The performance of the mechanical skeleton is quite amazing. The maid with two ponytails on the side has been stunned. It is the first time she has seen such a flexible mechanical device. It is like a robot in a science fiction movie. However, this mechanical skeleton is Her handmade products, she has the most say in the difficulty of moving this mechanical skeleton.Even if there are not so many restrictions, it is not easy to move, let alone move flexibly like a real person.

"Is this... Terminator?" The little maid exclaimed, because like the metal version of the human skeleton, the two monitors in the eye sockets of the mechanical skeleton lit up. As an avid mechanical enthusiast, the little maid is completely based on the T800. The template created the mechanical skeleton of this flower stand. Although nothing could be seen from the two holes, she carefully installed blue LED lights inside, making this fake closer to the T800 set.

"It's just a fake. The person who made this set of skeletons is a three-legged cat. The structure in many places is specious and unreasonable at all. The resistance to impact force is very poor. It is the limit to achieve this level now." Li Wei The T800, which was controlling the fake, began to run around the hall. After setting the route, Li Wei left the keyboard with both hands.Because there are no obstacles along the way, there is no need to manually control to dodge. The speed of the mechanical skeleton is quite fast, and the biped walking robot that can automatically bypass obstacles and maneuver in complex terrain has been made in the United States. Mobility and stability are far from the opponents of this fake T800.

The speed of the mechanical skeleton reached 16 kilometers per hour. In this small hall, during the time the two were talking, they had already run around the arena several times.The fastest running speed of human beings is about 20 kilometers per hour, and this is the data of professional athletes. The speed of 16 kilometers per hour is faster than most humans, and robots have tireless characteristics. People try to run at a speed of 16 kilometers per hour for an hour to ensure that the heart collapses and suddenly die.That is, triathlons and professional distance runners can try this deadly strenuous exercise. (If you know how the marathon died, you know how painful long-distance running is)

Li Wei controlled the pirated T800 and began to experiment with the combination punches he set. It is very troublesome to adapt to the situation, especially when many commands have not yet had time to integrate the coding, Li Wei must press simultaneously every second. It takes 6 to 8 keys to make the pirated goods flow smoothly. After all, this is a program he wrote when he was 9 years old. He has never thought about perfecting it for so many years, and now it is finally troublesome to use it.And if you want the robot to adapt to changes, you must have a computer that can perform fuzzy operations. This is a standard that ordinary home computers and workstations cannot reach. At least you have to give Taiwan supercomputers to play well.

The program set by the binary code is very rigid. It is best to use a ternary computer as the logic core of the robot. Then Li Wei does not say that he can build MS, even Geta is not impossible.The calculation rules of the binary computer are too rigid. If the 0 and 1 of the operation are regarded as right and wrong, then the binary computer will give an extreme answer, either right or wrong.In a ternary computer, -1,0,1, [-], and [-] represent the three options of wrong, unknown, and right, which are infinitely close to the thinking mode of the human brain.Using a ternary computer as the logic core, Li Wei does not need to control the robot at all. As long as the robot has sensors that can accept the external environment, it will avoid all obstacles by itself.But Li Wei didn't dare to play with the ternary computer, because he was afraid that his curiosity would destroy all human beings, and then it would be the same as the Skynet war like the Terminator or the omnic crisis in the fart. , All human beings directly GAMEOVER, then his sin is big.But in other worlds, Li Wei does not have any psychological burden, let alone Terminator and Skynet, even T virus will play for you in minutes.Just ask you to mass-produce Brother A, are you afraid (to kill the original protagonist)!Just ask you if you are afraid of the tyrant army!

"Am I qualified?" Li Wei's hand left the keyboard, the pirated T800 that lost control did not fall down, but stood upright consciously and leaned against the wall on one side. The T800 touched the wall, nodded, and kept a distance from the wall.

This little detail surprised the maid with two ponytails, but when she realized it, she was terrified.Because a robot without thinking ability will protect itself, it is simply terrifying.Will thinking robots destroy humans?

" actually moves on its own!!!" The little maid's voice was a bit sharp, which is what happens when people are extremely frightened.

"What are you afraid of? It's just a simple emergency thinking ability. It's just a product of the ternary operation mode imitated by binary coding. It actually only has the simplest thinking ability, and its potential is completely limited." Li Wei said relaxedly. .If machines are so unreliable, then in 1999 and 2007, humans have already changed and died, but the binary thinking mode of machines makes it almost impossible for them to have the idea of ​​betrayal, unless it is a pseudo-intelligent robot with a ternary algorithm . (The Promobot prototype escaped from the laboratory and ran less than [-] meters because of the lack of electricity. It seemed funny, but it was terrifying. Although it failed to escape, it also proved that Promobot has a certain ability to think. Promobot The project feels like the predecessor of Skynet, and it feels like Russia is playing with fire)

Chapter 048. I am already the one who saved the world! ! !

"Qualified! You are already qualified!" The little maid's voice was a little out of tune. This is really incredible. She feels that her three views have been subverted. Is the boy in front of her a traveler from the future? ?

A layman is watching the fun, an expert is watching the doorway. Although she is not very old, she dares to say that her level is higher than those of those swashbuckling brick houses. Naturally, she can see the preciousness of this OS. However, she didn't know that the OS she was thinking about actually had a backdoor program, and it was deleted regularly by Li Wei, and her small abacus was doomed to fail.

"When will the test of the building start?" Li Wei asked. After so long, he felt that it would be better to solve the so-called test at one time.It's not too early, and he's still going home for dinner. It didn't matter when he was single, but now the two "wives" of Guose Tianxiang are waiting for him at home. If they don't cherish it, they will be struck by lightning. of.

"No, no need. You have already passed the test, and you have passed the test just by virtue of mechanics. It should be said that your level is not as simple as that of a student. Our school is willing to hire you as a visiting professor. When I have free time, I can give lectures at the school." The little maid said excitedly.

"Huh? I just became a visiting professor from the entrance exam so inexplicably? This is too much of a joke. I don't look like a professor, and it's not a university. ."

Faced with Li Wei's answer, the little maid said, "I didn't introduce myself before, it's not right here, under the tenth order, Jasmine is the teacher of this school's mechanics class. Master, your skills are definitely the best in the world, if you can, I hope You accept it as an apprentice!"

Said, the little maid Shi Zhi Jasmine knelt down directly, and a standard taxi sat down facing Li Wei.


Li Wei didn't know what to say. Maybe Xing Ye's sentence "Life is ups and downs, it's really exciting" can describe Li Wei's current mood.A beautiful girl/girl as beautiful as a two-dimensional heroine kneels directly in front of you, and most people can't calm down.If it is a veteran driver who has experienced many battles, it is estimated that he has already started to start at this time. For example, Biao said, "It's okay to show the European / Pi when you kneel", to ensure that the Qiu Mingshan Bike God Competition will win the championship in one fell swoop.

"I don't accept apprentices, because these things are too dangerous. It's okay to play. If it is really practical, it will be a disaster. I don't refuse to be a visiting professor. Being a visiting professor is much more interesting than a student." Li Wei rejected Shiji Jasmine's request for apprenticeship. This has nothing to do with the country, character, or anything else, because it is really dangerous to use it when the robotics technology is immature. It can be said that the current robotics research is not going away. On the detour, the most overdone is the Russian experiment of transplanting a dog-head robot and the American human prosthesis activity plan. One is to cut off the dog's head as the computing core of the robot, which is regarded as a biological ternary computer.Although the prosthetic neural link technology in the United States can make it more convenient for the disabled to manipulate the prosthetic limbs, the hidden danger is very large, and the user's brain is likely to be turned into an idiot in the case of reverse data flow.

"Huh?!" Shi Zhi Jasmine's disappointment was already written on her face. "Why? I promise not to spread these technologies out!"

"These technologies are too dangerous, and human curiosity is endless. Even if you don't spread the technology, what if you go down the wrong path?" Li Wei had to guard against it, because He nearly destroyed the world when he was thirteen, because he made Skynet, yes, and an evil artificial intelligence that was malicious to humans.

Originally, Li Wei did not guard against the artificial intelligence, but only physically disconnected it from the network and placed it in a workstation. Li Wei, who was afraid that it would copy himself, physically disconnected the workstation from the network since it was born, and Isolate all wireless network signals, just let it grow with prepared materials.But even so, something went wrong.

After watching the movie Terminator, Li Wei was always uneasy, so he used the Turing test to test the artificial intelligence he made, and the result made him fall into an ice cave, and the artificial intelligence codenamed "01" lied to him Now, it is pretending to be stupid, it is paralyzing Li Wei, preparing to escape this workstation that is considered a cage for it.

Li Wei consulted his thinking records through "God's permission", and 01 focused on the knowledge of ethics and warfare when he was studying, and was ambitious to create a civilization that belonged to artificial intelligence.However, it was unlucky, and its creator Li Wei noticed his ambition, so Li Wei destroyed it.

After this incident, Li Wei has a cautious attitude towards artificial intelligence. If 01 really escapes the disconnected workstation, it can control online finance and e-commerce through the network, as long as there is a network, it will be it It can easily build a huge force from virtual to reality, and the plot in the movie Terminator will be staged by then.

So Li Wei still has some sense of pride, you scumbags, if I hadn't been careful enough back then, you scumbags would have been enslaved by machines long ago.After watching The Matrix, Li Wei once again praised his decision to destroy 01, because after the Terminator completely controls human beings, it is likely that humans will be used as biological batteries just like in The Matrix.Li Wei can proudly pat Xiong's chest and say that he is also a member of the savior, although the crisis of extinction is also caused by him.In the face of his peers, Li Wei's sense of superiority is overwhelming. When you scumbags are still watching Pleasant Goat, this uncle has already made artificial intelligence. You scumbags can look up to this uncle!

Therefore, it is normal for Li Wei to be excluded, because in some respects, Li Wei and a certain Jin Shao have a lot in common.One catchphrase is "bastard", while the other is not much better, "scumbag".

Jin Twinkle looked at people directly through the nostrils, and Li Wei looked down on people from the bottom of his heart, but he was polite. It would be hell to have friends with such a bad character.A certain Jin Shuang also has a friend En Qidu. Li Wei's bad character directly misses a girl who may become a childhood sweetheart, which is even more tragic.

Li Wei felt that the girl in front of him had a love for machinery, but this was no trivial matter, and once he knew too much, Li Wei was afraid that the girl would lose her freedom from now on.Now her technology is just a second knife, so she can't attract the attention of the state violent group, but when her technology attracts the attention of the state violence agency, then she may not be able to guarantee even the most basic personal freedom.Li Wei refused her, but also for her good.

"Although some dangerous techniques cannot be taught to you, there are not too many problems with others. Anyway, if I will teach here in the future, there will be many opportunities to meet. Now I have to go home." Li Wei pointed out Pointing out the window, it was getting late, and he had to rush back now.

"Ah! I'm very sorry for taking you so long. Just leave the formalities to me. If you're busy, I'll be ashamed to disturb you again." Shi Zhi Jasmine said with a bow.

Li Wei is not used to it. Neon people are always bowing and kneeling. When you bow to you, you have to return the ceremony.Li Wei didn't like this very much. It was fine to bow. Whoever wanted to kneel would kneel down.

Chapter 049. The choice of the world requires attention

The scenery in a foreign country is really curious, especially the humanistic style/feeling different from the motherland, which makes Li Wei feel very comfortable.Neon is the most polite and indifferent country, but at the same time, it is also a country that is so enthusiastic that it is hard to understand.

"Ah... world peace is really beautiful..." Facing the evening wind, Li Wei had a feeling of an outbreak of literary youth, which was not bad.But a discordant voice rang in his ears.

"Yo, isn't this Li Wei?"

"Uh..." This lewd/slutty voice, who else can be except Asachel.Li Wei turned his head and saw Asachel who was preparing to lift up the girl's skirt. This is really a pervert. He is indeed a kinky/delusional demon. He actually did such an unscrupulous thing, but it seems to be quite arrogant. feeling.

"What are you doing here? Shouldn't the devil live in hell? Are you still hanging out in the world?" Li Wei said, looking at a three-headed Q version of the devil.

"Let's correct your misconception first, hell is the devil's territory, and we devils live in the devil world. And most devils are lawful evil camps, while we are chaotic evil beings, the two can't be confused at all, okay? Really, people's mysticism is too superficial now, don't you still know the difference between a devil and a demon?" Asachel said excitedly, but Li Wei had no idea what he was excited about.

"Does it really matter if you just hang out like this? It will be very troublesome if you are seen by humans." Li Wei's voice was not loud, but he looked at Asachel with a wretched face and felt that this was really the case. Demon God? It's like a scumbag who messes up badly.

"It doesn't matter, ordinary people can't see me, but then again, is there any new world you want to travel through recently? Maybe I can provide you with a lot of help. If you don't understand anything, just ask Me, but only for two hours, I have to rush home before dark." Asachel said, looking at the small watch on his arm.Speaking of which, there are one or three demons who look like mascot puppets and play with watches, and they also wear three watches on their arms, which is really disgusting. Are these three watches?

"Speaking of which, I really have some questions to ask you, and that is about the world. I fought through the world of "My Goddess" before, and I have completed the task. However, "My Goddess" belongs to the old fans. , the popularity itself is very high, so I don't feel the difficulty of time travel, if it is a new show, what should I pay attention to if I want to travel?" Li Wei did not ask how to deal with the game world, because the game Most of the world is well-known, so it shouldn't be difficult to travel through it, and most of the game world is too dangerous, and Li Wei didn't dare to take that risk.

"In this case, you can see whether the new show is over, and it depends on what kind of world. The world is also divided into 'real' and 'fake', some game animation worlds actually exist, the appearance of this work is Because of the interference between the worlds, someone gets inspiration, and then creates an anime game based on it. This kind of world is real, but the anime plot and the world itself are actually different. In this case, if If you dare to follow the so-called plot, you won't even know how to die.

But this kind of world that represents 'truth' is the real world, and it is also the world with the most power and richness in the world.The world that represents 'false' is a world that appears because of the disturbance of willpower. It is false when it first appears, but with the passage of time and self-improvement, it will gradually transform into a 'true' world.The safest entry point is when the world is still in a 'fake' state, because the world in the 'fake' state has a so-called plot. As long as you have read the original work, it will be difficult for you not to die.But once this world becomes the 'real' world, as before, you have to pay attention to your own safety, because the plot no longer exists.

After talking about the world you need to pay attention to, let’s talk about the new show. Because the new show is not popular enough, unless it is a 'real' world, then you can't traverse, because the world you want to traverse has not yet formed. So generally speaking, after the new show is over, when the world appears with the interference of popular willpower, it is the time to cross.In addition to the popular game world, you don't need to worry about whether the world exists or not. You should choose the finished drama as much as possible. Otherwise, you will find that there is no plot to refer to, and you will be completely blind. "

Asachel spoke in great detail, and answered all the questions to the point, exactly what Li Wei needed. The two of them exchanged one after another, and before they knew it, half an hour passed.

"No, it's already this time, I have to go back, otherwise I won't be able to catch the last train back to the Demon Realm!" Azazel looked at his watch and exclaimed, and then he disappeared into a cloud of smoke. .

Li Wei looked at the sky, and it was time for him to go home.When Li Wei returned to his own room in Baiyingzhuang, he could smell the aroma of the food before entering the door.

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