If Serjax hadn't come forward to save the Tacheng kitten, she would have been dead by now.Because of being implicated by her sister, she has been under a lot of pressure. Because of her resentment towards her sister, she does not want to use the power of the cat demon clan, which limits her power limit.If she does not use the power of her own family, her future height will be seriously affected, but if she does not face up to her past, she will not be able to control her own power.

Li Wei can't help with this kind of thing, so Li Wei is also concerned as a senior. If he needs him, he will definitely help.But now Tacheng Kitten is still in closed training, and he hasn't seen anyone for a few days, so Li Wei can only care about it.

Gaspar's training was even worse. In the original work, he completely relied on the blood of Chilongdi to control his strength. Now, because there is no stabilizer, his training progress has not been ideal.Li Wei and Azazel made a temporary stabilizer for the past two days, so that Gaspar's power would not run rampant, and it was finally better.

The official stabilizer Li Wei and Azazel will continue to study. Gasper's situation is too special, or his real starting point/point is too high, and there is absolutely no way to provide Gasper with general methods. too much support.Gasper's luck was very good. When he met Li Wei and Azazel, they were both tech giants, and they could help. If they were ordinary people, they wouldn't have any effect at all.Gaspar's special condition, general education is superfluous for him - a burden.

It's not just other people who are troublesome, but Himejima Akina is also quite troublesome. In order to break up the knot between Himejima Akina and Balakir, Azazel let Balakir As a teacher for Himejima Akeno, the two of them can't even speak.Or Himejima Akeno unilaterally alienated her father, because the death of her mother has always been a knot in Himejima Akeno's heart. Although it was not Balakir's problem, her mother died after all, and she was still young at the time. Himejima Akina created an inseparable shadow in his heart.

Because of this matter, Akeno Himejima and his father have not had a positive exchange for so many years. Now Azazel has created an opportunity for them, but so far, the effect is good, but not very good.The language communication between the two parties is limited to cultivation. Once the past events are mentioned, Himejima Akina will lose control of her emotions.

Li Wei felt that he should do something, such as assisting Himejima Akeno's revenge. The Himejima family, as the "five elders" of the Neon exorcist family, has always been in a high position, coupled with the relationship with Neon local gods and demons Befriend, so Himejima Akeno wants to take revenge alone is unrealistic.Through the information of Azazel, Li Wei knew that Barakil also wanted revenge, but doing so would likely cause a war between the fallen angels and the neon native gods and demons, so Barakil was also very patient. Hard work, Li Wei felt that he could be this villain.

That's right, the number of neon native gods and demons is terrifying. After all, eight million gods are not blown away. Of course, the so-called "gods" are also very heavy.In other words, many "gods" are actually just low-level spirits, even weaker than ordinary new angels and demon civilians, that is, bullying ordinary people.In the legend of neon ghosts, many legends put it bluntly that these beings use spells to scare people. Although they will not directly frame mortals, watching mortals collapse because of fear is also a high-level entertainment for them.

Therefore, Li Wei has not yet thought about the specific method for Jijima Zhu Nai, but revenge is a matter of time. After all, it is really unreasonable to kill the mother.

On the other hand, Li Wei doesn't know much about Rias's special training, or that Rias's own strength is not a big problem. With the education of her parents and elder brothers, Rias's strength is better than that of her peers. Li Wei has been steadily at the top, and what she has to learn is more about tactics and strategy, and these are things that Li Wei can't give advice, and she needs to find out on her own.

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During this period of time, the group was constantly strengthening their own strength. Li Wei watched them become stronger and stronger day by day, and everyone's progress was clearly visible.Azazel's ability to teach students according to their aptitude is indeed quite excellent, but this is also because everyone who receives special training is not a simple role, and the talent is excellent, otherwise the progress will not be so fast.

After another day of training, Li Wei was about to return to the Gremory Mansion to rest, but was stopped by an unexpected person.Looking at the tall, bearded middle-aged man in front of him, Li Wei knew that his rest time was going to be delayed.


"Li Weijun, I have something to tell you, do you have time?" Balakil said with a look of embarrassment.

"Any time." Li Wei followed in Balakil's footsteps.

The two came to a desolate area, this is the training ground of Himejima Akeno, but I haven't seen her now, it should be back to the Gremory Mansion to rest.

"Looking for Li Weijun this time, I want to talk to you about Zhu Nai." Balakil found a huge rock and sat down, patted it aside, and motioned for Li Wei to sit too.

Li Wei sat down and said, "You can say anything directly. If you need help, I will not refuse."

If it was about Himejima Akeno, Li Wei would naturally not refuse.

"Do you know about Zhu Nai's mother, Li Weijun?"

"If it's about the Himejima family, I know it. Azazel and I have already said it. I can understand your difficulty, because you can't take revenge because of your identity. My words are different, I can." Li Wei laughed.

"I have also thought about revenge. But the most important thing is to solve Zhu Nai's heart knot. It doesn't really matter what I do. I don't expect her to understand me or not. As long as she can live a happy and peaceful life, I don't care. For me, it's already the biggest consolation, the matter of Zhu Li... I can only endure it, maybe in her opinion, my father is useless." Balakil sighed, and the whole person seemed a little dejected . .

Chapter 1050. Enlightenment

Li Wei had already noticed the abnormality, and Azazel took Himejima Akeno to watch him and Balakir in the dark.Li Wei thought about it, this is probably Azazel's means to resolve the relationship between Himejima Akina and his father, but it seems that Balakir still doesn't know it, or because of Azazel's hidden ability , Li Wei's perception is relatively reluctant, and it is normal that Balakil didn't find it.

However, Akeno Himejima was already looking at him, so Li Wei had to guide the situation in Balakil's favor, and also to enlighten Akina Himejima's mood, so that she would not be trapped in the past all the time.

"Vengeance... This matter is really an extravagant hope for me. If I wasn't a fallen angel, maybe I wouldn't have so many concerns. Now, I really have no face to see Zhu Nai. I hope that you, Li Weijun, can Treat her well, this is the only thing my incompetent father can do."

Balakil sighed, and his personal status "eight or five" must be constantly changed according to the occasion. He is Himejima Akeno's father, but he is also a high-level figure in the fallen angel race. Not moving is the direction sign of the entire ethnic group, but it is also stared by many people.So although he really wanted to destroy the Himejima family, his identity and position did not allow it.

Li Wei nodded and said, "I can understand your difficulties. If I were in your position, I would also find it difficult. But I can solve your problems, and Zhu Nai's problems can't be like this. Look, the Himejima family has been at ease for so many years, and it's time to pay the price."

"Li Weijun, people can't help themselves a lot of the time. I can understand your thoughts, but you don't need to be hard on yourself for me and Zhu Nai's affairs. You have good intentions. If Zhu Nai wants to hate me, just hate me. I can't let her let her repeat the same mistakes this time around. That's my request as a father," Barakil sighed.

In the dark, Azazel and Himejima Akina remained invisible, watching Li Wei and Balakir not far away.The voices of the two people are not small, even if they do not use a technique to enhance the sense of sound, they can still hear their conversation clearly.

Because of the soundproof barrier, Azazel said directly: "Sometimes, adults are more difficult than you think, no one in this world can truly feel at ease, Balakir is not what you imagined. It's better than that. Regarding your mother, I can only say that I'm sorry. At that time, I let Balakil go out on a mission and gave the Himejima a chance. If you really want to blame, the culprit is actually I."

Hearing Azazel's words, Himejima Akeno fell into silence. She knew that her mother's death had nothing to do with her father, but she had always been angry with her father.Himejima Akeno is not an ignorant person, she also knows that her mother's death is completely unreasonable, and doing so is not so much punishing her father, but more like a kind of self-abuse, so that she should not forget her mother's death.

But people always have to face the reality. She is no longer the child who can be willful and foolish. Looking at her father's lonely back, Himejima Akeno also knows that what she has done is too much.It's not so much that she didn't want to forgive her father, or the underlying reason was that she didn't want to forgive herself. If she wasn't so weak back then, she wouldn't let her mother be killed.

What happened to her mother was to protect her. If it weren't for her drag, her mother would have been able to escape by herself. She couldn't forget all of this.Akeno Himejima didn't want to have contact with his father, but he actually hated himself who let his mother die.

"I... I've said so many excessive things, my father must be very uncomfortable..." Himejima Akeno said with a wry smile, the harsh words hurt Xia Han, not to mention the person who hurt him was his daughter.As soon as Akeno Himejima thought that Balakil had to suffer from the death of his wife and the estrangement of his daughter, this double-stacked pain, she felt that she had done a lot of wrong things.

"Yeah, Barakiel is really sad. But he believes that one day you will understand, maybe this is the father. I can't understand his persistence, but I admire him." Azazel said .

Azazel is very optimistic about Barakil. Not only is his strength very outstanding, but he is the second strongest in the ethnic group after him. Another point is that Barakil is stable and reliable, and he is not surprised when things go wrong.In Azazel's mind, Barakiel was the next governor of the "Son of God Monitor" after his retirement, and the next leader of the fallen angel race.

To allow Barakiel to take over his authority with peace of mind, Azazel is also working hard to pave the way, and solving Barakiel's knot is an important part of it.

Himejima Akeno didn't answer Azazel, and the self-blame and shame in her heart burst, and she didn't know how to face her father.Azazel saw through her state and knew that she needed a person to calm down now, and said, "Go back first, you need to be alone. And your relationship with Balakil must be straightened out. I know you don't know what to do now. How to face your father, change slowly. Starting from small things, even a little change can make him feel comforted.  …”

Himejima Akeno nodded, looking at her father's back, she finally understood that she was fighting against her father, not so much as punishing her father, but because she couldn't forgive herself and was still punishing herself.Time has changed, and people cannot be resurrected from the dead.There is a place in the underworld called the underworld. It is the place where people in this world will go after death. Himejima Akeno once hoped to go to the underworld to find her mother, but her mother and her soul have been destroyed by the Himejima family, and even the reincarnated The opportunity is gone.

At the thought of Himejima's family, Himejima Akina was extremely resentful, and it was her uncle who killed her mother, who was also her mother's younger brother.Just for the so-called family reputation, her mother was not only killed, but also her soul was annihilated. This kind of unforgettable hatred is not so easy to forget.

Azazel and Himejima Shunai left the place. After Li Wei could not sense the breath of the two, he ended the chat. From the conversation, Li Wei had a more detailed understanding of Balakil's past. understanding.Balakil is not a good talker, or he is a practical person who likes to talk with actions, so talking is his shortcoming.In order to dig out his past, Li Wei let Himejima Akina know that his father's difficulties were not easy. It was really not an easy thing.

But the result was good. Balakil experienced so much suffering, and it was hard to hold it in his heart. It was a good thing to vent his brain out.And most importantly, these bitter waters can unravel Himejima Akeno's heart.

"Thank you, Li Weijun, I've listened to this old guy ranting about it for so long." After Balakil said a lot of what was in his heart, the whole 0.3 people were relieved, at least no longer frowning all the time. .But because he frowned for a long time, he could already see the obvious Sichuan character lines between his eyebrows, and it could be seen that he had not had a good life these years.

"Where, I will find a way to enlighten Zhu Nai, and about the Himejima family, I will make an end."

"Li Weijun, you don't need to force yourself. Although the Ji Dao family is just an exorcist family, it is a very troublesome thing to move them. I thank you for your kindness, but there is no need to trouble yourself for our affairs." Balakil sighed.

"Zhu Nai's business is my business. If I don't care about it, it's really impossible to say. I've made up my mind, and the Jijima family will pay the price sooner or later." Li Wei smiled, stood up, and left the original land.

Balakil still needed to calm down, so Li Wei took the first step. .

chapter 1051. the heart of Himejima Akina 1

When he returned to the mansion, Li Wei saw Himejima Akeno, her expression was very complicated, or the previous communication between Li Wei and Balakil had caused a lot of shock to her.But this is also a very normal thing. After all, misunderstandings are always difficult to solve. If it weren't for this opportunity, the misunderstandings would continue forever. Although the changes are not obvious now, they are developing in a good direction after all.

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