LL is not a simple animation alone, but a collection of TV, radio programs, books, comics, animation, games, and the surrounding all-round attack. This large-scale and wide-spreading method has brought about a rigid industry. New vitality, but it is foreseeable that after LL, various idol animations will increase, and the routines will be highly similar to LL.

LL is not a simple idol animation, but a successful Japanese-dimensional idol project. Although it has just started and the whole project is still on the rise, the upsurge brought by it has made Ye Xizi keenly aware of it.

It has to be said that the money from the dead house is easy to make. It is unbelievable that so many people are willing to be fooled.

As for the dimension gate, Ye Xizi and Li Wei discussed for a long time, and finally decided to open a new pit to fill the blank schedule.Dimension Gate itself is a pan-entertainment group. As long as it is an entertainment-related industry, it will choose to intervene as long as it is appropriate, and Dimension Gate also has resources for simultaneous development.

Therefore, the projects that Risheng can play well, Dimension Gate can play well, and play better. As for how to do it, Li Wei will not be specific, because he is not good at this aspect of operation.Li Wei is good at all kinds of works that tend to be hard-core styles. No matter how cute the painting style is, if Li Wei does it, he will turn into a hard-core direction in minutes.

So when Li Wei intervenes in the project, it is the layman who directs the expert, but it will screw things up.For this temporary additional project, the production team of the second season of "Lucky Star" that has completed the task was directly dismantled, and all of them were merged into the idol project production team this time. The members of the two production teams joined, and a huge team of more than [-] people was born.

And although the plan this time is relatively urgent, the initial investment is not small, because LL has achieved certain results, and the huge potential has also been learned. If we continue to let LL continue to dominate, then the dimension gate wants to be here. It is not easy to catch up with Risheng in terms of aspects.

It is true that relying on commercial means can indeed make Risheng feel uncomfortable, but relying on the works of Hard Bridge and Hard Horse can gain greater benefits.Of course, this has nothing to do with Li Wei. If you don't want a strange muscle idol with the face of the Big Dipper Fist to be born, then you must hold Li Wei, and you cannot let Li Wei let go of himself.Therefore, Li Wei can only watch the whole project, that is, he only occasionally makes an opinion, and if it is unreasonable, he will not pass.

Li Wei can understand this, because he also knows his own urine. Once he starts to let himself go, then the whole work is finished.The softer his daily life, the less he can interfere.

In addition to the linkage action of the animation department, the "troika" plan of the game department has also been on the right track, and the DEMO version of "For Honor" has been handed over. It can make him feel at ease to prepare for his own affairs.

However, because of the intensive practice for a period of time, after Li Wei greeted his family, he began to retreat, preparing to perfect the skills in his hands and prepare for the future adventure. The world of "High School of Demons DXD" can be regarded as an adventure. After all, the existence of gods and demons in that world is still a certain threat to Li Wei, and it cannot be taken lightly.


In the secret room, Li Wei wrote the "Solomon Key" in his memory again, and he was making his own "magic book".

This magic book will consume a lot of Li Wei's efforts, but considering that he also needs a little self-defense, even if it consumes a lot, this thing still needs to be done, just like an ordinary person buying a house, it is a necessary operation .

The cover of the magic book is made of white dragon's leather. Levito, Lord of the Flies, "Xiao Bei", bought high-end goods in hell. A hapless white dragon was besieged and killed because he strayed into the depths of hell. Skin.The inner paper of the magic book is directly condensed by Li Wei with divine power. Although it looks like there are only more than [-] pages, it is not too thick, but in fact, the pages can be continuously added according to the needs without increasing the thickness and weight.

The ink for writing the text is the ink of the sea monster presented by Leviathan. The sea monster is one of the prototypes of the Cthulhu mythology. A certain "love craftsman" god with some mental problems once had close contact with the sea monster. However, so the gods and demons in the Cthulhu mythology he wrote all obviously have the characteristics of marine creatures, but the god of craftsmanship is a human after all, and it is not reliable to observe gods and demons from a human perspective.  … ......

However, Li Wei learned later that some of the contents of the Cthulhu myth are true, because that is, the gods and demons have revealed some information to humans out of bad taste, but many people regard these contents as modern myths, and not I don't believe these are true.Humans are fragile creatures, just like the myth of Cthulhu, the more they know, the easier it is to collapse. Humans don't know that they can survive at all. It is entirely the result of the checks and balances between gods and demons.

The ink of the giant squid-shaped siren is a good thing, and it is priceless. In addition to being used as ink, it can also be "quenched" when it is forged as an artifact to improve the strength and toughness of the artifact.Livy wrote the original Hebrew script in it, each one imbued with his power and imprint.This kind of writing is very tiring. When Li Wei writes a page of content, the divine power in his body will be exhausted. Then he waits for the divine power to recover, and then continues to write. More than one hundred pages are enough for him to write for more than a week. time.

The reason why Li Wei used Hebrew instead of the ancient Chinese seal script also has his own considerations. After all, he is not a cultivator. Although it is more forceful to use the seal script, it is not very compatible with himself. From the mobilization of power to the stimulation of magic Latency is too high, too much slower than Hebrew.And Hebrew itself, as one of the oldest characters in the world, is the same as the ancient seal script, which is a script left by gods and demons.

Li Wei pushed all the way from Hebrew to original Hebrew, because this is one of the best power carriers that the God 2.5 demon group has tested, and it is also the most suitable text carrier for Li Wei's power, so he Seal script is not selected.After writing all the content, Li Wei lost a lot of weight. The cost of making magic books was indeed huge.After completing the writing, Li Wei swallowed all the "tonics" prepared by Belludante, completely recovered his vitality and began to describe the magic circle.

The description of the magic circle is even more troublesome. Every stroke must be accurate, because it is very difficult to modify it, and this is not the simplest six-pointed star circle, but consists of dozens of circles and thousands of arcs. The complex patterns formed, each line contains huge energy, and more than a dozen magic circles were depicted in a magic book. Li Wei was once again drawn as "human dry", and then he swallowed tonic, relying on external force to come. Quick recovery status.

After more than half a month, the magic book called "The Black King's Secret Key" was finally completed, and Li Wei was relieved.With this magic book as his trump card, the gods and demons in "High School of Demons DXD" can't help him. .

chapter 961. go to Kuwang Academy

"Congratulations, husband, you have finally completed your magic book." Wu Lude clapped his hands and smiled.

Li Wei was a little embarrassed. This time he was able to complete the production of the magic book so quickly. In fact, he had to rely on everyone's help. The raw materials depended on his friends in hell, and the necessary tonics in the middle were Wulude and Beibei. What Ludanti prepared, without the help of others, Li Wei wanted to complete the production of the magic book alone, which was time-consuming and labor-intensive.

"Although there are many small problems, it is finally completed. The ability to complete the magic book depends on everyone's help. Now I have to go." Li Wei smiled.

All the girls are accustomed to Li Wei's travels. After all, they also know about Li Wei's situation. Every adventure is equivalent to grabbing time. If they just stay in this world, it will not be good for Li Wei's growth.The sensible ones can understand Li Wei's choice. After all, they have already understood the cruelty of the world of gods and demons. In this world, they can't live well by relying on so-called relationships and abilities like in the world of ordinary people. In the world, strength is everything.

Only with 19 strength and power can survive in the world of gods and demons. Now Li Wei is able to live so nourishing by relying on the protection of the two great gods, Belu Dante and Wu Lude. Li Wei is also a strong character. Although he can't usually see it, he always felt in his heart that he had to fight, and he couldn't keep "eating soft rice" like this.

So he kept holding his breath and wanted to make some achievements, but the trouble was that he belonged to that kind of "longevity party". It seemed enviable that he didn't rely on cultivation, and he could become stronger by eating and drinking. But getting stronger also takes time.Li Wei doesn't like to wait, especially when the external environment is not good, he also wants to be as strong as possible, so even if the means are quite ruthless, he will execute it.

As a king, he has never been soft-hearted. Whether it is the previous King Solomon or the previous Shenwu Emperor in the Wushuang world of the Three Kingdoms, Li Wei is notoriously ruthless. What has he never done?Therefore, he does not have any psychological burden for the plan to be implemented in the world of "High School of Demons DXD", because in a sense, Li Wei has long been trained with a heart of stone.

In addition to the people close to him who can make him have emotional fluctuations and take them seriously, he is an unpredictable natural power to the enemy.It is impossible for him to find a shortcut to become stronger, and it is impossible not to use it. After all, as a hard-working longevity party who can only endure age, if he can have such a ladder to use, he will give up when his brain is squeezed by the door.Li Wei has never felt that he is a good person, and other people's names are also tyrants, demons, heretics, etc. Li Wei is used to being called by others.Since being a villain is so smooth, what else can I change?

After saying goodbye to the girls, Li Wei found a hidden place to open the teleportation channel. At the other end of the chaotic channel, Li Wei was already able to perceive the overflowing magic power.

Unlike the "super-magic" of the benchmark world, the quality of the magic power in the opposite world is not high in Li Wei's opinion. Taking the magic power quality of the benchmark world as the standard, to gather one unit of magic power in the benchmark world, it will take about thirty to four years of that world. Ten magic.Moreover, it has to be refined by Li Wei. The filling is not high in quality, which is the magic situation of the opposite world.

No wonder the gods and demons in the worldview of "High School of Demons DXD" are not very strong. Just in such an environment, how strong an existence can be born?Li Wei, who was mildly persecuted and delusional, felt that he had spent so much effort to make "The Secret Key of the Black King".

Li Wei dispelled this arrogant idea, and sailed carefully for ten thousand years.This is a normal thing, because everyone has the idea of ​​​​not touching the pot, and they can increase their strength by cooking for some time. If they really can't stabilize the situation, they will hide in a low-key manner first, and there is no need to confront those short-lived ghosts.

But now it seems that, with such a perfect armament, it is not so difficult to "open up wasteland" in the world of Demon High School.

After passing through the passage, Li Wei came to an uninhabited park.

Although there are gods and demons in the world of Demon High School, the gods and demons have been hiding their own existence. Now is the era of human beings. Human footprints have spread all over the world. .Sitting in this small park, Li Wei silently developed his own perception. Now he has to figure out where he is and how far away from the place where the story takes place.

The location of the "landing" is random, and he doesn't know where he will land, but from the feedback of perception, there is no aura of gods and demons around, and his perception ability is relatively hidden. This world Although there are no people who can detect it, it will only be a few. Other people feel cold at most, but it is not easy to find Li Wei's peeping.

What is certain is that the place where he landed now is not the place where the story takes place, and he is not very clear about where the story is going. 557 This city is not a prosperous city, it is about the same as a fourth- and fifth-tier small city in China, but the city where Kuwang College is located is even smaller than this city.In other words, the stages where many anime plots take place are relatively quiet small cities. I don’t know why, but it’s probably the author’s interest.

But there is a quicker way to check, and that is to go online.Li Wei found an Internet cafe, and then began to search for information on the Internet. Soon, he locked the target, and also figured out why there were no gods and demons in his perception.

Because Li Wei was in Kagoshima, the westernmost part of Neon, and the Kuo Academy he searched was located in Kanagawa, it is no wonder that simple and extensive perception failed to find the breath of gods and demons.

Although the specific scope of the activities of the gods and demons is not given in the story, the extraordinary existence of activities in the present world is not in the west.After finding the location of Kuwang Academy, Li Wei left the internet cafe, then found a remote place and started teleporting.After owning the magic book, it is much easier for Li Wei to do many things.Precise teleportation like this was a bit troublesome for him before, but with the help of the magic book, he only needs to confirm the location and provide the activation magic, and the magic book will solve most of the tedious process by itself, so that Li Wei can easily achieve the goal. .

chapter 962. go ahead

Kanagawa Prefecture is adjacent to Tokyo and is also one of the most densely populated areas in the entire neon area, and the location of Kuo Academy is a satellite city under Kawasaki City.The administrative unit of Neon, the county is bigger than the city, the Huaxia is the opposite of Neon, the city is bigger than the county.

Li Wei came to the small town where Kuwang Academy is located, and the first thing he did was to find a place to stay.Fortunately, it is easy to have money in Neon, as long as you have money in your hand and tell the agent the type of house you want.With the help of spiritual hints, the intermediary company's staff carried out Li Wei's requirements very diligently, and soon found an apartment near Kuwang College. For Li Wei, who does not regard money as money, he only wants convenience and speed. Just take it easy.

After spending half a day tidying up the house, Li Wei was ready to enter the Kuwang Academy. He needed to complete all kinds of identification documents for admission. After finishing all this, Li Wei found out through perception. The location of Hyoudou Issei.

Outside the house of Hyoto Issei's house, he observed Hyoto Issei in the bedroom on the second floor from midair, and Li Wei found nothing special.

"It's really strange. If it was the boarding body of Emperor Chilong, then the 'artifact' should have been revealed early. However, 'late maturity' is too much..." Li Wei looked from Looking through the window, Hyoudou Issei was flipping through various indescribable shy magazines at this time. "As expected of a fellow man, unfortunately, the Red Dragon Emperor is the first target..."

It is very easy to kill people when the artifact is stripped, and what Li Wei wants is not the tattered cage hand, but the Chilong Emperor himself.As one of the most powerful beings in the Demon Academy's worldview, Hyoudou Issei moved forward with the plug-in given by the Red Dragon Emperor.But Li Wei is embarrassed to despise Hyoudou Issei, because he is also one of the cheating parties.

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