"Wow, they even eat mice, aren't they disgusting?" Sun Shangxiang thought about the picture of roasting mice, and shuddered unconsciously.For a girl like her who loves cleanliness, the life of a refugee is simply unimaginable, but it is also Sun Shangxiang's good luck, she is favored at home, even if she is here with Li Wei, she is still favored, there is no It is normal to not know the suffering of refugees if you have tasted the bitterness in the true sense.

"In order to survive, don't talk about mice, tigers will eat as they come." Li Wei laughed.This is not a joke. People who are hungry can really do anything. Even if it is a matter of dying again, if they can fill their stomachs, then some people are willing to try. There are so many people buying and selling on the road.Just live your own life and take care of what others do.

"I said you all leave some for me, and you can eat together when you talk with me alone..." Li Wei looked at the girls who didn't talk about images at all. He was a little helpless. So capricious.

Just when Li Wei's family was enjoying their childhood happily, Jingzhou was gloomy and gloomy.

Liu Xian was having a headache right now, especially after Yuzhou put [-] troops at the junction of the two prefectures, this pressure had a substantial impact.The merchants in the past are now trying their best not to stay in Jingzhou for a long time. After all, no one can tell when the war will be fought. If they stay here, if they are affected, there is no place to cry.

Liu Qian was also unable to sleep at night. As soon as he closed his eyes, he dreamed that Li Wei was calling with the army.Liu Biao is not a mediocre person with no ability. At the beginning, Liu Biao was also a ruthless man who rode into Jingzhou alone. Before the rise of Li Wei, he was one of the earliest and most powerful princes in the entire Han Dynasty. , and the most unfortunate thing is that Jingzhou is next to Yuzhou.

In the past, the relationship between the two sides could be regarded as the well water does not violate the river water. You play with you and I play with mine. Although Jingzhou is not as good as Yuzhou, Liu Biao treats scholars kindly and promotes Confucian ideas, so he has a lot of great powers. It is considered a powerful army and horse, and it can be considered to have the power to protect itself in troubled times.However, Li Wei of Yuzhou next door is a cheater, and it is impossible to speculate with common sense. In more than a year, a battered Yuzhou has developed to this level. This is not what it is.

It took Liu Biao seven or eight years to manage Jingzhou barely to this level, but it was almost the limit. After all, Liu Biao's thinking was still limited to this era, and there was no correct scientific development concept at all, so he was turned by Li Weiwan. Overtaking is also normal.

Originally, Li Wei announced that he was going to attack Jingzhou, but a group of people in Jingzhou were gearing up to fight Li Wei well and drive the Yuzhou forces back.Then the battle of Gunzhou broke out. The people in Jingzhou were still thinking of breaking into Yuzhou to take a preemptive strike, but the nearly [-] coalition forces on the Gunzhou side were completely wiped out after only one day. The military personnel directly counseled.

But don't be afraid. Yuan Shao's coalition troops are strong and strong. They encountered Li Wei's magic, and a hail larger than a human head fell. Most people couldn't bear it. Except for a few unparalleled generals who were able to survive, ordinary soldiers Only waiting to die.This battle can't be fought. It is very likely that the shadow of the opponent's army (good money) has not been touched/found, and then a spell comes down, and the people on their side are almost dead. How to fight?Therefore, apart from Liu Biao, there are many people who are worried now.

Not only the military people in Jingzhou are afraid, but the Confucian people from all walks of life are also very painful. Unlike Liu Biao, a wise master who respects the scholars, Li Weina is really cruel and unkind. He suppresses Confucianism everywhere. As soon as Li Wei called, their special status would be lost.After all, Yuzhou promotes official schools that do not learn benevolence and righteousness and do not seek morality. All of them are eagles and wolves, and there is no place for them.

But even though they resisted Yuzhou's takeover emotionally, can these Confucian scholars who have no power to restrain the chickens still play swords with the Yuzhou army?If there was a real fight, many of the Confucian scholars here wanted to escape from trouble, and no one wanted to bury Liu Biao with him, so some sayings were that they couldn't be taken seriously. .

chapter 605 .

Time flies, while other places are still in chaos, Li Wei's preparations for the expedition of Jingzhou have been completed, because this itself is just water mill work.The development of Li Wei is like the chain store model of later generations. First, a suitable framework is laid, and then the content is filled according to the framework. The advantage of this is that under the modular development, the things in various systems can be used in general. .

Just like the development of Yangzhou and Gunzhou, under the condition that the general framework remains unchanged, different contents are selected to fill in according to different local conditions, but as a whole, it is a system, and the internal can communicate with each other. This model is, to put it bluntly, a variant of the modern Huaxia model.There is no local confrontation, and local industries are directly complementary. Although this system has certain problems, its core thinking is still in the planned economy, but crushing the natural small-scale peasant economy of this era is really like playing.

In this era, the only thing that can effectively improve the efficiency of war, apart from climbing science and technology and training troops, is only the field.But it is a pity that due to the superior natural conditions in Jingzhou, various families occupy a large amount of fertile land, and there are very few self-owned fields for real farmers, so Mintun is not expected.And Juntun?Let's not talk about whether Liu Biao has the time, but can he snatch the fat out of the mouths of those aristocratic families?

Liu Biao's ability to stabilize Jingzhou depended on these aristocratic families, so he did not dare to do so, and Liu Biao couldn't use the easy-to-use killer of the farm system, so he could only watch Li Wei's continuous development.Jingzhou, which was standing still, only had the chance to be annexed.

Li Wei looked at the report submitted by the official school, and this batch of personnel was enough, and counting the extra 15% of the candidates, human resources were not a problem at all.And the soldiers are naturally assembled. The larger the site, the more soldiers are needed. Now the soldiers displayed on the border of Yuzhou and Jingzhou are all elite veterans, and in Yuzhou, a new batch of new recruits has also completed the initial stage The training, as long as you see blood once, you will be able to grow up immediately.

Li Wei, who had everything ready, directly issued an order to attack Jingzhou.

The army below is also waiting for this sentence, because it took too much resources and manpower to occupy Gunzhou before, and even Yuzhou could not relax so quickly, so there is such a wait.But this is also something that can’t be done. Every place needs development and resources. It is impossible to delay development because of the war.It has always been (abbj) Li Wei to bring down others, and it is not the turn of others to bring down him, so the delay is understandable.

Originally, Li Wei didn't plan to swallow Gunzhou at this time, but Yuan Shao's organization of the coalition forces was like stomping his nose in the face.Yuan Shao will definitely not give up when he suffers a loss, so he will definitely block him.Moreover, Gunzhou is much smaller than Jingzhou, so the manpower and materials used to prepare to occupy Jingzhou are spent on Gunzhou, and it will take a long time to relax, which is also the reason for attacking Gunzhou first.

The army that started from the mainland of Yuzhou and Yangzhou at the same time launched a two-way siege, and directly broke through the defense line of the border of Jingzhou.

And just after the Yuzhou army entered Jingzhou, the Jingzhou army actually surrendered as a system. Even many aristocratic families acted as leading parties. A strange scene appeared. The entire Jingzhou fell without much resistance. most of them.

Li Wei was in the "office" of the official government. Looking at the battle report from the front line, he couldn't understand it. Jingzhou's bones were too soft. It turned out to be an organized surrender. .

"It saves a lot of time, and it's good to have fewer casualties. These soldiers can be selected according to their roots and temperament. If they are suitable, they will join the Yuzhou Army. If they are not suitable, they will all be sent home." Li Wei sighed and said that most of the Jingzhou army was They were conscripts, and most of them were locals. If they killed a lot, it would easily arouse the hostility of the local people to the Yuzhou army. Therefore, if these troops were willing to surrender, Li Wei was also willing to accept them.

"What about those noble families who surrendered?" Cai Yan frowned slightly. These noble families were not good things in her opinion. Knowing that Jingzhou was not Li Wei's opponent, she sold Liu Biao. She naturally hates grass with two sides and three swords.But how to deal with it is also up to Li Wei, she is just a secretary.

"Those wallgrass? For now, the main thing is to appease, and when Jingzhou is completely swallowed, all these wallgrass will have to be liquidated. This world is the world of the masses, not the world of a certain class, and the system of aristocratic families should also be The tide of history has been eliminated. At least in our generation, aristocratic families don’t want to raise their heads.” Li Wei sighed, he also has a killer, that is, when the time is right, release a certain harmony and ineffable doctrine to complete a true revolution .

Anyway, Li Wei has no desire/desire for power, and he also wants to leave, so he did not have any psychological burden to release a certain harmonious ineffable doctrine, and at that time, the wisdom of the people had been opened, and the possibility of the restoration of the feudal dynasty was directly possible. will be strangled in the womb.

"Well... if the existence of aristocratic families is a burden to the common people, then wipe them all out." Cai Yan sighed.

Li Wei looked at Cai Yan like a ghost. When did Cai Yan become so radical and completely wipe out the family?Li Wei thought that he was not so radical yet, Cai Yan was going to heaven.

"Cough cough... It's a bit too radical to destroy the family or something. After all, it's not appropriate to overturn a boat with a single pole." Li Wei was a little helpless. This kind of thing can be done, but he can't say it.

"The aristocratic family is like a leech that sucks blood on the people. If you don't completely ban the family system, then all your efforts, Mr. Li Wei, will be in vain. I have come into contact with a lot of documents these days, and I have a good understanding of the family. A relatively complete concept, in the future era, the living soil of the aristocratic family must be deprived." Cai Yan said a little unwillingly.

"Minzhi has been opened, and the status of the aristocratic family has been shaken. Even if you don't care about him, the family will disappear into the long river of history. Stepping on at this time is just to speed up the process. The family is almost over. Even if you don't care about them, it's just like that." Li Wei smiled.

What Li Wei said is true. In the region he rules, the aristocratic family is still in a position of implicit discrimination. For example, under the condition of education, with the same grades, ordinary people can be officials, but children of aristocratic families cannot be officials. , unless it is really excellent, can be licensed.And after more and more talents in the folk, Li Wei's rule does not need to rely on the family like other princes, so many problems are not considered at all.

The aristocratic family has been excluded from the core circle of rights and economy. The migration of a large number of aristocratic families in Yuzhou who refuse to accept discipline is the best proof, and the remaining aristocratic families will be slowly swallowed by this system. .

chapter 606. westward strategy

Liu Biao was really so angry that he vomited blood, not an adjective, but real blood.Li Wei's Yuzhou army was terrifyingly fast, and its ability to attack fortifications was also very strong. Liu Biao had already prepared for a fierce battle, but his general Cai Mao directly led the entire army to surrender, and asked the Yuzhou army to enter Jingzhou.

Liu Biao didn't take a breath at that time, and was immediately fainted by his anger. After waking up, Liu Biao knew that Jingzhou was over.One bad news after another followed. Most of the land in Jingzhou fell. Li Wei's army launched a siege from Yuzhou and Yangzhou. Now the entire Jingzhou is almost unable to find a peaceful land.The most chilling thing for Liu Biao was that most of his aristocratic family immediately dispersed, either fleeing or surrendering to Li Wei. Liu Biao felt that his heart ached badly.

Kuai Liang stood in front of Liu Biao's hospital bed, watching Liu Biao wake up with mixed feelings in his heart.

"It's Zirou...Is it just you..." Liu Biao, who looked old from the beginning, looked like a dying old man, as if he was about to die at any time.His three sons stood by, their heads bowed and silent.

"Lord Inspector, there is only one person left..." Kuailiang was also helpless and sighed: "The Kuai family has already transferred the property and left Jingzhou. Now Kuailiang is only following Sir Inspector in his personal capacity, which is really ashamed~"

"It's very rare that you can stand here. It's really hard for you to see the sincerity of everyone before the disaster strikes. How is the battle now?" Liu Biao felt that his time was running out, but his three The son is not a weapon, he is just like this in his life.

"There is only one lonely city left in Yijun. General Huang Zhong and General Wenpin still have [-] troops stationed here, ready to fight the enemy to the death." Kuailiang said in a deep voice.

Liu Biao closed his eyes in pain. While he was in a coma, Jingzhou had already changed.

"Let Huang Zhong and Wen Pin surrender. There is no need to resist. Those [-] soldiers are also family members. It would not be a pity to die in vain. If I lose, I lose, so why bother others." Liu Biao sighed.

Kuailiang did not speak for a long time. At this time, he did not leave Liu Biao. He already had the will to die, but now it seems that death is unnecessary, but the rest of his life will be spent in seclusion.

"This subordinate understands, let's make arrangements now." Kuai Liang left the room expressionlessly, and Liu Biao's forces had come to an end.

Inside the Yuzhou base camp, Li Wei sighed deeply when he saw the news of Liu Biao's death.

"Liu Biao is a talent, it's a pity." Li Wei could only shake his head and sigh about Liu Biao's ending.

"Liu Biao's fate today is also because he was unable to take back his power from the aristocratic family, so he was unable to complete the transformation of his territory, and he couldn't even do it in the field system. It can also be seen from this incident that the aristocratic clan's The drawbacks are terrifying for a country." Cai Yan also sighed at Liu Biao's incident, and the generation of Junjie came to an end, and I have to say that it is really sad.

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