There is no free lunch in the world, and it is precisely because of this knowledge that Serjax uses Griffia as a bargaining chip.But Li Wei was also vigilant, because he didn't have that whiteness for this reason. He didn't know what Serjaxian's heart was, but it was always right to be more careful.

Li Wei's mood was complicated for Griffia. He had spent some time in the Gremory Mansion, and he was an acquaintance with Griffith.Li Wei also experienced Grefia's gentleness and understanding. Li Wei respected Grefia very much.And knowing about Grefia from Geoffine, Li Wei always has a feeling that the three views are broken. Even the wicked have bottom lines, and Li Wei also has his own bottom lines.

So for Serjax's decision, the anger out of Li Wei's heart was immediately discouraged.In the world of demons, there are also existences similar to the "three cardinal guides". The husband is the guide for the wife, and Li Wei can't control Grefia.Moreover, Li Wei also felt that Serjaks was also dizzy. He didn't cherish such a good wife, and thought about using 03 as a victim. Is this his brain caught in the door?

But even if he knew about this, Li Wei didn't plan to make a statement. He wanted to see what Serjax was plotting.Li Wei didn't dare to think too much about Grefia's affairs, so he quickly shifted his attention and said to Geoffine in his arms, "Can you take a look, can my wedding go smoothly?"

Geoffine said helplessly: "I can only see fragments of time, and I can't see everything, unless it has a huge impact on the whole world, I can see it. But I can't see it. If it arrives, it means that it should be smooth.”

Geoffine's words made Li Wei ponder, enough to have a huge impact on the world?The previous Ragnarok prophecy was counted as one, so what happened to Serjax this time will also have a huge impact on the entire world?Thinking of this, Li Wei felt that he had to keep a low profile for the time being. The Nordic side was far away from him, but his main scope of activities was on the Neon side. If Serjaks wanted to do something, Li Wei would definitely be involved in it. .

Levi said: "If what Serjax did this time really had an impact on the whole world, what should I do?"

Geoffine sighed: "Let it be, when I say the future, the future is full of variables, so I can't say too many things, the boat will go straight to the bridge, I know you can handle it All good."

Livy nodded and gently kissed Geoffine's cheek.Since he doesn't know too many future clips, he should start preparing from now, he doesn't believe that he can't play Serjax.The reason why Li Wei has such confidence is also because there are more than ten gems in the magic book space.

The current strength comparison, even if Li Wei does not let the demon gods support the battle, his strength has surpassed Serjax. If he absorbs all those gems, Li Wei's strength can expand to a rather terrifying level. Crush Serjax.What Li Wei wants is to fight ten times with one force. Only with absolute power can he have an absolute advantage. He has now begun to absorb new gems, and continuing to drag it will only benefit him more and more.

Because with the passage of time, Li Wei's strength has been improving, and there is no upper limit problem at all, and Serjax's strength has been finalized and will not change much.As long as Li Wei is given enough time, he can reverse the situation by himself, because Li Wei's strength progress is like a snowball. Once an advantage is established, it will only roll faster and bigger, which is impossible for other people. comparable.Just like the rich and the poor accumulate wealth, the rich have enough funds to make various investments, and the poor even know how to earn wealth, but they do not have the first pot of gold, relying only on their own wages, No matter how you roll, it's a small snowball the size of a fist.When Li Wei entered the DXD world, his personal strength could only be said to be average in this world, and he looked like he was more than good than the other, but as the snowball rolled, it was not impossible for him to dominate the world now.

Of course, even if he has the power to dominate the world, Li Wei will not do this, because he has no interest in this kind of thing. Compared with power, beauty makes him feel physically and mentally happy.

"How about going for a walk?" Li Wei laughed.Now he doesn't think too much about it. Since Geoffine said that there will be no setbacks, then everything is going according to the plan in his heart, but strictly speaking, it is not a plan to go with the flow.

"Okay, I don't even know when was the last time I went out. Being locked in the garden, I feel like I've been locked up stupid." Geoffine sighed.

Walking around the city with Geoffine, Geoffine is so curious about everything in the outside world, but whoever has been locked up for so long will not be any better than her.When Geoffine was locked up in the garden, there was no one to speak to. Now at least she has someone to communicate with, which has made Geoffine very satisfied.

The cities of the underworld are far more interesting than the cities of humans, because the underworld not only crushes humans in terms of magic technology, but the modern technology that humans are proud of is actually at an absolutely inferior level before the underworld 990, so In terms of entertainment, the underworld is actually far more interesting than humans.And the city of the underworld can be regarded as a "magic capital" in the true sense. All kinds of bizarre things, even Geeuphine, who is a goddess, are eye-opening.

"I'm so happy, I've been thinking about when will I be free, and what will I do after I'm free, but it's fine now, I don't need to think too much." Li Wei held it, and her rough big hands gave her an indescribable sense of security.

She knows that Li Wei has a lot of shortcomings, but she just likes Li Wei hopelessly, Geeuphine doesn't know, she still has a slight masochism, when Li Wei was rude, let him She was so excited.Life lies in "in-depth communication", and only when there is "communication" can there be passion.

Li Wei smiled and said, "Then don't think about it."

Li Wei's machismo made him not want to see his women do some too hard things. Why do he still need to think about so much when he is there? Isn't he just trying to shelter his home from the wind and rain.Geeuphine's ability to predict is like the icing on the cake for Li Wei. It doesn't matter whether it has any effect or not. What Li Wei values ​​is Geeuphine himself. .

chapter 1105. treaty loopholes

The environment of the underworld is very stable. After the group of calamity died down, there was a rare scene of prosperity. Various economic indicators kept skyrocketing, and the situation was very good.But the more prosperous is like cooking oil on fire, the more vigilant Li Wei is. If it wasn't for Geoffine's reminder, he would not have noticed the shadows lurking behind the scenes. In Geoffine's words, it was too stable , as if covering up something.

Geoffine's prophecies have always been good and not bad, and her prophecies are more inclined to disaster predictions.

Also because of Geoffine's prediction, Li Wei began to examine the past events, hoping to sort them out one by one.However, the deduction of the matter has been traced back to before the reunification of the biblical forces. Li Wei did not find anything wrong, and if he went further, Li Wei could not figure it out, because the node when Li Wei entered this world was the beginning of the alliance of the three forces.

Li Wei couldn't check the things before, or it was very difficult to check. Li Wei is a person who likes to drill in the library. In addition, he is now wearing a layer of noble skin, so he can use the library of the Great Library of the Underworld. Anyone who comes in and out at will, except for a small part of top-secret information that does not have access rights, other things can be borrowed at will.

Li Wei, who had failed the reverse investigation, turned back directly, starting from the time he entered this world, and he was still soaking in the Great Library of the Underworld for several days. Li Wei and the administrators of the library were all familiar with it.On this day, Li Wei came to the Great Library of the Underworld as usual. The Great Library of the Underworld was located in the Baal family, which was also one of the proud capitals of the Baal family as the chief of the seventy-two families.

The resident librarian saw Li Wei and smiled kindly: "Your Majesty, it's really early today. It's rare that someone likes to come to the library like this. What do you want to check today?"

Li Wei said: "Where are the history books? I want to read books related to history. The time I have become a demon is still too short. I am not very familiar with the history of the underworld. Now, I want to have a good tutoring ' '."

The librarian smiled and said, "Areas A[-] to A[-] are all history books. The earliest recorded history can be traced back to the establishment of a new regime in the underworld. It probably has a history of nearly two thousand years in the human world."

The time flow between the underworld and the human world is different, roughly [-]:[-]. Two thousand years in the underworld is almost equal to a thousand years ago in the human world. The Eastern world was in the Northern Song Dynasty, while Europe was the era of feudal countries, and the Byzantine Empire was also this era. began to gradually decline.But these are not what Li Wei wants to know, what he wants to know is what happened in the underworld before.

Li Wei originally planned to get information from Catreya, but Cattleya's age is not too old among demons. She is a new generation born after the regime change, and she doesn't know much about the past.Therefore, Li Wei can only learn some things through the Great Library of the Underworld, and claims to be learning history.

Li Wei smiled at the librarian: "You guys keep busy."

However, Li Wei saw what the librarians were watching around a screen. Li Wei took a closer look out of curiosity. A group of people were watching the replay of the alliance between the three forces of the Bible. This is a documentary, the underworld. Officially produced "promotional film".This is indeed a memorable day for the demons. After all, not fighting means they can recuperate. Fighting is a redistribution of interests for the nobles, but for ordinary demons of the civilian class, fighting is a brain. Don't do high-risk work on the belt of your trousers, and you will be run over to death if you are not careful.

The documentary did not record the battle scenes, but focused on depicting the good wishes of the three parties for the future and the textual interpretation of the treaty, but the more I watched the documentary, the more Li Wei felt a sense of disobedience.He didn't know why he felt that way.

"Play back the clip of the treaty, I didn't see it clearly just now." Li Wei said directly.

"Okay sir." The librarian in charge of manipulating the equipment said, Li Wei's position is high and powerful, but it's not something that ordinary people like them can afford to provoke, so what Li Wei says is what it is, they just listen to it.

After reading the treaty again, Li Wei's sense of disobedience became stronger and stronger. Li Wei couldn't tell what was wrong except for the problem, but he just felt that there was something wrong with the treaty.Li Wei ignored the librarians and walked towards the political classification area. He couldn't behave abnormally in front of others.

Li Wei knows that he is not only as simple as being in the Baal family's territory, or that the four demon kings in the underworld now have enormous power, among them Serjax is the leader, and one person controls half of the underworld. Li Wei does not Knowing how many people around him are Serjax's informants, Li Wei can only disguise himself as much as possible.

Originally, although Livy was vigilant about Serjax, it was not to this extent. However, Geoffine's prediction shows that there will be a huge change in the underworld in the near future, and the source of its origin is Serjax. Li Wei had to be wary.Following the index, Li Wei quickly found the documents about the last peace negotiation agreement. These things are not top secret. Li Wei found all the relevant information from the huge bookshelf and moved it to the side. At the long table, prepare to slowly find the problem.

Li Wei looked at the terms recorded on the Peace Stone Stele. There are [-] formal terms and [-] supplementary terms in total, each of which clearly states the responsibilities, obligations, and rights of the three tribes (Li's), but in the supplementary terms , Li Wei found a very interesting sentence.

The excerpt is "'If there are special internal situations among the various ethnic groups, appropriate adjustments will be made according to the status quo of their ethnic groups. Without permission, foreign ethnic groups are not allowed to intervene in each other's internal affairs."This sentence made Li Weisheng vigilant. If there was no Geoffine's prophecy, then this sentence would seem to have no problem, but after knowing Serjax's ambition, it is a bit intriguing to read this sentence again.

Special case?What degree of problem can be called a special case, combined with the content of the previous [-] detailed clauses, this sentence is actually a question of fuzzy logic, and this sentence is problematic if you think deeply.However, the angels and the fallen angels, out of their own interests, acquiesced in the rationality of this sentence. This is a loophole that is not a loophole. .

chapter 1106. serjax's plan

The three ethnic groups all have their own interests and cannot completely overlap each other, so this sentence can be regarded as a kind of political correctness to a certain extent, allowing the three ethnic groups to ensure their own political independence, united externally but independent internally. It is also a basic condition for the three ethnic groups to sign a peace agreement.

In the previous battle, the three clans were severely damaged, and now they are forcibly tied together by a treaty. It is impossible for everyone within the three clans to agree, and the treaty will naturally stay tacitly. Some negotiable areas, prepare in advance for possible future disagreements.

Li Wei still thought the previous peace agreement was too simple. These guys are so mature, how can they be so easy to talk about, from here, Li Wei saw a lot of interesting terms.Although they are talking about the terms of peace, the three clans all acquiesce in the attitude of not opposing each other but not disarmament. It can be seen that they all have a hand in each other.

The most important thing is that the clause on political and cultural independence accounts for half of the 820 clauses, and various precautions are written in detail, and the supplementary clause just now is the problem.That is to say, under the circumstance of [-] not threatening the angel family and the fallen angel family, even if Serjax is engaged in troubles in the underworld, the other two parties have no right to intervene, and because of the relevant provisions in the treaty, he still has no right to interfere. It is necessary to ensure the stability of law and order and trade.

That is to say, Serjax has been calculating the two sides of the angel and the fallen angel since a long time ago, and using the power of the treaty to bind and use the power of the other party, this kind of trickery by leveraging strength, Li Wei is not useless. Yes, but when used in such a subtle way, Serjax is quite impressive.

When Serjax was in trouble, the angels and fallen angels had to wipe his ass for him. Li Wei was also convinced by such a show, but what Serjax's ultimate goal was, Li Wei really wasn't sure.Looking at the original work, Serjax's purpose was to hate the first-generation Lucifer Lizevim, but now because the "plot" has undergone tremendous changes, Li Wei can't guess Serjax's thoughts.

Li Wei focused on looking at the whole thing from the constraints of the treaty, and found that if he really looked at this kind of constraints, Serjax's ultimate goal was probably to master the authority of the entire underworld, and he was no longer satisfied (adcb) Share power with others.

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