The long-term suppression made Wei Guo's army weak when facing the Daxia army. This all-round suppression also made Guo Jia miserable, because the Daxia army liked to consume Wei country piecemeal. .When there is nothing wrong, the Daxia army will pass through the border and attack Wei's army camp on a small scale. Taking advantage of their weapons, the strong crossbow will be withdrawn immediately after two rounds. After one round, hundreds of casualties will be lost, making the Wei army suspicious. , the patrol force is three times more than before, and a large number of people will be dispatched to patrol at night, and the defense of each camp has also been strengthened.

Just relying on this tactic of hitting three poles with no dates and no dates, Da Xia dragged the Wei army to the brink of death. However, after chasing across the border, the cavalry troops were ambushed and annihilated, and the generals who led the team were also beheaded by the Daxia army. The army is exhausted, but the crossing is not dare to be so casual.

Daxia is rich and rich, and the long-term Chen Bing frontier can afford to eat horses and chews, but Wei State cannot, and needs to be defended on both sides.Although He Miao in the west and Cao Cao had a tacit understanding and did not face each other, Yuan Shu in the north of Cao Cao was constantly disturbing the northern border of Wei State, which caused Cao Cao's forces to be scattered and unable to form a fist.Cao Cao wished he could throw Yuan Shu all over his body, and then yelled, "Idiot, I betrayed your mother, why are you so serious!"

However, Yuan Shu also has his own small abacus. His territory is too far north. To the northeast is Gongsun Zan, and to the northwest is the Xiongnu. Although Yuan Shu is also guarding against these two, what he wants more is Cao Cao's territory. .Moreover, only war can transfer domestic conflicts. By looting Wei's property, he can continue to consume it, so Yuan Shu is also desperate to fight with Cao Cao.Because there is no war, the domestic contradictions alone are enough to bring down the Chengguo he established.

Each family has its own difficulties, and Yuan Shu is not a lunatic. If it weren't for his own problems, he would not want to fight with Cao Cao.However, Li Wei doesn't care about that much. When the time comes, all the waves will be leveled. Anyway, he doesn't care about the dross of the rich and powerful family. It will be fun when they all raid the house.

Cao Cao's current mood is really a mess. He remembered so many bad things after a meal, and his sons also gave him a headache. This day is really impossible.The eldest son, Cao Pi, is a rebellious and extremely rebellious member of the family that kills Matt and buries love. His hair is shaped like a hedgehog. It is useless to scold him.Although the second son, Cao Zhi, studied hard, he was stupid in reading and reading. Now his whole mouth is open. Cao Cao can't wait to slap him in the face. Worse yet? !

0 · Ask for flowers0 ·

At this moment, Cao Cao truly envied Li Wei. He woke up in control of the world and lay drunk on the knees of a beautiful woman. There was nothing more joyful in life than this. Compared with Li Wei's carefreeness, he was a pitiful king of Wei.To tell the truth, in this world, every man will envy Li Wei. Everyone has pursuits. To be gentle, it means career and love, and to put it bluntly, it means power and women. Li Wei has both of these. Not enviable.

Especially recently, Cao Cao heard that Li Wei wanted to take a concubine, and Jiangdong's Er Qiao was about to be brought into the harem by Li Wei. Cao Cao hated him, why wasn't that person himself.It's just a matter of thinking about it. Now that he's in a mess, he doesn't have much time to think about women, but to be honest, it's not Cao Cao who is most envious, but Sun Ce and Zhou Yu.


Sun Ce and Zhou Yu are both idle at home now. Sun Ce has a straight mind and has no specialties other than fighting. He wanders around at home and can't find anything to do, and he doesn't want to be restrained when he joins the army.Zhou Yu is also capable, but he is a talent from a traditional family. He is very uncomfortable with the current official environment in Daxia. When they arrived at the big and small Qiao sisters who went out, they were shocked.

So Sun Ce and Zhou Yu, the poor brothers and sisters, planned to propose to Qiao Xuan, thinking that Qiao Xuan must give the Sun family and the Zhou family some face, especially the Sun family is one of the "royal relatives". Qiao Xuan refused.As a result, the next day, news came out from Jingzhou that Xiaoqiao was selected as the imperial concubine and went to Jingzhou on the same day.

What the hell!Sun Ce and Zhou Yu were dumbfounded. This Nima, who would dare to grab a woman from the emperor...

As a result, this pair of brothers and sisters in distress can't express their suffering, they can only knock down their front teeth and swallow blood, and feel aggrieved.But they really didn't dare to think about it, and they even had to come to the door to give gifts and beg Qiao Xuan not to talk about it. .

Chapter 656. Reflection on the demise

At this time, Li Wei didn't care about so much, he was immersed in the joy of being a father, and he was different from leaving children in the world of the spirit of eating halberds. The children of this world will inherit the empire he built, so he is also happy about this. Oh no, now I just stick it on the belly of several women every day and listen to the movement of the fetus.

Li Wei also lived up to his mission and successfully made several women "shot". Except for avoiding Sun Shangxiang under deliberate control, the others became expectant mothers.This is not only a happy event for him alone, but also a happy event for the country. Although the common people have become enlightened, some traditional concepts are still difficult to change. It is like the status of women has changed, but it is not as perfect as the future. , and the idea of ​​having more children and more blessings is also shared by many ordinary people.

Especially now, people are rich, and they all live in good houses and eat white rice and pork, so they don’t have to worry about having too many children to support. It’s normal for a family to have two or three children. matter.Moreover, the government has also issued an announcement that in the next [-] years, the fourth to sixth children born by the common people can receive government subsidies.It is not difficult for a family to support six children by relying on the man's salary outside the home and government subsidies, especially when the study is free and there are financial subsidies, it can be said that everyone is a "superborn guerrilla". .

Daxia needs a population, even [-] million people is not enough, let alone the current population, so Li Wei also encouraged ordinary people to have more children.Only talent is the foundation, and the population base is large enough to be able to produce enough talents. Originally, Li Wei thought that he would be able to conquer the world in a few years, but this was unrealistic. Li Wei himself denied this ridiculous plan.

It's true that he can pull up an army to Europe on his own, but what's the point?After he leaves, the army will fall apart, and the country will not change in any way. Apart from leaving a legend of the "conquering king" in history, what else is left?The Chinese bloodline will still be slaughtered, because this is a group of sheep that has not changed. Li Wei is not willing to leave such an unsatisfactory result. What he wants is to completely change the entire nation, so he patiently stayed, Get ready to do something big.

There are a lot of newborns in Daxia now. On average, each family has two newborns. Moreover, various subsidies from the government have also caused a baby boom in the private sector. Because of Li Wei's continuous opening, even if the technology is not very developed Now, there is still a big outbreak of material life in Daxia.There are too many materials to be used up, so we simply use them as social welfare to enhance the cohesion of the entire country.

Li Wei has children, and the whole country is happy, but Li Wei remains vigilant.Common people can have more sons and more blessings, but there are too many royal children, sometimes it is a disaster, just like the "more children and more blessings" that destroyed the Ming Dynasty. Disaster.Therefore, Li Wei has already made plans for his descendants, focusing on cultivating the eldest son, and the second son is trained in the place of scientific research personnel or officials. Daxia does not need the royal relatives of the fox and tiger, nor does he have any title inheritance. With the exception of the royal family, everyone else is legally and morally equal.

Because in Li Wei's vision, even the royal family will eventually become a mascot, a symbol of national spirit, just like the future John Bull.No matter how wise the emperor is, if everything is decided by him alone, sooner or later something will happen, and collective efforts are the right way.It is precisely because Li Wei saw through this that he was not afraid to delegate power. In Li Wei's expectation, his heir may only need two or three generations, and the power will be restricted by the government. At that time, the decision-making of the whole country's policy will be The government is an institution where everyone's wisdom gathers, not the emperor alone.

Maybe because of the excellence of the emperor itself, he will have a certain right to participate in politics, but if you want to make a statement, then hehe.Moreover, Li Wei will also be alert to this matter. When he leaves this world, he will leave a special admonition to the royal family, not just for the royal family, but for the entire nation, which will include restrictions on the royal family's rights and even Any stipulations on personal rights that are too large, when the great ancestor of him speaks, and it is written into the annals of history, which unworthy descendants dare to mess around?When the system is stable , it will be impossible for future emperors to turn the sky upside down 0 .

For the future of the entire ethnic group and the country, the royal family is bound to make sacrifices, otherwise, it will go into the historical cycle of other empires, starting a country → strong → heyday → decline → destruction → establishment of a new dynasty... The cycle continues.Any empire decided by individual rights has not been able to get out of this vicious circle, whether it is Asia or Europe, it is the same, Li Wei thinks from the perspective of the future, so he must do his best to avoid such a tragedy.

Na Fei's day is getting closer and closer, such a big event, naturally the entire palace is lively.However, different from marrying a queen, concubines will not be so solemn in etiquette.

The nominal queen is Huang Yueying, and everyone else is considered a concubine, but Li Wei didn't talk about etiquette at home, because he wasn't really from this era, so naturally he didn't talk about it.At home, the status of all women is actually the same, and because of Li Wei's equal treatment, they are quite harmonious with each other.Taking sides is the fastest way to cause conflicts in the family, so Li Wei pays great attention to fairness in this aspect, and does not let anyone feel that he has been left out.

The concubine was sent directly to the palace. After the brief etiquette process, Li Wei personally gave the edict and seal, and then there was the bridal chamber link, which was a favorite. However, Li Wei was absurd and went directly together. Anyway, he could bear it.Li Wei was also too cool to be the eight daughters of the night.

Li Wei likes this kind of simple and rude etiquette. It's not that troublesome. It's just that Li Wei and Huang Yueying already have etiquette, and they don't need to play anything to tell the world, because the whole process of marrying the queen is simply terrible. .

chapter 657. I want to go on a northern expedition!I want to go north!

In the main hall, Li Wei looked at the various reports presented below, and was in a happy mood. The advantages of a good industrial foundation had been highlighted, and the military preparations were about to be completed.In addition to the additional multi-legged combat vehicles that are still in overtime production, others such as muskets and conventional towed artillery have been completed and have been issued to the troops.

The preliminary training of the firearms unit has been completed, but due to insufficient training equipment, several waves of people used a batch of training materials, but a batch of guns and artillery were scrapped.But the results are also gratifying. Through various written education and practice, the firearms force has formed a combat effectiveness, and it is not a problem to start a war at this time.

To be honest, the training of musketeers is actually very simple. In the final analysis, it is a process of practice making perfect. However, the training of artillerymen is much more troublesome, because if you want to play with artillery, you have to collect the performance of the artillery itself. 01 limit and The actual operation feel, but also have to understand ballistics, learning ballistics mathematics is not good.It can be said that the Musketeer must have at least a junior high school education level to be able to play well, and even a soldier in the Artillery Force must be a high school entry.At least, in mathematics, the artillerymen are all high school level.

Different from those old and rude people in the north who don't know big characters, Daxia's army has never fallen behind in the popularization of culture, especially the recruits themselves have a certain cultural foundation.It is precisely because of this foundation that the Daxia army can accept a large number of new things so quickly and complete the transformation from cold weapons to hot weapons. However, there are still some excessive weapons in the middle, like bayonets attached to rifles. Weapons such as curved-blade sabers for close combat are products that should not appear in this era.

"Okay...Okay...I've waited so long, the time for the Northern Expedition is finally ripe." Li Wei said excitedly.

Cai Yan on the side looked at Li Wei's excited appearance, shook his head and laughed, Li Wei sometimes seemed like a little child, but she was used to this kind of Li Wei, it should be said that Li Wei never disguised himself in front of them Temperament, there is no so-called imperial scheming.

"Yan'er, bring me my map! Where is my map?" Li Wei was delighted, but found the map in the drawer, but unfortunately he couldn't find it.

Cai Yan sighed, Li Wei sometimes lost things like this, she was used to it, and pushed Li Wei aside, Cai Yan took out the folded map from the file pile in three or two.As Li Wei's "secretary", she knows everything about Li Wei well, and some things she is even more familiar with than Li Wei.

"Eh...Thank you." Li Wei was a little embarrassed. After all, he put his own things, but he couldn't find them. This is really shameful.

However, it was also because of Cai Yan's presence that Li Wei never bothered about these trivial matters. Many times, before Li Wei found out, Cai Yan completed all the trivial matters. The so-called secret techniques, It's not as simple as running errands for the leader's bubble tea.

Li Wei unfolded the map and looked at the current situation. The time for the Northern Expedition has come. The army will set off in three directions, and the entire north will be leveled in one wave. This time, he will solve the frontier problems in the entire north in one go.This will be a series of battles, but Li Wei is full of confidence. With this absolute advantage, it is just a passing game, just like the United States fighting the Gulf War.

Li Wei is not self-confidence for no reason, but this long-term preparation, in order to kill this blow.The main reason was that Yuan Shao had formed a coalition army to prepare for a head-to-head confrontation with Li Wei, but as a result, most of the northern princes were killed, so the northern power was instantly reduced by more than half, and in the end there were only a few big powers left. .It can be considered to sort out the entire North, but it saves Li Wei a lot of effort.

Li Wei took the opportunity to win Gunzhou and began to digest it. Although the development of Gunzhou is slightly worse than that of other states, it is an important military town and a bridgehead to deter the entire north.Moreover, Gunzhou and Yuzhou are connected, forming a good natural defense line, which allows Li Wei to take the initiative to attack, and does not need to worry about being missed. After all, Yuzhou's mountain fortress line is not so easy to break through.

Because of the advance of Yuzhou and Gunzhou, He Miao and Cao Cao were directly threatened by Li Wei.Although the Hulao Pass has been repaired and the defense has been strengthened, if Li Wei can penetrate the Hulao Pass once, it is very easy to penetrate the second time. It's just papery.

On the north side of Cao Cao, there is no strong city to defend, and they are all old cities, which is not a cause for concern.Cao Cao's economy has not been very good, so he has a lot of slack in military equipment. Compared with Li Wei, who is fierce and fierce, he is simply poor.

At present, Cao Cao's 690 troops have always been contained on the border line, and its internal defense is relatively empty. Once Li Wei breaks through the defense lines in front of Cao Cao, unless Cao Cao transfers the defense force of Yuan Shu and Gongsun Zan back, Otherwise, it would not be able to carry Li Wei's wave at all.

The advantage of the firearms troop in the siege gave Li Wei the capital to make a quick battle.

"Husband has already figured out how to fight this battle?" Cai Yan asked curiously, brushing the long hair scattered around her ears.

"This plan has been considered for a long time, but it was immature before, but it can be implemented now. I also have some expectations, what kind of expressions will He Miao and Cao Cao's people look like when they see the firearm." Full of smiles.

The artillery has been exposed, but there is no need to hide it, but the musket is a novelty for Cao Cao, He Miao and others. Li Wei is looking forward to using the musket to catch the opponent by surprise.Especially He Miao, unlike Cao Cao, He Miao's territory is inland and not by the sea, so he does not have an intuitive understanding of Li Wei's naval artillery. The best weapon for attacking Hulao Pass this time is the land base. artillery.In front of the artillery, the tall city walls have no meaning. .

Chapter 658. The Great Army Assembles

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