After a full day of madness in the hotel, Li Wei left with Xenovia and Wisteria Irina, but looking at the appearance of the two women, the old driver's boss gave Li Wei a thumbs up.In order to enhance their relationship, Li Wei did not rush to send the two to the realm of the gods, but stayed by his side to accompany him to search for the remaining treasures.

After completing all the explorations and taking all the legacy left by the original Lucifer, Li Wei left this world.Although the remaining bosses made people look greedy, they risked capsizing him. Li Wei didn't want to take a risk, so he ignored the three super bosses and returned to his own world.

The location of the cross-world teleportation was not far from Baiyingzhuang, and Li Wei came to the door, ready to ring the doorbell.At this moment, he felt his pants being pulled by someone, and when he turned his head, he saw Nimbus wearing a small bathrobe. This girl usually likes to wear this outfit, it looks classic and cute.Not far away, Jinchengzhai Qianye with a food bag in his hand saw Li Wei and nodded slightly.

"Big brother, you're back!" Nimbus's small face showed a smile that healed people's hearts like sunshine. Although the beauty embryo is small, she can already foresee the beauty of the future.

Holding Nimbus up, Li Wei squeezed her cheek gently, making her laugh.This little girl is a bit introverted and wary of strangers. It took Li Wei a lot of time to get acquainted with her.However, the benefits of being familiar are also obvious. This little girl is like a cotton pillow, which is very comfortable to hold.For example, when playing games or watching anime, such a lightweight loli pillow that can communicate with oneself is simply a first-class enjoyment.

Hmm... The current Jinchengzhai Yuyun has barely entered the Lolita stage from a young girl, which is really gratifying.However, Li Wei didn't have the slightest evil thoughts, he just thought he had a cute and soft sister.

"Nuyun, don't be fooling around, come down quickly." Looking at the rain cloud that was crazy with Li Wei, Jinchengzhai Qianye said aloud.

"It doesn't matter, as long as Nimyun can be happy." Li Wei carried Nimbus directly on his shoulders, like riding a horse.

"Wow! It's so tall! My sister has become smaller." Yuyun laughed.Li Wei was originally tall. Riding on Li Wei's shoulders, she could see a lot of scenery that she usually couldn't see. Usually, this is the scenery only for tall people.

"I'm ready to rest at home for a while, and I'm going to trouble you again, Sister Qianye. (cafb)" Li Wei laughed.

Jinchengzhai Qianye opened the gate of the courtyard and brought Li Wei and Yuyun into the courtyard. "It's me who should say thank you, Li Weijun, before you came here, the place has always been deserted. It is because of you that my life has more color. So troublesome, I can't say it, but it is I often ask you for help, and I feel a little embarrassed."

Li Wei's return surprised everyone. Although Li Wei had only left for half a month, the new year here has just passed.In order to welcome Li Wei's return, the girls were busy preparing a reception feast for Li Wei, which continued until late at night, when everyone died.

Late at night, Li Wei came to Wu Lude's room.

"It can be seen that husband, you have a good harvest in that world." Wu Lude said with a smile.

Prepared special soothing tea and cushions for Li Wei, Wu Lude also sat down, she and Li Wei are not neon people, they are not very accustomed to "sit up", it is true that there is no cushion under the buttocks Not used to it.

Li Wei sat down and said, "The harvest is indeed great, but I feel that I have progressed a little too fast, and the foundation is not very stable. I think I need to rest at home for a while to lay a good foundation."

Wu Lude smiled and said: "Husband, if you can have such thoughts, I don't have to worry. The progress is too fast and the foundation is unstable. If you continue to rush forward, it will only cause hidden dangers. If the hidden dangers are not resolved, you will cultivate to a certain extent. When it breaks out, it has a great impact on itself.”

Li Wei smiled and said, "I'm not stupid either. Originally in that world, I took a lot of risks. It can be said that I am very aggressive. I don't want to continue to kill myself. I feel that my body is very strong now, and I have some indigestion. a feeling of."

Wu Lude said: "It's because the 'container' can't keep up with the capacity of the 'water'. Although you have achieved diversion by means of special means, you can treat the symptoms but not the root cause. In a short period of time, your strength is fixed, and there will be no Too much progress. This period of time is good for self-cultivation at home. When it’s almost time, you can go to a more relaxed world and go to a more relaxed world. It’s just to pass the time. Until your husband is completely stable, you can go to that kind of high school. Intensive world roaming."

Li Wei nodded and said: "Because of caution, this time the harvest could not be maximized, which is a little regrettable. However, it is too dangerous to continue to dig deeper into the content of that world, and the gains outweigh the losses, so I did not provoke the three final bosses. ."

Wu Lude smiled and said: "It's the Infinite Dragon God, the Great Red, and the Emperor Beast [-]. I just finished the novel "High School of Demons DXD" these days, and those three monsters are indeed not something you can deal with now, husband. ."

Li Wei sighed: "Yeah, so I didn't continue to dig into the plot, I just closed it when I saw it. If the porcelain doesn't touch the earthen pot, the hard anus won't make it."

Li Wei still has a good life waiting for him, and he is not like the reincarnator in the Infinite Flow novel who is driven to death by the main god, so there is no need to fight for many things.As long as the success rate is lower than [-]%, Li Wei will hesitate, and if the success rate is lower than [-]%, Li Wei will not even think about it.

Wu Lude smiled and said, ""High School of Demons DXD" is a world full of beautiful women. Let me tell you how many girls you brought back this time, husband."

Li Wei was stunned for a moment, then smiled bitterly: "This time there are really a lot of people."

Wu Lude smiled and said, "Which time have you ever had fewer people? Except for the worlds of "Passerby Heroine" and "Gundam Creator" who only brought a few people, which other worlds are not dozens or hundreds of people?"

Li Wei thought about it for a while, and it really is the case. The world of passers-by women is Shiyu of Kasumigaoka, Yingli, Michiru Bingdo, Soniko, and Megumi. The world of creators is Rinko Iori, Ella, and Kirara. There is Takasaka China.However, in addition to the main female characters such as Nakiri Erina and Tian Suohui, Li Wei in the world of the spirit of eating halberds also packed a group of maids directly at Nakiri's house to leave.In the Three Kingdoms Warriors world, in addition to one vote of wives and concubines, the beautiful palace maid Li Wei directly took away more than a thousand people, which is as many as you can imagine.And this time in the world of Demon High School, Li Wei also brought back more than [-] people. It would be troublesome to introduce them one by one.

Li Wei smiled and said, "Would you like me to take you to meet them now, they are all in the God Realm now."

chapter 1167. game

For some girls, staying in the realm of the gods is more accustomed, because in the benchmark world, they have to be separated from Li Wei. Once Li Wei enters the new world to take risks, it is possible to see Li Wei in the benchmark world for several days. dimensional people.

Moreover, because of the time difference in the God Realm, he can still enjoy being alone with Li Wei, which is difficult to achieve in the benchmark world.Because Li Wei can control the time in the God Realm at will, whether it is the whole or part, he can easily control it, so for the girls living in the God Realm, Li Wei has always been by their side.

It is precisely because of this that the girls who stay in the God Realm usually stay in the God Realm except for the occasional visit to the Base World to get some air.Because of Li Wei's efforts, the realm of the gods has thrown a long way out of the benchmark world in terms of environment, and has an absolute advantage in various entertainment activities, no matter what kind of enjoyment you can find.And most importantly, Li Wei was by their side at all times.

Relying on the time control ability, Li Wei completed the same show operation as the clone technique.

For Li Wei's proposal, Wu Lude shook his head and said, "It's waived now, let's talk about it later, anyway, it's still a long time."

Li Wei smiled and said: "Then next time, but I plan to transfer the girls who stay outside to the realm of the gods little by little, of course not now-yes."

Wu Lude was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said: "Since we have to transfer, then bring sister Jinchengzhai and Ye Xizi with you, I think this is a good thing. I know, husband, you must have this in your heart. The idea is _, I understand you."

Regarding Wu Lude's remarks, Li Wei was really moved, a slender lady and a gentleman. He is not a gentleman, but he also likes beautiful women.But not now, at least for a period of time in the future, Li Wei does not intend to change the status quo, and it is not bad to have a foothold in the benchmark world.


Returning to the benchmark world, Li Wei's life returned to "peace", but at the same time he had to "pay off the debt" for Haikou that he boasted about when he left, because he was arrested by Ye Xizi the day after he came back.

After completing the inspection of the company, Levi continued to work on the game project he was holding in his hand.When he left, Li Wei handed over the work of "For Honor" to his production team, and asked them to do the dubbing first. In half a month, a small part of the "For Honor" dubbing work has been completed. .

The reason why it is a small part is also because Li Wei has high requirements for the production team, and the sound should be as realistic as possible, so the recording work is so troublesome, and the progress can only be said to be average.

The first is the sound of the character running when wearing armor in the game, which includes the sound of the armor colliding and rubbing while moving, as well as the sound of footsteps.And different armors have different sounds. In order to make the movement sound of the samurai, the production team rented a set of samurai armor, and let people wear sports to record, and the canned armor in Europe is difficult to get because of neon, so Let people hang metal plates directly on their bodies to simulate canned armor, and get as real sound as possible.

In addition to these sound effects, there are also the sound of swords being drawn, the waving of various weapons, the sound of blunt weapon strikes, the sound of sharp weapons slashing, and the interaction (impact, fall, touch) sound effects of characters and scenes.For each sound, the production team is working hard, so the progress cannot be accelerated.

Li Wei is very satisfied with the excellence of the production team, and at the same time, he has given more support in terms of funding, so that they can do it with their hands and feet, instead of thinking about how to save money, which leads to shrinking and distorting sound effects.

Li Wei thought, if the domestic production of games can be as serious as himself, would he be worried about not being able to rise?However, my country has its own national conditions. The focus of each big company is now on online games and mobile games. They are all thinking about how to make players pay for money, rather than making the game well.This is different from Li Wei's idea. In the short term, this kind of krypton gold online game and mobile game make more money than Li Wei's serious stand-alone game, but Li Wei is not bad for money, so he doesn't want to do this. To practice yourself, but to come up with top masterpieces that can smash the world at international exhibitions.

It's not that Li Wei looks down on the country. There are also tech giants in the domestic game industry, but now the general environment is not good, everyone wants to make quick money, and the stand-alone game is killed by piracy, so everyone is reluctant to reserve technology for stand-alone. Instead, it is more profitable to make online and mobile games, which not only have low technical requirements, but also pay back quickly.

0 · Flowers 0 · ·

Li Wei understands that for domestic practitioners, everyone has to eat. Only when they are full can they be qualified to talk about their ideals. Not everyone is like him, playing games for their feelings.Before, because of the emergence of the STEAM platform, some game producers in China found a way out and sold their games on STEAM, at least barely able to return to their original budget, supporting their ability to develop sequels.However, because the domestic copyright awareness is relatively weak, and pirated players are still too self-righteous, so the developers of stand-alone games can only be said to have a better life than before.

In China, playing pirated games is at most a moral condemnation, while in some Omi countries, playing pirated games and watching pirated movies will be sentenced.It is precisely because of the different environments and national conditions that domestic stand-alone game manufacturers still have a long way to go.


Although Li Wei's second-distance platform has a Chinese version so far, it has not been able to enter the official country due to some legal problems.However, due to the popularity of the game "Battle Royale" in the world, the average number of players online in Huaxia is also rising steadily. Li Wei thought that it would not be long before the country would make a decision on the existence of Ciyuanmen.

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