As Li Wei's decree came out of the palace, the entire Daxia military was excited. This kind of big event can't be excited.After waiting for so long, I finally got the emperor's order, and now I can truly fight to the death and conquer the entire North.

Troops that have completed the training of hot weapons are drawn from various training bases, and the cold weapons on the front line are changed from the main force to the auxiliary, although because of the collective opening of the cold weapons, even if the hot weapons want to win in a battle, they will be able to win. Paying a lot of price, but cold weapons are destined to be gradually replaced, this general trend will not change.

The Battle of the North is also a test battle for experimenting with new weapons. After all, where can I find such a good whetstone? If you miss this village, you may not have this store.

Such a large-scale deployment of troops, naturally, could not be concealed from Cao Wei's eyes and ears, so the atmosphere on the border suddenly became tense. The confrontation between the two sides had ended at the disadvantage of Cao Wei. When a batch of fresh troops join the battle, this fragile balance will be completely broken.

This time, Li Wei naturally led his own expedition. He personally led a large army all the way from Jingzhou, and it took more than half a month to reach Gunzhou.It is also because the current road conditions are very good, which is conducive to large-scale marching. Otherwise, this new type of mechanical corps would have some troubles to maneuver.The hooks at the back of the steam train have all been replaced with special carriages for troop transport. In addition to transporting personnel, it can also transport a large amount of heavy machinery and equipment, such as artillery and multi-legged chariots, all relying on it. The railway line is transporting.

This time, Li Wei's bodyguards were led by Zhou Cang. Because Diaochan wanted to raise a baby, Li Wei did not allow her to run around, so Zhou Cang was given the natural position.However, to be honest, Li Weiyu's personal expedition is actually more of a symbol. Now the entire Daxia army is so large that it is beyond the grasp of any individual. , the number of soldiers exceeds the limit that the commander can handle, so various misoperations will occur instead.

The larger the army, the more precise coordination is required in its command system. This is not something that can be accomplished by one individual, but something that can only be accomplished by an entire command system.The reason why Li Wei did not become a famous official and general to collect madmen is because he knew that this kind of system could not accommodate the existence of too strong individualism. This is a precision war machine as terrifying as a fellow army ant. Once activated, the old-fashioned army has only Crushed.

As one train after another entered Gunzhou, the disparity between Daxia and Wei has increased from 1:1 at the beginning to 3:1 now. Cao Cao now has roughly [-] soldiers on the border, while With the arrival of Li Wei's army, this gap is getting bigger and bigger.Li Wei's side has assembled more than [-] people, but it is not the limit. There are still [-] troops on the way to assemble.This is only the troops of Wei State's offensive. On the other side, there are more than [-] troops against He Miao's pseudo-Han Empire.

This kind of large army of hundreds of thousands of people is disastrous for the logistics pressure, at least for the empire of this era, but Li Wei opened up the railway line early, and the roads and other things are also very smooth. The operation of this kind of material is under the coordination of the logistics department, and the things that the front-line troops need are delivered to the people who need it accurately and quickly.

Especially all kinds of canned food, the front line is too much to eat, and the medical supplies for first aid are also piled up, but these medical supplies are not for yourself, but for the prisoners on the opposite side. After all, muskets, swords, and swords are weapons. These medicines are used for prisoners who still have rescue value. Population is wealth. After unifying the entire land of China, these people are Li Wei's people regardless of east, west, north or south.

But it's not yet, so now I still have to beat him to the death. Only by defeating the opponent can we show Daxia's "benevolence" ~ kindness. Only the strong are worthy of sympathy.

When he came to the front line, Li Wei felt the tense atmosphere here. After the commander of the army asked Li Wei well, he returned to the headquarters to study the strategy.Li Wei also came to the headquarters after washing his body in the temporary "palace".The appearance of the headquarters is very simple. It is a large tent that is half-buried underground. It is built with an earthquake-resistant structure. This kind of defense against fire cannons is enough, and all kinds of defenses are adequate.

The guard guarding the gate looked at Li Wei with a frenzy of joy in his eyes.Although Daxia is not the mainstream of extreme militarism, but in the military, Li Wei, the forerunner of the modern military revolution, has a detached status, because Li Wei is an "emperor on horseback", capable of writing Can martial arts, so the military respects Li Wei like a god.Various modern military theories, including infantry artillery coordination, infantry-tank coordination and skirmish line combat tactics, as well as naval technological revolution, are all directed by Li Wei, who is almost "all-knowing and omnipotent". A blind worship.

In addition, because Li Wei used the identity of an "overseas qi trainer" before, whether it is civilian or military, Li Wei is actually worshipped as a god, especially Li Wei has real miracles to follow. , whether against the Yellow Turbans or against Yuan Shao's coalition, the miracles shown are well documented.

"Death for His Majesty!" The guard with the axe and spear beat his breastplate with his fists and said loudly with his head held high.

Li Wei nodded, lifted (Li's good) the curtain of the tent, and walked into the tent.

The inside of the tent and the outside of the tent were completely two worlds. The turbid air inside made Li Wei feel as if he was in a student's dormitory. A group of armored commanders and staff members were arguing with saliva splashing, playing war games on the sand table map. The deduction of the two sides offensive.Among the people arguing, Li Wei saw Liu Bi's figure. At this moment, Liu Bi was arguing with people about this, but he didn't see Li Wei at all.

Regarding this young general from the Yellow Turbans, Li Wei hadn't seen him for a long time. It turned out that he was here. Liu Pi looks a lot more mature now, and he is sunburned like black charcoal.

I don't know who saw Li Wei and shouted. "Welcome Your Majesty!"

A group of people woke up and saluted quickly, and the entire tent fell silent in an instant. .

chapter 659. deduction

"I just came to see, I can fight how I want to fight, don't worry about me. This time I'm here to inspire the soldiers, just to cheer up. The people on the front line who are most familiar with the situation are you, so there is no need to worry about it. What should I do?" Li Wei smiled.

He can also see that the debate here is also due to the combination of hot and cold weapons. After all, when hot weapons were not released before, cold weapons occupied an absolute dominant position, and now the dominance of the entire battle is handed over to hot weapons. , The mood of the cold weapon troops is like a dog.Although they have already made this mental preparation, but this time really comes, and they are still a little uncomfortable.

But there is nothing to argue about. All the cold weapon troops have transformed into auxiliary long-range shooters. Except for some heavy armored melee arms, other soldiers use bows and arrows and strong crossbows for auxiliary strikes.

The only one whose status is not affected is the grenadier, but now they have changed from manual throwing to ballista firing.By tying the explosive pack to the large arrow of the ballista, you can throw the special explosive pack of the "Unconscionable Cannon" to the ground 950 square meters away from one kilometer. The only problem is that the head is not accurate. , otherwise it will be "encircled by friendly forces" in minutes.

The combination of hot and cold weapons has actually been studied by military experts a long time ago, and now a set of feasible tactics has been explored, which is the combination method mentioned earlier.It's just that they suddenly want to give up heavy armor and swords, and give up the romance of men. Most people are still reluctant.But the wheels of the times have been rolling, and any idiot who is a car will be crushed to pieces, and no one wants to be that idiot, so even if he has some regrets in his heart, he still accepts this change.

On the side of the sand table, there was a half-human-high rifle. Li Wei picked up the rifle, pulled the bolt, and checked whether there were bullets in the chamber.Although the magazine was hanging, it was an empty gun. Li Wei nodded. Firearms are far more dangerous than swords, and it is easy to kill someone if you accidentally fire, so you must be cautious.

The prototype of this rifle (abbd) is the "Thirty-Eight Big Cover" during the Anti-Japanese War, but it is a magic modification with a shortened gun body. Now it is a fully automatic version with a magazine installed, and the magazine capacity is [-] rounds. , which can be switched between three bursts and fully automatic firing, and is regarded as the main weapon of infantry.Its level has reached the level between the early period of World War I and World War II.The only trouble is that the processing is complicated, which is a little bit more stressful for the arsenal.

Li Wei quickly disassembled the rifle into parts, and then quickly assembled it. The whole process took less than 40 seconds. This slightly complicated rifle completely showed its internal structure in front of many officers.Under the admiration of the officers, Li Wei put the assembled rifle on the table beside him.

"Tell me how you are going to fight this battle. Although our army has a huge advantage now, the lion fights the rabbit with all our strength. I hope to hear what you have to say." Li Wei said with a smile.

"Your Majesty, look this way."

The commander of the unified army is a third-rank general. Li Wei has not reformed the military system yet, so he inherits the previous ranking system. The military reform will not begin until the entire territory of China is unified.

Everyone's eyes followed the command stick in the hands of the third-rank general to the sand table. The sand table is the terrain of Gunzhou, Jizhou and Qingzhou. Although Xuzhou still belongs to Cao Cao in name, in fact, Cao Cao himself has already ignored Xuzhou. The entire Xuzhou has been After becoming an abandoned child, Li Wei would have no problem even sending a group of militiamen to receive him.

Now the main battlefield is mainly on the border of Gunzhou, Qingzhou and Jizhou. Qingzhou is the main source of Cao Cao's soldiers, and Jizhou is Cao Cao's base camp.The puppets from Sili Bingzhou are now in charge of the Yuzhou Front Army. The three major armies in this battle each perform their own duties, and the other is the navy, who is responsible for suppressing Yuan Shu and Gongsun Zan in Youzhou while attacking Cao Cao.

Dong Zhuo, who has no sense of existence, is now taking root in the Goguryeo area, so Li Wei didn't care about him for the time being. After the whole place was swept away, it was Dong Zhuo's turn to be slaughtered.

The war chess on the border represents the number of soldiers. Because of its own organizational system, Daxia uses [-] people as a chess game. What can be seen now is that the entire Gongzhou border is densely packed with Daxia's golden chess pieces, which represent the chess pieces of Daxia. The number of purple chess pieces of Cao Wei's forces is a little pitiful, and they are completely suppressed.

Li Wei counted the chess pieces, and Cao Cao also made a lot of money. The number of soldiers has exceeded [-]. With Cao Cao's current sloppy economy, he can afford to support so many people?Although the field system can allow Cao Cao to solve a certain grain shortage, the promotion time of the field system is still too short, so Cao Cao's current situation is still relatively dangerous. Once Daxia attacks the grain road granary, then the entire Cao Wei southern line army will all require GG .

The general also began to explain the current situation, because the location of Cao Cao's granary has been clearly figured out by the shadow, so after the war, the Daxia army will attack Cao Cao's granary heavily, and the resistance of the attacking troops will be great, so the multi-legged type The chariot unit will participate in the operation as heavy fire support.

This leading force is the opener, and the follow-up troops will follow the torn opening to surround Cao Cao's troops in the opposite direction. Because they have the advantage of numbers and weapons, the frontal battlefield artillery will directly start to wash the ground and suppress first. As for the elites who live in Cao Wei, Daxia officers still dare not underestimate the elite battle groups like Tiger and Leopard Cavalry and Trapped Camp.The purpose of war is to win, but it is also a good thing to reduce casualties as much as possible. After all, pensions are very expensive.

Li Wei felt that the commanding general had overestimated the level of Wei soldiers. Before the air force came on stage, artillery was known as the "God of War". not crash? .

Chapter 660. Combat Ideas

You must know that these towed artillery are reduced to towed artillery because the recoil is too large to fit on a multi-legged chariot.

Due to the limited carrying capacity of the multi-legged chariot, most of the installed artillery are small and medium-caliber artillery below 85 mm, that is, a small number of special models used to fight bunkers are loaded with HE shells (high-explosive shells). ) of the 105mm spray gun, and the others are toothpick rapid-fire guns, which are suitable for hitting people and small fortresses, but they are still a little weak.

The towed artillery is different. These heavy artillery do not need to worry about recoil. The minimum caliber is more than 122 mm. The main artillery of Daxia even has three violent 183 mm city breakers. The city walls of this era simply carry Can't live without the "justice from the sky" of the 183 heavy artillery.

In addition to the terrifying 183 heavy artillery, there is also the "Soviet heirloom" 152 mm heavy artillery that appeared during World War II. This kind of strange flower that Li Wei complained about as "152 Divine Religion", although the accuracy of the head is not very good, but pure lethality , but not much worse than the 183 heavy artillery. 152mm is also the most cost-effective caliber tested by Daxia. It can be used to hit people with bullets or high-piercing bullets. The maximum range is 3 kilometers. Bullying the city of this era is like hitting a child, and because With perfect traction equipment, the maneuverability is not bad.

Li Wei watched the special chess piece representing the artillery force push forward by the generals of the army. Li Wei couldn't help feeling a moment of silence for Cao Cao. This is technology crushing.There is no enemy in this world that cannot be solved by one shot of the 152 Divine Religion. If there is ~, then two shots.

Li Wei is very familiar with the tactics described by the generals, because he has learned them first, and then taught them to the military generals after they have mastered them. Looking at these elm knots who could not turn their minds around before, they all started to play. Li Wei felt relieved for the coordination of artillery and tandem.Only when there are more and more enterprising talents like this, the future of Daxia will be brighter and brighter.

A civilization that is not enterprising and indulges in the glory of its ancestors is destined to suffer many disasters. The history of China is a history of reincarnation of civilization. Finally, at the end of the Whip Dynasty, the foreign powers and neon woke up this decadent and backward The old man", after experiencing many hardships, this is the future strong and huge _ "the central country".

If the Chinese civilization has been forging ahead, it is likely that there is no need to suffer so many hardships at all, but there is no if in this world, so Li Wei can only imprint the positive things on the skin of this civilization as much as possible, imprint it in the heart, In order to avoid possible future tragedies.But so far, Li Wei can only prevent, because the thing has not happened, and Li Wei does not know whether it will happen in the future, but it is always right to be prepared.

The commander-in-chief's thinking is very clear, that is, to suppress people with momentum, because Daxia has an advantage in both personnel and equipment, so continue to expand this advantage as much as possible, and then start making dumplings.The entire Cao Wei's combat troops are less than [-] people, which is already the limit of Cao Wei. After all, Qingzhou and Jizhou cannot support so many people. As long as this side can completely destroy the defense system laid by Cao Cao in one breath, Then the essence of the entire Jizhou hinterland will be exposed to the front of Daxia.

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