Closing the book, Li Wei looked at the three girls at the door. Raville stood in the middle, looking a little restrained. Cattleya and Roseweather gently pushed her into the door, and then closed the door directly.Levy was at a loss, looking at Li Wei sitting in the chair, she was a little embarrassed. The last time she saw Li Wei, Li Wei was also silent, which made her not know what to say. as a start.

But what Levy didn't know was that Li Wei was actually much more interesting than she thought. After all, an existence that mostly dabbled in astronomy, geography, humanities and philosophy would not be able to find anything to talk about?It's just that Li Wei doesn't like to talk, especially with people who he feels have nothing to say, Li Wei really cherishes words like gold.

Li Wei looked at Ravel, stood up, walked to the small coffee table, started making tea, and said to Ravel: "Sit down and talk, this is the second time we meet, but the first time we meet each other. The impression may not be very good, this time is equivalent to the first time to sit down and talk."

Levy nodded, Li Wei spoke better than she expected, and it was not as scary as the rumors from the outside world.But what Ravel didn't know was that the rumors were sometimes true, and what she saw with her own eyes was not necessarily the truth.

Looking at Li Wei, who was polite and gentle, Raville sat down.After Li Wei made the tea, a strong fragrance began to drift out.

"Try my new iced tea, it tastes good." Li Wei smiled.

Li Wei likes to try all kinds of different drinks. Except for alcohol, he doesn't like it very much, but he also likes tea and coffee very much, but Li Wei doesn't like too hot. As a matter of fact, Li Wei has relied on various new technologies to come up with various cold drinks that are brewed as if they are iced.Especially in the sultry underworld, this special ice drink is actually very marketable, but Li Wei has no idea of ​​​​operating.

"Thank you." Levy looked at Li Wei with a smile on his face and said, tasting the iced tea, Leville found that Li Wei was more versatile than she thought.However, Ravel still had some doubts in her heart, why Li Wei named her as the marriage target, because compared to Rias Gremory and Canna Sidi, she really had no advantage.

The atmosphere was a little weird, and both of them had something to say.Li Wei was looking at Leville carefully, and I have to say that it makes sense that the superior demon family has always maintained a horizontal flow of blood. Levy is a mixed blood of the Phoenix family and the Naberis family. The imprint of this family, although young, is also beautiful and beautiful, and it can be seen that the potential is great.And because the two bloodlines that Raville brings are very special, Raville does not have to worry about marrying.

A golden curly hair was combed into a neat spiral double ponytail, and the small and delicate face was embellished with a touch of makeup, but Li Wei felt that there was no need to be so grand, and most of the time it was natural.A white knee-length dress gave her an indescribable cuteness and squeamishness, and the slightly unnatural expression on her face gave her the idea of ​​wanting to bully her.

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The two looked at each other, and in the end it was Leville who was defeated. Her skin was still not as thick as that of an old fritter like Li Wei. Even though she remained calm on the surface, she was already beating drums in her heart. .

Li Wei smiled and said: "I thought you would hate me very much. After all, because of my reasons, there have been so many fluctuations in the change of power within the Phoenix family, but now it seems that it is not as bad as I thought."

Levy said a little embarrassedly: "The internal affairs of the family are not something that a minor like me can interfere with, and I should not take care of the affairs of adults. How they fight is their business, no matter which one is in power anyway. , Aren't the people in power all surnamed Phoenix, and I'm just a girl, and sooner or later I'll leave home."


Li Wei said: "I feel that the rules of the underworld are a little strict for girls, just like in the current situation, maybe you and I don't know each other well, but as long as there are orders from the family, many things will be fine. I have to choose. Rias and Sona are special circumstances, not everyone has enough ability to negotiate their life-long affairs with the family like them, but what do you think of me, Ravel? Talk about first impressions."

Ravel thought for a moment and said, "It's probably just weird."

"Strange?" Li Wei asked curiously.

Ravel nodded and said, "Maybe many people will be shocked when they see you now. Legend has it that the battle maniac who is practicing and fighting every day will sit down to read a book and drink tea."

Li Wei pointed at himself and said, "Do I look like a fighting maniac? Actually, I love peace very much. As long as others don't provoke me, I won't take the initiative to provoke others. Of course, except for the people I hate. Compared to fighting and killing, I prefer a leisurely life, um... probably a very unwilling way of life."

Riviel's bloody expression, Li Wei's exaggerated record, it's not convincing to say such words.First, they beat the people of the Troubled Group, and then the trip to Northern Europe became angry because of Thor's hostility, and even cut Odin. How can such a violent temper be so easy to speak?

Seeing through Leville's surprise, Li Wei smiled and said, "The rumors are always distorted, so do you believe what you see or the rumors? You must have a little confidence in your fiancé anyway, and the days to come will be very long. We have enough time to get to know each other."

chapter 1103. a dangerous peach blossom

Li Wei actually had some surprises about Leville, because Leville gave him the impression of being a domineering and arrogant type, and he was often the type who couldn't speak well, but now it doesn't seem to be the case.At least Li Wei felt that it was not difficult for the current Raville to communicate, probably because Raville did not have any resistance to the family, so she should accept her fate.

After all, not every girl has the ability like Rias and Canna to say no to the family's arrangement, and Ravel doesn't have this ability, so even if she doesn't want to, she has to accept the family's arrangement.However, Lavelle doesn't have much dislike for the family's arrangement, because she will come to this point in the end. She knows that she has no ability to resist the family. Since she can't resist, she can only pray that her future husband can be a little bit. It's more reliable, but now it seems that Li Wei is much better than she imagined.

Riviel's idea is indeed correct to a certain extent. Except for that aspect of desire, Li Wei has no other unacceptable lack of "[-]" points.But out of curiosity, Ravel still asked her own question.

After being mentally prepared, Ravel asked: "Then... Li Wei, why do you like me, compared to Rias Gremory and Canna Sidi, I It's a bit inconspicuous anyway."

Although Levy is arrogant, she also has self-knowledge. Compared with the dazzling two, she is indeed one level lower, so she is curious why Li Wei chose her.

Li Wei propped up his body with his hands on the table, and his leaning body brought Li Wei and Levy's cheeks close to a distance that Levy couldn't get used to.Li Wei looked straight into Leville's eyes and smiled: "People have to learn to see the future. You may think that you can't compare to them now, but in the future you will never be worse than anyone else. And I think you are very cute. But you seemed so arrogant when we met for the first time, which made me have a desire to conquer. But after thinking about it carefully, I found that my feelings for you are far from simple. This is probably love at first sight. "

Li Wei's smile seemed sincere and kind. Of course, no one but himself knew what was going on inside.

Levy's face blushed at Li Wei's words. Li Wei's words were too straightforward and too nauseous.It is true that she has confidence in herself, but what she says is another matter.

Originally, Li Wei thought that he would meet an arrogant little girl, but now it seems that there is no need to be so careful to calculate the past.The conversation with Ravel was quite pleasant, and Li Wei knew more about the Phoenix family through Ravel. As a newly rising House of Lords family, the internal contradictions of the Phoenix family were very sharp. The newcomers who want to be in the top position are constantly fighting for power and profit. The engagement between Li Wei and Leville has instead become a booster for the internal stability of the Phoenix family. It has to be said that it is really an interesting thing.

After finishing the chat with Raville, Li Wei notified the Phoenix family to come and take Raville back, and the next thing was to prepare for the wedding.However, Li Wei entrusted this matter to professionals. He only needs to wait for the results. The customs of the underworld and the marriage procedures between nobles are quite cumbersome, so Li Wei still needs to wait for a while to be able to go through all the procedures. It's over, and he has to cooperate.

Taking advantage of his free time, Li Wei entered the magic book space and picked up Geoffine. As for the other Nordic goddesses, Li Wei felt that the time was not ripe.Geoffine hadn't moved freely for a long time, and when she came out, she was as excited as a child.Li Wei doesn't find it strange. Although Geoffine is a veteran in the Nordic gods, he is used as a humanoid oracle because of his own shortcomings. He has been trapped in the sea of ​​flowers and cannot leave. It can be said that Life experience is quite lacking.So for the outside world, Geufien is eager.

"Is this the underworld? It feels completely different from Asgard. I haven't felt this way for a long time." Geoffine was lying on the windowsill looking at the distant scenery, in a happy mood.

She is not completely ignorant of the outside world, because she is the goddess of prophecy and can see fragments of time, so although she can't name many things, she knows their existence, and she is the only one who knows that Li Wei is not the original The presence of the inhabitants of the world.The existence of another world has so far been debated, but the existence can already be confirmed, and Li Wei came from a farther place, a shore that even she could not see clearly.

But this is a very normal thing. Although Geufien can see through the long river of time under the DXD worldview, the two "big men" Belludante and Ulude are the ones who protect Li Weijia. This point is really not enough to see in front of Li Wei's two "main palaces".

Geeuphine, who knew Li Wei's details, kept her mouth shut and knew what to say and what not to say. She knew that Li Wei would eventually leave here, and she would follow in Li Wei's footsteps.

Li Wei hugged Geoufen's slender waist from the back, held her in his arms, and said with a smile, "How is the air outside, even the underworld is stronger than Asgard."

"Bland freedom is far better than beautiful captivity. I like this feeling very much. In fact, I am very satisfied if someone can talk to me. I have very low requirements..." He smiled against Li Wei's cheek.

"It will be better in the future. I know you can see the future footage, so you know what I'm going to do. I'll leave here when it's over." Li Wei put a light on Geoffine's face. Kiss smiled.

Geoffine smiled and said, "Although I know what you are going to do is dangerous, I will not stop you, but when you need help, I will do my best. I just want to say that you have too many peach blossoms, and There is also a very dangerous peach blossom to watch out for."

A translucent screen appeared in front of Geoffine, and a pretty figure emerged.Li Wei was a little surprised, it turned out to be Greg Feiya, seeing this, Li Wei couldn't help frowning.

"What's wrong? Is there anything strange about this woman?" Geoffine asked.

Li Wei didn't hide it, and said, "I know her words, and I'm still an acquaintance. Griffia, the wife of the current devil 'Lucifer', is also Rias' sister-in-law. Even if I'm not a thing, I won't make it. Come on something like that."

Geoffine said: "The clips I have seen are a bit fragmented. If my inference is correct, you have to beware of Rias' brother, because it is he who pushed Grefiah into your arms. Even your own The wife can sacrifice, it can be seen that the other party has a great plan, so we must be vigilant against him."

Livy was really surprised, listening to Geoffine's meaning that Serjax entrusted him with something at the expense of his wife.Li Wei, the big head who can't control the small head, can't say that he has no ideas about Grefia, but he knows what can be done and what can't be done, so he just thinks about it.

Geoffrey 4.1 Yin's words made Li Wei vigilant. Serjax was definitely thinking about something. If he thought in a different position, Li Wei would only choose other ways to make profits, and would never let his woman go out.What was Serjax thinking and what was his purpose? Li Wei, who couldn't see through, was not only puzzled, but also alert.

Don't look at the peaceful appearance of Serjaks, but Li Wei knew that it was just his usual disguise. The real Serjaks was not just a good gentleman.You must know that it was Serjax who raised the anti-flag to overthrow the old demon king. Would such a ruthless man be easy?

Li Wei is not a fool like Hyouto Issei, he only sees things on the surface, and Li Wei knows that his current force belongs to the top existence, and he can be placed in the top five in all the gods in the world. If he absorbs those gems, The world is the strongest.Serjax wants to borrow his power, that must be a very important thing. .

chapter 1104. unseen situation

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