"Am I scary? Gasper." Li Wei leaned down slightly and smiled.

Kiba Yuto grabbed Gasper's shoulders so that he could no longer run around. Gasper's whole body was stiff, but he was too nervous to speak.

"No...nothing! Senior Li Wei!" Gasper almost bit his tongue.

Although from the appearance, Gasper is a washboard loli with full marks, but Li Wei knows that everything in front of him is just an illusion, and the deception degree of women's clothing bosses is too high.And Li Wei doesn't like the perverts of "knowing men and going up" and "strong men lock men", so for Gaspar, Li Wei only treats the younger generation.

It's just that this junior is a little special. Li Wei will not discriminate against Gaspar because of her hobby of women's clothing, or that everyone in this team is a problem child, and no one has the right to look down on anyone.Just like Li Wei himself, he also brings his own attributes such as glue guy, radish house, gentleman, collectors, royal sister control, etc. Li Wei is embarrassed to talk about others?

Gaspar.Vladi is neither a vampire nor a human, but the reincarnation of the consciousness fragment of the demon god Balor in Celtic mythology. Balor's personality is higher than both Serjax and Azazel Half-level, even if it is just the reincarnation of a broken consciousness, its ability has completely crushed its peers. If it is not because of severe autism, then Gaspar has now emerged.

"I know you don't like this kind of environment, but let's get over it first." Li Wei smiled.

"I see, senior." Gasper replied in a low voice. He was not used to talking to people like this. He usually stayed in his room. Because his ability was very easy to get out of control, it was not a special case. They will never leave their "territory".And this time in the training camp, Azazel had to find a way to solve the problem that Gasper's ability was easily out of control, so he dragged him out, although Gasper was not happy.

From a certain point of view, some of Gasper's habits are similar to cats. They like dark and small spaces. Only such places can give him a sense of security.Like ordinary vampires, Gasper likes to sleep in coffins, although he's not really a vampire.

After a while, the train slowly entered the station, and a special carriage stopped in front of everyone. This carriage belonged to the special carriage reserved for him by the Gremory family. The last time he went to the underworld, it was like this. Happening.The train is the property of the Gremory family. Every train will reserve such a special carriage for the members of the Gremory family. Humans have abandoned the noble system, and in the world of demons, it is normal for nobles to have privileges. thing.

What most humans don't know is that some anomalous creatures have always been by their side. Demons, fallen angels, monsters, elves, dwarves, etc., have always existed.However, these special beings are now hiding their identities, creating a sense of technological prosperity for human beings.Just like the large-scale wars in human history, most of them have conflicts of interest between gods and demons, including World War I, World War II, and even the Cold War and the disintegration of the Soviet Union.

On the surface, Kuwang Town looks peaceful and peaceful, but in places that ordinary people can't see, there are a large number of facilities for various special beings, just like this huge underground station, which is such a facility, and Only open to members of the Gremory family and their friendly forces.

The group got on the train, and it only took about two hours to arrive at the territory of the Gremory family.When he came to the Gremory family mansion, Li Wei saw that in the garden, Azazel was enjoying himself while drinking tea and reading a book.While Serjax was talking, the two seemed to be exchanging questions.And there are three phantoms, which makes Li Wei a little surprised.

Azazel saw the crowd and said with a smile: "Very good, everyone is here, then start training tonight, and you should go and do the preparatory work first. Li Wei, come with me, there is something important. I want to tell you 々¨."

After dismissing the crowd, Li Wei followed Azazel into the garden.Apart from Serjax, the three translucent figures are the other three Demon Lords.Li Wei is a little curious. These people are the type who will not meet if there is no major event. Each of them has their own affairs. Except for the strangeness of Farbiwen, they are all busy.

"Oh, Li Weijun is here, this matter still needs to be solved by Li Weijun, we are not good at it." Seraphlu laughed.

"Let's talk about it first, I don't like being used as a gunman by you either." Li Wei sat down and said, looking at the translucent phantom of Serafuru.

"Let me tell you, it's a shame to say it, the family is unfortunate, and a disaster has happened." Ajaka sighed and said: "' 々 Now I have succeeded the name of Beelzebub, but my family is The Astati family, and this time the problem lies with my own family. One of my blood relatives, Diodora Astati, who colluded with the calamity group, murdered the next heir to the head of the family, preparing himself Superior. Although he handled this matter very cleanly, I still found the problem. However, as Demon Kings, it is impossible and impossible for us to remove this scourge by ourselves, so we can only ask Li Weijun to you."

"Even if it's me, I can't hurt people for no reason. You have to have a suitable charter before I can take action. I don't like to make enemies casually." Li Wei knew in his heart that this It's true, but when it's time to bargain, don't hesitate.

"Diorado is Rias' opponent in the next qualifying match. I think we can use this opportunity to make a fuss. As long as we can lead out the people in the group of misfortune, then we can make sure that Diorado colluded with misfortune. At that time, it was not a problem to do anything about the crime of the group. And if you can really attract the people of the group of disaster, it is also an opportunity." Farbiwen said lazily.

"I like this idea, and it has to be justifiable. I like to be reasonable." Li Wei snapped his fingers, bullying people is the foundation of happiness. There is no trouble that can't be vented by beating people. Then have another fight.

"Now the Astati family has been hollowed out by the collusion between Diorado and the group of misfortunes, and I have brought out part of the blood. Li Weijun, you don't need to show any sympathy when you take action, because now Astati The rest of the family has something to do with the Troubled Group." Ajaka said.

Ajaka is also very helpless. If something like this happens in his own family, no one will feel uncomfortable, especially if he wants to die with a force that has no future at all, Diorado is really the whole family. All taken to the ditch. .

chapter 1048. practice

Li Wei was happy to accept the matter of killing Diorado, even if there was no reward, Li Wei would do it.Because Diorado was one of Livy's sure-to-kill targets, the culprit behind Asia's expulsion from the church was Diorado.

Diorado is a nun who specializes in playing with the nuns and saints of the church. After falling in love with Asia, he pretended to be seriously injured and asked Asia to rescue him, thus exposing his ability to be effective against "evil beings" such as demons and fallen angels. , causing Asia to be expelled from the church.And after Asia was expelled by the church to Neon, it was intercepted by Li Wei in time, so that Asia was not reduced to a plaything.

Asia is an important person that Li Wei treats as his sister. Even for this matter, Li Wei has to cut Diorado into eight pieces.

Li Wei's anger can't be vented even if he takes all the pieces, Li Wei wants to imprison him in the magic book space, and let Belial use flames and ice and snow to give Diorado an ice and fire double heaven, so that the demons continue to He tortured him so that he would never be born again.Li Wei is usually very talkative, as long as he doesn't make him angry. Li Wei, who is so angry, can really do anything.


Rias and others have already started 340 training, everyone's problems have been clearly pointed out, and then Azazel has formulated a targeted training method, and now the only one that is still easy is Li Wei.

Li Wei's growth is a kind of state change that is going on all the time. Although this kind of change is very slow and can only be accumulated by time, Li Wei is always getting stronger. Unlike other people, he cultivates It's like rowing a boat against the current, if you don't advance, you will retreat.

Kiba Yuto's swordsmanship practice is assisted by Li Wei. Although Li Wei now mainly relies on spells and demons as his main force, it does not mean that Li Wei's physical skills are poor.In contrast, as a "knight" piece, Kiba Yuto's swordsmanship is a bit worse than Li Wei's.

Azazel watched Li Wei and Yuto Kiba's duel practice, and pointed out some problems to Yuto Kiba from time to time.

I have to say that Kiba Yuto's artifact "Magic Sword Creation" is really a very handsome and suitable ability for acting.Although Li Wei's sword can cut off Kiba Yuto's magic sword, but every time he cuts off his magic sword, Kiba Yuto can condense new magic swords in time, and the attributes of various magic swords and features are completely different. (adei) Armor-breaking, demon-breaking, flaming, highly poisonous, acid-corrosive, and electrified, he has absolutely no idea what kind of attributes his next magic sword will have.

Although Li Wei still had the absolute upper hand, he was also tossed by various magic swords with different attributes. He cut off the magic sword in Kiba Yuto's hand again, and Li Wei stepped aside because of Kiba Yuto's physical strength. already exhausted.Li Wei is just finishing his warm-up now, but Kiba Yuto is just an ordinary human reincarnated demon after all, and he cannot compare with a real god like Li Wei, so it is normal to lose at this time. matter.

Azazel clapped his hands and said, "Kiba's progress is very obvious, and it has been able to support it to this level, which shows that the control of the magic sword has been further improved, but if you want to cause a qualitative change, you need to continue to work hard. "

"I see, teacher." Kiba Yuto sat on the ground, and it was difficult for him to stand up after losing his strength.

"But having said that, Li Wei's sword is also very interesting. It's similar to 'Magic Sword Creation', but it is a higher-level existence in essence, but the accuracy of use is far from that of Kiba's 'Devil Sword Creation'. 'Compare. What is this?" Azazel asked curiously.

The long sword in Li Wei's hand lost its energy supply, dissipated invisible, moved his fingers that were already numb, Li Wei smiled: "It's just to constrain the energy in the body directly to form a blade, which is equivalent to cutting the energy inside the body. Let’s extend the lethal ability. If the 'creation of the magic sword' is an artifact that has already been formed, my hand is probably an artificial way to simulate the operation of the artifact."

It is not difficult for Li Wei to use divine power to condense into a sword. After getting used to it, he doesn't even have to think about condensing the blade.However, the nature of the sword condensed by divine power is an extremely domineering "annihilation", which is the so-called "all things can be cut" kind of ability. .

"Is it artificially imitating an artifact? Or Li Wei's sword can be considered an incomplete version of an artifact. Although the nature is a little single, the lethality can't be faked, even I am very It's hard to catch this kind of blade head-on." Azazel laughed.

"Indeed, when Li Weijun's sword was swung, his scalp felt numb. I have a feeling that as long as the skin is scratched a little, he will die." Kiba Yuto smiled bitterly.

The practice with Li Wei is indeed a way for him to improve quickly, but if he can, he would rather exercise himself in other ways.Because Li Wei's sword is so terrifying, if it wasn't for Li Wei's control of the power, he would probably be killed in a flash. After all, Li Wei is a big guy who can confront the devil head-on, and he is just a median It's just a devil, the gap between the two sides is really too big.

Li Wei has always felt that he is weak, that is, he is not considered the strongest in the same level, but under the DXD world view, Li Wei can be shriveled, that is really ten fingers can count. , Kiba Yuto is already regarded as an outstanding person among the younger generation, but compared to a monster like Li Wei, it is really not enough to watch.Even if Kiba Yuto was forced into a frenzy, for Li Wei, it was really just a warm-up. Li Wei's melee combat ability was relatively short, which was also compared with spell ability and summoned creature's combat power. Output, Li Wei can run rampant in the underworld even with his fists.

Kiba Yuto finally has a direct understanding of the gap between himself and Li Wei. It is really incomparable. Although Li Wei is a chess piece occupying the "soldier", he is not ordinary. A demon, so Li Wei cannot be demanded by the standard of ordinary demons.

Li Wei didn't have anything to be busy these days, so he was able to accompany Yuto Kiba to practice swordsmanship. He was waiting for news from the calamity group. The preliminary preparations for the peace talks signing meeting have been completed, and now he is waiting for the calamity. The group came to smash the field.In order to make the scale of the whole plan even bigger, the Four Demon Kings planned to arrange the qualifying match of Rias and Diorado on the same day as the Peace Talk Day, so that the members of the Troubled Group could step into the trap as much as possible.

Therefore, the training time left for Rias and others will not be full for one month. The original plan of two months of training will be directly reduced by half.Because of the next battle, Li Wei will not show up in the early stage, so from the beginning to the middle stage, Rias and others need to support themselves. .

chapter 1049. personal growth

Kiba Yuto's practice Li Wei can also help. Tacheng Kitten's practice is to face up to her own nature. To put it bluntly, it is to force her to face up to her own dark history and stop escaping from the past, and this kind of thing is difficult. .The problem with the Tacheng kitten was her sister, and this problem has always affected her, making it impossible for her to do her best in the battle.

The race of the Tacheng kitten is the most powerful cat in the cat demon family. Before being reincarnated as a demon, it belongs to the spirit monster family.The problem lies with her sister. The parents of the two died early, and they were adopted by the branch of the Naberis family, who was the 24th of the seventy-two pillars of the superior demon. Because of the black song, he became the power of the superior demon's family. The rapid expansion, one day after killing the master, escaped and became an outlier demon, and the Tacheng kitten was considered by the demon executives to be as dangerous as her sister and planned to be punished.

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