, the chaos of the Yellow Turbans, as long as you don’t eat the hard bone of Zhang Jiao, it is the simplest paradise. model. .

Chapter 504. Changes in the situation

Looking at the deployment of troops on the simple sand table, Li Wei already knew what he had in mind, but he had a strategic vision and was not as good as Ma Liang in terms of tactics, so Li Wei handed over the command of the army to Ma Liang.Ma Liang lived up to expectations. He fought twice and killed more than [-] Yellow Turbans, breaking the Yellow Turban's strategy of mobile warfare in Yingchuan and forcing the Yellow Turbans to retreat to Nanyang in the south.

If the Yellow Turbans completed the encirclement of Luoyang, it would be a little troublesome to fight, but now a hole has been opened, and other local forces have begun to cooperate with Li Wei's strategy to compress the living space of the Yellow Turbans. Now Zhang Jiao's main force is still In the area of ​​Julu and Guangzong, the fire can't burn here for the time being.Now Lu Zhi is leading the main force of the official army in the north and Zhang Jiao's main force is fighting in the north. The pressure in Yingchuan area is greatly reduced because of the addition of Li Wei. Huangfu Song and Zhu Jun are killed on the way to the south. With a carbine, he went north to support Lu Zhi's troops, who were rubbed/rubbed on the ground by Zhang Jiao.

But even so, the situation is still not optimistic.After more than a month of tug-of-war, the army of the imperial court still could not take advantage of it. Instead, it was beaten by Zhang Jiao's demon soldiers. All can form an army, crusade / destroy the Yellow Turbans.Regarding the imperial edict, Li Wei has only one comment, that is, drinking poison to quench thirst, sooner or later he will have to kill himself.

Li Wei expected that the court was now desperate and could only resort to this. I don't know who came up with this broken idea. Although the Yellow Turbans could be suppressed, the various princes who rose up after that all had soldiers in their hands. Who still listens to the orders of the Luoyang court?That's why Li Wei said that the idea was to drink poison to quench thirst, and even before the Yellow Turbans were suppressed, the court would have to be poisoned to death.

Because the previous war with Xiqiang completely exhausted the national treasury, the imperial court is now too poor. At least by national standards, the money in the current court's hands is not only to pay the salaries of hundreds of officials and the daily maintenance of Luoyang. In addition, there is not much left, and it is impossible to form a new army to support Lu Zhi and Huangfu Song.But they can't leave Lu Zhi and Huangfu Song alone. If the main force is eliminated, then the imperial court will be doomed, and the Yellow Turbans will definitely take the opportunity to enter the border and go straight to Luoyang. At that time, no one will get any benefit.

Therefore, this kind of absurd order has been recognized by everyone. Because the Yellow Turbans entered Luoyang, all officials must become prisoners. The Yellow Turbans will not care about your wealthy family. For the Yellow Turbans, the imperial court and the wealthy family are their own. The enemy, the enemy must be eliminated.Precisely because the knife was almost on the neck, the ministers stopped unnecessary quarrels, and the guns were aimed at the yellow turban. At this moment, the etiquette of all the ministers and the wealthy families stood together, that is The Yellow Turbans must - must die.

They talk every day that the Yellow Turban has shaken the foundation of the great Han, but in fact, the Yellow Turban has shaken their foundation. This uncontrolled destructive force will completely destroy the current ruling structure based on Confucian culture. , to pull them down from the altar of Confucian sages, and then step on them fiercely, this is absolutely unforgivable to them.

Li Wei, who was still besieging the Yellow Turbans in the Runan area of ​​Yingchuan at the moment, naturally did not know the complex psychology of the ministers. He was busy cleaning up the mess. Although the Yellow Turbans in other places were still dancing quite happily, Ying The Yellow Turbans in the south of Chuanrun were surrounded and killed by his men. Many generals were beheaded. Even Huang Zhao himself was severely injured.Li Wei's Runan Army also suffered losses, but the losses were not too big. More than [-] people were killed in battle, and more than [-] people were seriously injured. It was not a big problem as a whole. In contrast, the Runan Army Playing a rather exaggerated battle damage ratio, the Yellow Turbans entrenched in the Runan area of ​​Yingchuan alone killed more than [-] people, and the rest either ran away with Huang Zhao, or fled into the mountains and Li Wei. Fighting guerrillas, so Li Wei did not intend to leave the Runan area of ​​Yingchuan for the time being for the stability of the rear.

The imperial edicts were also timely for the various princes. Because there were no edicts before, they simply had no way to conduct long-distance battles.Now that we have this edict, we can do things cheaply in the name of exterminating the Yellow Turbans.And for the princes, the Yellow Turbans not only shaken the foundation of the imperial court, but it is not a good thing for them. The population has been greatly reduced, the land is deserted and abandoned, and the law and order is chaotic. All kinds of evil consequences have already appeared.The feudal lords who could not run too far because of lack of righteousness, now have the imperial edict, and have already started joint operations, cooperating with each other to strangle the Yellow Turbans.

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Zhang Jiao's main force is still hard bones, and no prince wants to fight Zhang Jiao head-on, but if the main force of Zhang Jiao's three brothers does not touch, it does not mean that the other Yellow Turbans will not care.If you can't beat the three Zhang Jiao brothers, can't you use the other yellow turbans to vent your anger?The head of the Yellow Turban is the credit. The more you cut, the greater the credit. After the chaos is over, it will be the addition of officials and titles. Under the mixture of various forces, the princes chase the Yellow Turbans like wicked dogs.


The Yellow Turbans, like wildfires, were finally contained, but the damage caused by the Yellow Turbans was also huge, because the court's response was slow, and the princes were unwilling to take too many risks in order to preserve their strength. The remnants of the scattered Yellow Turbans still exist, but they have changed from taking the initiative to attacking to guarding the defensive line.As long as the banner of Zhang Jiao does not fall, the soul of the Yellow Turbans will never be extinguished.

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