The food that the Runan army now carries is enough for the entire army to consume at a high intensity for a month, and it will be short of food after a month.Although the Runan Army has amazing combat effectiveness, it also consumes a lot of food. The amount of food is three times that of ordinary soldiers, and it needs to supplement meat from time to time to maintain physical fitness. This is different from the soldiers of other princes. High combat effectiveness consume.Enough for an ordinary army of ten thousand people to consume four or five months of food, and the Runan Army can eat it in more than a month. When they arrived at the main battlefield, the rear has already prepared the armed baggage formed by the organs, horses and heavy infantry. The army is ready to transport food and grass to the front line. The three armies have not moved food and grass to talk about the importance of food and grass to the army. .

Chapter 515. Familiar Faces

People came very quickly. After all, there was a big news about the Yellow Turbans at night, and many people did not rest well.Those who have a city to defend are not bad, but those who have no place to camp are really worried and endured all night, afraid of the Yellow Turbans coming over.Li Wei looked around for a week, the faces of the rebel generals were not very good, and some people even had dark circles under their eyes, looking ridiculously tight.

"Husband, it seems that the Yellow Turbans made a fuss last night. Lu Zhi's complexion has changed." Diao Chan whispered in Li Wei's ear.

"If he can really hold on, it would be weird. I've seen the map. Pingjin City and Changbo City can be said to be important cities that blocked the Yellow Turban's advancing route. As long as these two cities are still there, then the Yellow Turban will be destroyed. There is no way to go deep/into the war zone here to fight guerrillas. But now the two cities have been broken, it is conservatively estimated that the defense line of the official army will be extended ten miles back, and the maneuvering space of the official army will be further compressed. , the more you fight, the more uncomfortable it is, it's no wonder that Lu Zhi is not in a hurry."

Li Wei doesn't think it's a big deal to watch the fun. Anyway, he's not a true loyal minister of the Han Dynasty. Even if the Yellow Turbans really hit the second half of the defense line, he's a big deal. That's all, and Zhang Jiao is weak, as long as the officers and soldiers are brave, the possibility of success is very high.But Li Wei knew it was one thing, but a few people dared to believe that it was another, just like the [-]th princes in the original book asking for Dong, if they attacked with all their strength, the Xiliang Army was really no match for the coalition. But each of the princes had their own plans. Only Cao Cao and Sun Jian really wanted to enter Luoyang. More chaos.

If necessary, Li Wei does not intend to play with these pig teammates. In the final analysis, it is still a matter of cooperation. After all, the real war is not like the RTS framed soldiers and then a wave of flying dragons. The real war is complicated. A headache, especially when the quality of the soldiers is not very high.Fortunately for Li Wei, the Runan Army under him used various concepts that surpassed this era, and finally managed to train fairly well. In the face of the ordinary army of this era, he was basically able to crush it.

Lu Zhi's face was serious, and he changed his smiling face from the past. After seeing that many rebel generals were coming, he said: "I think everyone already knows about the war last night. The number of casualties in the army was more than [-]. The defeated soldiers who came back told me that Zhang Jiao’s demon used a spell to summon the Skyfire Ice Cone and completely destroyed the city. I didn’t believe it very much. Bingdu said that, it means that this matter is indeed true. Although it is difficult for people to believe it, it is the truth. Zhang Jiao alone has the power to break through the city, and our next defense will be very uncomfortable. "

The various rebel generals on both sides of the seats all whispered their opinions. After all, this kind of thing is really unacceptable. Zhang Jiao has the ability to break the city, so how can they fight?Escape as soon as possible.Most of the people who come here come with their own goals. Those who are truly loyal to the Han family can't say that there are none, but they are pitiful.

"Master Lu, Zhang has been leading the battle for a long time. More than half of the soldiers have been killed or injured, and they are no longer able to fight. Please allow me to lead these old and weak soldiers back to their villages."

An older general stood up and said with a look of embarrassment.

Lu Zhi glanced at him, but he didn't have any seizures. He wished that these soy saucers would leave earlier, and the next defense would be quite troublesome. The number of people on the opposite side was no longer enough to scare the Yellow Turbans on the opposite side. The city is defending, waiting for follow-up reinforcements. As for these rebels who come to make up the number, it may cause chaos at the critical moment, and the unreliable guys may leave.The ones who didn't leave were naturally the soldiers he needed.

The Rebel generals surnamed Zhang made a bad start. Seeing that Lu Zhi had no intention of embarrassing them, many Rebel generals resigned one after another, and there were only half of the people left in the field.However, Lu Zhi was not annoyed. Most of the rebel forces that left belonged to the kind of rural brave who could not stand on the stage, and the rebel forces that could really fight basically did not leave.

As the small groups of rebels who played soy sauce left the field, the rest were all willing to stay and defend with the official army. Li Wei saw some familiar faces among the remaining people. Of course, it was only Li Wei's unilateral actions. Just familiar faces.At this time, Cao Cao, who had no intention of rebelling, and few of his subordinates who had forgiven the three base friends, and Li Wei did not go up to establish relations with these historical celebrities. For him, these are all future enemies.  … ... now to clean up the Yellow Turbans, and then to clean up these future enemies.

However, even if Li Wei made a move, he had to find a suitable reason. After all, he is now a character like a monarch. If his actions/actions are too cruel, it will easily make his subordinates feel insecure, so Even if it is to clean up Sanjiyou and Cao Xiaozi, a party and a suitable reason are needed, so Li Wei is not in a hurry now.

Cao Cao's words can be ignored for the time being, but the three basic friends must be dealt with, because the development direction of the three basic friends will be the southwest, northwest, and Li Wei will not go there for a while, so it is impossible to watch these three. When Xiaoqiang becomes bigger, it can only be dealt with in advance.It is much safer to put the southwest and northwest in the hands of cats and dogs than in the hands of these three basic friends, at least for Li Wei.

And Li Wei is also a little curious, now that Xu Shu is in his own hands, without Xu Shu's introduction, can Liu Bei still find Zhuge Liang's evildoer?Without Zhuge Liang, Liu Bei, to be honest, it is not difficult to become a prince of a party. In terms of his mental means, there are opportunities in this troubled world, but if he wants to become a boss of a party, he is not qualified.So Li Wei is also curious about how things will develop. 1.0

As for Cao Cao, Li Wei was not in a hurry. At this time, Cao Cao did not have much ambition.Cao Cao's real ambition was gradually born several years after the emperor ordered the princes. Now he is a loyal official of the Han family in the true sense. Even Liu Bei, the so-called clan of the Han family, may not necessarily have Cao Cao against the Han family. Room comes faithfully.

It can be said that Cao Cao is also considered to be benevolent and righteous to the Han family, relying on the emperor to order the princes to integrate the north. When he was still alive, he always refused to be king, but only regarded himself as the prime minister. It was not until the period of Cao Pi that Wei completed its true independence and got rid of Han. room shadows.Cao Cao, apart from his love of wives and murder, really doesn't have many shortcomings, but because of his loyalty to the Han family, sooner or later, he will be the opposite of Li Wei. .

chapter 516. can not be cowardly, just do it!

After all the rebel generals who played the soy sauce left, Lu Zhi sighed and said, "Everyone here is a loyal warrior to me. After the Yellow Turbans are destroyed, the court will definitely reward them. But the most important thing now is how to get rid of the Yellow Turbans. Keeping our strength in the tide of attack, we have lost two key cities, and we have no danger to defend. Next, the Yellow Turbans can penetrate deep into the heart of our army to attack the soft underbelly. Please be prepared to fight at any time. The Yellow Turbans are very likely There will be a call soon, especially Zhang Jiao, it is very difficult for us to stop that demonic path with our strength."

"Come here! I'm still afraid that he won't succeed. That demon dares to appear in front of grandpa, and grandpa tramples on him!"

A rough voice sounded, and it was a thick/strong man with a leopard head and eyes.Who is this Zhang Fei?That suit of forgiveness green armor made Li Wei want to laugh, but this era has not forgiven the green stalk. Even if he laughed, no one else knew what Li Wei was laughing at.

Zhang Fei's character was straight and rude, and Liu Bei quickly grabbed Zhang Fei. After all, this was where the 19th Rebels gathered to seek thieves, and it was wrong to make a loud noise.Although Zhang Fei was a little unwilling, but his eldest brother was pulling him, he could only sit back to his seat honestly.

"It's okay, Xuande let him talk, maybe he can come up with a good strategy to defeat the enemy?" Lu Zhi smiled.Liu Bei is his student, so he can be trusted with his temperament. He dared to come over to fight the Yellow Turbans with five hundred people. This courage should not be underestimated. Moreover, the three Liu Bei brothers have military power, and they also had a lot of military exploits in the previous battle. Therefore, Lu Zhi's attitude towards this kind of warrior who single-mindedly certified the Yellow Turbans is very good.

Zhang Fei was wilted. He knew some strategies to defeat the enemy, but it was just a few words of scolding. If he continued to swear, wouldn't it make him look like he had a small stomach, so Zhang Fei shook his head and said, "What are you talking about? I don't understand" with a confused expression.

Cao Ren, the general next to Cao Cao, lowered his head and said in Cao Cao's ear, "That rash man has a lot of strength, so he should not be underestimated. Although Liu Bei has few people, but strong men like Guan Yu and Zhang Fei follow him, the lord should not underestimate him."

"The clan of the Han family, although the family is down, but the heart of serving the country is worthy of recognition. These three are heroes, but I would like to bring these three under my command." Cao Cao smiled indifferently.

"I don't think so, Meng De, your plan may be in vain. Don't look at Liu Bei's indifferent look, but he is a guy who is not willing to be under others. If you don't believe me, let's make a bet." The one who spoke was on the side. Xiahou Dun, at this time Xiahou Dun is not the one-eyed dragon of the future. He is different from Cao Ren, who is a little sturdy. Xiahou Dun is tall but not rude. The armor is also a combination armor that pursues comprehensive abilities, not like Cao Ren's insecurity. Guy, wrapped in heavy armor so that only one face was exposed.

Cao Cao shook his head and said, "I'm all working for the Han Dynasty, let's not talk about that. And now I, Cao Cao, aren't a high-ranking official. It's still very difficult to recruit these three people. I'll try again when I have a chance."

Cao Cao rationally let go of this idea. His current strength does not allow him to waver. Moreover, since he became an eunuch, his reputation has been bad. It is difficult to recruit talents. It is difficult to pull up a team, so he also accepts Xiahou Dun's statement.

Li Wei heard the words of Cao Cao and others, and felt that Cao Cao still had vision, but Liu Bei's ambition was too big, Cao Cao couldn't control it at all, and recruiting his own men would be a scourge. If Liu Bei launched a ruthless attack, Sima Yi did nothing. things are up.However, at this time, Sima Yi was only a young man in his early twenties, who had just become an official, and could not even fight against Cao Cao.

A group of people discussed how to break through the Yellow Turbans, but there was no good way. The main reason was that Zhang Jiao's ability to break the city alone was too terrifying. No one dared to say whether Zhang Jiao would break the city again with magic. They are.Those who guard Pingjin City and Changbo City are already the elite of the official army, but they are still beaten by the Yellow Turbans and lose their armor.

Seeing that there was still no result in the discussion, Li Wei knew that it was time for him to appear. This was a good opportunity. The Yellow Turbans have been making trouble for almost half a year now, and there is no point in continuing the trouble.Moreover, all the preparations that Li Wei can make have been perfected, and the land that can be captured by the Yellow Turbans is basically all started. It does not make much sense for Li Wei to drag it on. On the contrary, it will benefit others. Li Wei is not The kind of good gentleman, a saint who can pay for others for free.

Originally, Li Wei thought that he would deal with Zhang Jiao for a while, but Li Wei has already confirmed through Zhang Jiao's breath that he is indeed in a weak state after the surgery, and it is a good time to attack in a big way. This opportunity was missed, So I don't know how much time will be wasted.

Li Wei stood up and coughed, attracting everyone's attention.The voice of the discussion gradually disappeared, and everyone's eyes were fixed on Li Wei, wanting to see what he wanted to do. Li Wei completely ignored everyone's doubts and said indifferently: "Lord Lu Zhi, I am not talented, I feel that I am right now. It is a good opportunity for our army to attack in a big way.”

Li Wei's words made everyone explode. When everyone was discussing how to defend now, Li Wei advocated attacking. This is the old birthday star who hanged himself, enough to live.However, Lu Zhi was not busy refuting Li Wei's point of view.

"Quiet, since ZTE said this, then there must be his basis. Why don't ZTE say it, why do you think now is the time to attack. After all, this is not something that can be joked about, and the matter of tens of thousands of troops is not a child's play. "Lu Zhi said seriously.

Li Wei said with a smile: "That Zhang Jiao is a Taoist inheritance, strictly speaking, it is a kind of Qi practitioner, and Li is not talented, Zhang Jiao is good, Li is 573. He used a fireball ice pick to break the city. , I can also retaliate, and the most important thing is that Zhang Jiao is not good at learning skills. After casting the spell, he fell into a weak state. This time is a good opportunity for us to counterattack. If Zhang Jiao is relieved , then if you want to exterminate the Yellow Turbans, you will have to spend a lot of time."

The rough man Zhang Fei jumped out again: "If you say counterattack, then counterattack! What's the point of this? You go to solve that Zhang Jiao?!"

"Yes, Zhang Jiao will be handed over to Li, Zhang Jiao will, Li will be able to, Zhang Jiao won't, Li will also. If Zhang Jiao really has the ability, he would have brought troops to fight by now. , instead of shrinking the defense, that's because he can't fight at all. And if I guess right, before that, the Yellow Turbans' offensive should have weakened significantly for a while, that's their preparation for Zhang Jiao to cast spells Zhang Jiao's ability is impossible to use such a large-scale spell. He must have used the military might of the Yellow Turban Army to complete this spell, but he has also suffered huge pressure. Therefore, they can obviously continue. advance, and now they are unwilling to go any further.”

Li Wei was bearding casually. Anyway, Zhang Jiao is indeed seriously injured now, and the Yellow Turbans really have no spare strength to attack. Taking advantage of this time to push back seems absurd, but it is actually the most reliable way, really When Zhang Jiao regained his breath, he was afraid that he would use this spell to siege the city again. .

Chapter 517. Professor Yang's Punishment

"This..." Lu Zhi hesitated, and Li Wei was indeed on the point. The Yellow Turbans had indeed suspended the offensive before. At that time, he thought it was because the Yellow Turbans lacked food, so he did not rush to attack, but now it seems that the There are other complex issues.But these are all Li Wei's words. He can't let tens of thousands of troops take this risk because of Li Wei's words.

Cao Cao looked at Li Wei with a look of surprise, but he knew the importance. This was not the time to satisfy his curiosity. Before Li Wei finished speaking, he was not the rough guy like Zhang Fei, so he jumped in a hurry. Going out and questioning others, a reckless man like Zhang Fei is too easy to offend people.

Li Wei smiled and said: "It's not a joke, this kind of thing is not a joke, so in order to make everyone believe me, leave the task of playing the striker to me, I will take the lead and rush to the front line, if there is a problem with my judgment If so, then I will be the one who will die first."

This kind of remark is actually no different from a military order. Diaochan touched Li Wei and told him not to say such unlucky words. Li Wei gave her a reassuring look. Zhang Jiao's situation was worse than expected. This is also the reason why Li Wei took advantage of this opportunity to launch an attack. It is better to beat the underdogs than to go head-to-head. Now that Zhang Jiao is in a state of sluggishness, it is the time for a showdown.

"Zhang Jiao is in a weak state now. If he is not there, the Yellow Turbans have no backbone. I brought [-] horses, which is enough to handle most situations. However, for insurance reasons, we still need your assistance. This is a way to eliminate the Yellow Turbans in one fell swoop. This is a good opportunity. Zhang Jiao knows magic, and we can also use magic to attack the Yellow Turbans. Most of the Yellow Turbans are mob bandits, and their will is not strong. If they are attacked, they will disperse on their own. What we really have to deal with is only Zhang Jiao’s direct subordinate force."

The expressions on the faces of the people who stayed were different, with disdain and suspicion, but some people were seriously thinking about this issue.After all, if Li Wei's words are true, then this time is really a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, but first of all, Li Wei must prove that his words are true. Fighting war is not a game, it is a dangerous job that loses his head.

Li Wei knew that if he did not come up with a credible statement or method, these people would not believe it.

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