Rias has calmed down now, she knows where her limits are and how to work hard.She has her own sectional plan and long-term goals, not a three-minute enthusiastic exposure. Since she doesn't have such strength now, she shouldn't cause trouble to the people around her, so as to save herself from being in danger and need the people around her. To come to the rescue is a complete waste of personnel and strength.

She knew that it was not her time yet, and no matter how much she crammed her feet, she would not improve much, so what she had to do was not to cause trouble for Li Wei.

Zhi Quocang looked at Li Wei who was still reading comics, and Li Wei was also very calm, as if he didn't take this matter to heart at all.Li Wei closed the comic, looked at the sky that had begun to change color outside the window, and said, "It's almost time, I can already sense that the people of the Troubled Group have penetrated into the enchantment, the prey has been hooked, and I have to go."

Like this special space, Li Wei's perception ability has a huge advantage, and the abnormal fluctuations in the entire space cannot escape his perception, so when the people of the calamity group take the initiative to invade this space, his "human flesh" Radar” has already detected the anomaly, and this first-mover advantage is naturally to be used.

"Li Weijun, pay attention to safety." Zhi Quocang said in a low voice, and a thin metal rope was tied to Li Wei's wrist. "This is a talisman, don't be brave if you meet too many people."

Li Wei was stunned for a moment, nodded and said: "'I understand, I know what the situation is in this mission, and the people of the Troubled Troupe can't help me. But I will be careful, thank you."

Leaving the office, Li Wei concealed his breath and rushed towards the location where the calamity group gathered. He could perceive that the number of people in the calamity group had been increasing, and they were moving in the direction of the venue. The scale has completely surpassed the security forces brought by the three parties.

In this meeting, Serjax and others deliberately let the nails placed by the woe group in the underworld ruling group pass the news. The specific method is not very clear to Li Wei, but it is the best thing to be effective.That nail is also the person Li Wei wants to clean up, but now is not a good opportunity. Now that nail still has utility value, and after the utility value is completely drained, it will be a good time to step on the ants.

The sports hall, which is the main venue, has been decorated in a grand manner. The heads of the three forces are sitting around the round table. The devil is Serjax, one of the four demon kings, and the fallen angel is the governor Asasai. Le, on the one side of the heaven is "God generation" Michael.The venue is very large, but the security personnel are patrolling outside the venue. In addition to the three-party minds, there are more than ten elite guards in the huge venue.

"It's really rare. I didn't expect to be able to sit here and talk now. Times have changed. But Michael, are you sure that the group of people under your command can really accept peace? "Azazel said with a playful smile.

"The world is not a person who doesn't know how to be flexible. What you said, Azazel, is very reasonable. Times have changed. If you still hold on to the ideas of the old times and don't let go, in the end, no one can live a happy life. "Michael always has a gentle smile. As a real good man, he is now managing the mess left by the dead god, and he has been tortured to the point of exhaustion. If he fights again, the three parties will be finished. .

chapter 1028. the group of disaster strikes 2

Michael's character is a bit inappropriate to say that he is a good person, or that "a good person" is his portrayal, and as a ruler, to be honest, his skill is not as good as the dead god.If it weren't for the current population crisis in the heavens, coupled with the fall of the older generation with extreme ideas, the death of the deceased, the lack of high-end combat power has also made the minds of the angel group more youthful, he can stabilize this group. people.

However, Michael is also having a headache with the extreme thoughts within the angel group. Young people are ignorant and always shout and kill in everything, but they don't know what kind of harm their extreme thoughts will bring to the entire group.To put it bluntly, "the life of eating waste oil is the heart of the sea." Although this is a bit ugly, it can also explain the predicament that the angel race is facing now.First of all, the high-end combat power is either retreating or falling to the sky, but the fallen angels laughed, and they have more combat power.

The main problem of the angel group is that after the powerful angels of the older generation mostly retired or fell into heaven, the angels of the new generation could not carry the beam, so Michael had to play "closed country", and a small number of reconnaissance angels constantly patrolled outside to collect Intelligence, while the main body of the celestial world is hidden and no longer has too much intersection with the outside world. At least until the new generation of the celestial world has grown up and the entire celestial world has a certain self-protection ability.

Now that the new generation in the heavens has barely grown up, Michael dared to end the state of seclusion at this time and return to the game table.

The reason why Michael is so cautious is because he guards the "system" left by the gods, which is a treasure coveted by all the gods in the world, whoever masters the "system" is equal to mastering everyone's " root".

If the Heavenly Realm does not have enough self-protection ability to return early, even if the devil and the fallen angel do not make a crooked idea, what if the "system" is robbed by other gods?

The "system" is the source of life for the angels. If the control of the "system" changes hands, the heaven will completely collapse in a very short period of time, and it will also affect the fallen angels and demons.

Considering these problems, Michael was forced to come out.In other words, the ambitions of the calamity group are too big, making everyone feel threatened. Now it is the three forces of the Bible, and even the Nordic Asa and the Greek Olympians will intervene in the event. If you don't (acbi) live in the situation, both the Chinese gods and the Indian gods may be involved. This is a bad situation that Michael doesn't want to see.

It is precisely because there are too many things to worry about that Michael had to compromise with reality and sign a peace agreement.

"The people from the Troubled Troupe have arrived, and it's time to welcome the guests. But with Li Weijun coming forward, we won't need our intervention for the time being." Serjax laughed suddenly.

Azazel and Michael also felt the abnormality of the space, and the outer defense had been penetrated.

"If the 'monster' is there, the people of the woe group are really not a problem. At this time, if we shoot at will, it will disturb his hunting interest. It is enough to do a good job of defense here. As for the other people of the woe group. , that monster kid will solve it." Azazel laughed.

Azazel didn't worry about Li Wei's strength at all, especially after contacting Li Wei, he realized that Li Wei was terrible. The clown of the Troubled Troupe had provoked that kind of monster. Thinking about it, it was really a piece of cake. Tragic thing.

Azazel made a horizontal comparison. If the two sides made a full shot, he would not necessarily be Li Wei's opponent. It was this fear that gave him enough confidence in Li Wei.There is no conflict of interest between the two sides, so he is just jealous of Li Wei. After all, such a lone powerhouse who does not belong to any party's forces is quite terrifying.

Serjax summoned the guards on the side and whispered: "The pockets can already be closed, stare at the members of the Outer Disaster Group, wait until they all enter the space, lock the inside from the outside, and try to maintain the space as much as possible. Steady, drag time."

The guard got the order and trotted out of the venue.

The inner and outer layers of this space have a special structure, like a pocket that can be tightened. The forces of the three forces have long been divided into two groups, one group inside and one group outside, just waiting for this moment. .In fact, the three people have already negotiated the battle plan, and now they just follow the steps of the trap and execute it step by step.The design and deceit of the entire space was designed by Ajaka.Beelzebub is in charge. His first-hand interlayer space technology made the people of the Troubled Group completely unaware that this is a piranha-like twisted space. It is easy to get in, but it is difficult to run.

The details of the battle were formulated by Farbwin Asmode, and every step of the actions of the members of the Troubled Group did not exceed his expectations. It is calculated that the three forces have corresponding strategies to deal with every move of the Troubled Group.

In this kind of mental calculation, the advantages of the three parties are already huge. Now, with the appearance of Li Wei, a "scrambler", a group of terrorists in the disaster group have no chance of winning from the beginning. .

The originally light blue sky became gloomy and gradually turned into deep red, and a large number of dense "black dots" began to drop in height. It has a body structure similar to that of humans, but has horns on its head, extra-large wings on its back, and carries a variety of weapons in its hands.Among these demons, there are also some huge corpse stitching monsters and twisted life forms whose prototypes cannot be seen at all. It seems that they should be one of the secret weapons of the Troubled Group.

Looking out the window, the entire sky was crowded by the people of the Troubled Group. This number can be regarded as the main force, at least it has crushed the people brought by the three clans.

"I just don't know who is leading the team this time. The remnants of the former Demon King are really a bunch of troublesome guys." Azazel had a playful expression on his face, and he also had hatred for the old Demon King sent him. , after all, the most active people in the last war were these people from the old demon king faction. It can be said that all kinds of blood feuds were formed with these people.There is an injustice, a debt, and a master. Now that the descendants of the master are on the scene, it is time to settle accounts.

On the other side, Li Wei also rushed to the "main battlefield", and the beams of teleportation magic circles lit up, and the magician in the standard black robe aimed all the missiles in his hand at Li Wei. .

chapter 1029. king to king

As soon as the Magician of the Troubled Troupe debuted, it was a wide-ranging indiscriminate attack. It has to be said that the current human technology will still be at a disadvantage when confronting these monsters who have lived for an unknown length of time, which seems inconspicuous. The power of a single shot is comparable to that of human large-caliber rockets. If this power hits human creations, there are really not many war vehicles that can withstand this kind of blow.

Even a large ship, facing this level of firepower, will be instantly "washed" into a pile of scrap iron residue.A large number of magic missiles flew in the direction of Li Wei, and the speed was so fast that it was completely unrecognizable by the human eye, and Li Wei's entire body was completely submerged in an instant.The massive series of explosions caused the entire area to fall into a sea of ​​fire.

Li Wei only felt that the energy of his magic shield had dropped a bit. This kind of elite force was not as easy to carry as it was to face the trash. Even Li Wei was almost smeared.

The counterattack unfolded in an instant. Li Wei has always been a person who refuses to suffer losses. He never fails to fight back when he is beaten. The condensed divine power splits like threads and turns into translucent substances like ox-hair steel needles. Under strong pressure Down, these spikes directly condensed by divine power flew out like a rainstorm.

Heavy rain is not an adjective, but a fact.The "needle ball" in Li Wei's hand like a hedgehog is like an inexhaustible supply, constantly shooting out the flying needles that condensed divine power. Li Wei's blue-striped monster, this consumption is for him~ Just say drizzle.

However, the single defense of these magicians is not like Li Wei's "King Kong is not bad". The moment they are touched by the flying needle, they are directly killed, and the whole body explodes like a balloon that has inflated to the limit.However, Li Wei also found something wrong, because if one of these magicians was killed, a new one would appear. After a round of flying needles, the number did not decrease at all, but he was suppressed and unable to fight back.

Li Wei, who noticed the abnormality of the space, figured out what was going on. The opposite used an unknown technology to make the body of these magicians project a physical clone somewhere. The combat power of this clone is not weak. And the durability is also good, so no matter how he fights, he can't hurt the source of the opponent, and it is meaningless to fight a war of attrition.

It's useless to hit someone, the key is to hit the flying needle along the gap at the moment when the teleportation is opened on the opposite side, and hit the opposite body directly.

Li Wei, who saw through the problem, increased the density of the flying needle to the maximum, and the barrage that was as dense as splashing water took effect. In the face of such a large-area saturation blow, even small gaps will be found and passed through. , and the magician who disappeared this time did not appear again, and the entire area was cleaned up directly.

In another area, a large number of magicians exploded like needle-piercing balloons, turning into a mixture of flesh, blood, and internal organs, spreading everywhere.

Li Wei didn't stop after clearing the stumbling block, he rushed towards the "main battlefield", and the leeks disappeared when he ran slowly.On the other hand, the venue where the meeting was held has also been involved in the war. Fortunately, the three parties have already reached an agreement, so they can cooperate with the enemy in the face of an attack. It was wiped out, but it did not cause any casualties on the side of the three parties.

"Cut... the heads of the three forces will fight against the enemy together, no one will believe it." A slightly hoarse female voice came out from the smoke-filled ruins.

A tall and plump woman with chocolate complexion came out. She wore a pair of sexy half-frame glasses on the bridge of her nose, but she couldn't suppress the killing intent in her eyes.The wonderful body is wrapped in slightly exposed leather armor, holding a long-handled staff in his hand, confronting the personnel of the three forces.

"Katreya Leviathan. I didn't expect it to be you. It seems that you still can't give up your past thoughts." Serjax said indifferently.

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