"I know that my statement is indeed difficult for you to believe, so I can only use facts to prove that Zhang Jiao is indeed in a weak period, he can use magic to destroy our city, then we can use magic in turn. Destroying his camp, the facts speak louder than words, and now I say more than the facts are intuitive' ˇ."

"You mean..." Lu Zhi was a little uncertain. In his opinion, a monster like Zhang Jiao already belongs to the category of non-human beings. Does Li Wei want to fight a monster like Zhang Jiao?

"That's right, destroy their camp, then advance the front and kill Zhang Jiao." Li Wei said confidently.

Everyone looked at Li Wei with amazement or surprise, because Li Wei had said too much. What if something went wrong?Li Wei couldn't help but recognize the water that was poured out of the words he said.However, looking at Li Wei's confident appearance, most of them are still looking forward to it. As the prefect of Runan County, Li Wei is also quite well-known, because Li Wei is also a Qi trainer. It's secret.But can Li Wei, a Qi trainer, be able to fight Zhang Jiao, a monster?This kind of thing no one can say clearly, but out of the magical expectations of Li Wei, they still have some expectations.

"So, is ZTE going to open the altar to cast spells?" Lu Zhi asked tentatively.

"No, Zhang Jiao needs external force because his foundation is too poor, but I'm not half a bucket of water like Zhang Jiao, so there is no need to open an altar or something, just prepare an ordinary school ground." Li Wei laughed.

This requirement is not too much. Everyone has the mind to watch the excitement and want to see how Li Wei can break Zhang Jiao's magic. After all, Zhang Jiao's strength will almost cast a psychological shadow on the official army and the various rebels, even if there is no such thing. It was a natural disaster-level spell to destroy the city. Just relying on the Yellow Turban Warriors and other flame giants and ice giants, the main force of the Yellow Turbans defeated the champions, and they could only defend the city.Now, Li Wei is going to challenge Zhang Jiao head-on, which makes many generals feel a strange feeling.

In addition to asking Lu Zhi to prepare an vacant school field for himself, Li Wei also asked him to slaughter a few pigs and cows and take out the blood, which is enough for several large buckets.Li Wei is not like Zhang Jiao's half bucket of water. He also needs to use military power to communicate with the power of heaven and earth. As long as he has enough blood, he can do the same thing. Li Wei injected his own divine power into these collected blood. In the middle of it, the stench of blood turned golden, and the faint fragrance replaced the stinky smell unique to livestock.

Everyone was amazed, but this move made them change their opinion of Li Wei. It seems that this Qi trainer is really magical. Li Wei controlled two large brushes, stained with golden blood, and began to draw arrays on the school field.The so-called pattern is to connect the great power of nature through special patterns and forces, and artificially control the great power of nature to attack and defeat the enemy.The so-called palm thunder and swordsmanship are actually the flexible use of this kind of natural power, but Li Wei himself is a kind of gods and demons at a higher level, so he does not need to practice as hard as ordinary people.After all, Li Wei's starting point/point is not comparable to ordinary people. It only takes a few years for Zhang Jiao to obtain Taiping. Even if he is talented, the spells that he can cultivate are limited, and two city-level spells can be used It's a bit embarrassing to hollow out yourself.

Two brushes danced in the sky, constantly advancing back and forth on the field. Looking down from a height, a huge golden circle pattern appeared in the center of the school field. This golden circle pattern contained a lot of things that ordinary people could not understand. Strange symbols, a large circle with a diameter of [-] meters fills the entire school grounds.These patterns are similar to the electrical circuits inside the appliance, but the electrical circuits inside the appliance are used to conduct electricity, and these patterns are used to mobilize the forces of nature.

When the array was completed, a dazzling golden light appeared from the array, and the whole sky began to gloomy, as if a rainstorm was coming.

(Nuo Zhao's) Lu Zhi looked at Li Wei, who was there with the old god, and asked curiously: "."Is this the end?"

Li Wei pointed at the map on the table and said with a smile: "Of course, I said, what Zhang Jiao can do, I can do too. Everyone has seen it on the map. This is one of the main businesses of the Yellow Turbans. I am here. Just summon Thunder to smash him, flesh/body mortal can't stop Thunder, this time, I want all the five thousand Yellow Turbans to return to the west."

Although Li Wei smiled, his words were cruel.In the direction where the Yellow Turban army camped in the distance, the dark clouds had already pressed down, and a trace of purple thunder was looming. Even if it was so far away, the dull sound of thunder could still be heard.

Everyone looked at Li Wei as if they were looking at a monster. This actually attracted thunder, and the existence of such a powerful force of nature could never be used as an enemy. Otherwise, they would not even know how they died.Diao Chan looked at the soy sauce crowd who had changed their faces, and felt a little happy in her heart. .

Chapter 518. Electric shock to treat the Yellow Turban Army

Although most of the people present are unparalleled generals who have mastered the power beyond ordinary people, even if they are not peerless powerhouses, they are still powerhouses who can rush into battle. What Wei has shown has far exceeded the category of "human", and the terrifying power of thunder and lightning, even people of this era have a deep understanding.

The tumbling dark cloud turned into a unicorn shape, like a thousand beasts galloping, this oppressive picture is so incredible to everyone, and it is also a little scary.If this thunder fell on his head, it would really be a disaster.However, the Yellow Turbans are not human, at least many generals have this view.The Yellow Turbans without riots are the people of the big man, but the Yellow Turbans who riot are a group of thugs, and they belong to the existence that must be killed.

Watching the thunder rolling in the distance, many people showed happy smiles.Lu Zhi found a messenger and said to the messenger, "Send a scout to the front line to check the situation of the Yellow Turbans."

The messenger took Lu Zhi's order down. Although it was dangerous to set out for reconnaissance in thunderstorms, the order was overwhelming. Even if there was some reluctance in his heart, all the selected scouts set off.In this era, there is no perfect lightning protection method, and the concept of lightning rod has not yet appeared. Lightning protection of high-rise buildings has always been a problem. Even in the wild/outdoors, people are quite dangerous in thunderstorms.In particular, metal conducts electricity. Even scouts in leather armor carry daggers and other metal objects. Such a moving conductor is very dangerous to run around in thunderstorms.

Although there is no lightning rod, people in this era already know the properties of metal conduction, so the army does not march in thunderstorms as much as possible. When this thunder strikes, most of the soldiers in iron armor will be killed or injured.Standing on the tower, you can see the crazy lightning and thunder from here, just like the thunder that will split the whole world directly on the ground. After a while, you can see the whole sky in the distance. Being reflected in red, it seems that thunder and lightning set the camp of the Yellow Turbans on fire, which is why such a scene was possible.

However, this is also a way of treating others with their own way. Since Zhang Jiao relied on magic to attack the city of the coalition forces, they also used magic to attack the camp of the Yellow Turbans.Because the Yellow Turbans lacked fortification materials, except for a few cities, they were all made of wooden materials. Although they had a certain defensive effect, their defense was not so good in the face of lightning and flames.

At this moment, the Yellow Turban Camp has fallen into panic, although there are not many people who escaped in panic, because most of them were killed by lightning, and the thickness of the tree trunk fell, like a tree taking root, and split into countless lightning whips, directly. Hit the body of many yellow turbans.How can the flesh/mortal body withstand the power of the thunder? In an instant, the yellow turban's camp is filled with the smell of barbecue, but this smell makes people feel nauseated, because these smells are those yellow turbans that were cooked by the thunder. A wave of thunder shone down from the body, and most of the people in a large camp died directly, and the wooden camp structure and the old tent cloth were ignited by the thunder and lightning, and a raging fire broke out.

Because I never thought about being struck by lightning, the fire prevention of the camp was very bad, and the Yellow Turbans were originally a group of uneducated idiots. It was very difficult to build the camp to this level. We can no longer expect them to have any achievements in the profession of fire prevention and waterproofing, so in the face of the overwhelming thunder, the yellow towel without any defensive measures is directly roasted by the ultra-high voltage, and the modern high-voltage line can directly connect people and electricity. Death, not to mention the natural lightning that has not been truly mastered in modern times, Li Wei said that the gathered lightning also contains his divine power, and the destructive power is increased exponentially.

No one can tell how many people died in the Yellow Turbans, because Li Wei chose not the fireballs and ice picks, but the thunder that is common in nature (bjei).In Li Wei's opinion, Zhang Jiao is also stupid. If Zhang Jiao chooses to use Thunder, then it is very likely that not many people in the army will be able to come back alive. It is not like now, although the city is broken, at least half of the people have escaped. , reorganize, it is a brand new team.Moreover, the fireball and the ice pick are not naturally generated, but transformed by Zhang Jiao’s mobilization of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. The change in the middle is a loss, and a tenth of the power is left. Only seven points are left, and three of them are wasted in vain. change.

Why did Li Wei choose thunder and lightning? It's not because thunder and lightning are very easy to synthesize in nature. Modern technology can restore the combination of thunder and lightning to a certain extent. Li Wei's use of divine power is even more slippery.It is precisely because the synthesis of lightning is relatively simple, the lightning that can be triggered by a unit of energy is definitely stronger than the artificial synthesis of fireballs and ice picks, and in terms of visual viewing, the thunder with its own BGM and background is more oppressive. , and the lethality is even greater.

Soon, the entire horizon was dyed red. Even if it was so far away, you could smell a burnt smell. Everyone looked at Li Wei like a monster. All the previous doubts and disdain were gone. Disappeared.For the existence of Li Wei who can control the mighty power of heaven and earth, their doubts are like the ants in front of the elephant, small and ugly.

The thunder kept ringing, and every time the lightning struck, it meant that hundreds of people were taken away by the lightning, and the flames brought by the lightning were not ordinary fires. Rising from the wind, it swept the entire Yellow Turban defense line. The Yellow Turban defense line belonged to the "skirmish defense line". Most of the Yellow Turbans who were incapable of building a city built camps based on the terrain, and used city defense facilities such as horse resistance and pits for defense. But these things have One feature is the wood.

Encountered by the thunder and fire of whatever was burning, these wooden fortifications were ignited in an instant, directly forming a situation of burning the company's battalion.Li Wei originally just wanted to kill the Yellow Turbans, but he did not expect that the effect of thunder and lightning was really good. more than twice.

"Happy! Happy! This time, the Yellow Turban thieves must be unlucky! The Yanren Zhang Yide has been offended before, so I'll make up for it here!" Zhang Fei's loud laugh sounded like he was playing a drum.

Li Wei just smiled and nodded, Zhang Fei is a rude person, you care too much with him and you are completely angry with yourself. In contrast, Zhang Fei is the most authentic and the best person among the three basic friends.Li Wei looked into the distance, and the heavy death energy continued to rise. It seemed that this wave of lightning had killed and injured a lot of Yellow Turbans. Facing this situation, Zhang Jiao might not be able to sit still. .

chapter 519.

When Zhang Jue saw Lei Ting, he realized that it was not good. He summoned his cronies and ordered people to evacuate the defense line and avoid the thunder and lightning, which made him realize the danger.Because what Lei Ting felt was not a natural formation, Zhang Jiao realized that there were also powerful people in the army on the opposite side. It was precisely because he himself was a Taoist practitioner that he naturally understood how much Lei Ting was. It's hard to control.

If he could control thunder, Zhang Jiao would not choose fireballs and ice picks. The difficulty of controlling thunder is far above water and fire. Technically, harnessing thunder is the highest level of magic.Thunder destroys evil, all evil things will be restrained by thunder, and the demon soldiers he refines belong to the category of restraint, so he has to worry about the safety of his troops.

However, Zhang Jiao's reaction speed was still a step slower, or it should be said that even if he could react in time, he still couldn't avoid the thunder's bombardment.The thunder came faster than he imagined. In less than three minutes, the entire sky had completely darkened, and thunder flashed in the dark clouds. The speed of this attack, with the disorganized Yellow Turban crowd, came at all. No time to react.

"Damn it, is Huang Tian about to end here?! There must be other ways... Yes, you need to calm down now!" Zhang Jiao was so impatient, but even if his head wanted to explode, he couldn't think of anything else. How can he deal with the current crisis? Just as he was thinking about it, the first thunderbolt fell directly. Although it didn't hit the main business where he was, it hit a camp three miles away. The camp immediately burned, and the thunder and lightning were accompanied by a gust of wind like a knife. This wind that hurt people's faces made the fire uncontrollable.The camp that was hit instantly burned into a large torch-.

Zhang Jiao closed his eyes in pain, and it was all over.The spellcaster on the opposite side is far stronger than him, and the large-scale thunder alone shows that the other side is far stronger than him, which must be the revenge of the official army.Because he used fireballs and ice picks to destroy the official army's city, the official army also launched its own revenge.Zhang Jiao just relied on the fact that the court did not have powerful warlocks, so he dared to play magic attacks directly, but he did not expect that there were such characters in the court. Could it be that the court still hides the so-called "national teacher"?

It's useless to think about these at this time, even if he is in the peak/peak state, he is not the opponent of the mysterious spellcaster, not to mention that he is in a weak state due to the backlash of the spell, so he can only watch helplessly. One after another, the lightning struck down, igniting one camp after another.

Zhang Jiao felt that his current mana, at most, was able to hold up a shield that sheltered his camp to resist lightning strikes. This was already his limit, and the other troops could only give up.Gritting his teeth, he activated the mana that had finally accumulated in his body, propped up the shield, and an invisible dome covered the sky above the camp.A bucket of lightning struck down and hit the dome, and the invisible dome appeared with cracks like glass bursting.Zhang Jiao hurriedly used his mana to repair the dome, but when the dome was repaired, his face was as pale as white paper, without the slightest bit of blood.

Zhang Jiao secretly complained in his heart, this thunder is really too powerful, and the mana in his body to repair the dome has already been consumed seventy-seven or eighty-eight. If the lightning strikes two or three times, the camp will not be able to keep it, the only thing that can be done now is The thing is to expect this thunder and lightning to stop as soon as possible.

Thunder bombarded for half an hour. When the dark clouds in the sky dissipated, the entire Yellow Turban defense line was in a mess, a large number of camps were burned down, and the casualties could not be counted. Serious internal injury.Zhang Jue looked at the unsaved camp, his eyes were splitting, and the lightning struck, it was really a big electric shock, it was like harvesting wheat, and he didn't even have time to run.

Zhang Jiao was worried that the official army would take advantage of this opportunity to launch an attack, and quickly ordered people to organize manpower for defense. Now the entire line of defense has been destroyed. If the official army launched an attack at this time, their line of defense would definitely be completely destroyed. If it is broken, the army besieging Luoyang will also vanish.Originally, when the three-way army lacked one way, even a little disadvantage would be infinitely magnified, so at this time it was necessary to stabilize the line of defense.Coupled with such a bombardment by the thunder, the morale of the Yellow Turbans has inevitably declined. If it is not dealt with in time, a large number of deserters will inevitably be born. fatal blow.

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Under the fear of death, the surviving Yellow Turban remnants began a rapid reorganization, which of course was not a reorganization, but only re-armed by relying on the remaining fortifications.And because of the large number of casualties, most of the front-line fortifications could only be abandoned, and everyone retreated to the second line of defense to prevent the official army from raiding.

So far, the Yellow Turbans have not been able to count the extent of their own casualties. Fortunately, the casualties of the generals were not particularly serious. Except for a few unlucky ones who were directly hit by the falling thunder, most of them found their hiding places and survived.Fortunately, these generals are still alive, and the Yellow Turbans can gather quickly. Without the command of the generals, these Yellow Turbans can only be described as Yellow Turban thieves.


The thunder cloud dissipated, and the golden formation in the school field also dissipated completely.Li Wei said to the crowd: "At this moment, the Yellow Turbans have suffered heavy losses, and even their camps have been destroyed a lot. It is a good time to attack. If I miss this time, I don't know when I can wait for the Yellow Turbans. A flaw is exposed."

Lu Zhi didn't make a hasty decision, but waited for the scouts who went to the front line to investigate the information to return. In this era, the technology of flying pigeons is quite unreliable, so most of the information is sent by fast horses.When the scout came back, another half hour (one hour) passed.

The scout hurriedly ran up to the tower, gave Lu Zhi a salute, and said, "General, the Yellow Turban camp was struck by lightning, and the entire line of defense has been destroyed. You can smell the smell of barbecue. But when the little one left, the Yellow Turban thieves had already started to organize the remaining manpower to make up for the defense!"

Lu Zhi slapped his big legs happily and said with a smile: "Okay, good! If you don't grasp this opportunity, it's really unreasonable, send the order, the army will be launched, and the Yellow Turbans will be wiped out!".

chapter 520. three paths flying together with a yellow scarf

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