These pariahs are also discriminated against in the mainland of Tianzhu, so no one cares about the lives of these people, and the factory owners in Daxia don't care about these problems. They are civilized at home and barbaric outside. This is a lot of Daxia. people's consensus.But even so, there are still not enough slaves, so Daxia needs more slaves to do various dangerous jobs in factories and mines. The adventurers who participated in the Western Expedition this time are equivalent to legal slave traders in the official name. Many people are looking forward to the expeditionary force to bring back the "booty". .

Chapter 738. Occupy the Arabian Peninsula

Because of the long-term propaganda, Daxia people have a lot of knowledge about Europe and Africa. In the eyes of many Daxia people, the expedition force is actually to "liberate productive forces" and bring development and wealth to the local area, um ...This tone is as if the American emperor in later generations wanted to bring democracy and freedom to the world, which is shameless, but it is in the interests of his own country.

The people of Daxia can be said to have a deep rhyme. On international issues, to put it bluntly, it is hegemonism. Either you hit me or I hit you. Anyway, I will beautify this piece of history in the future. What's the big deal, imperialism does things like So dirty, please commit suicide.

However, in the eyes of Daxia people, there is no big deal in Europe except for the population and geographical environment. Everyone is just trying to taste the "big ocean horse" and get more slaves by the way.There is a huge shortage of slaves in Daxia, and after a long period of research, many scholars have found a loophole that can circumvent the legal provisions of Daxia's monogamy. Li Wei also turned a blind eye to the following. The people who said hello to this loophole don't care, they can take advantage of this loophole and count their own abilities.

This loophole is actually very simple, that is, the coverage of the "Declaration of Human Rights" in the legal provisions. In the provisions, the coverage of human rights includes all men and women in Daxia, regardless of age, health or disability. All enjoy human rights.But one thing here is that slaves from foreign countries are not within the protection scope of human rights. In this way, the matter of taking concubines can be solved. Girls from Tianzhu can enter Daxia mainland in the name of female slaves, and then Obtained by buying and selling.Not only does it cost less than a traditional concubine, but you can play whatever you want. The only trouble is that you can no longer marry a native woman, unless the native woman is willing to accept that her husband has several Tianzhu girl lovers.

This can be regarded as a gain and a loss. The women in Daxia have not changed much. After all, they don't look down on Tianzhu's "three ¨" brothers. In addition, the social atmosphere is relatively good, so most of them are keeping themselves clean. After all, Tianzhu's Girls are more in line with the Daxia people's aesthetics, and the men in Tianzhu are black and lazy in the eyes of Daxia people, which is really speechless. In this way, men can bypass Daxia's laws to take concubines, It just has to pay a certain price, and it is difficult to obtain the household registration of the children, unless they are willing to pay a high fine. Therefore, although people who use this method to circumvent the law can have several wives, their wallets will suffer.

It is unrealistic for young people with insufficient economic foundation to want to play like this. This is suitable for men who are slightly macho, who can't stand the current social situation but want to marry a wife and have children. They have savings but don't want to get into all kinds of trivial matters. Therefore, they use this method of spending money to buy a wife to meet their own needs, and young people who have no economic foundation, naturally can't do it in China, so they simply go abroad.

Because of Li Wei's sentence "No matter where you are, the motherland is your strongest backing", so many people dare to venture out. Daxia is so domineering and shameless, but from the perspective of the people Look, they are relieved to see that the motherland is so rogue.Anyway, there is a conflict with foreigners, the motherland is the backing, I am afraid of an egg, copy the guy!This is the consensus of many people who have ventured outside. It is enough to stick together and be patriotic.

In the middle of the year, Daxia's expedition fleet was ready to set off. It was the midsummer season. More than [-] battleships, [-] logistics supply ships and more than [-] personnel transport ships left amid the cheers of the people. Port, the I Squadron of the Expeditionary Fleet officially set off.

Now there are more and more places where the fleet can park. In addition to the supply base in Nanyang, on the west side of the Tianzhu Peninsula, the Daxia Navy also has its own supply port area.Because it was planned for a long time to go west, Daxia started to prepare in advance, hoarding supplies in the supply port area, and Tianzhu itself was a colony of Daxia, many of the supplies produced did not need to be moved, and shipped directly to The port area is fine.

After the huge fleet carried out the first replenishment in the South China Sea, it carried out two replenishments at the two naval bases in Tianzhu, and headed directly towards the Red Sea.The fleet stopped at the end of the Red Sea, and then launched the attack on Saudi Arabia and Egypt.The current Saudi region is still in the primitive tribal era. It has not formed its own country, and has not even been able to develop religion. Therefore, conquest is relatively easy.Under the protection of the army, the exploration team entered the interior of the Arabian Peninsula. After more than two months of careful exploration, it was confirmed that there is a large amount of oil stored under the Arabian Peninsula.When the news was sent back to the mainland of Daxia, the whole country was boiling.The reserves are so huge that the oil that cannot be used up for thousands of years is simply terrible. In the future, the Arabian Peninsula will be a state in Daxia, and the local area will deeply develop the economic value of the Arabian Peninsula (Yanzhou).

After learning that Saudi Arabia is rich in oil, many businessmen are ready to set off. Although most of them return to the country, such huge oil reserves, even a little "'' residue", are enough for them to become rich.A new wealth myth is about to be born. Although the weather in Yanzhou is very bad, many businessmen are still preparing to settle in Yanzhou.

However, the army of Daxia is still working on cleaning up Yanzhou, which is the native aborigines of the Arabian Peninsula. Although Yanzhou is not suitable for settlement, it is still the old saying, there is no room for others to sleep soundly on the side of the couch. If Xia swallowed it, then "outsiders" were naturally not allowed to stay in Yanzhou.The Daxia Army's approach was very barbaric. It directly drove out the aborigines who settled in the desert oasis. Those who were willing to leave directly sent them out of Yanzhou, and threw them to Ethiopia (the king's) later by ship. Biya and Somalia area, to give certain material compensation.And those who don't want to leave will be "cleared". Toasting, not eating and drinking fines is the end. What this so-called "clearing" is, you can guess with your butt.

The development of Yanzhou still takes time. Now that the site has been occupied by Daxia, the issue of the aborigines must be solved slowly. It will be at least three or four years after the oil is released, because a whole crude oil pipeline will be built in Yanzhou. The processing industry chain also requires a lot of effort.But this is a once and for all thing. After the construction of the production line is completed, it can directly deliver refined oil to the mainland and other colonies, including the heavy oil used by warships and the diesel used by military marine vehicles, as well as the high-quality aviation oil required by the Air Force and Hainan Airlines. Production can be completed directly from Yanzhou and then shipped.For Yanzhou, Daxia will arrange heavy protection to ensure the safety of various oil refining equipment. .

chapter 739. Egypt surrenders

Unlike the situation in Yanzhou, the natives of Yanzhou are still in the tribal era, so it is easy to deal with it, either kill or rush, and the situation in Egypt is a little more complicated. Now Egypt belongs to the vassal state of Rome. It is equivalent to directly opening the film with the Roman Empire. Daxia is not afraid of conflict with Rome. After all, the purpose of coming here is to conquer Europe, and to conquer Europe, you must conquer Rome first.

Because Rome is now the hegemon of Europe, isn't it reasonable for the new overlord to kill the old one?

Egypt is still under Roman rule, and there are even [-] troops left in Turim, the capital of Egypt. After learning that Daxia's army had landed in Egypt, the Roman Empire's [-] elite heavy infantry took the initiative to challenge the Daxia army. , and then he was beaten, and even the commander was captured by Da Xia.Although the Roman Empire is relatively powerful in terms of military force, no matter how powerful it is, it is only an army in the age of cold weapons. Being able to crush other countries in Europe does not mean that it can survive under the heavy artillery and machine guns of Daxia, so the five Roman legionaries Thousands of soldiers and three thousand auxiliary soldiers were directly killed and wounded, and those who did not die became Daxia's prisoners.

For these white-skinned people with high nose and deep eyes, 740 Daxia people are also amazed. After all, although the skin of Tianzhu people is a little darker, their facial features are actually not very different from Daxia people, so apart from skin color, aesthetics It is also relatively close.It is different for white people. Many people see white people for the first time. Although white merchant ships have arrived in Daxia to do business in the past, people from coastal areas and officials have contacted white people. Ordinary people see white people. White people are still a rarity.

And when these white people were imprisoned, many adventurers came to watch the fun and pointed at the white people in the cage. The strong and strong people could endure longer in the factory than those from Tianzhu. "Untouchables" is much longer.Daxia's army and colonists set up a temporary base in Egypt, ready to dig a canal.

Because the Daxia people have an accurate map of the earth, they know that if they don't build a canal on the Egyptian side, they will have to go around the whole of Africa before they can reach Europe, which is really time-consuming.In contrast, because of Li Wei's supernatural power puppet and the BUG-level infrastructure team, digging the canal was an easy task.At least, it is cheaper to dig the canal than to run around Africa, and it can generate greater economic benefits in the future.Once the canal is opened, all kinds of local commodities in Daxia can enter Europe directly from the sea. After dumping to make a profit, this process can be repeated. The saved ship fuel is very valuable, which can reduce the transportation cost once and for all. Whether it is for business or military, it is beneficial.

After defeating the Roman Infantry Regiment, the Daxia Army released the commander of this unit and asked him to go back and report the news, saying that the Celestial Kingdom from the East is coming, and those who are sensible should surrender quickly.Hmm... very provocative taste, the Daxia army forced the Roman legion commander to write a letter and bring it back. There are not many people in Daxia who can speak Latin, so if you want to write fluent articles It was even more difficult, so let the legion commander write it himself.As for what kind of scolding the poor legion commander would encounter after returning to Rome, it was none of the Daxia people's business.

The Romans were driven away, but the pharaoh who ruled Egypt couldn’t laugh. The Romans were already terrible enough, and the Daxia people, who were even more terrible than the Romans, came, and the whole of Egypt fell into panic.But now Daxia has not shown his fangs, because Egypt has no resources to tell the truth, and the Egyptians belong to the dark race, and the facial features are not very in line with the aesthetics of the Daxia people, so in Egypt it is also a slave capture. The team will be excited.Female slaves can only be used as servants, while male slaves become coolies, but this decision was rejected at the internal meeting of the expeditionary force. After asking Li Wei, the supreme emperor, according to the situation in Egypt, the expeditionary force could train Egypt. Become a spokesperson for the interests of the African continent.

First of all, Egypt is a rare and relatively developed country in Africa. It is more cost-effective to cultivate Egypt. At this time, most countries in Africa are still in the ignorant tribal era, and there is no concept of a country at all.Even in the [-]st century, many African countries recognize their tribe first, and then determine which country they belong to. Local chiefs and elders have more power than government officials, so Africa has always been jealous of medical sects. Relatively chaotic, tribal clashes happen every day.

In contrast, Egypt is one of the first "countries" in Africa to develop a slavery civilization that can be seen in the past. Yes, it is the concept of a country. In Africa in this era, the concept of a country is a rarity.If you want to capture slaves, it is not enough to rely on Daxia's adventurers, so Daxia plans to train Egypt to become the spokesperson of his own African continent, and then use Egyptian people to capture black slaves for his own.Through continuous colonization, they developed their own power in Africa. Although the climate in Africa tends to be extreme, it is a treasure land that is very suitable for the development of agriculture. Unlike Egypt, where most of the land is desert, the African continent Most of the areas are rainforests and grasslands, and the area suitable for cultivation is quite vast. Colonizing Africa, the Daxia people can obtain inexhaustible food.Even if it is extravagant enough to eat three bowls in one bowl, Africa is a huge granary.

For Da Xia, Africa not only produced black slaves, but also food. For Egypt, it was impossible to kill them with a single stick, but half to death.At least let Egypt retain a certain degree of military power to facilitate the capture of black slaves for Daxia and maintain its own stability.Daxia has stabilized Yanzhou and Egypt. It can be said that it has seized the three regions of Asia, Europe and Africa at the same time. Because these two places are connected, it is a barrier, directly stuck in the center of the three continents, no matter where they go. On one side, both can eat meat.

After the expulsion of the Romans, Daxia's army entered the territory of Egypt. It must be said that although the Egyptian civilization is not very powerful, it has always been occupied and ruled by different countries in history, but the culture derived from it itself is not. It is very interesting, especially the architectural culture of Egypt, which excited the scholars who accompanied the army.However, these are all private exchanges, and official exchanges are much more serious. After the Pharaoh visited the huge fleet of Daxia docked at sea, he resolutely chose to admit counseling. The Egyptians were willing to accept the rule of Daxia. , but asked Daxia to keep Egypt culturally independent.

In fact, Daxia doesn't have so many requirements for this. Egypt is just a little brother cultivated by Daxia. When Egypt tastes the sweetness, he will learn all kinds of customs and knowledge of Daxia, and there is no need for Daxia to worry about these things. .

chapter 740

Rome's response was a bit later than Daxia expected, because the transportation was not very developed in this era, so the transmission of information was not as convenient as in later generations. Daxia was because it was connected and there was a telegraph as a means of communication at a long distance, so Even if the expeditionary army is far away at the junction of the three continents, it can still maintain smooth communication with the mainland.The unfortunate Roman legionnaire did not have such good luck. Even though Daxia had prepared horses for him, it still took the legionnian more than a month to return to Rome, and then reported his experience to the Imperial Caesar.

Although the commander of the legion had thought about concealing this kind of thing, and then found a place to live in seclusion, he thought of the terrible Daxia army. If the Daxia army were to invade Rome, he would still be unable to escape. He still understands the truth of the egg, so at the risk of being hanged, the legion commander passed on the information he knew.

Regarding this matter, Caesar, the ruler of the Roman Empire, was very serious. He did not rashly execute the commander of the army who lost Egypt, but carefully inquired about everything related to Daxia. After knowing the detailed situation Afterwards, the ruler frowned, in big trouble.Da Xia is not a barbarian who can be bullied at will. The other party has more terrifying fighting power. The heavy infantry that the Roman Legion is proud of is like a group of children with wooden sticks in front of the other party, weak and harmless.Through the details told by the legionnaire, the Romans replayed the entire battle, and the result was completely invincible.

Although the Romans have no concept of hot weapons at all, the performance effect can still be spied on. A weapon that can directly collapse the front line of the infantry regiment in one round of fire is simply incredible to the Romans. From the point of view, the Romans also thought about maximizing their combat power during the replay, and came to this conclusion.The humiliating speech on the other side made Caesar a little annoyed when he first saw it, but after calming down, Caesar planned how to fight back, at least to show the Daxia people a little color, otherwise Rome could not continue at all. Based in Europe, other civilizations will feel that Rome is easy to bully, and then pounce on it like a pack of wolves.

The conflict between civilization and civilization is often such a reality. When Rome was strong, it was natural that the surrounding aliens and barbarians would be defeated, but once Rome showed its fatigue, those alien civilizations would feel that Rome wanted to. It's over, just take the opportunity to counterattack.Rome is also facing the same situation as the former Han, that is, there are too many different civilizations around. The former Han was threatened by the Qiang, the Huns and the Xianbei, so it had to vigorously develop its armament, and the economy collapsed.In fact, the current situation in Rome is not very good. It was hard to take a breath. As a result, the big summer appeared.

The barbarians in Western Europe and Northern Europe are all eyeing and staring at Rome. Once Rome shows its flaws, it will be bitten, and the Romans are now having a cold scalp.The territory of the Roman Empire was actually not large, and the subsequent territories were conquered by force. If people in these places were allowed to see the real situation in Rome, then the Roman Empire was likely to collapse overnight.Originally Rome was the Roman Republic, but now that it has become the Roman Empire, the internal social stratum has split and began to detach. Rome is actually at the most dangerous time. Such a danger was not expected by the Romans themselves.

Although both Rome and Daxia were empires, the historical development of the two sides resulted in different customs and cultures.Daxia people are accustomed to imperial rule. After all, it has been such an old tradition for thousands of years, it doesn't matter.Unlike Rome, Rome was originally a country developed as a city-state. Its civic culture was very powerful. All citizens participated in the political power, so the politics was relatively clear. However, after the Roman Republic became the Roman Empire, the entire country’s Cohesion began to decline sharply, so that the Roman Empire has now come to the brink of division.First, the country ignores the capable citizen class and leads to political corruption; second, the collapse of slavery, excessive reliance on slaves for production, when the speed of slave replenishment cannot keep up with the speed of consumption, the slave economy collapses, which is a big problem. Xia also needs to be alert to the problem; third, the contradiction between social classes has led to the division of the group, and the patriotic consciousness has been completely dusted, which has led to the difficulty of recruiting soldiers in the Roman legion. The cultural identity is completely dead, many people no longer think of themselves as Romans, which is the worst point.

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Because of these problems, the Roman Empire has long ceased to be the prosperous super-empire it used to be. It is not easy to maintain its current decency. The problems of the Roman Empire are far more than the ones mentioned above, just these few problems. The damage caused is the most prominent. Such a "dilapidated" Roman Empire originally wanted to rely on Egypt to eat a wave, but the fat in the mouth was directly snatched by Daxia.In order to show its strength, the Roman Empire had to send troops to conquer, but what the Roman Empire didn't know was that Daxia was completely too lazy to move, and now was the time of development, so they didn't have the time to worry about what they were doing.


Now the Daxia Expeditionary Force is busy digging the Grand Canal. Once the canal connecting the Eurasian sea route is completed, the Daxia fleet can directly drive into the Mediterranean Sea (bathtub sea), and then the whole of Europe can blossom in all directions. Now There is no need to rush to expand the results of the war at all. It is the right way to digest Egypt and Yanzhou (Arabian Peninsula) first.Therefore, Daxia's response method is also very simple, that is, the "key protection" tactic, most of which are against the three mobile units, a high-mobility unit guarding the desert in Yanzhou, a canal excavation project team to protect, and the last one It is responsible for maintaining the stability of Egypt, waiting for the Roman legion to come back to find a place.

The fleet of the Daxia expedition still did not move, and the most diligent ones were the official adventurers of Daxia. These professionally trained mercenaries, lured by money, have set out to set up their own slave captures all over Egypt. Team, because Daxia has just established its own power in Egypt, so they can't cooperate with each other in terms of language and culture. The work of the slave capture team has not yet started, and only some preliminary preparations can be made.Some people with good luck caught the black slaves, but now this number is simply not enough to ship and transport them back to the mainland, and these slaves have to be raised for the time being.

All kinds of work in Daxia were carried out in an orderly manner, while the Roman Empire was not so calm. .

Chapter 741. Watching the fire from the other side

Although the military power of the Roman Empire is no longer as good as it was in its heyday, in order to deter the surrounding alien races, it still maintains a fairly large military establishment, and at this moment, the Roman Empire at least still has available soldiers.At this moment when conscription is getting more and more difficult, and the legion is no longer so obedient to the command, Rome's cards are actually running out.When Rome organized an army of [-] troops and began to march towards Egypt, more than two months had passed, and the canal on the Daxia side was almost half dug.

This can't be blamed for the slow speed of the Roman Empire. It was very troublesome for the army to go out in the cold weapon era. The troops and horses had not moved their food and grass. In order to deal with the expeditionary army in Daxia, the Roman Empire took out all its war preparation materials and directly illuminated it. home.Although it is a bit shabby and embarrassing, it can't pay much attention to the "[-]" Roman Empire at this time. The army marched towards Egypt at a very fast speed in the cold weapon era, and then encountered the canal digging team of Daxia. Just embarrassed.

The Roman Legion never expected to encounter the Daxia Army in such a place, and the Daxia Expeditionary Army, which has the advantage of intelligence, has long been waiting for the Roman Legion to enter the set.The Roman legion is mainly based on heavy infantry, using a neat and orderly formation to crush the barbarians who are fighting each other in a disorderly manner, but even if it is a cold weapon fight, the Daxia army is not afraid, because it is not only the people who can play the formation. The Romans and Daxia people were also good at advancing tactics in the era of cold weapons. Although we have entered the era of hot weapons, the theory of cold weapon warfare has not been lost.

As a result, the Roman legion was directly tragic. While they were still lining up, Daxia's vehicle troops launched an attack. In an instant, the sound of gunfire was full of smoke and dust, and the entire wilderness was full of echoes caused by guns.Matching it, there are all kinds of shrill screams. The destructive power of rifles and machine guns is much stronger than that of self-defense pistols. When they hit people, they are a blood hole. Large-caliber machine guns are even more vicious, and they directly kill people. Broken.

Even if the Roman army united into a shield array, it was still useless. Such a shield could not even defend against rifle bullets, let alone machine gun bullets. Rotating and piercing the arc-shaped square shield, the kinetic energy of the bullet is really too great, even after piercing the shield, there is not much attenuation.The rotating warhead penetrated the armor and directly penetrated into the flesh, the muscle fibers were torn apart instantly, the rich blood vessels in the human body burst open, and blood began to spray outward.The Roman soldier couldn't react at all. He only felt a sharp pain, and then his whole body began to go numb. Looking down, he saw that there were several huge holes in his body. Broken internal organs and broken intestines slipped through the holes. Coming out, the unconscious Roman soldier staggered and fell.

The army in the cold weapon era has a relatively poor ability to withstand casualties, even the so-called elite Roman soldiers. Generally speaking, the cold weapon army can withstand 20% casualties without breaking down. Those who can withstand 30% casualties without collapsing are the heroic divisions of a hundred battles. There are not many troops that can be counted in the entire human history.Although the strength of the Roman Infantry Regiment is good, it is still not a bug. In the face of such terrifying casualties, it will soon begin to melt like the residual snow in early spring.

The army in the cold weapon era has great limitations, so it requires the cooperation of formations in its operations. No matter how strong a single soldier is, it is a hundred or a thousand enemies, although some bugs can indeed be reversed by personal force. The direction of the war, but this is always a minority.With the collapse of the front line formation, the defense line of the Roman infantry was directly beaten to pieces. One of the advantages of hot weapon combat is that there is no need to crowd the soldiers too closely. In the age of cold weapons, this tactic can make the squad battle in the middle. The local number of people has an advantage, and Da Xia no longer needs to play this set. The skirmish line tactics of firearms are suitable for Da Xia.

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