"I don't care about this, the fallen angels and demon groups don't care, in the end, it depends on the attitude of the heavens. The group of calamity has grown to the current scale, and it is no longer a family that can deal with it alone. Bian's co-operation, it is too difficult for us to eliminate the group of disaster. If we don't eradicate the roots, the group of disaster will come back sooner or later." Li Wei said.

"It's really uncomfortable to have the initiative in someone else's hands." Rias sighed.

"This is reality, and this is a good opportunity for Heaven to regain its prestige. The premise is how Heaven chooses, but I personally prefer Heaven to choose cooperation. After all, the purpose of the Troubled Group is not as simple as overthrowing the underworld. But to reshuffle the forces, as long as the decision makers in the heaven are not fools, I think they should make a rational choice." Li Wei has such an inference because he has a plot prophet.

But it is also a difficult choice to let Li Wei sit as the decision maker of the heavenly realm. The first thing to consider is the internal resistance. The intelligence learned from Azazel shows that the angel's sense of superiority is so high that it is natural to fly. Just despise demons and look down on traitor fallen angels, so whether the cooperation agreement handed over by a group of "garbage" will be taken seriously, let's not talk about whether the angels can emotionally accept the reality is a huge problem.

The masses are often short-sighted and blind. Even if the decision makers make the right choice, if the masses are opposed to it, the decision will still not be implemented, and nothing will change in the end.In other words, even if the decision-maker's choice is correct, history will eventually prove who is the real wise man, but the masses don't think that way. They only want bread and milk. If there is no bread and milk, they will sing the national anthem to make trouble. It's that simple.Angels, fallen angels, and demons are actually no different from humans.

The reason why fallen angels and demons are more united now is because the public has reached a consensus that they want bread and milk instead of war. In addition, as long-lived beings of a higher order, fallen angels and demons do not have huge life pressures like human beings. , Under the consensus that everyone wants to live a good life, whoever starts the war is the sinner.Therefore, the fallen angels and the demons are now able to sit down and have a serious conversation. Strictly speaking, the social pressure inside the longevity life is really not that big. Under these circumstances, ghosts want to fight.In order to maintain such a salted fish life, fallen angels and demons are fighting enough, in order to be able to paralyze Ge You every day. . .

"There is still no news from the Heavenly Realm. I don't know what news is from Lord Serjax. I hope it will be smoother." Jijima Junai smiled.

However, when Cao Cao and Cao Cao arrived, just as Jijima Zhu Nai's voice fell, Serjax's translucent figure was already revealed. This special magic technology has completely exploded the current virtual projection technology of human beings. After the real image, it looks the same as the real one..

"Brother?" Rias was a little surprised, Serjax is a person who doesn't like nonsense, and usually doesn't chat with her when he has nothing to do.

"Li Weijun is also there, that's just right." Serjax said.

"What is it that still needs Li Weijun to be there?" Rias asked, she could feel her brother's seriousness, which meant that she had something serious to talk about.

"The information provided by Li Weijun is very timely. Once my informant finds something wrong, the Troupe of Disaster will indeed make a big move in the underworld recently. I don't know the specific situation for the time being, but it won't be a good thing. But passive defense that is always passive is not our style, so we decided to make a trap and wait for disaster to drill. It happened that the Tianjie side has accepted the request for peace talks, and the peace talks will start in Kuwang Town three days later. At that time, our three-way forces The leader of the group is used as a bait to attract the Troubled Group to attack." Serjax said.

"It's too dangerous! It's just nonsense!" Rias was really taken aback, this bold tactic was simply life-threatening.The Troupe of Calamity is not some kind of cat or dog. It can be dismissed easily. The other party can lurk in the underworld for so long without being discovered. I can imagine what kind of dangerous people 3.7 is, actively attracting the other party to attack you, what is not crazy?

"So, this requires the assistance of Li Weijun. In terms of individual combat effectiveness, Li Weijun is definitely a top-level powerhouse. With him, I actually don't think about safety issues at all. And this plan, Seraphlu (Levy Tan) and Ajaka (Beelzebub) also agreed, this is not my idea, but Farbwin (Asmodeus) idea." Serjax said bluntly.

Rias was stunned, Far Biwen.Asmodeus is a strongman known as the No. [-] strategist in the underworld, the most slick brain of the Four Demon Kings, and he is also the real authority in charge of military power dispatch.However, because he was too lazy and salted fish, he couldn't see people a lot of the time, and all the miscellaneous affairs were left to the other three demon kings. .

chapter 1026. reason

Among the four demon kings of the underworld, the one with the strongest combat power is Serjax, a one-man army-level bug.Ajaka.Beelzebub is a typical tech nerd, he usually spends his time in the laboratory, and the demon chess pieces are what he made.Serafuru.Leviathan is the existence with the most balanced comprehensive strength among the Four Demon Kings, and is also an "idol", but balance means that there are no characteristics, everything can be done, but nothing is the strongest.Farbwin.Asmodeus is an "abandoned house". Ge You is usually paralyzed when he has nothing to do. He likes to get everything done at one time and then continue to be lazy, but his overall situation and war commanding ability are indeed unmatched. Farbwin's decision, then there is little room for refutation.

"Li Weijun, I'll be the bait this time, so I'm likely to be targeted, and I can't fight with all my strength, so it's up to you," Serjax said.

"No problem, I've been waiting for this opportunity for a long time, what should I do?" Li Wei laughed.

"I'll ask the familiar to send you the battle plan in a while, just burn it after reading it." Serjax still looked calm.

Rias interjected, "What about me? What can I do?"

"Kuwang Town is your territory, 02 is responsible for the reception work, and you have to perform a full set of acting, and make the stage look like that. At least you have to do a good job in the enchantment, and try not to do it as much as possible. It affects ordinary people." Serjax thought for a while and added.

Rias thought for a while, this level of melee is indeed not something she can participate in, that is, she can still do these safe start-up jobs.Although Rias considers herself to be a top performer among the younger generation, compared to her elder brother, father and mother, she is far from enough, and it is not an exaggeration to say that she is weak.

You must know that the devil is an immortal species, and the powerful noble bloodline is like playing for thousands of years.Her father and mother were the old guys who participated in the war of the three clans. The eldest son of the Gremory family died in the war of the three clans, and only after the war did Geoticus and Vinylana have Serjax .The elder brother has been an adult for a long time, and she is not even [-] years old now, no matter how strong she is, how can she be strong?

The age of demons is [-]-[-] for minors, [-]-[-] to [-] for adulthood, and when they are about to die, it is the period of decline (old age). Compared with the super longevity species, but the horizontal comparison is also a good longevity life.At least compared to the decades of human lifespan, the devil's time is simply endless.

Serjax is now over a thousand years old, and Rias' parents are now over [-] years old. Compared with the strength of these "old monsters", Rias is the king among underage demons. He is dominating, and Rias's strength is not the absolute top among the younger generation, at least compared with a monster who is underage and can fight with adults, Sera Org Baal, Rias is still poor. too much.In qualifying, the minor group and the adult group are completely a battle of two worlds.

With the exception of Sairaorg Baal, all the previous "kings" in the minor group were beaten and carried all the way when they rose to the adult group, such as Sairaorg Baal. It's weird, it's only been like this for thousands of years.

"I know, I will handle this matter." Although Rias was a little frustrated, she still accepted the reality. Not everyone has the strength of a bug like Li Wei. Li Wei is definitely not old, and This kind of combat power that has far crushed Sairaog Baal, the strongest of the younger generation, is not comparable to her.

However, Rias still underestimates Li Wei too much. Li Wei's current strength, when the four demon gods attack at the same time, it is no problem to kill the Chilong Emperor in his heyday. Levi's shoes are not eligible.Rias' misjudgment was also due to Li Wei's hidden strength, but Li Wei's hidden strength was still seen by Serjax, so Serjax made Li Wei the main force.

"Okay, I have nothing else to say. We'll meet again during peace talks."

Serjax's figure disappeared, and the room returned to calm.I was still saying that there is no news from the heavens, but I didn't expect that in the blink of an eye, the peace talks would soon be coming, which was really fun.And Rias thinks the most ironic thing is that the demons, fallen angels, and angels who were beaten to death are now sitting at the negotiating table for peace talks. What the hell was going on in the previous war?

As a new generation of demons, Rias's impression of war only exists in documentaries and books. The original purpose of war can no longer be traced back, but among the younger generation of demons, the number of radicals is indeed decreasing.Now if the peace talks are really successful, it means that a brand new relationship will be established between the three clans, and it will no longer be as sharp and hostile as before, which is a huge improvement.

In Li Wei's view, this idea seems a little naive. There are many reasons for war. Sometimes even if you don't want to fight, you can fight. It's just that the three clans are in the recovery period, so they have not squeezed the survival of the other party. space, so being able to sit and talk.When the populations of the three ethnic groups have recovered almost, the boundary friction will still occur. It depends on how the people in power choose at that time, but war is a high probability thing.

"When Kiba and Kitten come back, let's start preparing for the venue. By the way, let Sona and the others help too. It's impossible for me to be busy with my people here," Rias said.She also has a group of servants in this world, 980, but the venue for the three-way peace talks cannot be too shabby, so you must be well prepared.

"There is no need to look for the venue. The Kuwang Academy itself is very suitable. The venue is large enough, and that day happened to be a holiday, and there will be no people in the school, which can avoid unnecessary casualties." Li Wei said.

"Li Weijun is right, then we will use the school as the main body to build the venue to ensure that it will not be shabby." Rias thought, if you want to attract the attention of the enemy, then you must pay enough attention.This is both a stage and a trap, but she is only responsible for the stage part.

"But then again, why is Li Weijun obsessed with the Troupe of Disaster? Strictly speaking, there should be no direct conflict of interest between the Troupe of Disaster and Li Weijun?" Himejima Zhu Nai asked curiously.

This really stumped Li Wei, he couldn't possibly say that he was just "cutting the leeks", Li Wei thought of a rhetoric that could barely fool the past, and said with a smile: "Probably I am such a person. I like hilarity, and don't look at conspiratorial nosy people. It is true that the woe group and I have no direct conflict of interest, but what they do will eventually disrupt the whole world and affect ordinary people. And this, I I don't like it very much, if I let their conspiracy succeed, wouldn't my life be a mess?".

chapter 1027. the group of disaster strikes 1

This rhetoric is barely passing the test, because the behavior of the group of misfortune will indeed affect many people, and this impact is cross-border, whether it is the underworld, the celestial world, or even the human world will suffer, so as long as there is a peaceful consensus Everyone will be vigilant against a terrorist organization like the Troubled Group.

Li Wei really wanted to cut the leeks, but that didn't mean he was in the chaotic and evil camp. He had to make the whole world go crazy. If possible, Li Wei wanted to suppress the disturbance he caused to a minimum.

No one will like the indiscriminate fighting of the Troupe of Calamity, and it will also involve other powers of the gods.

Kiba Yuto and Tacheng Kitten will not be able to return in a short time. The devil is that it is busy time over there. Because of work, they will not be considered. Fortunately, the student union has sufficient staff. In addition, Rias herself has a large number of servants in this world.The layout of the venue is proceeding in an orderly manner, and there are still three days left, which is relatively ample, but the fallen angel and the demon are actually ready and can talk at any time. This venue is prepared for the heaven.

Two days have passed, and most of the layout of the venue has been completed, and Michael, the representative of the Celestial Realm, has also appeared, and the three parties have started talks in private.The results of the private meeting were gratifying, and the heavens were willing to sign a peace agreement and help the underworld to fight against the woe.

The private talks yielded a very good result. Although the situation in the celestial realm is not very clear, it is already very important to be able to sign an agreement.On the third day of the meeting, it was a complete scam, a trap set against the calamity group.The whereabouts of the woe group are mysterious. So far, the initiative is still in the hands of the woe group. If they don't take the initiative to jump into the trap, the three-way alliance can't help them.

Li Wei also contributed to the layout of the venue, but he was just talking and directing the servants to complete the work.The demon's space technology is quite excellent. This venue is actually a direct replica of Kuo Academy. It's a bit similar to the feeling of "Inner World", but it is different from the so-called "Inner World".This space and the human world are in a relatively parallel state, and negotiating peace in this space is also in line with the consistent style of the devil.

Time passed by, and the day of the official peace talks came, and Li Wei was also ready to attack.However, those of them who had nothing to do with the peace talks gathered in the activity room of the Mysticism Research Department. Apart from Rias and others, even Shitou Canna and her family were also there.

After so many people were crowded in the originally small department, it seemed a little crowded.

"I really admire you. You are still in the mood to play chess at this time. You are too calm." Zhi Quang Na looked at Rias and Himejima Akeno who were playing chess, and didn't know what to say. In this case, even she was a little nervous.But Rias and her party seemed to be nothing, and she felt that there was still a gap in her psychological quality.

"In this case, the more calm we have to be, because our power can't do anything, and going out will only cause trouble for them. Staying here is the only thing we can do. Although it makes people feel that they are all Frustrating words, but our strength is only like this, isn't it?" Rias laughed.

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