"Brother Benchu, stay safe, come here! Give me a seat." Li Wei raised his hand, and the two servants brought Yuan Shao up on the sofa. .

chapter 602. exile

Yuan Shao's situation was not very good. Even the Iron Man couldn't stand the continuous blows, not to mention Yuan Shao's arrogance and arrogance, the fact could be accepted there.But the Yuan clan in Gonzhou was finished, and even Yuan Shao himself became a prisoner. Gonzhou became the third state in Li Wei's hands. Although it was a bit broken, with Li Wei's management ability, he could soon make Gonzhou prosperous. stand up.

Yuan Shao sat on the sofa, his whole body still looked sluggish, but he still had the proper etiquette, especially if someone was under the eaves and someone gave him a face, he had to cover it.

"Thank you Li Yuzhou." Yuan Shao smiled bitterly.

"Brother Benchu, I didn't plan to attack your Gunzhou, but you took the initiative to hit me. I'll fight back, you can't blame me." Li Wei laughed.

Yuan Shao's "[-]" couldn't tell the bitterness in his heart. If it wasn't necessary, he didn't want to provoke Li Wei, but Li Wei's territory was too huge. / The swelling is scary, if Yuan Shao doesn't take action at this time, Yuan Shao is afraid that he will have no chance to take action in the future.But he also tasted the consequences of sending troops. Nearly [-] troops were wiped out, and the so-called coalition forces were not even fully in place, and they were slapped to death by Li Wei in the assembly area.The princes of the entire Northland were injured by this battle, and Li Wei's people were notorious, which also made other princes dare not fight against Li Wei again.

"I don't regret it at the beginning. It's too late to say anything now. Yuan is already a prisoner of Li Yuzhou. How to deal with it, Yuan is convinced. There is only one thing Yuan wants to ask Li Yuzhou for mercy." Yuan Shao sighed.

"Oh? Brother Benchu, please tell me." Li Wei was a little curious, what Yuan Shao wanted to say at this time.

"Yuan's troubles, one person does things and one person is responsible, but the old and young Yuan family did not participate in Yuan's affairs. They are all innocent. I hope Li Yuzhou can open up the net." Yuan Shao was really soft at this time. It's not a big deal for so many people to be buried with him. The prestige of the fourth and third princes has already been defeated by him, and now the only thing Yuan Shao wants is for the Yuan family to be preserved.

"Okay, I can promise you not to kill them, but you must die." Li Wei said solemnly.

"Yuan understands that his wish has been fulfilled, and it doesn't matter when he dies." Yuan Shao breathed a sigh of relief, Yuan's bloodline is still there, now is the era of Li Wei, Yuan's naturally needs to be dormant, but Fengshui turns, as long as there is someone In the future, Yuan will have the opportunity to rise again.

Yuan Shao was escorted by two generals and left the official hall. Li Wei called the small officials and said, "The Yuan family is all exiled to Jiaozhou to open up wasteland."

Li Wei's eyes were full of shock when he looked at Li Wei. Li Wei was really ruthless. He was exiled to Jiaozhou to open up wasteland.In this era, Jiaozhou has a very low degree of development, and it is simply a barren land.Moreover, there are also terrifyingly many snakes, worms, rats and ants there. If you don't pay attention, you will die. There are only ten people who can survive. That's why the look in Li Wei's eyes is so strange.

One is to die happily, the other is to slowly torture to death, which is more ruthless at a glance.However, in the opinion of the little officials, the Yuan family deserved what they deserved, and they have always refused to accept the management of the government, so it is a good thing to be able to take this opportunity to drive the Yuan family out.Yuan Shi was unlucky, and many people set off firecrackers to celebrate.After all, there were too many people who had been bullied by the Yuan family before, and the Yuan family was so powerful that ordinary people couldn't afford to offend them. Now, seeing Yuan's misfortune, many people are going to gloat at the misfortune.

Yuan Shao thought that he had found a way to survive for the Yuan family, but he didn't know how many people could survive the "magnificent" Li Wei. It depends on luck.Because exile is not so simple, first of all, it is not allowed to carry too much property, and then it is not allowed to carry books, and anything related to knowledge, losing the inheritance of knowledge, coupled with the primitive environment of Jiaozhou, Yuan Shi is very Soon to be "original".

Yuan Shao is looking forward to the rise of the Yuan clan again, but even the inheritance of knowledge has been cut off, how can it rise again?Even if he survives, he can only be a savage in Jiaozhou. If he is lucky, he can integrate into the local tribe. If he is unlucky, he can only die in despair and pain, but with the exclusive habits of the local tribe. , the people of the Yuan family dared to contact the tribe, more likely it was roasting human flesh on the grill. 0 .

Gunzhou was subdued, and Jingzhou could not do anything for the time being, because Li Wei's manpower was insufficient.The bigger the site is, the more officials and soldiers are needed. Soldiers can rely on spiritual energy to become fast, but the training of officials cannot be completed overnight. It has to wait until the next batch of officials and students of the official school are completed, and the fastest. It takes two months for a quick run.

Jingzhou got two months of respite, but after two months, Jingzhou will be included in Li Wei's ruling system like Gonzhou.The terrifying war in Gunzhou has scared the gentry of Jingzhou, and the [-]-strong army was wiped out. Under the attack of natural disasters, no one could withstand such an attack.

The person in charge of Jingzhou is Liu Biao. Liu Biao is also considered a capable person. He rode into Jingzhou alone and managed the entire Jingzhou in an orderly manner. However, when he encountered the bug of Li Wei, Liu Biao was also a tragedy.Moreover, Liu Xian was old and had long lost his ambitions, so he just wanted to guard Jingzhou and live a good life in the troubled times.However, Jingzhou has fertile land, is a large grain-producing state, and has no natural danger to defend, it is a fat meat that is easy to be targeted.In the face of Li Wei, a powerful neighbor, Jingzhou has no chance to resist 0.8.

Moreover, the reason why Liu Biao was able to rule Jingzhou stably was also because the local aristocratic family was willing to cooperate with him, but now that Li Wei was eyeing Jingzhou, it would be very dangerous to stay in Liu Biao's broken boat.At this time, if Liu Biao was sold, he might still be able to retain a little benefit from Li Wei's men.The Jingzhou family also knew the situation in Yuzhou. They did not dare to expect all kinds of privileges. It was a good thing to keep their lives and land. It must be unreasonable to reason with Li Wei, a murderous man. , so it is better to cooperate with Li Wei honestly.

Liu Biao also knew what kind of people his aristocratic family belonged to, so he was also worried these days, for fear that Li Wei would come over in one breath, and the strength of Jingzhou would not be able to stop the strong soldiers of Yuzhou. .

chapter 603. damage comes from comparison

While Liu Biao was living a life of hardship every day like walking on thin ice, Li Wei was at ease. Now that he has completed the primitive accumulation of strength, many things are like snowballing, just let him move forward.Just like the official school can quickly train officials, why?There is no other reason, it is just a large number. A school can cultivate a few people who are chasing the top, so what about dozens of schools?How about hundreds of schools?

Official schools have long been popularized in Yuzhou. There are more than [-] official schools in various places. Li Wei originally went to popularize education for the whole people. After the population base is large, there is no need to look for so-called famous officials. The number of students is very large.In the past, because aristocratic families monopolized education, those so-called famous officials came and went with people who were related to aristocratic families, even if they were students from poor families, they still depended on the existence of aristocratic families.

The official school has broken the monopoly of this knowledge system. When everyone can read and study, then knowledge is not something that is not worth 01. After the base is large, any kind of talent can be found in the official school.This is not Li Wei's bragging, but even a group of people from Yingchuan Academy went to the official school to study. It can be seen how successful Li Wei's official school is. It can make the people of Yingchuan Academy give up their knowledge system and turn to Learn about Livy's new system.

Now Li Wei has begun to popularize official schools in Yangzhou and Gunzhou again. The Confucian system has been shaken by Li Wei's series of combination punches. After all, Confucianism has too many great principles, and many times it is not practical enough. Do yourself a favor in life, and even the knowledge that you can make money to earn a living.Are Confucian classics bad?it is good.The Confucianism before it was polluted by the exclusive Confucianism was really the people's own theory, but after the exclusive Confucianism, the Confucianism became the technique of the emperor to brainwash the ignorant people, completely out of touch with the people.

Li Wei's official school is completely in accordance with the needs of modernization. The saying that if you learn mathematics, physics and chemistry well, you will not be afraid to travel all over the world is not a joke, but what is taught in the official school is actually promoting the science of this era. In development, children who have been influenced by official school are often more powerful than those who have no knowledge. Coupled with the baptism of spiritual energy, the gap is even wider.

Reiki, the power that can make people grow quickly, will gradually be lost after Li Wei leaves, but during this time, these smart people are enough to think of other ways to solve this problem.If there is no spiritual field, then fertilizers are used. If there is no spiritual energy, then national fitness is promoted. Without knowledge, there are teachers in official schools. Children study for free and also include room and board, and adults want to study without spending a lot of money.Li Wei did not push the times too much, but led the public to move forward little by little, so his development plan would not cause the era of technology.

But even so, Yuzhou will soon be able to point out the technology of steam engines, even if it is an internal combustion engine, as long as the metal craftsmanship passes the test, it will be able to produce energy immediately.When the other princes were still fighting with cold weapons, and the people in other places were still struggling with food and clothing, Yuzhou was about to enter the European [-]th century technology tree. Fighting with a musket, it doesn’t matter if your physique is almost indifferent. The destructive power of muskets and artillery is quite terrifying. Even the unparalleled generals will be at a disadvantage when facing muskets and artillery. difficulty.

However, Wushuang generals are also natural warriors, but they can be used for other purposes, but their status will never be as ridiculously high as they are now.

On this day, it was raining lightly, and it was the official weekly holiday, and the government did not go to work, so Li Wei also stayed at home and did not go out.Other otakus stay at home because they are single dogs, so they can only play on the computer alone.Well, lonely you eat lonely/lonely shit, there's nothing wrong with being single.

Li Wei, a leader of the winner group in life, naturally has a very comfortable life when he is young.It was raining outside anyway, so Li Wei got the charcoal stove hot pot out, and the family happily ate the hot pot...no singing.Yuzhou has many mountains, and the climate is fickle when the spring and summer alternate. It is very likely that it will be sunny in the morning and rain heavily in the afternoon. Li Wei is also used to such weather.

In addition to a few family members, Cai Yan is also here. As Li Wei's secretary, Cai Yan has to follow Li Wei many times, because various emergencies/situations will make Li Wei work overtime temporarily, and naturally she is also To follow Li Wei.Moreover, Cai Yan is also helpless here, and her friends' words are limited to a few royal sisters in Li Wei's family, plus a little meat/playing Sun Shangxiang, Cai Yan's circle of friends is also very narrow, so she is also used to following Li Wei. Wei's daily life.

Cai Yan found that Li Wei had many novel and good things in his hands, and he could also enjoy the convenience of these new things by following Li Wei's words.

The base of the hot pot is also prepared by Li Wei himself. There is no chili in this era, so in order to take care of the tastes of the girls, Li Wei made a mandarin duck pot, even the spicy side is not much spicy.For Li Wei, who was accustomed to the Sichuan-Chongqing spicy hotpot in later generations, this level of spiciness was terrifyingly light in his mouth.

Although Li Wei didn't think it was very enjoyable/addictive, Diaochan and others were sweating on their foreheads after eating, and the whole person seemed to be fished out of water. Li Wei can only sigh that people in this era can bear the spicy taste. The ability is not good. The skin of the girls in the 680 Yu land of the later Shichuan is better than that of other places. It is because of the spicy and spicy to get rid of the moisture in the body, so the skin will be so good.

"This kind of life is really colorful. If the common people in the whole of China can live this kind of life... that is simply unimaginable." Cai Yan sighed.

The wealth of Yuzhou gave Cai Yan a huge shock. This is not as simple as being rich, but a comprehensive development of culture, economy, and technology. It is difficult for the entire Chinese land to be as wealthy as Yuzhou.

"There is nothing I dare not think about. As long as there is a husband, this era will usher in peace. At that time, everyone will live and work in peace and contentment, which will be thousands of times stronger than before." Sun Shangxiang said with a smile.

Because of the youngest age, the family should take extra care of Sun Shangxiang, but Sun Shangxiang is also very sensible and never makes excessive demands on the basis of everyone's favor. The smart and well-behaved Sun Shangxiang is the happy fruit of the family.

"This goal will soon be achieved, and everyone will be able to live a good life. Then we will fight the Xiongnu and destroy the Xiongnu." Li Wei also laughed, after Jingzhou started, his power would be even It's a big success, when the time comes to turn on the horizontal push mode, you have to push Wuhu to level. .

Chapter 604. The Fear of Jingzhou

Cai Yan didn't speak. If it was before, she would still think that Li Wei was cruel, but after becoming Li Wei's secretary and exposed to a lot of information that cannot be disclosed to the public, Cai Yan felt that Li Wei was already very restrained.At least with Li Wei's temper, it is not easy to tolerate the Xiongnu in the north for such a long time, but this is also because Li Wei's territory is in the south.

But Li Wei befriended Ma Teng and Gongsun Zan, which is also a nail in the south for the Xiongnu, Xianbei and Wuhuan. From the field map, Ma Teng in Liangzhou was stuck in the southward route of the Xiongnu, while Gongsun Zan was stuck between Xianbei and Wuhuan. The route of Wuhuan going south.Although Ma Teng and Gongsun Zan could not be considered good people in terms of character, their stance was quite firm when dealing with foreign races, and with Li Wei's support behind them, there was no need to worry about alien invasion in a short period of time.

The commoners of this era are not like the later generations. They have been baptized by the explosion of information, so they are still a little naive when looking at external things, with an indescribable kindness, but this world is neither gentle nor correct, and aliens are not. I will tell you what kindness and morality.In the face of aliens, either you die or I die, this is a zero-sum game that can never be changed, just like the Huns, who neither willingly surrendered nor died, made Li Wei feel embarrassed, so he had to do it himself. Destroy the Huns.

"This beef is good. The weather recently is no different from a cold spring. It is a pleasure to eat beef at home." Li Wei was like an old man in his [-]s and [-]s, with a leisurely appearance.

"We eat beef, and the people of Yuzhou have already eaten pork, so it's not a luxury." As a financial manager, Zhen Mi is very clear about these things. After all, livestock is one of the important industries of a family these days.

"It's not bad. The war in the north is too fierce. The people are grazing grass, and those who are hungry, even eat the soil. Those who gnawed on the bark were about to smash the tree. It turns out that the mouse saw the person. People beat, even mice are a good dish now 〃'." Li Wei shook his head.

The Chinese people have a plot of land. The view that it is difficult to leave their homeland and that people leave their hometowns makes many people in the north reluctant to leave their land, even if they die of starvation, which makes Li Wei very helpless.If they don't leave, Li Wei can't possibly tie them all with ropes and drag them away, then his reputation is really bad.

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