After the completion of the Tripartite Peace Declaration, even if the entire Bible system has been initially integrated, Michael's desire to rewrite the system is a step forward.However, Li Wei doesn't care about these issues. His share of benefits has already been sent, and they are all things suitable for forging gems. These are copied from Astati's house, which can also be regarded as Ajaka's thank you gift. .

The Astati family was punished for colluding with the Troubled Group, but they were not completely beaten to death with a stick. With the intervention of Ajaka, the Astati family was able to reorganize the family in a new way.After all, Ajaka's family is the Astati, so although many noble families want to completely overthrow the Astati family, but Ajka can't justify it.

Li Wei actually learned about the situation. On the surface, the Astati family suffered heavy losses this time, but in fact, Chen Cang secretly completed the family reorganization. Either kill or imprison. Although the entire family of 5.5 has lost a lot of wealth, it is more refined, and everyone who remains is an elite.

Li Wei also admired Ajaka's courage and means, being ruthless to others and even more ruthless to his own.But as a Demon Lord, if you don't have even this means, then you can't justify it.After completing the peace declaration, the three parties began to act in full swing to bridge the exchanges between the Nordic Protoss and the Neon local gods and demons. Li Wei felt a little too anxious. He could not see what this operation was. Asking Azazel the question is probably a coping official answer, and Li Wei can only be a melon eater for the time being.

However, considering that he could interact with the Nordic Protoss and take the opportunity to obtain more raw materials, Li Wei also liked it. After all, the monsters under Loki's hands were all very good gem forging materials. .

chapter 1071. northern Europe visit

"It's been a very eventful time recently. I heard that there is quite a lot of trouble in northern Europe. The biblical mythology system that was originally divided has been reintegrated. I think they all feel threatened." The kitten is fighting the monster hunter online. The game in this world is developing well. At least the screen of the handheld is not much smaller than that of the PC and the mainframe. The two are now playing the latest Dinosaur, and the "loofah" really is super strong.Li Wei is still able to cope with ease, and the kitten is now on drugs.

"This is also something that can't be helped. After all, someone in the previous generation passed the Bible system to Northern Europe. This kind of behavior obviously crossed the border. The Northern European side is still not convinced. Now that it is time to cooperate, it is me. It's weird," Rias said.

Today, she and Himejima Akino didn't play chess anymore, but played neon traditional shogi with a different taste. Although the rules were relatively close, she still fell into an absolute disadvantage.Chess, neon shogi and Chinese chess have a lot in common in terms of rules, but she and Himejima Zhu have their own strengths.Rias is stronger in chess. In Huaxia chess, she and Himejima Akina are half a catty. If they play Go, the two of them will be pecked at each other.

It was rare for Himejima Akeno to suppress Rias, and the whole person seemed very excited. She had waited for this opportunity for a long time.The grievances of being hanged and beaten in chess at ordinary times must be vented here.

"But having said that, this time Odin is going to Neon to visit the local gods and demons. The specific content is not known to us, but for the conservative Nordic gods, it can be regarded as a deviant thing, and the main god takes the lead. If you don't follow the rules, other gods will also feel distressed." Rias tapped her chin lightly with her fingers, thinking about how to move the next chess game, she already regretted choosing neon shogi as a chess game, and was completely suppressed. Can't find North.

At this moment, a translucent phantom appeared in the department, it was Serjax's figure.

"Rias, Odin from Northern Europe will come here in a few days, and he will settle in Kuwang Town. I hope you can serve as a guard force. Especially Li Weijun, I will ask you again this time." Serjax Said unhurriedly.

"Odin is going to settle here? Didn't he go directly to Neon's local gods and demons, why did he come to Kuwang Town?" Li Wei said curiously.

"That's because Kuwang Town is very close to Tokyo, and the high-level gods of Neon are all active within the Tokyo metropolitan area. It is a more suitable place to stay here. Besides, Azazel-sensei will also help. But I didn't see anyone else all day today," Rias said.

Serjax said: "Azazel has set out to meet Odin, and it is normal to see no one. When Odin arrives, I will inform you, I hope this time will be smoother, I don't know why, I always I have a bad feeling."

Li Wei thought that something must happen. After all, the evil god Loki is a typical activist. If nothing happens, it is abnormal. It is estimated that when he meets Azazel, he will have to fight Loki head-on. .Loki is also considered the king of bear children. He is also considered to be the most ferocious and most aggressive one in the Nordic pantheon. It can be said that most of the troubles were caused by Loki, and in the original work, everyone could not do anything about it. he.The first is the issue of identity. After all, Loki is one of the true gods in Northern Europe. He can fight, but he can only seal and not kill, which is a bit embarrassing.

The Nordic Protoss are a bunch of stinky tempers, and other gods don’t want to provoke these brainless guys, so even if Loki can make trouble, as long as he doesn’t mess around in other people’s territory, then turn a blind eye, after all, Nordic The family affairs of the pantheon are inherently chaotic, not much better than the Greek pantheon.But Li Wei's words don't care about this issue. If Loki provokes him, he will kill him if he deserves it, and he will never be soft-hearted.

As for the attitude of the Nordic pantheon, Li Wei did not consider it at all. After all, the Nordic pantheon, except for Thor and the new god Vida, was stronger, including Odin. for fear.If his face is really torn apart, Li Wei doesn't mind learning from Lord Kui and slaughtering Norse mythology after slaughtering Greek mythology.

Li Wei is also convinced of a pure man like Lord Kui. After all, Li Wei has always liked the God of War series games. The ferocity and arrogance of the gods blocking the killing of gods and Buddhas is also envied by Li Wei.So Li Wei is also working hard to learn from Lord Kui. Of course, bald hair is absolutely not to be learned. Bald head adds crit, long hair adds defense, Li Wei would rather choose long hair.

"The Nordic Protoss has always been very closed and unwilling to contact the outside world, but I heard that they have been troubled by Ragnarok. Odin came here, maybe it has something to do with it." Li Wei said.

Serjax nodded and said: "After all, no one wants to be destroyed, so not everyone in the Norse Protoss can accept the Ragnarok that is destined to come, and Odin's behavior can be considered a lot. Righteous gods support, of course, there are not no opponents in the Nordic gods, after all, some righteous gods will benefit from Ragnarok, and I am worried that those people will come out to stop them."

Li Wei already knew that Loki was definitely one of the beneficiaries, and he was also the most destructive evil god in the entire Nordic pantheon. Who wouldn't make trouble if he didn't?There is something very interesting in Norse mythology, that is, whether every god can live forever, the twilight of the gods is the sword hanging over the heads of the gods, so that the gods cannot act recklessly.But not every god will die in the twilight of the gods. For example, Loki, Loki is one of the few existences who can live after the twilight of the gods, and pushing the twilight of the gods is of no use to Loki. A harm.

The current Loki is a disgusting evil god in the entire pantheon, and after completing the Ragnarok of the gods, he is the 420 main god of the entire pantheon, replacing Odin is just around the corner, so he is stupid not to promote the Ragnarok of the gods. what.After I figured out this node, many things can be connected in series. Why did Loki insist on opposing Odin? To put it bluntly, he was driven by his own selfish desires.As a minority beneficiary of Ragnarok of the Gods, and also the biggest beneficiary, Li Wei can understand Loki's mood.

"High School of Demons DXD" has not described many dark sides in detail due to the limited viewing angle of the description, but Li Wei, who is in this world, can feel the ubiquitous hierarchy and the so-called traditional balance. Among the gods and demons in mythology, none of them are easy to talk to.

Because he has reached a certain height, those things can't be controlled by Li Wei, but Li Wei has seen in the underworld, the tragic state of ordinary demons being cut into leeks by the upper layers, which is not much different from the human world.And the worst thing is that in the world of demons, high-level demons have absolute force, so just think about revolutionary uprisings, they don't exist.The revolution carried out by Serjax and others is nothing but a top-down "glorious revolution". Although the civilian demons have been rescued to a certain extent, it is a temporary solution, not the root cause. After all, in the world of demons, the nobles are the standard There is a clear distinction between high and low, and it is not a reform that can be completed by one or two demon kings.Or it can never be reformed, the truth is so dark and hopeless. .

chapter 1072. evil god Loki

"The visit of the main god of Northern Europe, such a big thing, why didn't the local gods of Neon come out to greet them in person, and also asked Azazel to come forward. It stands to reason that the three clans are just intermediaries, so they won't lose their share." Li Wei Some puzzled asked.

After all, Azazel is the ruler of the fallen angel family, and his status is as high as the main god of a pantheon. This kind of "welcome" task, why shouldn't the top boss make a trip in person, and the fallen angel family has another Not nobody.

"Nordic Protoss are a group of stubborn guys, and only Azazel's eloquence can persuade them. To be honest, this kind of situation is quite annoying. It is obvious that they have this intention, but they have to be on the air, and others have to give them a step. I'm willing to act," Serjax said.

Li Wei can feel that Serjax is also somewhat helpless and disgusted with the Norse Protoss. Although the three tribes will still have internal competition, they are now a whole in terms of diplomacy, because now the three tribes have been officially integrated into the Bible mythology group. rather than continuing to fight alone.Although it's not that one is prosperous and one is lost, but the overall interests have begun to increase, so it is normal for Serjax to feel helpless.Li Wei doesn't understand what's going on here, so he doesn't have any right to speak, but people are all helpless, and Serjaks and others have worked so hard to match the relationship between the Nordic gods and the neon native gods and demons. Communication, there must be other interests, otherwise, it will not be affected by such anger.

On the day of Odin's visit, Li Wei and the others arrived at the appointed place early to wait, and the entire Rias family was dispatched.The waiting place was in a certain airspace off the coast of Neon. Li Wei didn't wait long when he got there, and he saw Odin's team, which was really easy to follow.It was a carriage with a retro shape, it looked like a cultural relic preserved in ancient times, but pulling the carriage was a group of strange war horses with eight legs, that is the legendary eight-legged Maslepnier, Did not see Azazel, should be in the car.Outside the car, there is a silver-haired Valkyrie who looks very young, that is, Roseweather, who has not many roles in the original book but her image is broken.

Speaking of which, Roseweather is also a tragedy, she is obviously a beauty, but unfortunately, she is a remnant.It looks serious on the surface, but it is actually funny, and he is very concerned about wages and pensions, which makes people speechless.The flying carriage stopped not far from the crowd, the door opened, and Azazel and an old man who looked shriveled and thin flew out.

"Everyone has worked hard, and I will ask you all to keep the safety of Lord Odin in Kuwang Town from now on." Azazel said with a smile.

The shriveled and thin old man was Odin. He was wearing a navy blue robe, a monocle, and a somewhat funny hat on his head. He had an indescribable sense of oppression.Li Wei could feel that Odin's strength was at least on the same level as Serjax, of course, the unreal Serjax. Serjax's destructive power was considered one of the best among all the powerhouses.

Odin looked at everyone, and finally his eyes fell on Li Wei. He seemed a little surprised and sighed: "The young people today are really amazing. I feel that I can retire at this age."

"Lord Odin, if you retire, please don't say it casually. If it is known to everyone in the kingdom of God, there will be trouble." Roseweather said with a serious face.

"I'm just stating a fact, it's not a big deal, but I'm already nearing retirement time. Besides, you always look so serious, it's no wonder you can't find a boyfriend." Odin said. The Valkyrie on the side said.

I don't know if it was a hallucination or something, but Li Wei felt that the Valkyrie was petrified, like being stunned by Medusa.And Odin's words also made Li Wei feel a little surprised. Roseweather is also a beautiful woman who can do it. It is unbelievable that she has to have a good appearance and a figure.

But what Li Wei didn't know was that there was a reason for Roseweather to become a single dog, or that Roseweather's upbringing decided that she was destined to be single, plus her sad character, the current situation is normal.

"Too...too much! Even you can't say that about me! But it's all a matter of work!" Roseweather said gaily.

Odin raised his hand and stopped Roseweather from continuing to speak. He turned his head and said to everyone, "I will trouble you in the next period of time, everyone from the Gremory family."

Rias bowed slightly gracefully and smiled: "This is what we should do. I hope Lord Odin will not think that I am not well entertained."

Odin nodded and said with a wry smile: "The young people today are both powerful and polite. When I think of those guys in my hometown, I feel that my education is a failure..."

At this time, not far from everyone, a magic portal took shape, and everyone became alert. A tall man with blue long hair flew out of the portal and confronted everyone from a distance.

Seeing the person coming, Roseweather condensed a long sword in her hand and stopped in front of Odin.

"' 々 Lord Loki?! What do you mean? It's Lord Odin's external visit. I hope you can put away your prank thoughts." Roseweather's hand holding the long sword trembled slightly, and she could see that she She was still a little afraid of Loki, but out of duty, she still stopped in front of Odin.Being able to follow Odin to visit foreign countries, her strength is very strong, at least in the Valkyrie group, she is one of the best and strongest, but when facing evil gods like Loki, she still looks weak and helpless.

"Mere Valkyrie, you don't have the right to speak here." Loki looked at Odin, and said condescendingly (good Qian Nuo): "Old man, you really dare to do such a thing, take the world The information of the tree and those stinky fish and shrimps are exchanged for benefits. It is too shameful for our Nordic Protoss to do so, and not everyone agrees with this transaction. At least I don't agree with your approach."

In the face of such a situation, Odin stopped Roseweather who was about to do it, and said with a smile: "I think you will oppose this matter, Loki, it's not that I don't know what you're thinking, so I just You don't need to pretend to be a good person with this righteous and awe-inspiring look, or you are finally ready to show your true colors."

"Really?! Poor stupid old man, I have always disliked you. This is not a matter of a day or two, but for so many years, I have been patient. It is because of your conservativeness that we Only the Nordic gods will be reduced to this point, and it is time to change the dynasty." Loki sneered. .

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