However, the current situation has been reversed, the so-called army of one million has been completely dispersed, and the various princes have begun to gear up, preparing to encircle and suppress Zhangjiao.Although Zhang Jiao is a hard bone that can choke to death, considering the overall situation, even if it will cause a certain amount of damage to the senior strength, it is still necessary to destroy the elite of Zhang Jiao.

The various princes also saw that if Zhang Jiao did not die for one day, then the soul of the Yellow Turbans would never be defeated. Therefore, for the long-term stability of their respective territories, and to completely destroy the fighting spirit of the Yellow Turbans, Zhang Jiao must die.Otherwise, the remnants of the Yellow Turbans are always running around on their own territory, and there is simply no way to cultivate their health and well-being. In the eyes of various princes, this Yellow Turban thief is very abhorrent. .

Chapter 505. Stabilizing the Rear

Time advances to 185 AD, Li Wei has completed the sweeping/sweeping of the Yuzhou Yellow Turbans centered on Runan, Yingchuan and Runan. It can be said that Li Wei's influence has expanded to most of Yuzhou and Yangzhou under the so-called excuse of fighting the Yellow Turbans. In some areas, Li Wei's digestion of the territory is not as rough as that of other princes, but to mobilize the power of the masses as much as possible to transform the entire area.

Li Wei is not like other princes, who will completely kill the Yellow Turbans. On the contrary, many of the excellent refugees in the Yellow Turbans have been absorbed by Li Wei.When the quality and quantity of the unparalleled generals were dominant, the ability of the Yellow Turbans could not be brought into play at all, and the crowd tactics were also defeated by Li Wei's heavy-armoured infantry and bowmen, so the Yellow Turbans appeared to be organized. surrender.

However, Li Wei showed his cruelest side. Not everyone who surrendered to the Yellow Turbans could survive. Li Wei took advantage of the weakness of people's hearts and asked the Yellow Turbans to testify against each other. Yes, those with bad intentions, those who committed crimes under "[-]" exceeding the upper limit of amnesty set by Li Wei, were all beheaded.And their heads were used by Li Wei to build the Jingguan, and the cut off heads were piled up into a tower, and the smell of blood could be smelled ten miles away.

Most of the surviving Yellow Turbans had committed minor crimes, or they were ordinary refugees who were trapped and had to join the Yellow Turbans because their homes were destroyed by the Yellow Turbans.The methods used by the Yellow Turbans to pull people are quite rough. They directly set the houses of ordinary people on fire, kidnapped their wives and daughters, and if they want to survive, they will take refuge in the Yellow Turbans, or they will be beheaded immediately.But even if they surrendered to the Yellow Turbans, the wives and daughters of the common people would become military prostitutes until they were gang-raped to death. It was precisely because of the Yellow Turbans' animal behavior that these surrendered Yellow Turbans had the most motivation to hunt down the Yellow Turbans. .

After all, their stable life was destroyed by the Yellow Turbans, so whether it was for military exploits or revenge, they showed no mercy to their former allies. Fighting with lightly armed sword and shield fighters and assisting heavy armored infantry, these auxiliary arms are indeed quite heroic, and they have played an important role in the large and small battles of destroying the Yellow Turbans.Li Wei plans to let all these people systematically receive the reinforcement of Reiki after the Yellow Turban Rebellion, and break up the organization and incorporate it into the existing military system, rather than exist as auxiliary soldiers as it is now.

"My lord, now is the time to join the alliance. Zhang Jiao's strength is not something that ordinary princes can fight against. This is our chance to enter the arena. Zhang Jiao's main force has been almost consumed by Lu Zhi and Huangfu Song. , the next thing is that the princes will join forces to discuss Zhang Jiao. Moreover, Zhang Liang and Zhang Bao are now dead, and Zhang Jiao has lost his right-hand man. Attacking at this moment is the chance to hit his weak spot." Ma Liang gestured on the sand table, The map of the entire Chinese land is miniaturized on this delicate sand table, and everyone can see the situation in various places clearly.

After more than half a year of war, not only did it not bring down Runan's economy, but Runan made a lot of money because of the export of grain and cloth weapons. Moreover, Li Wei's official system has also been perfected. Now most of Runan's officials are In his hands, he replaced the officials he had trained.With the advantage of political power, Li Wei took advantage of this opportunity to shear the wool of the aristocratic family, and let them spit out what they had swallowed before.

Of course, although this is only a few words here, there are many struggles involved, but Li Wei not only holds the official position, but also has an army in his hand, and the intelligence department has also branched out an assassination unit to kill chickens and warn monkeys. After slaughtering a few rich families, the aristocratic families could only endure the "atrocities" of Li Wei.Li Wei announced to the public that it was the remnants of the Yellow Turbans who had slipped into Runan through the mountains, and told the wealthy families to be careful, but his warning made the wealthy families tremble and dare not make mistakes.

Li Wei planned to return to Runan with the expedition army, repair it, wait for the repair to be completed, and then send troops to discuss Zhang Jiao.

"This is indeed a good opportunity, but it is also an opportunity for the aristocratic families in Runan. Seeing that I am going to travel far, they will definitely take the opportunity to make trouble. I decided to sort out the wealthy families in Runan before leaving." Li Wei rubbed his chin and said with a smile.

Everyone shuddered when they heard Li Wei's words. Isn't Li Wei's so-called "combing" the same as Tu Manmen?

Li Wei is very clear about the drawbacks of aristocratic families, so he is always on guard against those aristocratic families. Since they play tricks on ordinary people and use various means to seize people's land and make people slaves, then Li Wei uses their own The way to repay them, in the territory of Runan, there is no need for a wealthy family in the true sense.Doing this will make him an enemy of the world's wealthy family, but for Li Wei, the hostility should be hostile. When the time comes, everything will be cut off together, and the aristocratic family will be finished, which will allow him to save more effort in the construction of the entire society.

"My lord, if you treat those wealthy families like this, your subordinates are afraid of instability in the territory." Ma Liang said worriedly.

"Those wealthy families themselves are the biggest unstable factor. Unless they are willing to give up their privileges, dismiss their slaves, and hand over their land to the county for unified management, otherwise, I will have to do it sooner or later. Early action is also considered a concession. They died early and died early, and when my patience is exhausted, it will not be as simple as handing over the fields and servants."

Although Li Wei's words were said in the form of a joke, no one here would think that he was joking. Li Wei could really say that he could do it. ........Li Wei has drawn up various contingency plans, and he can quickly grasp the situation in any situation. In the future, the good days of the wealthy family are coming to an end, although Li Wei does not have a stick to beat them. Completely killed, but the wealthy family after that is more like a virtual noble, without actual rights.Li Wei dared to do this because his official system was completely mature. Although he still lacked the top officials, he had completely mastered the middle and lower-level officials, and there would not be the dilemma that he could not eat pigs without Butcher Zhang.

Previously, the wealthy children threatened Li Wei with dismissal from office, but Li Wei didn't care about them at all. As soon as they left, Li Wei arranged for officials to take their place. Li Wei was able to hold 85% of the county's official positions because of the aristocratic family. Because of their own death and dismissal from office, Li Wei kicked them all out of the game, and only a few lucky ones and more enlightened people survived.

"This..." Ma Liang felt that this was the case, but treating the wealthy in this way, when they attacked other sites in the future, the wealthy would become enemies with Li Wei.However, considering Li Wei's own hard power, the hostility of those wealthy families is a joke. Thinking of this, Ma Liang felt that since Li Wei wanted to rectify the problem of the wealthy family, he would simply fall back to Li Wei completely. Anyway, in the eyes of those wealthy families , he Ma Liang has long been Li Wei's lackey, the so-called reputation is a joke to him Ma Liang, after all, even Xu Shu supports Li Wei to rectify the wealthy family.However, Ma Liang didn't know about Xu Shu and Li Wei's wild heart. Xu Shu agreed with Li Wei's global strategy with both hands and feet. How could these wealthy families be allowed to drag their feet and really dare to block Li Wei's way. Xu Shu is the first A furious.

Li Wei's rule depends on the poor family and the general public. He doesn't plan to play with the rich at all. Now the atmosphere of the entire Runan County is not friendly to the rich. At least the aristocratic families in Runan County are very honest. As arrogant and domineering as in other places, it is really impossible to eat and walk around, even the Yuan family, the privileges have been cut almost.

The Yuan family is the head of the Runan family, and even the Yuan family does not say a word. What kind of waves can those small families make? Li Wei is deliberately flattening the class, narrowing the gap between the rich and the poor as much as possible, and keeping the society in one place. In a relatively stable state, it is unrealistic to want to kill the noble family, but the blunt knife will weaken them little by little. One day, Li Wei does not need to shoot, just the general public is enough for them. Have a drink. .

Chapter 506. Educational Issues

Li Wei's army returned to Runan for renovation. As his base camp, Li Wei was very concerned about the governance of Runan, because Runan was a sample, just like the various special zones developed by China in later generations. Experimental, and Runan is the testing ground for Li Wei's various policies.

Although the system of later generations is more advanced and perfect than this era, it does not necessarily adapt to this era of undeveloped people's wisdom. For such a long time, most of the seeds that Li Wei has planted have taken root and sprouted, and began to show their own role and effect. Strength, such as official school.The so-called official school is an independent section divided by Runan County from the local finances. It is specially used for the construction of academies. Chinese, mathematics, nature, history, geography, physical education and other courses are divided.

Chinese and mathematics are the most basic courses, which belong to Mongolian learning, but even if you are promoted to senior grades, you still have to learn them. This is the top priority. Other subjects are developed on the basis of these two subjects. These two subjects are equivalent on the foundation of the building.With the growth of age and the strengthening of learning ability, nature and history have joined the students' learning scope. Naturally, it is to let students be wise and not to have anything to do with gods and ghosts. The systematic education of 19 students How to understand the world, which also involves simple chemistry and physics, and a series of other miscellaneous studies. If you master the subject of nature, then this student will be very easy to transfer to the Mohist school.

History is a compulsory course, and history can be used as a mirror to know the rise and fall. Li Wei asked Xu Shu and others to compile a special textbook to discuss various events in various eras in history from a neutral point of view, and learn from it to avoid detours.The subject of geography is also very important, because it involves the exploration of mountains, rivers and rivers, as well as the solar system theory and cosmic observation theory that overturned the theory of the round sky and the earth in this era. study.

The last physical education class is to exercise the students' physique, so that they will not read and read into a group of funny people who only know what they know. Do double cultivation.Of course, all of this is still without the wealthy family. In order to become an official, the wealthy family studied the Confucian classics. The Three Kingdoms period at the end of the Han Dynasty was an era when Confucianism had a high status. If you want to be an official, you must understand the Confucian classics and meanings. Row.On the other hand, Runan does not follow this rule. No matter how much you understand the Confucian scriptures, you will still not be able to be an official if you do not understand the principles of the world.

Li Wei's education system can be said to be a base for cultivating "modern talents". Modernization here refers to talents with at least knowledge in the 19th and 20th centuries, and all kinds of talents must far exceed this era.Of course, Li Wei's doing this is also very expensive. If it wasn't for the fact that Runan was really fat, then he really couldn't afford this kind of popular education.Li Wei's confidence lies in the income from the official field in his own hands and the huge profits in foreign trade, and he does not need or allow others to interfere in his education system.

Some Confucian celebrities accused Li Wei of not having Confucian classics in the content of his teaching. Li Wei did not talk nonsense with the so-called celebrities. He just ignored it. Now that Confucianism is huge, Li Wei is not good at confronting these people. You Play yours, I play mine, there is no place for the two sides to intersect for the time being.It is not impossible to open Confucianism, but it is definitely not open now. Now that Confucianism is opened, Li Wei is afraid to teach all these good seedlings to waste. Confucianism belongs to "grass-eating", and Li Wei needs "meat-eating" students. But to prepare for the global deployment of martial arts, in this case, the Confucian doctrine of benevolence and righteousness will only hold back, so Li Wei plans to start the Confucian doctrine as a supplement to the new study after the students have a complete ability to discern the world.

From the matter of Kong Lao/second killing of Shaozhengmao, we can see the exclusivity and exclusiveness of Confucianism. Is Shaozhengmao a bad person?Mr. Kong/Second’s approval for Shaozhengmao was, “Be bold in your heart, be prudent in your actions, be firm in your actions, argue with falsehoods, be eloquent in your minds, and be eloquent in your minds,” Li Wei said, “Fuck!The real cause of Shaozhengmao's death was robbing students from Confucianism/Second.Governing the country according to the law has become deeply rooted in the people's hearts in modern times. The country cannot stand without standing, and the law is sacred and inviolable.Let’s not talk about whether the people who enforce the law can fulfill their duties, but the law itself is constantly self-improving and progressing. The law is one of the fundamentals of a country’s cohesion. No matter which country it is, he dares to say that he does not want the law?

Even in war-torn areas, it has its own "laws". Confucius thought that the law must serve Confucianism. If Confucianism says it is law, it is law. If Confucianism does not recognize it, it is not law.In other words, we are playing with double standards. Everything that is good for Confucianism is good, and everything that is not good for Confucianism is bad and will be overthrown.

What qualifications does Confucius have to kill?Murder to pay for his life, debt to pay, what reason does he have to kill Shaozhengmao?To put it bluntly, the five approvals are a mockery of modern law. The law was originally established to protect ordinary people from those who violate the rules. Therefore, people who study law will pay attention to the dark side of society, and find the root cause of the disease, and then Trying to solve the problem from the source, how did it become a bad thing when it came to Confucianism?

It is precisely because of Confucianism's double standards and weakness, and its dominance for a long time, that the Han Chinese fell from the position of wolves to the position of sheep. Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties, let's see how they all perished?

There are poems

Please read the textbook, how many heroes are famous?

People say that history is written by later generations, and descendants do not remember ancestors' grudges.

It is only said that heroes defy destiny and hinder integration and go against the tide.

Yue Fei was a high-ranking general, and Ran Min killed Hu and everything.

Tianxiang's successful history can be lawful, not as good as Shi Lang's lackey.

Man, barbarian and Hulu became brothers, and ethnic integration was the mainstream.

No one remembers the five chaotic flowers, and Yangzhou bleeds in vain on the tenth day.

The Qing palace drama was sung on stage, and the Kangxi Yongzheng people received it.

The Han people are all Hu people and dogs, and the gratifying people are also romantic.

Qin Hui and Sangui play Guanqing, and my generation can now stand out.

He merged with the Japanese invaders, adding new mouths to the Chinese family.

Open the door and burn incense to celebrate, the nation breaks through fifty-six.

This is a group of weak sheep, a group of sheep that can only be slaughtered, and a group of sheep that can only use the spiritual victory method to find some fun for themselves. Li Wei is afraid, and Li Wei is afraid that he indulges Confucianism to cause this historical tragedy.What Li Wei wants is the great wisdom and bravery who will be punished even if he is a strong man, not those rotten Confucians who only know the ability to grind their lips.No matter how powerful his mouth is, can he reason with the Hu people?Only when the knife rests on the neck can these scumbags know that the situation is serious.

Therefore, even in the face of heavy resistance, Li Wei still kept the old-style Confucianism out of the official school.Li Wei also knew that there was a difference between closeness and distance, so the students of the official school all lived on campus to prevent them from being infiltrated by Confucian people, and everyone was baptized with spiritual energy from the beginning of school, so that they would be wise and discerning. Able to reach the level equivalent to a modern junior high school student in half a year, many talented students have already passed the high school stage and entered the university stage of advanced study.

In Li Wei's official school, most of the students are children from poor families. The official school waives all their tuition fees, room and board and miscellaneous expenses. All of them are supported by the official finance of Runan County. ,deport.However, the parents of these students are all hopeful that their children will become literate, and most of them hope that their children can be literate. In addition, the Runan government has waived all expenses, and there is one less person in the family to eat, and the economic pressure will not be so heavy. .Although there was a farce in the middle of parents preventing their children from entering official schools due to the bewitchment of Confucianists, Xu Shu suppressed them, and all the troublemakers were dealt with severely.

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