And Li Wei also spent a lot of time in Neon, whether it is the benchmark world or the Neon in the anime world, Li Wei found that Neon's cuisine is relatively monotonous in terms of skills, so he can only make up for himself by stacking details Defects.Moreover, he has been in the world of the spirit of eating halberds, and he has more right to speak. How many neon dishes have been made in Yuanyue Academy?However, the "outside food" is a big one. This is because you have to find a way to make up for the shortcomings of neon cuisine before you can move forward.  …

Wisteria Irina couldn't stand the silence at the dining table, so she first broke the silence and said, "Then... what are we going to do next?"

"I'd be very happy if you could add master to your title. You asked what you're going to do next, and I didn't think about it. But I won't let you do anything too extreme." Li Wei laughed.

"Extraordinary? That is to say, under this level, is there still the term 'generally excessive'?" Wisteria Irina asked.

Wisteria Irina has already made up a lot of things in her brain, especially in matters of men and women, which makes her nervous.Unlike Xenovia, the idiot who didn't know anything about this, she was born in Neon, and had been exposed to this knowledge at a very young age, and it was precisely because she understood that she was nervous.

But Wisteria Irina is very contradictory in her heart. She has no disgust towards Li Wei. Although they have become Li Wei's trophies now, for some reason, she just can't hate Li Wei.On the contrary, she was somewhat grateful to Li Wei for being able to get away from the hard and boring part of the church, so that they would no longer have to run around the world to fight those terrifying monsters.

5.4 Unlike Xenovia, who is determined and determined, Irina Wisteria is more "girly", and it is normal to have such lazy thoughts.

Li Wei thought about it and said, "Almost, I am your master after all. The master has the power to kill all servants. With this right, it can't be wasted. But I won't do anything to you. It's too late for me to love such a cute girl."

Li Wei gently squeezed Xenovia's chin and asked her to raise her head and look at him.Xenovia's face was already flushed, and her shy appearance made her look extra cute.

"Don't...don't be like this, being watched..." Xenovia stammered as she spoke, she felt that she was being watched by everyone, and her whole body was stiff. .

chapter 1164. blow

"What's the matter, you are my person, what should I do, are outsiders qualified to judge?" Li Wei said domineeringly.

Li Wei looked at Xenovia's tangled and shy appearance, and found it quite interesting. Xenovia has always demanded herself by the standard of a warrior, but she is also a girl after all, and she is very concerned about the relationship between men and women. She also doesn't know anything about feelings, so in the face of Li Wei's "mocking", she instinctively felt shy, but she didn't know how to get out of such a predicament.

Because Xenovia's idea is very simple. In the past, when she met such rude people, she just punched them down. Ordinary people are a group of harmless rabbits to her. Weapons can't help her either.So she is used to using violence directly to solve problems many times, but the current situation makes her feel embarrassed.

She is not Li Wei's opponent in terms of absolute strength, and she was directly crushed. You must know that even the so-called "human being's strongest" Pope is like a small character in front of Li Wei. Say, that is, the 03 ant level.And at this moment, the reason why Xenovia is in a turmoil is that she was there. The Pope got confirmation that "God" was dead.For Xenovia, who has always firmly believed in the Cross religion, this is tantamount to a doomsday blow, so her heart has been chaotic, her faith has collapsed, and a huge hole has appeared in her heart, and it will be a long time in the future. For a period of time, she could not heal this "wound".

Now facing Li Wei, she didn't know how to deal with it at all, but she didn't dare to break away from Li Wei's hand.But what surprised Xenovia was that Li Wei's hand left her chin, put it on her head, rubbed it gently, and said with a smile, "I know you are sad now, God is dead. This incident is a huge blow to you, but I will become your god and your destination, so be happy. Now you don’t need to practice hard every day, and you have to run around the world to fight monsters every few days. As a god, I am very generous."

"No...Although I admit that you are my master, you are not a god." Xenovia said stubbornly.

Under the table, Wisteria Irina gently kicked Xenovia's calf, motioning her to shut up.

Li Wei smiled and said: "Irina, it's okay, I know that Xenovia can't accept the truth, but time will heal all wounds, and I also know that you are curious about the real world of gods and demons, I will answer you However, this has to be a different place. Discussing these issues in such a public place will be mistaken by ordinary people as a cult. Because of certain things, it will subvert your cognition. "

In the DXD world, the worlds of gods and demons and human beings are completely disjoint. The gods and demons are hidden behind the scenes, watching the clumsy progress of human beings. The demons hide more and more deeply.Xenovia and Wisteria Irina, as soldiers of the church and professional demon hunters, have come into contact with some of the secrets, but they are only skins, because their demon hunting activities are completely superior to the gods and demons. Children who can't work on the table play the house.

After dinner, Li Wei and the two girls found a hotel and booked a room.The front desk staff was an uncle with a stubborn beard. He smiled knowingly and gave a thumbs up when he saw Li Wei holding Xenovia and Wisteria Irina's waist.There is no need to say much between the old drivers, and Italy, like France, is a "passionate" country. Uncle Beard has become accustomed to such things.

"Okay, no one will hear our conversation here. If you have any questions, you can ask them directly." Li Wei smiled.

"That...a thing that can be solved by setting up a sound barrier outside, why do you have to find a hotel? I think a small spell like a sound barrier should be easy for you, Master." Wisteria Irina did not solution asked.

Li Wei smiled and said, "That's because after the Q&A session is over, you can still do something pleasant. Do you have an exhibitionism, Irina? Do you like being seen or something?"

Li Wei's teasing made Wisteria Irina flush, but she still noticed the details in Li Wei's words. "Eh? Now... will it be too soon?!"

Wisteria Irina felt that this progress was going too fast. Although she did have an indescribable affection for Li Wei, this was the first day of the meeting, so she made such a request rashly. It was too fast, so fast that she felt a little unacceptable.But Xenovia on the side said: "I have a lot of questions, I hope you can help me, Master, I am grateful. As long as I can solve my doubts, I will do whatever you want me to do!"

"Are you willing to do anything? I didn't expect you to have such an awareness, but you have thought about it clearly. It can be said that there is a huge difference between what I am going to say later and what you have learned in the church. The church is in some things. He has beautified his own beliefs. The real history is not so tender. On the contrary, the world of gods and demons has always been in conflict. In the recent period of time, it has been even more turbulent." Li Wei smiled.

"Yes, I've been thinking about a lot of questions, but I didn't dare to ask them, because I was questioning my own beliefs, and I would be put at the stake in serious cases. So some of my questions remained unanswered for a long time. If you can solve my doubts, no matter what Master you want to do to me... even in that respect, I will not have any disobedience." Xenovia said with a blushing face.

897 "It seems that you really want to know the facts, well, just ask, I know everything." Li Wei laughed.

"God... how did he die?" Xenovia asked hesitantly. From here on, her faith had completely collapsed.

"Lucifer's rebellion has caused huge losses to heaven. Xenovia, the classics you have studied say that Lucifer has been suppressed, but this is actually wrong. After Lucifer absconded to the underworld, he spread out. So there are two descendants, fallen angels and demons. After that, God led the angels, fallen angels and demons to fight fiercely. As a result, they were disturbed by the two Tianlong, so they were seriously injured by Lucifer's plot. Later, another incident happened. In a major event, the legendary monster Emperor Beast [-] made a scene in heaven. God tried his best to seal Emperor Beast [-], which eventually led to the recurrence of old wounds and death. After the death of God, heaven was in a state of 'closed country', so for human believers basically They have not responded very much. Except for a few high-level leaders of the church who can continue to communicate with heaven, the prayers of ordinary people can no longer be answered. Until recently, the state of heaven was lifted from the closed state, and the prayers of believers could be answered, but The odds are as difficult as winning the lottery.”

Li Wei's words were like a heavy hammer, directly smashing Xenovia's fantasy, God really died, and died for a long time. .

chapter 1165. black history

"What do gods and demons think of humans?" Wisteria Irina asked curiously.

This question is a very taboo question in the church, because it questions the legitimacy of theocracy, that is, the status of man in this closed religious circle.It can be seen that Wisteria Irina also has certain doubts about the environment she is in.

Li Wei nodded and said: "This question is a good question, although I am also a member of the gods and demons in the eyes of others, but when looking at many problems, I am more accustomed to putting myself in the position of a human being. But the truth is cruel. Human beings are really not much different from domestic animals to gods and demons. Although humans have mastered the power of nuclear weapons, the power in the hands of gods and demons is unimaginable for human beings. Gods and demons can even Playing with time and space recklessly is not something that humans can do. The power in the hands of gods and demons is more terrifying than the alien invaders described in those science fiction novels with big brains. If human beings really Dare to rebel against the word of God, and it will only take a second for humanity to be completely wiped from the earth. Then they will start to create new people and continue to provide them with the faith and respect they need."

"This is really...excessive..." Wisteria Irina was shocked by this cruel reality, and Li Wei directly put the most core and most straightforward and cruel facts in front of her.

But the gods and demons in the DXD world are absolute rulers for human beings. All the historical changes of human beings are nothing but a confrontation between gods and demons. It is like the Genghis Khan of this world because he has a powerful god behind him, so he can go all the way. From East Asia to Europe, but the totem gods of the grasslands behind Genghis Khan were attacked by the Chinese heavenly gods and the Western biblical gods and finally vanished, so the Mongols have been living harder and harder since then.

The reason why the Mongols still exist is because the biblical pantheon and the celestial pantheon need a negative teaching material, declaring that those who dare to resist them will end up like this, so the Mongols can still survive after losing their gods.

Li Wei smiled and said: "Although they all regard human beings as their own possessions, different gods have different attitudes towards human beings. Some are directly regarded as pigs and dogs. They are relatively mild, or because the good-natured people in heaven have a good temper, they just treat humans as lambs, as long as humans are willing to believe in them, but for pagans who don’t believe in them, it is still quite cruel. Almost all the gods in the world have this kind of urine. They either protect the calf, or they like to cause trouble, or they live behind closed doors. The political situation between gods and demons is actually very similar to that of humans. 〃.

Xenovia and Wisteria Irina were stunned when they heard it. After all, they never imagined that there would be such a situation in the gods and demons. In the propaganda of the church, God is absolutely correct and just, and no doubts are allowed, but From Li Wei, we learned that gods and demons, like humans, are also affected by feelings and emotions.

"So, what does the gods and demons look like?" Xenovia asked curiously, she had recovered from the initial sadness and shock, and curiosity took the upper hand again, allowing her to ask this question.

This question made Li Wei feel a little embarrassed. After thinking about it, he said: "If it is this world, the situation is a little more complicated, but after all, you have received religious education, so it should not be difficult to accept."

"Master, I want to know, even if it is unacceptable, I still want to know the truth." Wisteria Irina said excitedly.Being able to know these secrets is also a kind of satisfaction for her. People's thirst for knowledge is endless and difficult to control.

"Well... Where should we start? Maybe we must start by denying that Darwin's theory of evolution is applicable to human beings. Darwin's theory of evolution is the first time that humans have said no to God. The debate is even sharper, because Darwin's theory of evolution denies the statement that God created human beings. After archaeological excavation work, many prehistoric civilization sites were found, so although human beings still believe in gods and demons, they no longer believe that they were created by gods. Life. Especially with the development of modern science and technology, human beings believe that they evolved from primitive people. In fact, this is wrong, or it is a situation produced by the intentional indulgence of gods and demons, including many Prehistoric ruins are all forged by gods and demons, misleading humans into thinking that they evolved from monkeys.

In fact, this is caused by the struggle between gods and demons, because some gods can only choose to sacrifice the interests of other gods for their own interests, so they implemented the theory of evolution to refute creationism. They succeeded, so the current Humans no longer believe that God created them.Xenovia, aren't you curious about what gods and demons look like? In fact, they are very similar to humans in appearance. Only some details are different. Humans are created by gods and demons according to their own templates.Therefore, human beings all over the world are very similar. Although the skin color and hair color will be different, there will not be a situation where a certain ethnic group has four hands or three eyes, because when gods and demons created human beings, their templates are very similar. .

Of course, there are also a small number of gods and demons that are inhuman, and their creations are familiar to you, that is, the so-called monsters.The battle between humans and monsters also involves the struggle between gods and demons. The monsters are the wolves that are put into the 'sheepfold' by the non-humanoid gods and demons, while the witchers and other similar occupations are 'shepherd dogs'. This kind of struggle between gods and demons is difficult to explain clearly, but it is roughly the same. "

Li Wei's words shocked Xenovia and Wisteria Irina. They didn't know that they were simply hunting and killing monsters, and they actually rose to the level of struggle between gods and demons.And what a god and demon looks like (promised) can lead to so many questions.

"¨'Angels, fallen angels, and demons are actually not much different from humans, probably because angels have the halo of gods on their heads, and they are born with flying wings. The more wings, the stronger the strength. Fallen angels Except for not having the divine halo of angels, other aspects are no different from angels. Demons are a bit special, with demon horns on their heads. No matter what level, there is only one pair of membrane wings. Of course, it is because of interest or special needs. There are also demons who forcibly increase the membrane wings, and there are demons with a tail like a mixture of chains and sharp knives, other than that, they are similar to humans." Li Wei explained.

Satisfied the curiosity of the two, Li Wei also started his favorite "activity". Although Xenovia and Wisteria Irina were both first-timers, Li Wei didn't plan to "let go" of them so easily. .

chapter 1166. return

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