chapter 1073. king of monsters

"Lord Loki, if you want to be detrimental to Lord Odin, you must pass my level first!" The fully-armed Valkyrie Roseweather held a long sword in one hand and a spear in the other hand, vigilant. looking at Loki.

Being able to become Odin's bodyguard, Roseweather's strength is still quite good, at least among the younger generation is definitely a top powerhouse.But in front of Loki, Roseweather's strength is really not enough. Roseweather's strength is enough to hang up and fight most heroes in myths and legends, but she has to face the No. [-] evil god in Northern Europe. , Loki, the king of mischief and monsters, is simply a chick challenging pit bull.

Rocky's own strength may not be one of the strongest group, but he is proficient in various spells, and he has also created a large number of monsters. If those messy monsters are also counted, the world of Rocky's strength is appropriate. Top rank.

"Rossweather, step back, this level of battle is not something you young people can intervene in. It seems that there is no way to be good today." Although Odin was thin and thin, he also burned his own. The momentum, the whole person is as thick and heavy as a mountain, and the style is completely different from the fierce atmosphere of Loki.

390 Azazel had already stepped aside and came to Li Wei's side.

"Aren't you helping?" Li Wei laughed.

Azazel shrugged and said with a smile: "Why? And this is a family affair of the Nordic Protoss. I'm just a talker. For this kind of thing, I offend people for no reason. As for that? And that guy Loki also It's not easy to deal with, and I don't have to do it for the sake of face."

Li Wei was stunned, the fallen angels are really a group of pragmatists, but this kind of "shameless" is also a characteristic of fallen angels. Everything is based on interests, and if it is not necessary, try to reduce conflicts as much as possible. Conservative thinking allows the Fallen Angel to retain the most complete high-end combat power in the three clan wars.

Odin's strength is naturally not afraid of Loki, but after all, this is the human world, if it is too lively, it will attract the attention of human beings.Under the sea, a crooked and huge shadow gradually became clear, and the slender and slightly weird dragon head broke through the sea and appeared, looking up at the people in the sky, his eyes were full of greed and cruelty.

"Mitgaom?!" Odin was a little surprised.

Everyone in Rias was taken aback. The legendary world-destroying dragon that only appeared at the end of the world is also one of the five dragon kings. This body is like a sea snake, but it is a huge existence, even if it is Being stared at by it, there is a feeling of chills down the spine.Mithgaom is also the strongest in absolute power among the five dragon kings, and is also the largest in size. Its fighting style is simple and rude.

Azazel looked at the huge dragon beast that began to writhe under the sea, frowned, and said, "No, this is not Mithagam, at least not the one I am familiar with. Unless the slacker of Mithagam It's the end of the world, otherwise he won't move. That guy is a lazy person who doesn't even bother to eat. He sleeps [-] hours a day, [-] hours a day. To make it move, Loki has the ability. ?"

Loki laughed wildly: "Indeed, this is not Mith Gaom, but its brother, or a perfect replica of it. It has the same power as Mith Gaom, but it does not have the kind of lazy character, nor It doesn't think too much, it's the perfect weapon of war!"

"It's the first time I've seen this guy, and you're amazing to be able to hide such a big guy until now." Azazel said with a smile.

"Of course, the birth of Mithgaom was originally a failed experiment. That giant dragon, which is lazier than pigs, is a waste of my patience. When it is willing to move, I have no chance to wait. I missed it, so I made a perfect replica of it, just for now!" Loki said confidently (adaj).

Azazel frowned in distress and said, "It stands to reason that this matter is your family matter, and we shouldn't take care of it, but this is our territory. If Odin really has an accident here, we will also get rid of it. It doesn't matter, maybe it will evolve into a new war. Now we don't want to fight, so you want to fight Odin and we don't care, but if you want to kill Odin, then I'm sorry."

"You want to fight with me? It doesn't seem like you have enough people now." Loki laughed.

Space transformation, a huge translucent shield shrouded everyone, here is an unknown space.Huge figures floated up from under the sea, revealing the sea. In addition to the exaggerated Mithgaom, there were other ugly sea monsters that could not be named.

Rocky himself is the king of monsters. No one can tell how many monsters he has created, and now this sea monster team is one of Rocky's killers.Not only is there such a team of sea monsters lurking under the surface of the sea, but also all kinds of strange and special creatures appear in the air. Many of the creatures look like ugly monsters that are twisted enough to scare children, and they can still scare children. The kind that cry demon children.

Li Wei looked confused, did Loki and the Cthulhu mythological system have any secrets that had to be said?But Li Wei has a detailed understanding of the gods of this world, and there is no Cthulhu mythology, so Loki's monsters are likely to be created by some informal means.

Sure enough, Odin's face became ugly, and it could even be said to be ashen.

"Sure enough, you took the missing giant's body!" Odin's face was extremely ugly.

"Not only the corpses of giants, but also the remains of heroes in Valhalla and the dead Valkyries. They are the best raw materials. It is these good things that allow me to build such an army. If I can kill Your words, I don't know what your corpse can be used for, but no matter what you do, it will be strong. At that time, I will bring new hope to the world, and people will praise my name! I don't The so-called god of mischief again, but the king of the gods! The embodiment of hope and justice!"

Loki laughed wildly, until tears came out of his laughter. He has always been dissatisfied with his status as a god. Why is he a heretic god? He said, you are an evil god, let's be a villain honestly.

Loki can't stand this humiliation, since you are all unwilling to admit me, then you all die, the new world doesn't need pedantic old stubborns.

It is precisely because of this idea that Loki's path has become more and more deviated, to the point where he is now. .

chapter 1074. the bear child to kill or not to kill

Rias whispered to Li Wei: "What do we do now? It looks like we're going to fight."

Rias is still a little empty in her heart for such a scene. Although now they have reached the standard of adult demons in terms of strength, they can be regarded as young heroes, but this level of battle is not the same as before. comparable.This is a battle between the demon king and the gods, and they are thankful for not holding back.

Li Wei gently stroked the back of Rias's hand, reassuring her.

"It's okay, I'm here. I'll leave a summoned beast here when the fight starts. I'll cover you no matter what." Li Wei- said softly.

Li Wei's words made Rias feel at ease. Although there were so many strong winds and waves in the past, this time it was a particularly hard battle. Loki's popularity is quite high, and he is the only one in the Nordic gods. The evil god who has been in contact with the Outer Gods a lot, it can be said that Loki gives the impression that he is the incarnation of conspiracy and evil.

And Loki is also a typical doer. He has used many actions to explain to the world what a real evil god is. Such a dangerous and evil existence, even the devil will feel pressure in the face of it.Because Loki is an evil god with no bottom line, no one knows what he will do. If it wasn't for Odin's protection of Loki, Loki would have been surrounded and beaten many times, but he is also It was because of Odin's calf that Loki could grow up to this point, instead of being beaten to death halfway through.

Li Wei didn't know how Odin was feeling now, but looking at his face, he was definitely not feeling well.Unlike other gods that use names to inherit, the Nordic gods are a god that has survived from ancient times to the present in the true sense, unlike other gods who use a name for several generations and more than ten generations.For example, it is rare that Odin refers to Odin himself, rather than the inheritance of generations.The same minority as the Norse Protoss also has a Greek Protoss.

Li Wei's position is as far forward as possible, covering the others behind him, and he is also ready to start a group. Now the six demon gods in the magic book space are ready, as long as Li Wei gives an order Down, you can jump out at any time and put a face on Loki.

Looking at Serjax and Azazel, both of them had helpless expressions on their faces. The bear children are really annoying, especially this kind of old bear children who are not sensible at their age. God is annoying.

Li Wei asked Odin: "Old man, this is your family business. We should not have been involved in the original, but now this is on our territory. If something happens to you, we will not be able to explain it. I will just ask. , can you kill the bear boy on the opposite side?"

Odin was choked by Li Wei's words, what does it mean to be able to kill?When killing pigs?But Odin now also regrets his indulgence of Loki, and actually raised such a scourge.Loki is the child of the giants Fabti and Laufey. Originally, Loki's parents died early. He adopted Loki and nurtured him all the time. Because of this, the relationship between Odin and other righteous gods has always been relatively tense.

Many people suggested that Odin killed Loki. If the son of a giant like Loki is not careful, he is likely to raise tigers.But Odin is very confident in himself. He feels that he is impossible to play off. Loki usually behaves well. How can it be as bad as others say?But from now on, Loki has been acting all the time. He thought he could control Loki, but he didn't expect that Loki had developed such an army that was enough to make the entire Nordic Protoss devastated.

The reason why Odin is confident that he can control Loki is because his son Heimdall has a strong perception ability. If there is any change in Loki, he cannot escape Heimdall's perception.But from now on, Loki is still one step ahead, and Heimdall can't detect what Loki did, and that's why he has the terrifying army in front of him.

In addition to Heimdall, the king of perception, Odin's other son Thor is also a double insurance to check and balance Loki, but this double insurance failed, which caused the current consequences.

Odin sighed and said: "As the main god of the Norse gods, such a mistake has been made. This is my responsibility, but are you sure you want to participate in this battle? Loki's army is not easy to deal with, even me You may retreat, this is a fierce battle, you have to think clearly."

0 · Flowers 0 · ·

Li Wei smiled and said: "Of course I know that Loki, the god of mischief, is a well-known big man. I have long wanted to have a fight with him, but I don't know the importance of the shot, and it is easy to play things out. I I just want to ask you, if I accidentally kill Loki, will your Norse Protoss trouble me."

Odin looked at Li Wei, and the young face was full of confidence and calmness, and it didn't look like he was joking at all.Odin sighed: "If you can really kill Loki, it will be regarded as his bad life, and the Nordic Protoss will not hold you accountable, and now it seems that Loki is going to launch the Ragnarok of the Gods to seize power. The first target is me. Once I die, the Norse Gods will be headless and easily defeated. If you can defeat Loki, then the Norse Gods will owe you a huge favor."


The so-called "Twilight of the Gods" is a sword with a ceiling that terrifies the Norse gods. It is precisely because Loki and the Ragnarok prophecy of the gods are bound together that the gods fear and hate Loki so much. , no one wants to die in war.Odin was also under great pressure to protect Loki, and now he found out that he was very wrong. Before he made a bigger mistake, it was the best choice to let Loki go to the street. Now among the Norse gods The most powerful Thor and the most perceptive Heimdall are not here. It is too difficult for him to solve Loki alone.If someone is willing to swim in this muddy water, Odin is naturally eager.

Li Wei nodded, since Odin said so, then he has nothing to worry about.Although Li Wei is self-sufficient and tyrannical, it is also a troublesome thing to fight against a whole god system. He just wants to fight with Loki, and there is no need to provoke the entire Nordic gods for this matter.Odin, as the chief god of the Norse gods, is also Loki's adoptive father. Since he has already ignored Loki's life and death, Li Wei naturally does not need to keep his hands, and now there is no way out for Loki in this battle. Nature. .

chapter 1075. take your dog's life first

Loki listened to Li Wei's words and said, "I thought I was arrogant enough, but I didn't expect that there are people who are more arrogant than me. If you think you can kill me, then let's start!"

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