Okay, Dad said that animals are not allowed to run around, so just manage it.

Although cattle are still respected in Tianzhu, they are subject to management, and cattle are not allowed to appear on the street again, although out of respect for the religious customs of Brahmanism, Daxia people do not eat beef in Tianzhu.Of course, this is just an official statement. Daxia people should eat beef or eat it, but they don't say it clearly, let alone beef, Daxia people even eat elephant meat and monkey brains.Do Tianzhu people still dare to control what Daxia people eat?Elephants are harmless in the wild, but once the elephants hurt people, the criminal elephants will be slaughtered. Although this makes some Tianzhu people feel dissatisfied, this is the decision of the Daxia colonial army. the rules, so no one dared to say anything.Moreover, when the elephants destroy the fields, it is also a shame for the local people in Tianzhu. This villain was done by the Daxia colonial army, which is a good thing (abaj).Then there is the mass killing of monkeys. The annoying monkeys always like to make trouble and cause losses to people, so this villain is still done by the Daxia colonial army.After such management, the streets of Tianzhu have become much cleaner, and the people of Daxia can feel more comfortable staying in Tianzhu.After all, I am here to be a superior person, so naturally I want to live more comfortably. Compared with the mainland of Daxia, the environment in Tianzhu is indeed quite bad. Even two years of colonization cannot change the habits of many Tianzhu people. , they still eat and wipe their butts with their hands.

In terms of living and traveling, Tianzhu has not changed much. In this regard, Daxia has not developed the market in depth, and the current consumption power of Tianzhu people cannot meet the requirements of Daxia, so it is temporarily abandoned.

The most important thing is spiritual enslavement. Daxia has no mercy in this regard. All kinds of enslavement education have already begun. The next generation of Tianzhu people accepts what Daxia wants them to know. It made the princes and nobles of Tianzhu feel uneasy and dissatisfied, but they still did not dare to say anything.Because the current Tianzhu ruling system has entered a vicious circle, if they want to maintain their rule, they must rely on the military power of Daxia, but in this way, Daxia's colonization of Tianzhu will become deeper and deeper. They will all become puppets.The princes and nobles of Tianzhu have no choice. The only thing they can choose is to resist and then be destroyed now, or to compromise and be completely enslaved by Daxia after four generations and five generations.

However, these princes and nobles are weak. For their wealth and status, they are no longer interested in selling out the interests of the country, or they have become accustomed to such things.They have become pet dogs raised by Da Xia, and the meaning of their existence is to maintain the stability of Tianzhu, and Da Xia will not lose them. , the ability to intervene in state affairs is getting weaker and weaker, and many things can no longer be controlled.

Daxia is not bad for the aristocratic class of Tianzhu. After all, it depends on these people to maintain the rule of spiritual civilization. The caste system is a good thing. By manipulating these high caste princes and nobles, Daxia is indirectly controlling Tianzhu.In addition to doing this, Daxia also came up with something called "Honor Daxia People". People who perform well among Tianzhu people can become honorary Daxia people and get the enjoyment of Daxia citizens in Tianzhu. All kinds of benefits under the one-sided MFN treatment, even if they violate the law, they must be tried by Daxia law.

Those who can become honorable Daxia people are, to put it bluntly, the leaders of various traitors within Tianzhu.In a sense, the title of honorary Daxia people is more noble than the Brahmin class, so many Tianzhu people sell their country without mercy in order to obtain the title of honorable Daxia people. .

Chapter 735. The Prospect of the Westward Expedition

Tianzhu is finished, at least after Li Wei has read the report sent by Chongtianzhu, he knows that he has completed the phased goal.The enslavement education in Tianzhu will take about ten to twenty years. When the younger generation of Tianzhu has received the education specially prepared by Daxia and willingly become the colonists of Daxia, then Daxia's rule in Tianzhu will be considered complete. stabilized.

But now, Daxia's rule in Tianzhu can be considered stable, because Daxia occupies an absolute military advantage, and there are a large number of traitors to inform the colonial army, so various unstable factors are within the controllable range.The largest riot happened a year ago. Daxia used his fangs and claws to teach the Tianzhu people what true power is.The huge gap between cold weapons and hot weapons makes the resistance of the Tianzhu people just a joke. Even the original national regular army is not an opponent. What can a group of chaotic rioters do?

After many secret operations, the scope of activities of these thugs and chaos parties has been compressed to the extreme, and it will not even take long for them to be completely unable to continue their troubles.Everyone has to eat. After Daxia ruled Tianzhu, there was no chaos. Instead, it improved Tianzhu's agricultural and industrial technology to a certain extent, allowing more people to live decently. This is the chaos of the party. Can't give.Therefore, the people of Tianzhu know that Daxia is an invader, but they are willing to bow their heads. The religious law promulgated by Daxia allows the lower three classes of the caste system to live as individuals, and the lower caste population occupies 80% of the total population of Tianzhu. More than [-]%, so Tianzhu is now tending to be stable.After everyone is used to the rule of Daxia, all the problems will no longer exist~.

In the past two years, the years have not left any traces on Li Wei's body. He is still the young king, and now Xu Shu has already grown a goatee.

Looking at Xu Shu's goatee shape, Li Wei didn't know how to complain.The two got together to fish again. With the expansion of the country, Li Wei and Xu Shu are both busier and busier. It is rare to be able to fish so leisurely.

"It's been two years before I know it, and my children can run everywhere." Li Wei sighed.

"My lord, you still look so young, but your subordinates find it strange, but such immortality is also the ultimate goal pursued by the kings of all dynasties. Emperor Qin went to great lengths to find the elixir of life, but in the end the medicine was not He died before he could deliver it to him, which is an indescribable irony. But my subordinates hope that you can always rule Daxia and let Daxia continue to be so strong and domineering." Xu Shu raised the fishing rod , a crucian carp was raised to the surface.

"Impossible, I will leave sooner or later, and then I will ask you old ministers to take care of that bastard. It's hard for you." Li Wei sighed.

"But this subordinate thinks that you don't need to worry about the prince, lord. He came to the subordinate's side two days ago and proposed to his daughter." Xu Shu smiled bitterly.A two-year-old kid proposing to a five-year-old girl was a nonsense, but Xu Shu knew that the prince's character was very similar to Li Wei, so he was not surprised by such a thing.

"Uh... that bastard, no wonder why you are running out so diligently these days, but it has my style. Yuan Zhi, this is a good thing, if that little bastard is sincere, you are the future king. ." Li Wei patted Xu Shu's shoulder and smiled.

"The position of Guozhang is a hot potato. When the day you leave, my lord, the subordinates will step down from the position of prime minister and resign and return to their hometown. The subordinates are not people who love power, and they are in this position to follow. In the footsteps of the lord, you are striving to build a stronger Xia. When you leave, the lord, the goal will be completed. The subordinates can be considered dead without regrets." Xu Shu smiled.

"It's too unlucky. It's a pity to retire at such a young age. It's a pity to say that you will die when you are in your thirties. With your physique, it's okay to be like Lao Huang (Huang Zhong). It's a pity." When the first fish came out, he happily pulled the fish out of the water.

"Everyone in the world says it's good to be an official, but the pressure of being an official is also great. My subordinates are now thirty-three years old and have a lot of gray hair. When they step down from the position of prime minister, their subordinates will travel around the world. That At that time, Daxia has already ruled the world and become a real empire on which the sun never sets, and the subordinates have to take a good tour of the magnificent rivers and mountains of Daxia." Xu Shu sighed, he really didn't want to continue working, when Li Wei was there, All the policy adjustments he has to make can be fully implemented, but in the second generation, it is impossible for the little emperor to trust him like Li Wei. At that time, doing things is not only in the way, but also may be thankless, so it is better to go into seclusion Pastoral, be an ordinary rich man, and enjoy the joy of a family full of children and grandchildren.

0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・

Xu Shu could see that, like Li Wei, the Crown Prince Li Zhong was not a fuel-efficient lamp, and as an old minister, he was easily suspected of having too much power, so retreating quickly was the best choice.When Li Wei ended his rule and Li Zhong came to power, in order to establish his own authority, the entire system must be replaced to a certain extent, and Xu Shu can be sure that an old minister like himself definitely belongs to the category of "layoffs". inside.He knew that if he retired, he could at least have a good death, but being kicked out was another matter.

.. ......  

Xu Shu didn't want to end up in such a situation after fighting for the empire for most of his life, so when Li Wei didn't care about the empire, he had to leave the core of power.Many things in politics are not inviting guests to dinner, and there is no tenderness. The struggle is bloody. It is because of seeing through this that Xu Shu has such a consciousness.At that time, his life goals were also achieved, and it didn't matter whether the prime minister's position was or not.Xu Shu has confidence in Li Wei, but he really has no confidence in Li Zhong. After all, he still understands the principle of one emperor and one courtier.

"You don't have confidence in that bastard, but it's okay, you've worked hard for most of your life, and you don't even have a chance to be lazy. That's too pitiful. But when I'm still running this empire, you have to cheer up. , We still have a lot of things to do, and it's not time to call for hard work. Tianzhu has been set, and the Western Expedition is about to begin. I plan to complete the Western Expedition in ten years." Li Wei smiled.

When the Ying Kingdom colonized the world, its population was in the early [-]s, and Daxia now has a population of over [-] million. It is definitely much more convenient to do something than the Ying Kingdom in its heyday. The advantage of population. Putting it here, Li Wei is serious about conquering the entire West in ten years. .

chapter 736. adventure tide

Daxia people are eager to open up to the outside world. After having a broad vision, Daxia people are no longer satisfied with guarding their own one-third of an acre of land. Daxia people yearn for more wealth and higher status. Shame, on the contrary, Li Wei encouraged Daxia people to go abroad and expand Daxia's power outside.One of the differences between the Chinese bloodline and other civilizations is that the spirit of hard work and hard work is very terrifying, and its ability to withstand pressure is extremely strong. Even in the miserable environment of later generations, under the siege and interception of the entire Western world, it is still able to develop its own. However, the current situation is much better than the harsh international environment of later generations, and the development opportunities prepared for Daxia people are not comparable to the harsh international environment of later generations.

The Western Expedition is a word that many people in Daxia are eager to hear. The first step of the Western Expedition has brought huge benefits to Daxia. Wealth, status, women, various constraints in the country, in the Abroad can completely disobey.Colonizing Tianzhu has created one after another wealth myths. Getting rich overnight is no longer a dream. Even Daxia people like to get what they want down-to-earth, but there are still many people who go to Tianzhu for development, especially young people. .

In the mainland of Daxia, although the environment is better and the legal system is sound, it can be said that as long as you are not lazy, you can live very comfortably, but young people with adventurous spirit will feel that life is boring.And Tianzhu is a huge playground for adventurers. Because of the one-sided most-favored-nation treatment, Tianzhu can enjoy a lot of treatment that is completely unavailable in Daxia. Most of the attracted young people are tempted by these benefits, but not every one Everyone can make a fortune, and their personal experiences are different, and the paths they take are also different.

But Daxia has prepared a way out for the adventurers. If you really can't get along outside, you can go back to the mainland to receive re-employment training, so that you can't even afford to eat.After there is no worries, the power of young people is quite terrifying. In two years, according to official statistics, a full 67 people have entered Tianzhu to seek development opportunities, but only less than [-] people are due to various reasons. chose to return home.The population of Tianzhu is much larger than that of Daxia. Daxia now has more than [-] million people, while the population of Tianzhu has exceeded [-] million. Such a huge market is a natural business opportunity for many people.

Most of the people who played in Tianzhu did well. After all, the education received by the Daxia people is not comparable to that of the Tianzhu people, so they are superior to the Tianzhu people in terms of personal ability and long-term vision. In this case, to put it bluntly, it is a group of smart people fishing in the crowd of ordinary people, and the competition is actually easier than in Daxia.Tianzhu people have no universal education at all. At least 70% of the people in the country are illiterate, and many people can't even write their own names. It is precisely because of the caste system and the policy of ignorance that it is very difficult for Tianzhu to develop. Yes, but this is also the greatest blessing for Daxia people to develop here, because of the ignorance of ordinary Tianzhu people, even if they are tricked by them, they are still helping to count the money, so Daxia people rely on their flexible minds. The environment is like a fish in water.

Wealth, women, status, these are the driving forces that inspire the adventurers in Tianzhu to struggle. Although these are very vulgar, people's pursuits are often so vulgar.The monogamy system implemented in Daxia has made many rich people feel that they are restricted. Although it was also a monogamy system before, it did not regulate the number of concubines, so it is normal to have a few concubines when you are rich. .Due to the balance of population development, Li Wei had previously banned concubinage, but with the development of economy and culture, this kind of thinking has emerged again. After all, men can't control the stuff in their crotch, so they have always been Some people are encouraging Li Wei to restore the concubine system.

However, no one dared to mention this matter to Li Wei in person, and because of the long-term equality propaganda and education, the local feminist awareness in Daxia has also been awakened, so the social power of women has also developed to a certain extent. At this time, dare to mention restarting Concubine, some feminist fighters will spit out the person who made this opinion, so when Li Wei turned a blind eye, no one dared to mention it.

Men all want three wives and four concubines. This is the original desire of the body. Whether it is civilized or barbaric, this matter is actually the same, and it is not worthy of praise or depreciation.Three wives and four concubines are definitely not acceptable in Daxia. Although Li Wei is a special case, Li Wei is the emperor, and the emperor is the only truly privileged person in the entire empire. Uneven tradition, so except for Li Wei, ordinary people do not accept that people who are richer than themselves have a better life. There is a story about the tradition of Huaxia.Lao Zhou's neighbor Lao Zhang bought a sheep and was going to kill it in winter. Lao Zhou looked at Lao Zhang's sheep and saw that the gods appeared and said to Lao Zhou, "I can grant you one wish." Zhou's wish is "kill the sheep of the old Zhang family, I can't accept that my neighbors are better off than me".

This story is very ironic, but it is also the idea of ​​violence to equalize the rich and the poor deeply buried in the bones of the Chinese nation. It cannot accept good changes in familiar people, especially things like concubinage, let alone women. Many men cannot accept their neighbors taking concubines, and they have an idea why he can take concubines and I can't, bah!His money must have come from the wrong way, he must be cheating girls, he must be... ahem...

In a word, concubinage is definitely out of the question in Daxia, so many young people who want to experience "peach color" choose Tianzhu. Although Tianzhu girls have no culture, because of the Aryan blood, in addition to In addition to a darker skin, it is no worse than a Daxia girl at all, and it can satisfy all a man's fantasy and 2.8 requirements for his wife, including his obedience and respect for himself, and the "virtue" that he doesn't mind having multiple wives, If it weren't for the fact that many people are too old and not suitable for "expedition", there will only be more people going to Tianzhu to take risks.

Tianzhu and Nanyang have become the places of adventure for adventurers. If you want to make steady money, you can go to Nanyang. If you want to become a "superior man", then go to Tianzhu. It's that simple.And the upcoming Western Expedition has also made many people look forward to it, eager to get a share of the Western Expedition and become a member of the myth of wealth. Although the characters of Daxia people are generally stable, any A nation and civilization have no shortage of people with adventurous spirit. For many people, the Western Expedition is a grand event to witness the growth of the empire. Following the footsteps of the empire has become the consensus of adventurers. .

chapter 737. official recognition

Daxia has been considered by many people to be the greatest prosperous age in the entire history of China. There is no one. Emperor Qin unified the six countries and swept the Central Plains, but died in the second generation.The inheritance of the former Han for hundreds of years, but it has been harassed by the people of the northern grasslands, and the internal social problems are quite serious.The politics of aristocratic families appeared in the former Han Dynasty, and the "Dragon Slaying Technique" in the popularization of education clearly explained all kinds of social problems, so the citizens of Daxia all understood one thing, that is, as long as Daxia himself The interior is not chaotic, so great development is a sure thing.

Therefore, the prosperous age is not in the future. The prosperous age has come to everyone's side. Because of the development of Nanyang and the colonization of Tianzhu, as well as the complete elimination of the grassland people, the pride and cohesion of Daxia's civilization has reached a very terrible level. Various civil forces have also begun to play their role under the guidance of the government, making the operation of the entire society more stable and smooth, and even the few crises that have been passed on abroad have been transferred to foreign countries. It's like being in a fairyland.

Although the problem of the gap between the rich and the poor has not been completely solved, Daxia has skillfully passed on the crisis. This is the advantage of having colonies. Think of the new Huaxia in later generations, because there is no colony as a buffer, it can only rely on stimulating domestic demand and supporting agriculture. To adjust wealth by other means, the effect is not only bad, but also time-consuming and labor-intensive. In its heyday, the country of Ying relied on colonies all over the world to play as it wanted.This is the gap, and it is also a problem that New Huaxia has to accept in later generations. Now, if there is a problem in Daxia, it can directly throw the crisis out, exploit Tianzhu by means of a unified currency, and then stabilize the local situation little by little. .

Relying on the exploitation of the colonies, Daxia ushered in a period of rapid growth. The sharing of overall income and the reform of the stock system allowed everyone to enjoy good treatment. In addition, Li Wei spent four years building from scratch. The entire Daxia social security system, including medical insurance, endowment insurance, unemployment insurance and other security systems, so the current Daxia welfare system is close to that of Europe in the [-]st century in later generations. As long as you are not lazy, you can live very well. .And when people stop rushing about for a living, they have the opportunity and time to realize their personal value. The whole society of Daxia has formed a set of internal "systems" under such benign interaction.

With the preparations for the Western Expedition, this time, many people who no longer worry about life have become officially registered adventurers.Unlike the adventurers who were abandoned by the government in the Western Age of Voyage, the adventurer in Daxia must have a certain net worth to be able to register. degree”, during the period of no income, the government will invest in making plans for the livelihood of the adventurers, and the adventurers give up the good life in the local area, and the opportunity in exchange is the qualification to develop in the “new world”.

The pioneers with "adventurer" status and those without this status are treated differently in many cases, in other words, official and unofficial.Official adventurers will receive formal training from the military, and receive a higher degree of aura enhancement, becoming a real "little superman", and enjoy the right to dispose of the spoils of the new world.Moreover, they have the right to legally arrest slaves. They can form their own slave-catching teams, equipped with various low-tech mass-produced thermal weapons provided by the military, and can get help from the local garrison at critical moments.Because the moment the "adventurer" turned over all his local property to the country, the adventurer has become a member of the "national mercenary", undertaking the obligation to expand the territory and enjoying the due benefits of the country. Non-staff civil servants abroad represent the motherland to suppress the development of other civilizations.

The people who sign up to become adventurers are still mostly young people. Young people, especially if they are not the eldest son, can’t get too much property even if they are separated, so it is a good place to go out for adventure.The Chinese nation has always had the traditional concept of more children and more happiness. Basically, every household has more than one child, so many times they face the embarrassment of separation. In addition to money, many times they have to find a way to find a way out on their own. Although Daxia's welfare system is good, even the second son doesn't have to worry about not being able to live, but many young people are still dissatisfied, so they are called adventurers. a good development path.

Going to Nanyang and Tianzhu does not require any special conditions. If you want to go directly to the government to apply, but now Nanyang and Tianzhu have been "first come, first served", the development potential of Nanyang is not too good, Tianzhu's words are still Not bad, but the benefits are not huge enough, so many people are eyeing the conquest of the extreme west.Because of the publicity of the world map, Daxia citizens now have a clear understanding of the whole world, and even many folk cattlemen have made various predictions, and they speak the truth, and they also take the lead in depositing all their family property preparations. Follow the expedition of the Daxia Expeditionary Army.

A single Tianzhu has already made the Daxia people a lot of money, then the whole of Europe and Africa combined, the benefits obtained are even more unimaginable.In particular, many people have already targeted one industry, that is, the industry of catching anger.

The industrial system is also divided into high-tech and low-tech. For example, 433 jobs such as rubber cutting in Nanyang are the work of "untouchables" imported from Tianzhu.In the caste system of Tianzhu, the pariahs are even lower than the Sudra class, and there is no so-called human rights at all. Therefore, many of the pariah classes below the Sudra class who are not recognized by the Tianzhu Empire are exported. It was given to Da Xia as a coolie.

Now the rubber cutting jobs in Nanyang, including cleaners and other coolies, are from the untouchable class of Tianzhu.However, most of these "untouchables" still work in local factories in Daxia. Although they can eat and clothe themselves, they have to work [-] hours a day at high intensity. This is not something everyone can handle. Death or something is normal for the "untouchables" who work in factories. Daxia has now entered a stage of "civilized cannibalism", and the exploiters are naturally foreigners.

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