Li Wei not only wanted to popularize official school, but after this group of students completed their studies, he would gradually popularize it later, so that women could also go to official school.As for "a woman without talent is virtue" (the original meaning of this sentence is that women who have talent should not show themselves in front of their husbands at will, so as to save face for their husbands, but many people distort the meaning of this sentence to mean that women do not need knowledge), Li Weicai doesn't care about this. To liberate the productive forces, he must break through the original upper limit of thinking. Confucianism has been changed beyond recognition when it was passed on to the Han Dynasty. Even the little remaining essence has been changed by later generations. Modifying the meaning of the scriptures according to the ruler's taste is itself a crooked way.When the Eastern Han Dynasty underestimated Legalism and emphasized Confucianism, its decline was inevitable.In order for the Han people to continue to stand on top of the world, they must change from themselves. .

Chapter 507. Reverse Merger

"My lord, this is all the recent affairs. All of them are here." Xu Shu put a stack of documents on Li Wei's low table.

"Yo, paper has been mass-produced? When did it happen? This is a good thing." Li Wei said cheerfully: "Okay, the cost of paper is reduced, and bamboo slips can be withdrawn from the stage of history. It is really inconvenient to carry them. Ah. It's not good for the dissemination of knowledge, paper is good."

"Bamboo pulp paper improved from Caihou Paper, the raw material is cheap bamboo, which is inexpensive to grow on a large scale. Although there is no way to popularize it in common people's homes, the aristocratic family is able to replace all bamboo slips with paper. "Xu Shu sighed.

"Then we must continue to work hard. The benefits cannot always be taken first. What about the official school? Are you still using bamboo slips?" Li Wei asked with concern.

"The textbooks are all made of paper. The movable type printing technique is combined with the engraving method. Now the textbook can be done for three people, but the official school implements a three-person group system, so it's okay. My lord, you have an embarrassed expression on your face, but you have What's the matter? Why don't you talk to Shu, it's better than holding back alone." Xu Shu smiled.

Li Wei threw a cushion and let him sit down. After Xu Shu sat down, Li Wei began to say: "I am having a headache about Confucianism. Although Confucianism is already rotten, he also has his own strengths. He still has some essence of life principles. I want students to understand these principles, but I can’t let the corruption of Confucianism contaminate them. So I’m having a headache.”

"My lord, you are really...there is a way to solve this matter."

"Oh? You said, what's the way?" Li Wei was also interested. If Xu Shu could really do it, then he wouldn't have to have any more headaches.

"My lord, why don't we take the useful points from Confucianism, re-edit it, collectively call it Neo-Confucianism, and let the students know the truth. In this way, we avoid the messy rubbish of Confucianism, and we don't need to seek Confucianism at all. The compilation of Taoism, Some people in Yingchuan Academy are capable people, so there is absolutely no need to look at the faces of outsiders." Xu Shu said with a smile.

Li Wei slapped his big leg and said with a smile: "But I'm on the horns, very good, just do it. Let Ding Pan take care of this matter. This time you go far, you have to look inside the collar, you must not be able to go. It's gone. Keep an eye on those aristocratic families. If anyone dares to mess around, just beat them. By the way, make the promotion of the vernacular and simplified characters to the best of their ability. People accept it, but promotion cannot stop ¨¨."

"What about the Yuan family, lord, you have a word for me to beat, but the Yuan family can't move now. And the promotion of the vernacular and simplified characters will take time." Xu Shu said with a wry smile.Li Wei's promotion of vernacular is also because there are too many disadvantages of classical Chinese. Classical Chinese can continue to exist, but vernacular must also be popularized.Classical Chinese is a minimalist language. A large paragraph can be explained in just a few words, which can be explained according to different needs. This is also the reason why the meanings of various classics are often tampered with.Because the expression of classical Chinese is difficult to form a standard, and the meaning of vernacular is fixed, it is not so easy to tamper with. The promotion of vernacular is to prevent people from "Confucianism" from fighting back, not everyone is talented and intelligent , so the vernacular is more suitable for the general public to learn.The reason why classical Chinese has been eliminated in modern times is because the expression of classical Chinese is inaccurate. Although gorgeous rhetoric can be piled up, it is easy for people to see it in a fog. The advantage of vernacular is that everyone can understand it.If you want to popularize knowledge, you must let everyone understand it, otherwise "Confucianism" will still monopolize education and ideas, and lead the entire Chinese nation into the gutter.Although simplified characters are not as good-looking as traditional characters, they are more conducive to learning and suitable for getting started. After you have a certain foundation, you can come into contact with traditional characters. Traditional characters are the heirlooms of aristocratic families, but the general public needs more conducive characters for learning.

"Hehe, Yuan Family, let these clowns jumping on the beam let them relax first, we just need to bury our heads in stable development, now we don't need other so-called foreign aid at all, just good self-development. Our goal is not one state or one country, It's the whole world, and I don't have that much free time to deal with all that rubbish."

Li Wei poked the globe on the low table, turned to the European part, pointed to it and said, "See here? I want to lead our invincible fleet and turn this place into our land. I want the blood of the Han people to spread all over the world. Do you dare to stop me? I don’t care what the emperor of Luoyang is like, but I know that we want to take Yangzhou, and we want to take the estuary.”

If possible, Li Wei would even want to control the Yangtze River and the Yellow River, but now with limited troops, he can only choose one of the two. Li Wei chose the south with more sea ports, because if you look at the map carefully, you can understand that the Yellow River It is too detoured. Although it is also a waterway, it does not have an advantage in the efficiency of material transportation.On the contrary, although the Yangtze River is also winding, it is not so exaggerated, and there are many tributaries, which facilitates the dispersal and transshipment of materials. In terms of transportation capacity, Li Wei prefers the Yangtze River.

Now Li Wei's site Runan is in the north, but to be honest, the north has little advantages in other aspects except for the quality of the soldiers. With Li Wei's development ability, the advantage that can be obtained by developing the south is even greater.Regarding the grand strategy, Li Wei is very clear. Li Wei is not very good at specific tactics, but for the overall strategy, his vision can be said to be forward in this era.Li Wei's layout is planned based on the overall industry. The development of industry, commerce and agriculture, as well as the population layout, must follow the water source.

In this era, there is no super project of the South-to-North Water Diversion Project. Although Li Wei can temporarily point out the technology tree, the technology in the middle has too many generations. Once he leaves, then this super project cannot be maintained.Therefore, when Li Wei is climbing technology, he always climbs up based on the existing technology, and there will be no technical faults. Even if he leaves this world, there will be no problems.Taking this as a standard, there are not many technologies that Li Wei can point out.Cement, new ceramics, hydraulic forging machines, reinforced concrete construction methods, metal forging processes, urban sewer systems, public toilets...

Although the technology that Li Wei can point out has surpassed this era, due to the lack of foundation, it is impossible to climb all the way to the 21st century, even to the 19th century, it is very reluctant. Some technologies have already reached the level of the 16th and 17th centuries. For example, the mass forging hammer technology required by the mass production technology of plate armor is the technology of the 17th century. It is still a little troublesome to point out the steam engine, so I will not consider it for the time being.The Mojia mechanics in this world are very buggy, like the wooden cows and horses made by Huang Yueying. After the big change, they can achieve pseudo perpetual motion, which is very black technology.

Li Wei flipped through the documents. As soon as the paper mass production technology came out, he finally didn't need to waste his precious divine power in these places. Runan's official system was very mature, but he didn't need to be like the county governor in other places. If you use the original system, don't say that Li Wei has been away for so long, and he will be messed up after half a month.

Now Runan's problem lies in the division of property. Li Wei wants to nationalize the land, and then implement the contract system, in order to completely kill/dead the landlord class.Just like the modern land contracting system, the farmer only has the right to contract and use the land, but not the ownership of the land.If the bill was implemented in peacetime, the resistance would be so great that even the peasants would stand against Li Wei.But now is a time of chaos, land mergers are serious, farmers have no land to plant at all, so Li Wei does this, but the farmers who really want to plant benefit.

The peasants are not stupid either, is it not good to have land to grow?Li Wei also moved forward in a roundabout way. He did not shout the slogan of nationalizing the land at the beginning, but used various means to annex the land in the hands of the wealthy. These lands are even their protection fees on the surface. Nan Anxin lived his life, how could he just enjoy without paying.Li Wei used this method to continuously reclaim land from the wealthy clan, and then turn it into official land. .

chapter 508

"My lord, can this 'land state system' really solve the current predicament? If officials are corrupt, there will still be problems." Xu Shu said with some concern.

"In the future, industry and commerce will be the most profitable, but simple agriculture is not profitable. A wealthy family with vision will transform their family. If you don't have vision, you can't blame others for your own death. One mu of land can only grow more grain, so there is no need to have too much obsession with the land at all, and to engage in other industries, the grain is directly purchased. In the future, it is very likely that private individuals will not be willing to plant because of the low price of grain. Food." Li Wei laughed.

"The low price of grain hurts the farmers, it's really a trouble of happiness." Xu Shu sighed, the harvest in other places is not ideal, that is, the Runan family can make money by relying on grain.The main part of the grain production is still the Lingtian under Li Wei, followed by the ordinary field where super rice is grown. After Li Wei popularized the planting technology, even the harvest of the ordinary field is much stronger than before. Although it can't catch up with the Lingtian, but Compared with the fields in other regions, the yield is much higher, at least it is no problem to feed the people of Runan.Li Wei's Lingtian belongs to the Lun 910. If you eat a bowl and pour a bowl, there are still people left, so Runan only exports the surplus grain to exchange for other goods.

"In the future, the price of grain will definitely come down. At that time, I can only make ends meet by farming and I can't make much money. Who wants to farm? That is to say, the government specially recruits people to farm the land. Under the impact of new agricultural tools and new technologies The original planting system will have to change, so if farmers are unwilling to follow in the footsteps of the government, it is inevitable that they will be 'abandoned'."

"That's why, my lord, you promote universal education like this. If people's wisdom is opened, then there won't be so many problems." Xu Shu is a sensible person. He knows that all things have knowledge, even if they are farmers, One's own profession also has advantages that others can't match. Even farming in the future requires knowledge.Among the natural things taught in the official school, there is the knowledge of teaching people how to farm the land. This involves the knowledge of the farmer. It is definitely not very profitable to grow the land and grow food. method of growing crops.

"It is indeed the case. Many peasants accept the truth. You can't make any sense with him. It's good for him, but you don't know it well. This is what the system of ignorance has brought about. Those who sit on it think that the common people are all Silly/zi, then it's easy to rule. But doing so has endless consequences. This is to turn a group of wolves into sheep, and lose the enterprising spirit to move forward. A nation is not far from extinction. The benefits outweigh the disadvantages. , What people are not ancient, those are all rhetoric of Confucianism, the way of Huang Lao is no longer suitable in this era, and everything has to talk about the ancestral system, which is even more harmful..."

"The lord said it very well, and Shu will retire." Holding the documents that Li Wei had already pressed the official seal, Xu Shu decisively slipped away. If Li Wei started to complain, then he would stop thinking about doing things, be honest Listen to Li Wei and say it's cool.But considering that there are so many things that can be complained about now, he is afraid that his ears will become cocooned. Li Wei complains at the beginning, which is simply a new level of possession.

Li Wei still wanted to continue spraying, but he didn't even have an audience, it was boring to spray, and he was not a keyboard warrior. It was because there were too many bad habits in this era, so he had to spray.But compared to spraying people, Li Wei still prefers to solve various problems. The keyboard warrior can't save the world. The people who change the world are always the ones who really do things.Just like the problem of the Yellow Turbans, if you just stand on the shore and watch the show, the Yellow Turbans will eventually be resolved, but it will never be as easy as it is now.

Especially in the areas of Runan and Yingchuan, if the Yellow Turbans want to go north to surround Luoyang, they must complete the occupation of Nanyang, Yingchuan and Chenliu, but because of Li Wei's Ru (bjaf) Southern Army, the Yellow Turbans in the north and south If it is directly divided, and no one inch is allowed, the so-called encirclement is naturally a joke.It can be said that it is precisely because Li Weika is on the north-south road of the Yellow Turbans that Luoyang is not in a hurry now, otherwise once the encirclement is formed, coupled with Zhang Jiao's magic ability, the last few levels will not be able to stop him at all. The empire will perish prematurely.

But now Li Wei can't let the Han Empire fall, and it will fall at this time. Then the heroes will enter the era of separatism ahead of time, which is not a good thing for him. At least Li Wei can't do it/like now. Quickly gather the population.Now that the Yingchuan area has been stabilized, and after using the Yellow Turbans to exterminate his opponents, Li Wei has substantively controlled the entire Yingchuan, and most of the entire Yuzhou has fallen into Li Wei's control, although it is still under the control of Li Wei. There is no time and energy to develop, but it is impossible to spit out the meat in the mouth. Li Wei intends to directly slap Kong Dian. This prefect of Yuzhou should be a mascot, and don't run out to cause trouble for him.

Now Li Wei's territory is best managed by Runan, but the infrastructure troops have already set off, and now they will start exploring the fortification site in Yingchuan. Once all are established, various preliminary preparations can be made. Wait until Li Wei destroys the main force of the Yellow Turbans and returns After that, you can start playing the big development.

Half a month is not a long time. After completing the army's repair, the [-] troops have been prepared for the expedition, and the original configuration is still used. The various infantry make up for each other's shortcomings, plus a baggage. Troops, the configuration is so fixed.As for the military generals on the expedition, Li Wei, as the top commander, will definitely go to battle. Diao Chan, as Li Wei's escort captain, must follow him. Zhou Cang, Deng Hong and Ma Liang combine. , Because there may be a siege battle this time, Ma Long, a general who is good at creating siege weapons, must follow, this time it is replaced by Gong Xing to guard the house.

In terms of territory, Li Wei left behind Huang Yueying and Director Zhen Mi, the staff led by Xu Shu, Gong Xing and Liu Pi.Liu Pi has now been sent to the official school by Li Wei and asked him to learn all kinds of knowledge from other peers. As a military general, he can eat everything just by being able to fight. In fact, they have already completed the literacy course and learned a lot of tactics, so if Liu Pi did not study, he would not be able to keep up with the first echelon.

It was still an inspiring speech that made the expedition ceremony lively. This time, the people of Runan greeted the expedition army. With Li Wei's rule stable, the people have received tangible benefits, so For Li Wei, they are very fond of them. People in troubled times are as cheap as grass. To be able to live a stable life at such a time, Li Wei's prestige is no longer something that wealthy families can challenge. .

chapter 509. big battle

The army marched and quickly arrived at Gunzhou, the main battlefield. After all, Gunzhou is connected to Yuzhou, and Li Wei didn't take much time to travel to Jizhou, let alone Gunzhou.However, Li Wei still slowed down and marched unhurriedly, because as he got closer to the main battlefield, there were more and more volunteers under various banners, ranging from two to three thousand to as many as tens of thousands. The rise of the People's Republic of China has made many people see the hope of promotion and making a fortune, so many people regard the Yellow Turban Rebellion as a springboard to jump up.

This makes Li Wei feel a little ridiculous, and it is also very interesting. There are still many people with vision these days. At least they know that going to mix soup to drink, fighting a war is risky. Those who dare to follow out to drink soup are also there. matter.But these people are just here to drink soup. They really eat meat. They have nothing to do with these people. They are just wandering around in the outer periphery, fighting the defeated soldiers of the Yellow Turban. Elite soldiers die?That's a never-ending folly.

Although the Yellow Turbans have been suppressed in other places, in the main battlefield of Gunzhou, the Yellow Turbans are still quite fierce, and they are unreasonably fierce. The rebels who come to support either join the main force, and then confront the main Yellow Turbans. Or just like now, picking up people on the periphery.Gunzhou has a small battle for three days and a big battle for five days. It has long been beaten to a pulp.The nobles of Gunzhou are also fleeing to the death. The entire Gunzhou has become a large battlefield, divided into two by the official army and the ~ Yellow Turban Army.

Large-scale legion battles and small-scale mobile battles can be said to know each other well, but knowing the enemy is one thing, and breaking the enemy is another. It was broken. There were many capable people in the Yellow Turbans, and the small-scale operations even crushed other rebels who came to support them. If there were not one or two unparalleled generals in the rebels who came to support, they would easily be destroyed by a wave. The combat effectiveness of the Yellow Turbans was simply terrifyingly powerful, exceeding many people's expectations.Some people think that they are here to pick up cheap goods. What's so scary about a group of troubled peasants. Many people who can't see the situation clearly have their heads cut off by the Yellow Turban.Many people died, and naturally no one dared to underestimate the Yellow Turban.

Physical strength is the most important thing in long-distance marches, especially Li Wei's army is mostly infantry, and the horses are only assigned to scouts, and it is more important to pay attention to the issue of physical strength.Therefore, before entering the main battlefield, the entire army rested on the spot, supplemented the consumed physical strength with dry food, and it was impossible to cook rice in a pot.The scouts have all been spread out, and the main force is to seize the time to recover their physical strength. Although the periphery is relatively safe, everything can happen on the battlefield, so no matter what the situation, it should not be taken lightly.

Li Wei took advantage of this time to spread out the map. Although Ma Liang was assisted, he didn't need to worry about small things, but he still had to control the big direction.Now his position is in the area occupied by Lu Zhi and Huangfu Song. Normally, the Yellow Turbans would not have the courage to attack, but nothing is absolute. That's what happened to the district, so I could only comfort myself a little bit.Now Lu Zhi and Huangfu Song are at a disadvantage in terms of number of soldiers. The total number of scattered troops is about [-] to [-], and the Yellow Turbans have at least [-] troops, although there are many old, weak, sick and disabled. , but the combat effectiveness of the elite soldiers was astonishing, and this was the reason why they were pressed against the official army.

The only advantage the official army has now is the city. As I said before, the Yellow Turbans cannot attack the city, but it happens that there are several fortified cities in Gunzhou. The official army with the advantage in defense wants to fight the Yellow Turbans in a war of attrition. Can't wait to start.The luck of the Yellow Turbans in this world is still not good. Although the early uprising is generally not a problem, it is not completely without weaknesses. Logistics is a problem. Originally, Zhang Jiao planned to attack Luoyang quickly. It doesn't exist, but unfortunately because of the issue of whistleblowing, the Yellow Turbans couldn't gather enough food to feed such a large army in a hurry.

Cruel and unpopular things still appeared, that is, cannibalism.Unlike the official army, which can rely on the food brought from the rear to continue fighting, the Yellow Turbans do not have this ability, so in order to survive, they can only eat human flesh. There is nothing else on the battlefield, but there are many dead.The Yellow Turbans who were hungry and panic collected the bodies of the soldiers of the two armies and made jerky to satisfy their hunger. Although it was understandable, few people could accept it.

One way to the black Yellow Turban Army, there is no way out now, everything can be done.Because of the cannibalism, the Yellow Turbans are completely untenable in morality. They, who were originally weak, are now being attacked by groups. Although they seem to be strong now, people with discernment can see that the Yellow Turbans have It's almost over.The Yellow Turbans in other prefectures and counties were also beaten up and down. Although the Yellow Turbans breached many of the castles of Wubao, and many noble families suffered, the Yellow Turbans were over, and they couldn't make waves.

Just when Li Wei was thinking about how to pick up some cheap money and gain some fame here, the waiter on a fast horse has returned.

"Report!" The scout trotted all the way and knelt down in front of Li Wei: "General, seven miles away, there are rebels fighting with the Yellow Turbans."

"Oh? How's the situation?" Li Wei became interested. He wanted to doze off, so he came to the pillow. He was still thinking about how to stand up here, but he didn't expect to be able to pick up a bargain.The Yellow Turbans are a bunch of poor people. Even if they win Li Wei, they won't get much benefit, but Li Wei didn't come for money and food. The purpose of fighting the Yellow Turbans is to gain fame. / The position of the governor of Yuzhou under the stock has already been thought, how can we stop here.Fame is not blown, but fought. On the battlefield, only those who survive to the end are qualified to laugh out loud.

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