"I'm going to meet them. You look at Zhou Cang and the others. When cleaning the battlefield, be careful not to let the fish slip through the net."

"Husband, how is the spoils counted?"

"We don't have any use for those scraps of copper and iron. Whoever wants it will just take it."

In the face of Li Wei's statement, Diaochan smiled, that is why Li Wei was so extravagant, if it was someone else, he just had to use the skill of plucking.If you can take away weapons, armor, etc., it will be better if you find that there is no food.However, Diaochan also knew that the Runan Army did not lack these. The spoils of war were only important to the Runan Army.Because Runan really has no shortage of weapons and armor, just the standard armor of the Runan army is difficult to be broken by ordinary weapons. Even if it encounters a crossbow, it can be defended by raising a shield in advance. I really don't like other equipment weapons.

Li Wei put away the weapons and walked towards the embarrassed Sun family.Although the age of Sun Quan and Sun Shangxiang made Li Wei a little bit painful, but he set up Neon's KOEI-TECMO like this, which is quite a lie.As a person who has watched Romance of the Three Kingdoms first and then played the Warriors of the Three Kingdoms, the question of the age of the characters in it is indeed a headache.Sun Jian was dressed in vermilion general armor and carried a nine-ringed sword in his hand. Although he was covered in blood and dust, he had an aura of his own, and he was indeed a figure.The two sons, Sun Cefang, are uninhibited. Although Sun Quan looks tender, he has the aura of a tiger. As for the four veterans who survived, they do have their own specialties.The serious old man Cheng Pu, the muscular philosophical madman Huang Gai, the philosophical madman No. [-] Zu Mao, the middle-aged and wretched uncle Han Dang with a thin sense of presence, and the pretty/beautiful little princess Sun Shangxiang, this group of It's quite distinctive.

However, in the Three Kingdoms, the Wu Kingdom was quite united in the early stage. It has to be said that the three generations of the Sun family are indeed not good except for the third generation. Whether it is the foundation of Sun Jian's generation or the expansion of Sun Ce and Sun Quan's second generation, they are all quite powerful. , It does not show mountains and waters, but it has laid a big site.But their unfortunate thing is that Li Wei is now also interested in Yangzhou. They want to establish the Wu Kingdom like the original, it is impossible, Li Wei does not allow Yangzhou to have a second large power, and Yangzhou's soil and water Well, Li Wei has long been greedy.

In the face of Li Wei who came over, Sun Jian's psychology was also extremely complicated, but he was saved by someone. , Thinking of this, Sun Jian is even more entangled, there is always a feeling of being underestimated.Inwardly, he could only smile bitterly, but Sun Jian still had to show enough gratitude on the surface.And he is really grateful to Li Wei, if there is no Li Wei's rush to kill, even if they can leave in nine days, they will lose their soldiers and lose their generals.

"Thank you, Your Excellency, for your help. If you hadn't killed it in time, we would have all ended. I really don't know how to thank you. I don't know your name. Come and attack the Yellow Turbans." Sun Jian is a bold person, even though it was quite embarrassing to be beaten and lose his armor and armor, he still generously admitted the problem.

"." Li Wei, the name is Zhongxing, the prefect of Runan, just like you, General Sun, is here to fight the Yellow Turbans." Li Wei laughed. For a straightforward person like Sun Jian, he doesn't need to go around the bush.

But looking at Sun Jian's miserable appearance, Li Wei was also a little curious about what he would do next. "General Sun, now that more than half of your troops have been damaged, what are you going to do next?"

Sun Jian looked at his surviving defeated soldiers, and smiled bitterly: "Originally I planned to encircle Zhang Jiao, but now it seems impossible. If we continue to fight, all these soldiers will be wiped out. Go home and go back to recuperate."

Li Wei nodded, a wise choice. If it was still full, Sun Jian would be able to join in the fun, but in this half-crippled state, even if he went, he would not be taken seriously. It would be better to go back to his hometown and wipe out the remnants of the Yellow Turbans. The credit is the same.Sun Jian is now just a simple general who leads troops. Although he has a military position, he does not have an official position (Li Zhaohao). He must hurry up and accumulate credits to become an official position.

After all, Sun Jian's luck is not as good as Li Wei's, and he has no choice but to make such a choice, and he can only give up the idea of ​​Taiping. , Zhang Jiao is not a fool, he will hand over things so honestly, but if he grabs it, he is not an opponent, so he can only retreat.Although very unwilling, in order to preserve his own strength, he can only choose this path.

Li Wei's words, luck has always been good, it can even be said to be the emperor of Europe, many times things are solved inexplicably, and even Li Wei himself is a little confused, but the Sun family's early return to Yangzhou can be regarded as a change.The Sun family's early integration of Yangzhou is not a threat to Li Wei for the time being, and if Sun Jian wants to rise, it will touch the interests of many people, but he can sort out Yangzhou for Li Wei in advance, and then Li Wei goes directly to "accept" Sun Jian's efforts The result is it.

Although it is very unkind to do this, but in troubled times, people cannibalize people, and Li Wei is already very particular about eating. .

Chapter 513. The sigh of the tiger

Looking at Sun Jian who was retreating, Ma Liang said worriedly: "My lord, this Sun Jian is a character, and it would be a hassle for us to let him grow up..."

"But it's just a problem, isn't it? And although the Sun family is famous, their underlying economy is not good. If he wants to rise, he will naturally muddy the waters of Yangzhou. Let him make trouble. Let's see this first. At that time, we will face each other across the river and build a ship building base in Jiangbei, and wait until the time is ripe to nibble on the past little by little." Li Wei said indifferently.

Ma Liang thought about Li Wei's "urbanization promotion", but he really didn't need to take into account what Sun Jian thought. If Sun Jian could completely disrupt Yangzhou, maybe Li Wei would have to thank Sun Jian.After all, Li Wei's governance has basically no demand for the local nobles, so let Sun Jian toss, anyway, in the end, it will be nothing.

Thinking of this, Ma Liang no longer bothered about whether Sun Jian would become Li Wei's confidant or not. Sun Jian's trick was really not enough to watch.It should be said that Ma Liang sees all the princes, but they can't become a climate in front of Li Wei, because the foundations of the two sides are completely different from the same height of 137. Many things in Li Wei's hands, even if they are mastered the same, are enough to dominate one side. And Li Wei has a lot of such technology.Not only in terms of technology and population, but Li Wei's development concept is also something that Ma Liang admires. To a certain extent, Li Wei has inspired the desires/desires and potential of human beings, so that the people under his rule can With the motivation to climb up, as long as you are willing to work hard, you will be able to achieve something. This concept has a fatal attraction for ordinary people who have nothing.

"If Sun Quan is a tiger, then the lord is the god who tore the tiger with his hands, just Sun Jian." Ma Liang stopped thinking about Sun Jian's problems. Regarding the general trend, Li Wei's prediction was not wrong. Ma Liang was a little superstitious about Li Wei. , and so far, Ma Liang has not found anyone who can truly threaten Li Wei.

What happened to Sun Jian was just a small episode along the way, and Li Wei's Runan Army continued to advance.After entering this area, you must be ready for battle at any time. Of course, the Runan Army, which has the advantage of mobility, has the right to choose the timing of engagement. With the same speed as cavalry (bjej), it is possible to fight or not. It was the Runan Army who decided, not anyone else.

Sun Jian returned to Wu County with the remnants of the army. Seeing that the defeated army was already exhausted, after walking out of the dangerous area, he was finally able to rest for a while. After all the scouts were dispatched, Sun Jian ordered all the soldiers to rest on the spot.There is no way to camp here. After all, although it has left the main battlefield, it is not too far away. If it encounters the Yellow Turbans who are fighting guerrillas, it will be quite tricky.However, Sun Quan was frightened. Not every Yellow Turban army was as powerful as the Cheng Yuanzhi army they encountered before. Most of the Yellow Turbans would hide away when they saw them.

As night fell, Sun Jian and his party gathered around the bonfire to keep warm. It must be said that this start was really bad. As soon as they went out, they encountered the main force on the opposite side. Now they had to go back to their hometown to repair. rise.The light of the bonfire illuminated Sun Jian's cheeks indefinitely. After being stunned for a long time, Sun Jian sighed.

Sun Ce was also lost in thought, before he sighed for a long time: "Those guys are really amazing, the elites of the Yellow Turbans who made us so embarrassed were completely crushed by their charge, what a group of monsters. If we have such strong soldiers If so, it doesn't matter where you go."

No one was willing to speak, everyone was worried, and Sun Ce just expressed his unwillingness.After all, the stimulation he received was not small. Li Wei, as the commander-in-chief, although he was young, his personal abilities were indeed very terrifying. From the fact that he launched the charge with the Runan Army, it can be seen that the high-speed charge can still maintain the formation. Chaos, what a terrifying cooperation, and Li Wei's personal force far surpassed him. How could he, who is called "Little Overlord", be reconciled.

Sun Ce concedes that he is superior in force, but he can withstand being surrounded and beaten by seven or eight generals this time, but Li Weina really killed four generals in one face, and even Cheng Yuanzhi, who led the soldiers, was killed in seconds. In the encounter, Sun Ce didn't know who the flag on the opposite side was, but the strength of the other side taught him a lesson, and it was these strong generals who made him suffer enough, but they were killed by Li Wei in seconds. This kind of psychology The gap is really too big.

Mechanically adding dry wood to the bonfire, Sun Ce fell into contemplation. He is not very good at training soldiers. In this case, he has to find a way to increase his own strength. If he can be stronger, then there will be no such problem at all. , he alone can break the opponent's combined attack as an attack arrow.

"Big brother, are you still thinking about the day?" Sun Quan sat beside Sun Ce and whispered, passing the roasted sparrow to Sun Ce.

Sun Ce came back to his senses and smiled bitterly: "Thank you. Then Li Wei is really a powerful person. He was already the prefect of Runan County at a young age, and he felt that he really lived on a dog. He was called by others. Xiaobawang is complacent, compared with Li Zhongxing, I still have a long way to go..."

"However, no matter how long the road is, it is still a step by step, and it is useless to be impatient. I believe that you will be able to make a career. Compared with this, the most important thing is to bring these soldiers back safely. Although we have lost a game now, it doesn't matter, our foundation is still there, and there is still a chance to make a comeback, so we won't be afraid of running out of firewood."

"You're optimistic." Sun Ce rubbed Sun Quan's hair and smiled. Although he was much younger than himself, Sun Ce was very mature. Sun Ce was very reliant on him. He knew that he was irritable and impulsive. The words calmed him down.

When the brothers of the Sun family were sighing about Li Wei's horror, Sun Shangxiang fell into his own world, but everyone around was thinking about things, and no one noticed the abnormality of the little princess sitting in the corner.At this moment, Sun Shangxiang's mind is full of the bravery and courage of Li Wei when he led the army to charge. The villains on the opposite side were all killed when they met face to face. The yellow scarf thief who made her frightened was like a thief in front of Li Wei. As vulnerable as a turkey and a dog.Moreover, Li Wei didn't look much older than her. Thinking of this, Sun Shangxiang let out a smirk.

Sun Shangxiang is also a little curious about the benefactor who saved her life. She is obviously not much older than herself, but she looks very mature. Now, let alone leading an army, even leading a centurion is not enough. Ability, so she has some admiration for Li Wei. .

Chapter 514. The Dilemma of the Official Army

Li Wei successfully brought the army to reconcile with the officials of the court. As a new force, Li Wei was naturally welcomed by Lu Zhi. It should be said that the more than [-] strong soldiers brought by Li Wei were Lu Zhi. The more troops that come to support the plant, the better.Lu Zhi is not a fool, he will covet the ownership of these troops. On the contrary, he knows how to stimulate the fighting enthusiasm of these rebels. The soldiers may not feel it yet, but all the generals who lead the troops have made promises. , As long as the eradication of the Yellow Turbans is successful, everyone will have an official role.

It is vulgar to say this, but people are vulgar, and those who can truly see through fame and fortune will not appear here at all.In order to welcome Li Wei's arrival, Lu Zhi prepared a banquet, so that the generals who have always been frightened can relax a little, but because of limited conditions, the banquet is not considered a high-profile.Each person has a roast chicken, a pot of wine, and no fruit. This is the general-level treatment. The soldiers eat a big pot of rice in the military camp.

The high-standard treatment Li Wei received also convinced everyone, because Li Wei gave the heads of more than ten yellow turban generals as soon as he arrived. After identification, there was also the yellow turban general Deng Mao.Li Wei thought about it for a while, and it seems that he likes headshots is not a good habit in this era. Now, in this era, getting military merit depends on the head. The head of the enemy general is more practical than a thousand words.However, these heads also illustrate a fact from the side, the Yellow Turban elite guerrillas, which gave the officers a headache, are completely finished.

Li Wei did not take all the credit for himself, but told the matter, including the matter of Sun Jianjun, who had already returned home. The matter of Sun Jianjun made many princes feel embarrassed.These days, the army usually collapses when the casualty rate reaches 20%, and they like to brag and brag about how many soldiers they have.Except for the outliers like Li Wei's Runan Army, the composition of most armies is like this.

If a certain prince announces that he will send [-] troops, only [-] of these [-] men will be regarded as regular troops, and the rest are old and weak soldiers who are responsible for transporting baggage and civilian men. The number of [-] people can be considered very good, and it is not easy to lead a large army to fight. Cao Cao, who can't play a big army, was burned by the Wu Shu alliance.

After the banquet, the generals of each army returned to their own territory.To be honest, in Li Wei's view, this large corps holding a group to keep warm is actually a mass of loose sand. Lu Zhi did not dare to attack the friendly troops who came to support him because he was worried about annoyed the family. The rebels who came to support all fought on their own. Although they cooperated with the main force of the official army, the cooperation was not a tacit understanding. It could only be said that they cooperated with each other.

The leaders of the rebels fought according to their personal style. There was no overall arrangement for the entire battlefield. How could a mass of loose sand fight against the Yellow Turbans?If it weren't for the fact that the interior of the Yellow Turbans was not monolithic, the officers and soldiers would have been unable to support them long ago. In Li Wei's view, what is the difference between this and the fight between the village chiefs in the Warring States Period of Neon?It’s just that there are more people now. It’s not like the village chief fighting with arms. Hundreds of people dare to be called the army. You don’t have five or six thousand people in this era. Only those who can watch it can be regarded as a large army.

However, both sides had constant problems, but it gave Li Wei a chance to fish in troubled waters. Lu Zhi was not strong enough to twist the forces of the rebels into a single rope, so he could only drag the Yellow Turbans by delaying tactics.The main force of the official army was defending the city, while the guerrillas were constantly attacking the Yellow Turbans' food channels. The Yellow Turbans were different from the official army, and the logistics system was very chaotic. Under Lu Zhi's strategy of intercepting the food routes, chaos had already occurred, so continue If it drags on, many yellow turbans will collapse.

Many rebels just came and showed their faces, just waiting to win. Li Wei felt that things would not be so simple, and Zhang Jiao would not admit defeat so easily. He must have other plans.However, the soldiers will block the water and the soil, at least Li Wei is here, so Zhang Jiao can't make any waves.There are a lot of people watching the night in the main camp of the Runan Army. After all, this is not your own territory, so you have to guard against other people's troops. In fact, the distance between the army and the bandits is very vague these days, so even friendly troops are not allowed. Not guarded.

Be careful to sail the ten thousand year ship. Although the Runan army is powerful, there may be people who are not enlightened to make trouble. Therefore, apart from the main force of Lu Zhi and Huangfu Song, Li Wei does not want to deal with other non-brand troops. , because it's cumbersome and not yet beneficial.Now the city they are located in is relatively back, so there is no need to worry about being raided by the Yellow Turbans, but humans will go into deep sleep in the early morning. If they are raided at this time, even the most elite troops will have the problem of unresponsiveness. Physical exertion is already very large, so rest is also very necessary.

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Soldiers can rest, but generals need to think about future operations. War is not a dinner party. In order to reduce casualties as much as possible, Ma Liang and Zhou Cang are talking about the night.

"The official army is also unreliable. It can be seen that Lu Zhi and Huangfu Song have no power to mobilize the rebels at all. Although it is a good thing for us from a personal standpoint, from the perspective of the overall war, it is very Disadvantage. In the next battle, the official army can't make big moves, and the other rebels can't keep up with our rhythm. In the end, the main force is still us." Ma Liang said with a frown.

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"And if we fight too bravely, and if we win too many military exploits, we will be criticized by other rebels. We don't suffer from too few but not evenly, but most of those rebels have their own plans, and it is impossible to cooperate with us in fighting. There's no time to waste here..." Deng Hong said a little unwillingly.

"Indeed, this time we must solve the problem quickly. We can't be held back by the Yellow Turbans for too long. We must see results within three months." Zhou Cang also agreed with Deng Hong's point of view that the battle line dragged on too long. , it is unrealistic to rely on the supply of the official army for logistics, and if the grain is transported from Runan, the efficiency is another problem.

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