However, Li Wei's plug-in is a double plug-in. The first is the wisdom left by his previous life. King Solomon ruled the seventy-two demon gods and did not obey the will of the gods. Although he did a dangerous thing to walk a tightrope, it cannot be denied that King Solomon himself possessed knowledge.Relying on those forbidden knowledge, Li Wei can still embark on the road to the gods, but it will not be as smooth as it is now.

The second is Li Wei's biggest reliance, that is, the divine body.The divine body built on the basis of the blessings of Beludante and Ulude gave Li Wei the best foundation for progress, and he could become stronger with food and water. Afraid of Li Wei.Because of giving Li Wei enough time, no one knows how strong he can be. If it wasn't for the protection of Wu Lude and Belu Danti, Li Wei would be a lot worse now.After all, most people like to nip threats in the bud.

In contrast, Hyoudou Issei's plug-in, and the boarding of the Red Dragon Emperor is nothing.And what makes Li Wei feel funny is that Emperor Chilong Tucao Bingdou Issei is the weakest one among the hosts of all dynasties.

Seeing Hyoudou Issei quickly flipping through adult magazines with a lewd smile on his face, like a monkey, Li Wei couldn't help covering his face.Gentlemen are different from ordinary perverts. He definitely does not admit that people like Hyoto Issei are gentlemen, and the harassment is almost dripping into the book. Can we have a little image?

With a sigh, Li Wei began to think about how to kill the Chilong Emperor.The current Scarlet Dragon Emperor is sealed in the hands of the cage, as the spirit of the "God ¨〃 Item".To say that the Red Dragon Emperor is ruthless enough, in the three-way melee of the gods, demons and fallen angels, the battle with the White Dragon Emperor Arubion disrupted the entire battlefield, and even the heads of the three forces were swallowed by the two.

The existence of the Red Dragon Emperor and the White Dragon Emperor, also known as the "Two Heavenly Dragons", is too dangerous, so the three forces of the fearful have to join forces to fight, and finally seal the two Heavenly Dragons.It's not that the three parties don't want to kill Ertianlong completely, but they can't kill them. Their ability is not enough to completely destroy the Red Dragon Emperor and the White Dragon Emperor. Even the seal is actually very reluctant.

Because if the two giant dragons work together, they can destroy the world. It is no exaggeration to say that they are the dragons that destroy the world.If it wasn't for these two idiots busy tearing up, they wouldn't have been taken advantage of by the three forces to get in, and they would end up being sealed.

This period of time is also the best time for Li Wei to start. First of all, Hyoudou Issei's own strength is a scumbag. Even Li Wei, who has just become a god, can easily crush it, and the Chilong Emperor is now sealed. In Yulong's hands, if Hyoudou Issei can't exert the power of Chiryuutei, then it's useless for Chiryuutei to be in a hurry.The current Chilong Emperor is just an artifact, and it does not pose any threat to Li Wei.

If it is the Chilong Emperor who has not been sealed, Li Wei's action will still be planned for a long time, and he will act only after he is sure that everything is safe, but in the current situation, he is the first to take advantage of this opportunity to win the next game.

Li Wei is also a person who likes to pick up soft persimmons. It was a big trouble to make Emperor Chilong into a gem, but the three forces have helped Li Wei a lot, at least Li Wei does not need to risk his own to seal Chilong emperor.Li Wei really wanted to say thank you to the three forces, although they were also Li Wei's prey in the end.Li Wei will never give up until he drains the last bit of value in the world.

Hyoudou Issei looked at the black-robed man who suddenly appeared, and was shocked. The whole person fell backwards and fell directly to the ground. The consequence of hitting the back of his head on the ground was to roll around with his head in his arms.

"."It hurts, hurts!!!"

Li Wei changed his image with divine power, and made a certain disguise according to the appearance of King Solomon in his previous life. Anyway, he was just a passerby, and it was okay to mess around.And the world will collapse sooner or later, and he is ready to make a big fuss.

"Who are you? Why are you in my room." Hyoudou Issei, who rubbed the back of his head, sat up, and quickly hid all the magazines behind him. He was a little annoyed when others saw his ugly side.It is a crime for a weirdo in silver armor and black robe to enter other people's rooms at will without the consent of others.

"Well... this is a question, why am I here..." Li Wei rubbed his chin and smiled: "I remembered, I came to take one of your things."

Hearing Li Wei's words, Hyoudou Issei hurriedly backed away, even ignoring adult magazines, but he wanted to open the sliding door, but found that no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't open the door, and there was nowhere to escape.The strange person in front of him is by no means a kind person, and the inexplicable sense of crisis in his heart makes Hyoudou Issei want to run away, but in this situation, it seems that he can't run away.

Forcing himself to sit down calmly, Hyoudou Issei felt a little uneasy in his heart. The strange person in front of him looked very difficult to provoke. Although that outfit looked like a cosplay, Hyoudou Issei had a feeling that if the other side wanted to kill him If so, he has no resistance. .

chapter 963. take out the cage hand

"Very good, that's right. I'm not a man-eating monster, just run away when you meet me." Li Wei smiled: "I will take one thing from you, but I will not take it for nothing. I am a very fair person, so as compensation, I will also consider giving you some benefits."

Li Wei, who was floating in mid-air with his legs crossed, changed to a comfortable position. The tatami in Issei Hyodou's bedroom was too hard to sit on.

"who are you?"

Everyone is curious. The first question Hingdou Issei asked was not what he could get and what he had to give, but Li Wei's identity.

"I'm just a passerby, at least for you. You don't have to care who I am, but you should think about your own business. I want to take something important to you from you, If you have any wishes, just put them up, as long as it's not too much, I can help you realize it." Li Wei smiled.

"If I take my important things, will I die?" Hyoudou Issei asked a little nervously. Li Wei's tone was like that of an executioner before the execution. How dare he take this situation lightly.

"of course not."

Hearing Li Wei 987's words, Hyoudou Issei heaved a sigh of relief.

"Don't worry, I'm not trying to harvest your organs, I'm just taking something you can't see, and it won't have much impact on your body." Li Wei smiled.It really won't have much impact, at least Li Wei is confident that he won't kill Hyoudou Issei in the process of picking, but after losing the cage of Emperor Chilong, Hingdou Issei is a complete passerby. And it's still the kind of tragic passerby with zero fate for women.

To tell the truth, Hyoudou Issei's appearance is not bad. If you are willing to clean up yourself, not to say that he is handsome and handsome, but it can be seen.But there is a problem that Hyoudou Issei is too wretched, just like a gentleman and a pervert are very close, but a gentleman has a bottom line, what to do and what not to do.But perverts do not. Perverts can say some speechless and disgusting words regardless of the occasion, or make extreme actions, so gentlemen are most likely to be looked at, while perverts are disgusting to everyone.

Hyoudou Issei's biggest misfortune is that he has two equally perverted besties, and then formed the so-called "pervert trio", which means that he has completely cut off his relationship with girls.So Hyoudou Issei kept shouting why he didn't have a girlfriend, and he had to think about how offensive the things he did were to girls.

If you can't realize what you've been doing, it's really useless.

And without the Cage Hand of the Scarlet Dragon Emperor, the value of Hyoudou Issei to the forces of all parties is completely zero, because it doesn't matter who Hyoudou Issei is, the important thing is that he is the host of the Cage Hand of the Scarlet Dragon Emperor.

The Cage Hand of the Red Dragon Emperor is undoubtedly powerful. Although the ability to stack attacks is not comparable to the power of the heyday of the main body, at least he is controllable.Although the Red Dragon Emperor Ddraig is one of the strongest beings, he is uncontrollable. The losses caused to all races during the three-way war alone are unacceptable, otherwise they will not be sealed by the joint.

In the case of making an artifact and then being controlled by the host, although there is still a huge gap between the combat power and the real Chilong Emperor's body, at least in terms of controllability, it is a rare high-end combat power.Therefore, the forces of all parties are not chasing Hyoudou Issei, but the artifact of the Cage Hand of the Red Dragon Emperor. As for whether the host is Hyoudou Ercheng or Hyoudou Sancheng, it doesn't matter.

And the artifact can also be stripped. Because the technology in this world is too rough, stripping the artifact can easily cause the death of the host, and Li Wei's technology does not have this problem.It's not that Li Wei is still concerned about the life and death of Hingdou Issei, but that he can take out the artifact intact, which is more beneficial for the subsequent gem refining.Therefore, if Hyoudou Issei can cooperate willingly, that is what Li Wei hopes. (cafg)

"As long as it doesn't hurt my life..." Seeing Li Wei floating in the air, Hyoudou Issei swallowed and said with some difficulty.

What Hyoudou Issei is thinking about now is how to send Li Wei, the god of plague, away. As for whether he can get anything in return, he doesn't even dare to think about it.The current situation is that people do it for the sword and I do it for the fish. Although Hyoto Issei has poor academic performance, he still knows the truth, so he just wants Li Wei to leave early.

"Promise it won't hurt..." A dark arm suddenly appeared in front of Li Wei, as if passing through the water, directly submerging into Hyoudou Issei's body.

Hyoudou Issei was so frightened that he could only let Li Wei carry out his "experiment" as he did not dare to move.Li Wei used the arm condensed by divine power to penetrate into the different space within Hyoudou Issei's body, and soon found the position of the cage hand of the Red Dragon Emperor, and then the two sides started a tug of war.Chilong Emperor Ddraig felt the crisis, and naturally he desperately resisted Li Wei's drag, but now he is just an artifact, and his ability to act independently has been reduced to a minimum.

In the heyday of the Chilong Emperor, Li Wei did not dare to provoke him at will.But the current Ddraig is nothing but a lost dog. Facing Li Wei's attack, he was powerless to resist. After a few moments, his defense was shattered, and he was forcibly pulled out of Hyoudou Issei's body.

The red cage hands with sharp edges and corners have a strange and ferocious shape, and the fierceness is blowing towards the face.Livy simply ignored Ddraig's weak counterattack.

Hyoudou Issei looked at the cage hand taken out from his body, and shuddered. The pressure of the cage hand was still unbearable for him, even if it was grasped by the arm that was condensed by divine power, it was just a trace of leaks. Si coercion is enough for Hyoudou Issei to drink a pot, after all, he is just an ordinary person now.

Looking at the cage hands, Hyoudou Issei felt a sense of emptiness in his heart, as if something important had been taken away, a kind of despairing grief welled up in his heart.He stretched out his hand to grab the cage hand, but it was empty.The cage hand has been held by Li Wei, and there is an indescribable indifference in Li Wei's smile.

Hyoudou Issei knew that the God of Plague in front of him was not an ordinary person, and he couldn't afford to provoke him. If he didn't want to bring disaster to himself, he'd better keep his own business.

"I'm a man of my word. Since I said to take your things, I must take them. Don't think about going back. Now let's talk about your wishes and see if they can come true." Li Wei Looking at the cage hand, he directly received the storage space of the magic book. When he arrived at his site, Ddraig was in his prime. Li Wei also felt that he could fight a wave. Having a magic book is self-willed.Having a magic book is equal to five more lives, so naturally you are qualified for waves. .

Chapter 964. The Watcher

"The Secret Key of the Black King" is also a good thing that Li Wei spent a lot of time on, and one of its biggest functions is to fight positional warfare.

The main purpose of this magic book is not many, but several major abilities are considered the top of all magic books.The first is the servant of the demons. Li Wei can no longer go to trouble the demons with a dark heart. First, he doesn't take advantage of an old guy. This thing is not easy to handle. The second is that some demons are his friends now. , he also can't go to pit friends.However, the stone from the mountain can attack jade, and Li Wei has found a compromise method, that is, using the magic book as a medium, using his own divine power to simulate the seventy-two demon gods.

However, with his current ability, that is, to simulate two of the demon gods at a time, and he is a relatively weak existence at the end of the ranking, if he wants to simulate the stronger demon god at the top of the ranking, Li Wei is also a blacksmith. be hard on itself.Now his ability is only to simulate the last ten demon gods, and his strength is definitely incomparable to the real one.But if Li Wei's own strength can go up, his simulated devil's strength can surpass the real master~ and reach a new height.

Moreover, the magic book can be used as the eye of the large magic circle. How big the scale can be activated depends on Li Wei's own strength. Anyway, with his current strength, it would not take much effort to easily erase a city from the map. , throw half a neon directly into space with full output - no problem at all.

The most powerful means of "Black King Key" is to use demons and battle positions. Other means are incidental abilities. For Li Wei, it is like a bonus, just like those tools on the Swiss Army Knife that are basically unused.But now this magic book is the temporary prison of the Red Dragon Emperor Ddraig, and I will slowly clean up the Red Dragon Emperor in a while.

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