Jinchengzhai Qianye took the medicine, but she was a little hesitant. If this kind of three-nothing product of unknown origin, if it was something harmful, then she was finished, and she hesitated whether to drink it.

"No problem, this is my treasured potion, it can be used for beauty." Wu Lude said in the hesitant Jinchengzhai Qianye's ear.

Taking advantage of Jinchengzhai Qianye's stunned moment, Wu Lude grabbed the test tube, opened the small stopper, poured all the ice-blue liquid/body in the test tube into her mouth, and pinched her by the way. The cheeks forced her to swallow.

"Wow! What did you give me to drink! It's so bitter!" Jinchengsai Chiba retched, and she felt that her body was starting to get a little dry/hot and sweating.

"Go to the bathroom/room to take a bath. This medicine is the potion of the gods that can purify the human body. It will expel all the toxins from your body, allowing you to obtain the golden body of a super ancient human."

Jinchengzhai Qianye felt that today was a terrible day. After drinking the medicine of unknown origin, a lot of oil/stain appeared on her body, and it took almost half an hour to wash her body. "What the hell is going on! Why is this happening! I can't wash it now, it smells so bad!"

Jinchengsai Chiba felt that her good temper was about to reach its limit. She was dizzy due to the stench of sludge that appeared on her body. When I left, the whole bathroom/indoor was filled with a strange stench, and the ventilation system was unable to dispel the smell.But when Jinchengzhai Qianye looked in the mirror, she was stunned. Is the perfect girl in the mirror really her? She couldn't believe her eyes.She felt that she was completely reborn, not only more beautiful, but also increased in strength and speed to varying degrees.

When she returned to the living room excitedly, she saw that the table in the living room was already full of rich delicacies, she was speechless, what was the origin of this pair of beauties who used the name of the goddess, that magical potion , is it really a goddess?Looking at the shining dishes on the table, Jinchengzhai Qianye roared in his heart that this was unscientific. He really thought it was a live-action version of the Spirit of Halberd!

Then she opened her stomach and devoured Haisai. She couldn't take care of her image anymore, because it was really delicious, and even the protagonist's father in the spirit of eating halberds couldn't make such a delicacy, even if it was a legend The head chef of Yangquan Restaurant, Liu Angxing, does not have such cooking skills.

"It seems that we are qualified." Wu Lude sat down, looked at Jinchengzhai Qianye, who had transformed into a female man, and laughed softly.

Chapter 046. What Gundam Girls Are Cute!It's cute, can't it?

On Li Wei's side, he followed the maid for a while, and walked around the school for almost half a circle. Finally, he came to the test building located in the heart of the school. This is a place specially provided for students to take exams. It seems that the "headbutt" is doing well here.

The test place is a retro three-storey building, but when Li Wei walked in with the maid, he found that the interior decoration was actually quite modern. After handing over his ID to a special person for a copy, Li Wei followed the maid to move on. .

"The test subjects here include a variety of items, from traditional art to modern art, whether it is simple handicrafts or complex porcelain making, all of which can be assessed. The first is the test site for electronic machinery and computer programming, and the next is language. In the testing grounds for literature and literature, we even provide a test for weapon operation, because even if it is a combat genius, our school will admit it. It's quite appropriate." The maid smiled: "But even so, we do not provide the government with services/services for the training of special talents. We firmly believe that schools are places to learn, and bringing dirty politics into schools will only Ruined here. So students here come from all over the world, as long as they are talented, they can enter for free, and the school will not interfere with the whereabouts of students after graduation. If they are persecuted by the neon government, we will also provide political asylum and arrange Special personnel will escort the students back to their homeland."

"Drink, it's really interesting, don't you fear that the government will attack you if you do this? Although you have done a good thing from a personal standpoint, you are completely challenging the bottom line of the neon government by doing this. Talent is equal to raising the enemy, and watching geniuses slip away from under their own eyes, will the neon government choose to endure?" Li Wei felt that the "headbutt" approach was completely killing, at least in the celestial dynasty. If you play, it will be harmonious, and all relevant personnel will have to check the water meter. This is not the top line, but in the cognition of most people in the Celestial Dynasty, geniuses who do not belong to their own country, it is better to die early. .

"It seems that you don't know much about this country. Most of the people sitting in that position care about their own interests. How many people would care about these things? And Neon is a country controlled by a chaebol group, as long as we ourselves The strength of the school is strong enough, so there is no need to worry about the pressure from above, because they should be begging us to do things, so the above is also turning a blind eye to this school. Then, which one do you want to choose? What about the test?" the maid explained patiently.

"I'll choose machinery and architecture. These two are familiar to me." Li Wei said, this is not a random choice, and his architectural design attainments are no worse than the "headbutt" of the owner here, even if he can't Known as a master, but also an expert.And machinery is Li Wei's old business. There is no problem in directly building a combat robot with mature technology. General machinery does not have any difficulty for Li Wei.

When Li Wei got his certificate, his qualification for the test was also down. The efficiency of this work should be learned by some civil servants in the Chinese Dynasty. Don't always sit for a cup of tea, a pack of cigarettes, a newspaper for a day, and do something. By the time they reacted, the daylily would be cold.

Li Wei was taken to the mechanical test site. Unlike some domestic schools that sell flesh and blood, the hardware facilities here are indeed unremarkable. All kinds of tools and raw materials are readily available, and there is an online computer working group to assist. Programming efficiency, it is no problem to say that it is a private weapons workshop. Li Wei has seen a lot of small stamping equipment. With these things, Li Wei can directly mass-produce domestic 95-type assault rifles, ensuring that the quality will not be Worse than regular guys.

"What are you doing? A lot of molds and equipment are contraband." Li Wei was amazed. It seems that the "headbutt" is a bit interesting in the neon. These things can be displayed in an open and fair manner. Being in trouble is a bit powerful.

"We can guarantee that everything made here will not be used for weapons, and we regularly destroy data to ensure that nothing will flow out of here, but external storage devices are prohibited here." The maid smiled.

"What about the testers? Don't you need testers and observers to record?" Li Wei looked at the well-equipped hall. Although the things here are not advanced, they are not qualified to have by civilians. It seems "headbutt" "The background is not so simple.

"Forgot to mention, I am the observer and recorder of the mechanical project. I am also an avid mechanical enthusiast. The biggest wish in this life is to create a real Gangdamu!" The maid sauce with two ponytails said accidentally. If there are some very scary words, the radish house will not be able to find the other half.

Li Wei pouted, he was shocked by the words of the maid with two ponytails, a good soft and cute girl, why is it a big tree, is it not good to be cute?The characters are all broken!And this Gundam thing, in the case of substandard materials, can't be made at all, even the best titanium alloy in the real world, can't achieve the dreamlike hardness/strength and extensibility of Gundam Nim alloy, neon That is, to build a 1:1 large model in Odaiba and put it there for people to visit.If you want to build a real Gundam, it is not something that can be solved by the current materials science and dynamics. It can be pushed back 80 to 100 years. Now the closest practical is similar to the Marine Corps in StarCraft. Power armor, give Li Wei two days, and a set of Ma Runjia can be easily made.

Of course, Li Wei is indeed able to create a real MS, but!Why make it in Neon? If the Neon people learn the technology, wouldn't he be sinful, with Neon's urination, he must have their dream of a big country with a real MS, and then the world will We have to fight again. Although there is no way to fight a full-scale war under the threat of nuclear weapons, MS can absolutely suppress most modern weapons in a local war, that is, it will be restrained by high-speed fighter jets and satellite weapons. It will only make MS in Neon.The result of doing so is equivalent to opening Pandora's Box, and it is also an enhanced version.

Chapter 044. Mechanical Pioneer - Li Wei

"Here is a set of power skeletons for testing, diesel hydraulic drive. Your test project is to write a set of OS to make this drive skeleton run within half an hour." The maid said the content of the test.

The difficulty of this test is not small, because the programming of the OS of the mechanical skeleton is very complicated, such as the "big dog" animal-type delivery robot in the United States. It took two years for a qualified OS to go from test to practical.The big dog robot has the world's first ability to adapt to complex terrain, and other countries' research in this area is still blank, that is, folk enthusiasts play with themselves and reproduce the big dog, but the performance is not as good as that of the Americans. original.

Moreover, the test Li Wei accepted was a bipedal robot, and the balance alone was a big trouble. In addition, there was only half an hour for writing code, and there was no time for testing, so the code could not have any errors or omissions.

"The previous test does not count the time, but when you touch the computer, the time will start to count, so please be sure before doing it." The two-ponytail maid said.

"No one has passed this test before. Even if it takes half an hour to write a simple running action, it will stun a large number of experts." Li Wei said.

"That's not the case. A special student in our school passed the test. It took 19 minutes and 36 seconds to complete the code writing. Although the running of the dynamic bones is not too stable, it can be regarded as passing the test. I can't reveal it, it involves personal privacy issues." The two-ponytail maid sat aside and watched Li Wei fiddle with his bones.

It is not difficult for Li Wei to make this skeleton move, as long as he grasps some characteristics of this skeleton.Under the curious gaze of the little maid, Li Wei started to get busy.The first is to estimate the weight of the bones, and then to find the overall balance point of the bones and the balance point of the crotch/crotch, so that the running stability of the bones can be determined, and then the OS is written.

Li Wei noticed that the legs of this skeleton are relatively slender, and the grounding area of ​​the soles of the feet is not large, which undoubtedly has a certain negative impact on the walking of the bones.Because the machine is not like a human, it has a cerebellum that can automatically balance. Generally speaking, the mechanical balance uses a gyroscope stabilizer, but Li Wei checked the details of the bones and did not find a gyroscope, which means that the OS wrote The difficulty will be even higher, because it is difficult for a biped robot to maintain a sense of balance without a gyroscope, which can only be supplemented by other aspects.

In addition, Li Wei also found that the test skeleton is full of maliciousness to the tester, that is, the center of gravity is very high, there is no gyroscope, and the center of gravity is still very high, which is hell for the tester. level difficulty.Most of the mainstream robots are wheeled or crawler-type, because if the center of gravity is unstable, they rely on other means to make up for it. However, this skeleton is not allowed to be modified or disassembled. Only OS is allowed to be written, and then the running test is carried out through wireless remote control. .

"How? Are you sure?" the maid asked with a smile.The only tester in the school actually passed the test quite reluctantly. In that test, the mechanical skeleton basically completed the whole process by rolling and crawling. In fact, this test does not require the final result, but the tester is in The professional quality shown in the test is only, because making the mechanical femur move like a human is something that the five rogues can't do now, how can the folks do it, and the half-hour limit makes the difficulty even higher. Many, half an hour is just writing the simplest run, don't think about anything else.In particular, this set of bones looks great, but there are a lot of flaws and traps hidden in it. If you don't pay attention, you will be hit. If you make it slowly over a month, it will be fine, but if it takes half an hour, it will be fine. So far, of the more than [-] mechanical geniuses, only one has barely passed.

From the details of Li Wei's examination of the bones, the maid can already confirm that this is an expert-level ruthless character, and the hidden flaws and traps have been found out and marked.

"Are you on purpose not to let anyone pass the test? This set of bones is a model of disrepair. Except for the new paint, the interior is so rusted that the wiring is short-circuited in three places. The left leg joint is connected to the internal one. The screws are not tightened, and you will definitely fall when you run. And you actually put iron blocks in the xiong cavity of your bones to gain weight, are you playing like this?" Li Wei wanted to throw the bowl at that time, this Nima is crazy!Is this a test or a whole person, if you don't check it in advance, whoever comes will fall.

"Oh, it seems that you have already discovered it, and this is also a part of the test. Go ahead, please don't care about this." The maid's eyes lit up, she was more and more convinced of Li Wei, and the mechanic was relying on The reason why German industrial products are famous all over the world is because of their meticulousness and high precision.

Li Wei started to write the OS, but it was the easiest for him to write the OS, because he had done a similar power system before, so the code was very familiar, and he could use it with a little modification.If Li Wei was asked to write an OS from scratch, even if it took him half an hour, he would be a little nervous, but if he adapted the previous coding, the difficulty would be much less, not just running as simple as running, this set of OS can To make the mechanical skeleton perform actions that are very similar to human beings, the adaptation part is to make up for the defects of the lack of gyroscope balance and the high center of gravity.Because this set of bones has no interference from armored equipment, the range of physical activity is very large, and the waist is also three-stage, which allows it to completely replicate human movements.

Li Wei's ten fingers danced rapidly on the keyboard, almost an afterimage appeared, and lines of code appeared in the black and white interface. The two-ponytail maid looked at Li Wei's ten fingers like a convulsion, and covered her mouth in surprise.This kind of speed is simply a magical skill. If nothing else, just relying on this hand speed to become a hacker is enough to give many people a headache. The violent output stream hackers fight for the speed of inputting codes, directly and the opposite face hard anal, directly relying on Overwhelm the opponent with a quick reaction.

One minute and one second passed, and when there were only ten seconds left in 30 minutes, Li Wei finally completed the entire OS settings. With a keyboard, he could make the mechanical bones move as flexibly as a human being.

Li Wei breathed a sigh of relief when he pressed the final Enter key. "Fortunately, it's not a neon keyboard that makes people want to kill people. You neon people just like to fight against the mainstream of the world, and you like to play your own standards in everything. Fortunately, everything here is not like this."

The completed OS is 1.44M in size, but its technical content has been ahead of the world's advanced level for [-] years, making it a "national treasure".Li Wei moved a little bit on the computer. This OS is in read-only format and cannot be copied or opened in administrator mode. It will be automatically destroyed when the time is up.

Chapter 047. Young Masters and Potentially Destroying Robots

After importing the OS into the operation simulator, Li Wei set the keys on the keyboard, and depending on the combination of the keys, he could issue various commands to the mechanical bones.

With a sour crunch, the mechanical skeleton stood up abruptly. Li Wei did not look at the keyboard, but just stared at the mechanical skeleton.The similarity between this skeleton and the human body is 70%, and most of the movements can be done.It's a bit like the RG Red Heresy Gundam model. The design of the human body is like an explosion for fighting.With faster speed, greater strength, and indefatigable characteristics than humans, he can move as long as he has diesel fuel.

Li Wei inadvertently made a rather terrifying weapon of war.

"Okay, let's start the test." The little maid looked at the flexible mechanical skeleton, and Li Wei's eyes were full of enthusiasm. This is a young mechanical master, and her Gundam dream seems to be achievable. If she can worship this young master, then she can also make the MS of her dreams.

Li Wei's attention has been focused on the mechanical skeleton used for testing. So far, the situation is good, but some trouble is that manipulating the skeleton requires visual inspection. Once beyond the line of sight, the specific situation of the skeleton cannot be perceived. In this case, it is easy to be surprised.The mechanical skeleton first twisted the waist and performed two squat and stretch movements. These movements can test the integrity and stability of the entire skeleton.

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